QACode | QAName | LastUpdateDate | ANI | Sample results for structural isomers may have contribution from their isomeric pair | 2022-03-18 |
AUDE | Toxicity test endpoint data of unknown quality | 2021-05-20 |
AUDW | Water parameter data of unknown quality | 2021-05-20 |
AWM | Detection limit increased due to dilution prior to final sample volume (not a secondary dilution) | 2014-11-19 |
AY | Matrix interference suspected | 2014-06-09 |
B | Analyte found in reagent blank, indicates possible reagent or background contamination | 2020-10-13 |
BB | Sample > 4x spike concentration | 2010-03-17 |
BBM | Sample > 2X but less than 4X spike concentration | 2010-03-17 |
BCI | The reporting limit is elevated due to a chromatographic interference | 2020-01-30 |
BCO | Sample received in improper container | 2022-02-14 |
BDL | 0 < quantification (threshold) cycle (Cq) <= Cq Limit of Detection (LOD) | 2018-04-23 |
BE | Low surrogate recovery; analyzed twice | 2011-12-01 |
BFRE | Sample influenced by fire | 2021-04-05 |
BH | Reporting limits raised due to high level of non-target analytes | 2017-05-25 |
BITR | Insufficient taxonomic resolution to calculate CSCI | 2021-04-05 |
BLM | Compound unidentified or below the RL due to overdilution | 2010-03-17 |
BLNO | Low number of organisms, may impact CSCI calculation | 2021-04-05 |
BNTX | Sample did not contain organisms for taxonomic identification needed to conduct calculations | 2021-12-31 |
BQC | Taxonomy External Quality Control | 2017-04-19 |
BRK | Sample not analyzed, sample container broken | 2020-10-30 |
BRKA | Sample container broken but analyzed | 2010-03-17 |
BS | Insufficient sample available to follow standard QC procedures | 2010-03-17 |
BSAL | Sample influenced by saline conditions | 2021-04-05 |
BSCR | Sample influenced by scour or suspected scour event | 2021-12-31 |
BT | Insufficient sample to perform the analysis | 2010-03-17 |
BUCM | Untested or unknown benthic macroinvertebrate collection method | 2021-04-05 |
BUTP | Sampling conducted during unrepresentative time period for CSCI calculation | 2021-04-05 |
BV | Sample received after holding time expired | 2010-03-17 |
BWIM | Portion of upstream tributary watershed for benthic macroinvertebrates is in Mexico | 2021-04-05 |
BX | Sample stored at improper temperature | 2010-03-17 |
BY | Sample received at improper temperature | 2010-03-17 |
BZ | Sample preserved improperly | 2010-03-17 |
BZ15 | Sample not filtered within 15 minutes | 2014-07-16 |
C | Pesticide result confirmed using GC/MS- EPA Flag | 2010-06-11 |
CE | Sample not homogeneous | 2010-06-03 |
CFA | Conversion factor applied to value to maintain comparability with historic dataset measured using a different digest/extract or analytical method | 2024-09-10 |
CIN | Value outside confidence interval | 2012-03-11 |
CJ | Analyte concentration is in excess of the instrument calibration; considered estimated | 2011-12-01 |
CK | Initial analysis within holding time but failed QA/QC criteria | 2020-01-14 |
CN | Hydrocarbon response in diesel range but does not resemble diesel | 2019-05-29 |
CNC | Calibration nonconformances | 2019-05-29 |
CNM | DRO (C10-C28) resembles weathered diesel | 2018-07-05 |
CNP | calibration not performed | 2013-01-09 |
CQA | Concentration not reported for QA sample only % Recovery or RPD reported | 2010-03-17 |
CS | QC criteria not met due to analyte concentration near RL | 2010-03-17 |
CSG | Bacteria result calculated using a subset of grids when the filter is too concentrated | 2015-01-20 |
CT | QC criteria not met due to high level of analyte concentration | 2010-03-17 |
