Project Description |
Project Dates: 2005-2008 |
California Bay-Delta Authority (CBDA) approved a $4.5 million proposal to examine mercury in fish in the Bay-Delta watershed, to increase public awareness of fish contamination issues and to monitor potential changes in mercury concentrations from marsh restoration projects in the Delta. Partners in this project include the San Francisco Estuary Institute, UC Davis, the California Department of Fish and Game, Moss Landing Marine Lab, the California Department of Health Services, and the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment. This web site will be a working resource for funders, stakeholders, principal investigators, Steering Committee members, Science Review Panel members and others to follow the progress of this project
Monitoring Objectives
- Characterize spatial and temporal trends in mercury in fishery resources.
- Demonstrate the use of biosentinel species to link ecosystem restoration, contaminant clean-up, and other landscape changes with spatial and temporal patterns in food web mercury.
- Assess health risks of consuming contaminated fish and communicate these risks to appropriate target audiences based on environmental justice principles.
- Establish a Steering Committee and stakeholder advisory groups to facilitate: a) stakeholder input into the monitoring and risk communication activities based on environmental justice principles, and b) coordination with other major science, management, and outreach/communication efforts.
Survey Area - FMP sport fish sampling locations (2005-2007)
