Project Description |
Project Dates: 2001-2008 |
The Lahontan Region is unique in that its Water Quality Control Plan (“Basin Plan”) contains numerous site-specific numeric water quality objectives, most of which were adopted in the early 1970s but (prior to SWAMP) never monitored. The Region also is unique in that it has many interstate waters (which flow into the State of Nevada). The available funding has allowed for chemical monitoring at 30 sites throughout the Region on a quarterly basis. All data and a summary report on the first five years of work (i.e., years 2000-05) are available at the Region’s SWAMP webpage.
Monitoring Objectives
- Determine whether ambient water quality at selected sites is in compliance with the chemical and physical water quality objectives contained in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region (Basin Plan) and the “California Toxics Rule”.
- Determine (to the extent to which funding is available) whether water flowing from the Lahontan Region into the State of Nevada meets Nevada’s water quality objectives.
- Develop and implement tools to assess the biological integrity of the Region’s streams and rivers based on instream benthic macroinvertebrate and algae assemblages (i.e., “bioassessment”).
Survey Area
