The mission of MPSL-MLML is to collaborate with data partners to assist in creating and compiling comparable data sets and to develop applications with the goal of assisting with data analysis and improving environmental quality. We accomplish this through the collection of water, sediment, tissue, biological, and bioassessment data in standardized, comparable data formats and valid value lists. The MPSL-MLML Data Center works with data generators throughout California, with the majority from the Central Coast and Northern California, to help standardize and store their data for review and transfer to CEDEN. Some example data generators include the Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program (CCAMP), Central Coast Cooperative Monitoring Program for Agriculture, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Central Coast, Lahontan, Colorado River Regional Water Quality Control Board TMDL programs, local/regional watershed and citizen monitoring groups, and grant recipients.
For more information on these tools please visit our Data Submission page. |
Contact Agency
Marine Pollution Studies Labs
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
Contact Person
Stacey Swenson
Contact Number
(831) 771-4114

7544 Sandholdt Rd,
Moss Landing, CA 95039