CZM | project sample was heterogeneous and sample homogeneity could not be readily achieved using routine laboratory practices, therefore RPD was outside the specified acceptance limits | 2015-03-10 |
D | EPA Flag - Analytes analyzed at a secondary dilution | 2010-03-17 |
DB | QA results outside of acceptance limits due to matrix effects | 2010-03-17 |
DBLOD | Detected Below Limit of Detection used for PCR analysis only | 2017-04-18 |
DBM | QC results outside of acceptance limits, associated sample result not affected since analyte was not detected or below the reporting limit. | 2016-10-25 |
DF | Reporting limits elevated due to matrix interferences | 2010-03-17 |
DG | reporting limits elevated due to sample dilution | 2011-05-12 |
DO | Coelution | 2010-03-17 |
DRL | Spike concentration is less than RL | 2024-08-05 |
DRM | Spike amount less than 5X the MDL | 2010-03-17 |
DS | Batch Quality Assurance data from another project | 2010-03-17 |
DT | Method detection limit elevated | 2016-05-17 |
DV | Reporting limit elevated due to final volume of the sample extract was higher than the nominal amount | 2020-09-08 |
E | EPA Flag - Analyte exceeded the concentration range of the GC/MS | 2020-01-10 |
EDTA | EDTA added to Selenastrum capricornutum toxicity test | 2019-07-17 |
ERV | Exceeds reference control limits | 2012-04-20 |
EUM | LCS is outside of control limits | 2011-08-03 |
EX | Matrix spike diluted to not detectable during analysis | 2016-09-13 |
F | Sample mistakenly filtered | 2010-03-17 |
FCL | Field calibration not performed within 24 hours before use | 2010-03-17 |
FDC | Drift check not acceptable | 2010-03-17 |
FDI | Field instrument displaced but still deployed in water | 2014-09-23 |
FDO | Field instrument displaced and removed from water | 2014-09-23 |
FDP | Field duplicate RPD above QC limit | 2010-03-17 |
FDPM | Field duplicate RPD above QC limit with results >=5 xRL | 2019-08-22 |
FDR | Dry Channel | 2010-03-17 |
FDS | Dry Site | 2011-09-01 |
FEU | Equipment Unavailable | 2010-03-17 |
FI | Analyte in field sample and associated blank | 2018-07-27 |
FIA | Location was inaccessible to obtain a measurement | 2010-03-17 |
FIB | Field instrument buried | 2014-09-23 |
FIF | Instrument/Probe Failure | 2010-03-17 |
FINR | Field data collected while probe is not recording analyte or calibrating | 2024-02-01 |
FIO | Field instrument above water level | 2014-09-23 |
FIP | Field instrument vandalized, fouled, or otherwise in poor condition | 2014-09-23 |
FIT | Invalid time. ?Likely instrument error or failure | 2014-02-04 |
FIV | Invalid velocity. ?Likely instrument error or failure | 2014-02-04 |
FLV | Velocity too low to be measured | 2010-03-17 |
FNM | no documentation of the field measurement collection exists | 2010-03-17 |
FO | Estimated maximum possible concentration (EMPC) | 2013-07-08 |
FS | Too Shallow for probe measurement | 2010-03-17 |
FTD | Location was too deep to obtain a measurement | 2010-03-17 |
FTT | Water too turbid to measure | 2013-01-02 |
FUD | Unable to deploy instrument | 2010-03-17 |
FX | Analyte present in the instrument blank | 2010-03-17 |
GB | Matrix spike recovery not within control limits | 2010-03-17 |
GBC | CRM analyte recovery not within control limits | 2010-03-17 |
GBM | Matrix spike recovery is out of QC limit, but matrix spike duplicate recovery is acceptable | 2020-10-13 |
GC | Second column confirmation performed | 2010-03-17 |
GCA | Second column confirmation absent (not reported) | 2015-01-02 |
GD | secondary column result | 2010-03-17 |
GIDA | Isotope Dilution Analogue recovery not within control limits | 2022-02-18 |
GN | Surrogate recovery is outside of control limits | 2010-03-17 |
GR | Internal standard recovery is outside method recovery limit | 2010-03-17 |
