Project Description |
Project Dates: 2001-2008 |
During the first five years of the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP), the North Coast Regional Water Board focused on funding monitoring in each of our 6 watershed management areas. We established 80 rotating stations and 29 long-term trend monitoring stations on 49 rivers and streams throughout the North Coast Region. This project focused on monitoring in wadeable streams and large rivers, relying upon water column chemistry to assess whether the aquatic life beneficial use is supported. Monitoring was conducted in many unpopulated areas where no other entities are actively monitoring.
Monitoring Objectives
This project was designed to monitor the ambient waters of the 6 watershed management areas of California’s North Coast Region.
- Determine the health and condition of surface water using water column chemistry
- Provide information to the North Coast assessment and the Total Maximum Daily Load Programs
- Provide data for the 303(d) and 305(b) Integrated Water Quality Assessment Report
- Investigate MTBE concentrations in two North Coast lakes
Survey Area
