Project Description |
Project Dates: 2001-2008 |
During the first five years of SWAMP, the Central Valley Regional Water Board coordinated with and built off of existing frameworks within each individual basin (San Joaquin River, Upper and Lower Sacramento River, and Tulare Lake) in order to leverage limited resources. Separate approaches were developed based on each basin’s unique characteristics, existing monitoring programs, and water quality issues and can be generalized as follows:
- The upper Sacramento River Basin augmented monitoring efforts by locally directed watershed management partnerships, and was primarily focused on the upper Feather River and Pit River watersheds.
- The lower Sacramento River Basin coordinated monitoring efforts with the Sacramento River Watershed Program and focused on regional priority issues, including estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals and pyrethroid pesticides.
- The San Joaquin River Basin expanded the existing framework used in the multi-agency Grassland Bypass selenium control program to accommodate more detailed monitoring of each of five sub-basins on a rotational basis.
- The Tulare Lake Basin focused primarily on watersheds with known water quality impairments, with additional efforts to broaden the scope throughout the basin
Monitoring Objectives
- Region wide trend monitoring of 30 Central Valley for seasonal evaluation of the Sacramento, San Joaquin and Tulare Lake Basins on a rotating basis
- Provide data for use in 303(d)/305(b) Integrated Report
- Align regional efforts with statewide strategy
Survey Area