H | A holding time violation has occurred. | 2010-03-17 |
H22 | Sample exceeds incubation period of 18-22 hours. | 2010-11-22 |
H24 | Holding time was > 24 hours for Bacteria tests only | 2010-03-17 |
H8 | Holding time was > 8 hrs but < 24 hours for Bacteria tests only | 2013-01-17 |
HB | Result positively biased | 2015-03-26 |
HD | Chromat. profile inconsistent with pattern(s) of ref. fuel stnds. | 2016-12-23 |
HH | Result exceeds linear range; concentration may be understated | 2011-12-01 |
HL | Analyte recovery above established limit | 2019-05-14 |
HM | Analyte recovery below established limit | 2019-05-14 |
HNO2 | Holding time violation occurred on the NO2 concentration used for NO3 calculation. | 2010-04-13 |
HR | Post-digestion spike | 2010-03-17 |
HS | Spike analyte recovery is outside stated control limits | 2008-01-01 |
HSM | Sampling crew or submitting agency field spike recovery not within control limits | 2019-10-09 |
HT | Analytical value calculated using results from associated tests | 2010-03-17 |
HX | Spike recovery out of limits, but QC batch considered in control | 2019-05-14 |
IDA | Isotope Dilution Analogue corrected | 2022-02-18 |
IE | Surrogate not added to this sample | 2010-03-17 |
IF | Sample result is greater than reported value | 2010-03-17 |
IL | RPD exceeds laboratory control limit | 2010-03-17 |
ILM | RSD exceeds control limit | 2013-03-19 |
ILN | Rlog exceeds control limit | 2014-02-11 |
ILO | Rlog not calculated because concentration below RL | 2015-08-18 |
IM | Method does not include this analyte as part of compound list | 2010-03-17 |
IP | Analyte detected in field or lab generated blank | 2012-06-18 |
IP10 | Analyte detected in field or lab generated blank, >RL and >1/10 amount detected in associated environmental sample | 2019-06-03 |
IP5 | Analyte detected in field or lab generated blank, >RL and >1/5 amount detected in associated environmental sample | 2012-06-21 |
IPF | Analyte detected in field blank, data validation code | 2020-03-18 |
IPMDL2 | Analyte detected in field or lab generated blank, >10% lowest detection in batch and >2.2x MDL | 2012-06-21 |
IPMDL3 | Analyte detected in field or lab generated blank, >MDL and >30% lowest detection in batch | 2012-06-21 |
IPND | Result not distinguishable from lab blank contamination, data validation code | 2020-03-18 |
IPRL | Analyte detected in field or lab generated blank, >RL | 2012-06-21 |
IS | Reporting limit elevated due to pres. of analyte in method blank | 2010-03-17 |
IU | Percent Recovery exceeds laboratory control limit | 2008-01-01 |
IZM | Bottle integrity compromised, potential contamination | 2012-10-17 |
J | Estimated value - EPA Flag | 2010-03-17 |
JA | Analyte positively identified but quantitation is an estimate | 2010-03-17 |
JDL | Estimated result lower than detection limit | 2016-04-14 |
K | Peak detected, but did not meet quantification criteria, value represents estimated maximum concentration | 2023-12-19 |
LA | Confirmatory analysis was past holding time | 2020-01-14 |
LB | Result negatively biased | 2016-06-07 |
LC | Laboratory Contamination | 2010-03-17 |
LRGN | Data rejected - Surrogate recovery not within control limits, flagged by laboratory | 2012-04-23 |
LRIL | Data rejected - RPD exceeds laboratory control limit, flagged by laboratory | 2012-08-13 |
LRIP | Data rejected - Analyte detected in field or lab generated blank, flagged by laboratory | 2012-06-18 |
LRIU | Data rejected - Percent Recovery exceeds laboratory control limit, flagged by laboratory | 2011-08-22 |
LRJ | Data rejected - Estimated value - EPA Flag, flagged by laboratory | 2011-08-22 |
LRJA | Data rejected - Analyte positively identified but quantitation is an estimate, flagged by laboratory | 2012-09-20 |
