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California Regional Data Centers

There are several data centers that provide data loading services, including the ability to add vocabulary and check your data. Those that charge a fee are the Water Boards' partners in furthering the goals of CEDEN. Although their assistance costs money, they can provide a variety of data preparation and management services. They can load data into their local databases, which then transfers to CEDEN on a weekly basis.

The Water Boards CEDEN Data Center is currently only accepting Field and Chemistry data. Currently all Field and Chemistry data submitted to the Water Boards CEDEN Data Center are not available in the CEDEN Query Tool, but instead are posted at CEDEN Augmentation ‒ Field & Lab Chemistry Data, which is included in the Integrated Report. If you need to submit Toxicity, Tissue, Benthic, or Habitat data types, you must submit those through one of the other data centers. The Water Boards Data Center services include adding vocabulary, using the template checker, and submitting chemistry and field data without fees.

The Moss Landing Regional Data Center is housed at the Marine Pollution Studies Laboratory at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MPSL-MLML). MPSL-MLML provides scientific expertise and support services for environmental research and monitoring in marine, estuarine, and freshwater habitats with an emphasis in bioassessment data throughout the state of California. Learn more about how to submit data to CEDEN with the assistance of the MPSL-MLML Data Center.

The San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) administers the San Francisco Bay-Delta Regional Data Center. SFEI provides scientific support and tools for decision-making and communication through collaborative efforts. As a non-profit and joint-powers authority, they uphold the highest principles to promote the public trust in the integrity of the best-available science. Learn more about how to submit data to CEDEN with the assistance of the SFEI Data Center

The Central Valley Regional Data Center (CV RDC) works with various entities to ensure that water quality monitoring data (including bioassessment and sediment) meet CEDEN business rules and are available through CEDEN in a timely manner. The CV RDC is managed through MLJ Environmental and offers services including development of proper QA/QC procedures, CEDEN template formatting, setting up projects within CEDEN, adaptive data management systems, and development of end user tools including data visualizations. Learn more about how to submit data to CEDEN with the assistance of the CV RDC.

  • Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program Data Center

The Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Quality Assurance and Information Management Data Center (SWAMP IQ) is comprised of Water Boards staff that focus on verifying and loading data for the SWAMP program. SWAMP IQ also loads limited data types from organizations external to the Water Boards free of charge, but SWAMP and Water Boards data are prioritized so loading timelines may be longer than expected. Submitting data through SWAMP IQ requires data submitters to use SWAMP data templates and the SWAMP data checker. CEDEN templates cannot be used. Learn more about how to submit data to CEDEN with the assistance of SWAMP IQ.

State Water Resources Control Board 1001 I Street Sacramento, CA 95814
© California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN)

Central Valley Data Center, hosted by Michael L. Johnson, LLC SFEI Data Center MPSL-MLML Data Center SCCWRP Data Center