LRM | Data rejected - A matrix effect is present, flagged by laboratory | 2011-08-22 |
LRQ | Data rejected - Based on professional judgement QA/QC protocols were not met, flagged by lab | 2011-08-22 |
LST | Sample was lost or destroyed | 2010-03-17 |
M | A matrix effect is present | 2010-03-17 |
MAL | Male Adult | 1900-01-01 |
MBM | Method (lab generated) blank missing from batch | 2023-09-27 |
MBP | Method (lab generated) blank did not go through entire preparation and analytical process | 2023-09-27 |
MN | Method procedures not followed | 2010-03-17 |
MOI | No associated % moisture results and therefore should not be compared to dry weight thresholds | 2023-03-16 |
N | Tentatively Identified Compound | 2010-03-17 |
NAS | Not adjusted for salinity | 2016-12-15 |
NBC | Value not blank corrected | 2008-08-11 |
NC | Analyte concentration not certifiable in Certified Reference Material | 2010-03-17 |
NG | The reported result is a negative value | 2012-02-16 |
NMDL | No Method Detection Limit reported from laboratory | 2010-03-17 |
None | None - No QA Qualifier | 2010-03-17 |
NR | Not Recorded | 2010-03-17 |
NRL | No Reporting Limit reported by the laboratory | 2010-04-07 |
NTR | Not Total Recovery: Method typically provides <50% recovery of analyte in native samples despite good recovery in spiked samples. | 2012-11-07 |
OA | Analyte over range when run undiluted. Diluted result below PQL | 2011-04-06 |
OL | Result may be biased high due to carry over from prior analysis | 2019-03-13 |
OV | Result is averaged | 2010-03-17 |
P | Evidence analyte present | 2010-03-17 |
PEH | Sample was preserved to extend the holding time | 2020-01-07 |
PG | Calibration verification outside control limits | 2010-03-17 |
PGN | Surrogate recovery is within the lab or method defined acceptance criteria, but is outside of project-specific control limits | 2022-01-14 |
PI | Primary and confirmation results varied by > than 40% | 2010-03-17 |
PIL | RPD is within the lab or method defined acceptance criteria, but is outside of project-specific control limits | 2022-03-10 |
PJ | Result from re-extract/re-anal to confirm original MS/MSD result | 2010-03-17 |
PJM | Result from re-extract/re-anal to confirm original result | 2010-03-17 |
PJN | Result from re-extract/re-analysis for QC purposes only | 2010-03-17 |
PMQO | Data met laboratory MQO, but did not meet project MQO | 2024-05-03 |
PP | Dilutions for BOD failed criteria of 2 mg/L diss. O2 depletion | 2011-05-12 |
PRM | Low survival in toxicity test resulted from test interference due to pathogen-related mortality | 2012-12-12 |
PUM | LCS recovery is within the lab or method defined acceptance criteria, but is outside of project-specific control limits | 2022-01-14 |
Q | Questionable result | 2010-03-17 |
QAX | When the native sample for the MS/MSD or DUP is not included in the batch reported | 2010-03-17 |
QG | Individual analyte exceedances allowed per NELAC | 2013-11-07 |
R | Data rejected - EPA Flag | 2010-03-17 |
RCI | The method detection limit is elevated due to chromatographic interference; MDL is reported as equal to RL | 2024-12-06 |
RE | Elevated reporting limits due to limited sample volume | 2010-03-17 |
REL | Reporting limits elevated above QAPP targets due to change in identified lab capabilities over course of project implementation. | 2015-06-04 |
RIP | RIP;see individual QADescr for complete definition | 1900-01-01 |
RIU | RIU;see individual QADescr for complete definition | 1900-01-01 |
RJ | RJ;see individual QADescr for complete definition | 1900-01-01 |
RLST | Replicate lost or destroyed | 2016-08-01 |
RMDL | Data rejected - Spike concentration is less than MDL | 2024-08-16 |
ROQ | Quantification (threshold) cycle (Cq) > Cq Lower Limit of Quantification (LLOQ), positive result | 2018-03-20 |
RPV | Sample failed to meet representativeness requirements | 1900-01-01 |
RQ | Spike recovery not calculated due to high concentration of analyte | 2014-07-22 |
RQM | Spike recovery not calculated due to matrix interference | 2019-05-14 |
RU | LCS rec. within marginal exceedances, 3-4 s.d. around the mean. | 2017-05-25 |
RUM | Acceptable QC with marginal exceedance | 2020-01-29 |
RY | Standard Instrument related QC exceeds the control limits | 2016-09-19 |
RYM | Reporting Limit check standard failed laboratory defined acceptance criteria. Data is accepted based on passing method required QC | 2018-10-31 |
S | Sample Receipt nonconformance | 2017-10-13 |
SC | Surrogate Corrected Value | 2010-03-17 |
SCR | Screening level analysis | 2010-03-17 |
SLM | Analyte results for R1 and/or R2 were lower than 10 times the MDL, therefore RPD acceptance limits do not apply | 2014-06-04 |
SN | See narrative and/or special notes | 2020-02-20 |
SSM | Second source recovery below method control limit | 2020-02-12 |
TA | Ammonia precision or accuracy exceeds laboratory control limit | 2010-03-17 |
TAB | Test organisms do not meet the minimum age limit at test initiation | 2021-10-12 |
TAC | Alternative control used in toxicity statistical analysis | 2013-10-31 |
TAD | Additional metamorphosized or pupated organism accidently included in statistical analysis | 2022-02-18 |
TAE | Test organisms exceed age limit at test initiation | 2018-02-15 |
TAF | Test organisms exceed the maximum weight requirement at test initiation | 2022-04-06 |
TAM | Toxicity test organism age at test start is not recorded | 2021-07-22 |
TAS | Alternate species tested | 2024-02-02 |
TC | Conductivity precision or accuracy exceeds laboratory control limit | 2010-03-17 |
TCF | Alternative control does not meet test acceptability criteria | 2018-02-15 |
TCI | Conductivity insufficient for test species | 2010-03-17 |
TCT | Conductivity tolerance exceeded for test species | 2010-03-17 |
TD | DO precision or accuracy exceeds laboratory control limit | 2010-03-17 |
TEM | Endpoint not analyzed or reported by the laboratory | 2023-01-19 |
TH | Hardness precision or accuracy exceeds laboratory control limit | 2010-03-17 |
THS | Hydrogen sulfide precision or accuracy exceeds laboratory control limit | 2010-03-17 |
TK | Alkalinity precision or accuracy exceeds laboratory control limit | 2012-06-05 |
TL | Minor deviation in temperature or light (comment) | 2010-03-17 |
TMM | Male replicate excluded from test analysis | 2022-03-15 |
TMO | Test organisms escaped or are otherwise missing | 2019-10-07 |
TMSD | Endpoint considered not toxic; per EPA method, when both the relative difference from control and the test percent minimum significant difference (PMSD) are less than EPA lower PMSD bound (10th percentile) | 2023-08-18 |
TNC | Too numerous to count | 2013-03-19 |
TNS | Only neonate counts from surviving adults were used in the analysis | 2010-03-17 |
TOQ | Number of organisms in a toxicity test do not meet the minimum quantity per replicate at test initiation or an unequal quantity of organisms per replicate is used | 2015-07-10 |
TP | pH precision or accuracy exceeds laboratory control limit | 2010-03-17 |
TR | Test conditions not acceptable (temp, light) | 2010-03-17 |
TRT | Reference toxicant test failed due to control survival less than 80% | 2019-12-28 |
TS | Salinity precision or accuracy exceeds laboratory control limit | 2010-03-17 |
TW | Water quality parameters outside recommended test method ranges | 2010-03-17 |
TWN | Required water quality parameters not measured | 2017-12-08 |
TXP | Toxaphene results are based on a commercial Toxaphene mixture of unknown composition and therefore the concentrations listed in this report are estimated | 2019-06-11 |
UF | Counts outside acceptable range. | 2016-11-18 |
UJ | Analyte was not detected above the reported sample quantitation limit.Reported quantitation limit is approx. & may not represent the actual limit of quantitation necessary to accurately and precisely measure the analyte in the sample. | 2010-03-17 |
UKM | Lock mass interference present | 2012-10-01 |
ULM | Analyte detected in associated bottle blank check | 2014-05-21 |
UOL | Result determined to be an outlier at the time of data validation | 2015-08-13 |
UPM | Field duplicate exceeds QC limit with results < 5 x RL. Absolute difference is > RL | 2019-08-22 |
UT | Sample value was blank corrected | 2020-08-10 |
VBB | Sample > 4x spike concentration, flagged by QAO | 2013-09-13 |
VBCO | Sample received in improper container, flagged by QAO | 2025-01-06 |
VBLM | Compound unidentified or below the RL due to overdilution, flagged by QAO | 1900-01-01 |
VBS | Insufficient sample available to follow standard QC procedures, flagged by QAO | 2011-08-22 |
VBT | Insufficient sample to perform the analysis, flagged by QAO | 2022-08-18 |
VBY | Sample received at improper temperature, flagged by QAO | 2010-03-17 |
VBZ | Sample preserved improperly, flagged by QAO | 2010-05-26 |
VBZ15 | Sample not filtered within 15 minutes, flagged by QAO | 2015-02-26 |
VC | Result was calculated by DMT when not provided for DNQ ResQualCode, value 1/2 distance between MDL and RL, flagged by QAO | 2010-03-17 |
VCIN | Value outside confidence interval, flagged by QAO | 2022-03-14 |
VCJ | Analyte concentration is in excess of the instrument calibration; considered estimated, flagged by QAO | 2013-09-08 |
VCO | Sample analyte concentration detectable but <5X blank concentration (contamination), flagged by QAO | 2011-08-29 |
VCQ | analyte concentration >10X blank concentration | 2011-05-12 |
VCR | Sample analyte concentration >5X blank concentration (True hit), flagged by QAO | 2011-08-29 |
VCS | QC criteria not met due to analyte concentration near RL, flagged by QAO | 2019-03-13 |
VD | EPA Flag - Analytes analyzed at a secondary dilution, flagged by QAO | 2012-03-22 |
VDG | Reporting limits elevated due to sample dilution, flagged by QAO | 2019-03-13 |
VDO | Coelution; flagged by QAO | 2012-11-14 |
VDRL | Spike concentration is less than RL, flagged by QAO | 2024-08-05 |
VDS | Batch Quality Assurance data from another project, flagged by QAO | 2010-06-28 |
VEDTA | EDTA added to Selenastrum capricornutum toxicity test, flagged by QAO | 2019-07-30 |
VELB | Lab batch sample quantity exceedes number of samples allowed per batch, flagged by QAO | 2015-08-17 |
VEUM | LCS/LCM recovery not within control limits, flagged by QAO | 2010-03-17 |
VFCL | Field calibration not performed within 24 hours before use, flagged by QAO | 2022-02-02 |
VFDP | Field duplicate RPD above QC limit;flagged by QAO | 2010-03-17 |
VFIF | Instrument/Probe Failure, flagged by QAO | 2014-01-09 |
VFIRL | Invalid RL, suspected laboratory transcription error, flagged by QAO | 2020-01-15 |
VFNM | No documentation of the field measurement collection exists, flagged by QAO | 2016-07-21 |
VFO | Estimated maximum possible concentration (EPMC), flagged by QAO | 2013-09-20 |
VGB | Matrix spike recovery not within control limits, flagged by QAO | 2010-03-17 |
VGBC | CRM recovery not within control limits, flagged by QAO | 2010-03-17 |
VGIDA | Isotope Dilution Analogue recovery not within control limits, Flagged by QAO | 2023-06-27 |
VGN | Surrogate recovery not within control limits, flagged by QAO | 2010-03-17 |
VH | Holding time violation occurred, flagged by QAO | 2010-03-17 |
VH24 | Holding time was > 24 hours for Bacteria tests only, flagged by QAO | 2010-08-13 |
VH8 | Holding time was > 8 hrs but < 24 hours for Bacteria tests only, flagged by QAO | 2013-01-17 |
VHB | Result positively biased, flagged by QAO | 2013-09-03 |
VHS | Spike analyte recovery is outside stated control limits, flagged by QAO | 2019-03-13 |
VIE | Surrogate not added to this sample, flagged by QAO | 2014-06-06 |
VIL | RPD exceeds control limit, flagged by QAO | 2010-03-17 |
VILN | Rlog exceeds control limit, flagged by QAO | 2015-08-18 |
VILO | Rlog not calculated because concentration below RL, flagged by QAO | 2015-08-18 |
VIP | Analyte detected in field or lab generated blank, flagged by QAO | 2012-06-18 |
VIP5 | Analyte detected in field or lab generated blank, >RL and >1/5 amount detected in associated environmental sample, flagged by QAO | 2012-06-21 |
VIPF | Analyte detected in field blank, data validation code, flagged by QAO | 2010-03-18 |
VIPMDL2 | Analyte detected in field or lab generated blank, >10% lowest detection in batch and >2.2x MDL, flagged by QAO | 2012-06-21 |
VIPMDL3 | Analyte detected in field or lab generated blank, >MDL and >30% lowest detection in batch, flagged by QAO | 2012-06-21 |
VIPND | Result not distinguishable from lab blank contamination, data validation code, flagged by QAO | 2020-03-18 |
VIPRL | Analyte detected in field or lab generated blank, >RL, flagged by QAO | 2012-06-21 |
VIS | Reporting limit elevated due to pres. of analyte in method blank, flagged by QAO | 2011-08-22 |
VIU | Percent Recovery exceeds laboratory control limit, flagged by QAO | 2010-03-17 |
VJ | Estimated value - EPA Flag, flagged by QAO | 2011-08-22 |
VJA | Analyte positively identified but quantitation is an estimate, flagged by QAO | 2011-08-22 |
VK | Peak detected, but did not meet quantification criteria, value represents estimated maximum concentration, flagged by QAO | 2024-11-07 |
VLB | Result negatively biased, flagged by QAO | 2013-05-15 |
VLMQO | Data did not meet laboratory MQO, but met project MQO, flagged by QAO | 2017-01-09 |
VM | A matrix effect is present, flagged by QAO | 2011-08-22 |
VMBM | Method (lab generated) blank missing from batch, flagged by QAO | 2023-10-04 |
VMBP | Method (lab generated) blank did not go through entire preparation and analytical process, flagged by QAO | 2023-10-04 |
VMN | Method procedures not followed, flagged by QAO | 1900-01-01 |
VMOI | No associated % moisture results and therefore should not be compared to dry weight thresholds, flagged by QAO | 2023-03-29 |
VNBC | Value not blank corrected, flagged by QAO | 2011-08-22 |
VNC | Analyte concentration not certifiable in Certified Reference Material, flagged by QAO | 2010-03-17 |
VNMDL | No Method Detection Limit reported from laboratory, flagged by QAO | 2012-04-18 |
VNTR | Not Total Recovery: Method typically provides <50% recovery of analyte in native samples despite good recovery in spiked samples, flagged by QAO. | 2012-11-07 |
VOL | Result may be biased high due to carry over from prior analysis, flagged by QAO | 2019-03-13 |
VPJM | Result from re-extract/re-anal to confirm original result, flagged by QAO | 2012-05-31 |
VPMQO | Data met laboratory MQO, but did not meet project MQO, flagged by QAO | 2016-09-14 |
VQ | Questionable Result, flagged by QAO | 2021-12-16 |
VQAX | When the native sample for the MS/MSD or DUP is not included in the batch reported, flagged by QAO | 2010-03-17 |
VQCA | QA/QC protocols were not met for accuracy, flagged by QAO | 2012-06-04 |
VQCP | QA/QC protocols were not met for precision, flagged by QAO | 2012-06-04 |
VQN | No QA/QC performed or performed but not reported, used with historical data, Batch comment required | 2012-03-07 |
VR | Data rejected - EPA Flag, flagged by QAO | 2009-04-29 |
VRBS | Data rejected - Insufficient sample available to follow standard QC procedures, flagged by QAO | 2011-08-22 |
VRBZ | Data rejected - Sample preserved improperly, flagged by QAO | 2011-08-22 |
VRCI | The method detection limit is elevated due to chromatographic interference; MDL is reported as equal to RL, flagged by QAO | 2024-12-06 |
VRDO | Data rejected - Co-elution, flagged by QAO | 2011-08-22 |
VRE | Elevated reporting limits due to limited sample volume, flagged by QAO | 2011-06-08 |
VREL | Reporting limits elevated due to change in lab capabilities, flagged by QAO | 2015-06-04 |
VRGN | Data rejected - Surrogate recovery not within control limits, flagged by QAO | 2009-08-18 |
VRIL | Data rejected - RPD exceeds control limit, flagged by QAO | 2011-09-14 |
VRIP | Data rejected - Analyte detected in field or lab generated blank, flagged by QAO | 2012-06-18 |
VRIU | Data rejected - Percent Recovery exceeds laboratory control limit, flagged by QAO | 2011-09-14 |
VRJ | Data rejected - Estimated value - EPA Flag, flagged by QAO | 2011-08-22 |
VRLB | Data rejected - Result negatively biased, flagged by QAO | 2013-12-18 |
VRLST | Replicate lost or destroyed, flagged by QAO | 2016-08-01 |
VRMDL | Data rejected - Spike concentration is less than MDL, flagged by QAO | 2024-08-16 |
VRQ | Spike recovery not calculated due to high concentration of analyte, flagged by QAO | 1900-01-01 |
VRVQ | Data rejected - Based on professional judgement QA/QC protocols were not met, flagged by QAO | 2011-08-22 |
VS | Sample Receipt nonconformance, flagged by QAO | 2010-10-28 |
VSC | Surrogate Corrected Value, flagged by QAO | 2011-05-26 |
VSCR | Screening level analysis, flagged by QAO | 2010-03-17 |
VSD3 | Result greater than three standard deviations from historical average, flagged by QAO | 2013-09-03 |
VTAB | Test organisms do not meet the minimum age limit at test initiation, flagged by QAO | 2021-10-12 |
VTAC | Alternative control used in toxicity statistical analysis, flagged by QAO | 2015-08-11 |
VTAE | Test organisms exceed age limit at test initiation, flagged by QAO | 2018-02-15 |
VTAM | Toxicity test organism age at test start is not recorded, flagged by QAO | 2021-07-22 |
VTCF | Alternative control does not meet test acceptability criteria, flagged by QAO | 2018-02-02 |
VTCI | Conductivity insufficient for test species, flagged by QAO | 2010-03-17 |
VTCT | Conductivity tolerance exceeded for test species, flagged by QAO | 2010-03-17 |
VTL | Minor deviation in temperature or light, flagged by QAO | 2020-12-07 |
VTMO | Test organisms escaped or are otherwise missing, flagged by QAO | 2019-10-07 |
VTNC | Too numerous to count, flagged by QAO | 2013-04-05 |
VTOQ | Number of organisms in a toxicity test do not meet the minimum quantity per replicate at test initiation or an unequal quantity of organisms per replicate is used, flagged by QAO | 2015-08-10 |
VTR | Test conditions not acceptable (temp, light), flagged by QAO | 2015-08-13 |
VTW | Water quality parameters outside recommended test method ranges, flagged by QAO | 2010-04-27 |
VTWN | Required water quality parameters not measured, flagged by QAO | 2017-12-08 |
VUKM | Lock mass interference present, flagged by QAO | 2024-09-25 |
VVQ | Based on professional judgement QA/QC protocols were not met, flagged by QAO | 2011-08-22 |
WE | Sample filtered immediately upon receipt by the laboratory. | 2017-12-15 |
XI | Hydrocarbon response in motor oil range but does not resemble motor oil | 2019-05-29 |