ProjectCode | ProjectName | ParentProjectName | AgencyCode | ProjectDescr | LastUpdateDate | QAPPName | 00-01_SacR_DormantSpray | Sacramento River Dormant Spray, 2000-2001 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Sacramento River Dormant Spray, 2000-2001 | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
00-01_SJR_DormantSpray | San Joaquin River Dormant Spray, 2000-2001 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | San Joaquin River Dormant Spray, 2000-2001 | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
00CCSFOBL | 2000 CCSF-SWOO Monitoring | CCSF-SWOO Regional Monitoring Program | CCSF-OBL | 2000 City and County of San Francisco - Oceanside Biology Lab - SWOO | 2013-01-03 | Not Recorded |
00CFCP | Year 2000-Coastal Fish Contamination Program | Coastal Fish Contamination Program | Not Recorded | Gassel et al. 2002. The Coastal Fish Contamination Program: Monitoring of Coastal Water Quality and Chemical Contamination in Fish and Shellfish in California in California and the World Ocean ?02: Revisiting and Revising California?s Ocean Agenda. | 2012-02-16 | Not Recorded |
00DPR_Rice_PMP | DPR Rice Pesticide Monitoring Program, 2000 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation 2000 Rice Pesticide Monitoring Program | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
00RMP2ST | 2000 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2000 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
00SRWP | Sacramento River Watershed Program 2000 | Sacramento River Watershed Program | SFEI | 2000 Sacramento River Watershed Program | 2016-07-08 | SRWP QAPP 2003-2004 |
01-04-SWRCB_SwampData | SWRCB SWAMP Data, Sep2001-October2004 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program Data, SWRCB, Sep2001-October2004. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
01CCSFOBL | 2001 CCSF-SWOO Monitoring | CCSF-SWOO Regional Monitoring Program | CCSF-OBL | 2001 City and County of San Francisco - Oceanside Biology Lab - SWOO | 2013-01-03 | Not Recorded |
01CFCP | Year 2001-Coastal Fish Contamination Program | Coastal Fish Contamination Program | Not Recorded | Gassel et al. 2002. The Coastal Fish Contamination Program: Monitoring of Coastal Water Quality and Chemical Contamination in Fish and Shellfish in California in California and the World Ocean ?02: Revisiting and Revising California?s Ocean Agenda. | 2012-02-16 | Not Recorded |
01DPR_Rice_PMP | DPR Rice Pesticide Monitoring Program, 2001 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation 2001 Rice Pesticide Monitoring Program | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
01RB11_2016 | RWB3 adhoc sampling of Orcutt Creek | Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program | RWQCB3 | RWB3 adhoc sampling of Orcutt Creek UCDGC has submitted results | 2016-12-15 | Not Recorded |
01RMP2MI | 2001 River Loading - Mallard Island | SFEI River Loading Study 2001 | Not Recorded | 2001 River Loading - Mallard Island | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
01RMP2ST | 2001 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2001 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
01SRWP | Sacramento River Watershed Program 2001 | Sacramento River Watershed Program | SFEI | 2001 Sacramento River Watershed Program | 2016-07-08 | SRWP QAPP 2003-2004 |
01USGS_SJR_OP_Monitoring | USGS San Joaquin Riv IS OP Monitoring Apr-Aug 2001 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | USGS Irrigation-Season OP Monitoring in the San Joaquin River Basin, April through August 2001. Weekly sampling at 12 major mainstem and tributary sites. | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
02-02_DPR_DormantSeason | DPR Dormant Season Storm Run-off, 2001-2002 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation 2001-2002 dormant season storm run-off monitoring study. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
02APMP | 2002 Aquatic Pesticide Monitoring Program | Aquatic Pesticide Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | 2002 Aquatic Pesticide Monitoring Program | 2012-11-02 | APMP QAPP 2004 |
02CCSFOBL | 2002 CCSF-SWOO Monitoring | CCSF-SWOO Regional Monitoring Program | CCSF-OBL | 2002 City and County of San Francisco - Oceanside Biology Lab - SWOO | 2013-01-03 | Not Recorded |
02CFCP | Year 2002-Coastal Fish Contamination Program | Coastal Fish Contamination Program | Not Recorded | Gassel et al. 2002. The Coastal Fish Contamination Program: Monitoring of Coastal Water Quality and Chemical Contamination in Fish and Shellfish in California in California and the World Ocean ?02: Revisiting and Revising California?s Ocean Agenda. | 2012-02-16 | Not Recorded |
02DPR_InSeasonSJRBasin | DPR San Joaquin In-Season Surface Water, 2002 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation 2002 in-season monitoring study: Monitoring Surface Waters of the San Joaquin River Basin. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
02DPR_Rice_PMP | DPR Rice Pesticide Monitoring Program, 2002 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation 2002 Rice Pesticide Monitoring Program | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
02RMP2GR | 2002 River Loading - Guadalupe River | SFEI River Loading Study 2002 | Not Recorded | 2002 River Loading - Guadalupe River | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
02RMP2MI | 2002 River Loading - Mallard Island | SFEI River Loading Study 2002 | Not Recorded | 2002 River Loading - Mallard Island | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
02RMP2ST | 2002 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2002 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
02SRWP | Sacramento River Watershed Program 2002 | Sacramento River Watershed Program | SFEI | 2002 Sacramento River Watershed Program | 2016-07-08 | SRWP QAPP 2003-2004 |
02STLS2RMP | STLS Monitoring RMP WY2002 | STLS Monitoring WY2002 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring RMP WY2002 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
03172014_SDR_ADSCI | San Diego River | San Diego River | AD_SCI | Citizen science initiative where microplastic data is monitored and reported through citizen sample collections. | 2017-05-01 | AdvSci_MP Monitoring |
03282015_SCruz_ADSCI | Santa Cruz Island | Santa Cruz Island | AD_SCI | Citizen science initiative where microplastic data is monitored and reported through citizen sample collections. | 2017-05-01 | AdvSci_MP Monitoring |
03302015_SClemente_ADSCI | San Clemente Island | San Clemente Island | AD_SCI | Citizen science initiative where microplastic data is monitored and reported through citizen sample collections. | 2017-05-01 | AdvSci_MP Monitoring |
03APMP | 2003 Aquatic Pesticide Monitoring Program | Aquatic Pesticide Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | 2003 Aquatic Pesticide Monitoring Program | 2012-11-02 | APMP QAPP 2004 |
03CCSFOBL | 2003 CCSF-SWOO Monitoring | CCSF-SWOO Regional Monitoring Program | CCSF-OBL | 2003 City and County of San Francisco - Oceanside Biology Lab - SWOO | 2013-01-03 | Not Recorded |
03CFCP | Year 2003-Coastal Fish Contamination Program | Coastal Fish Contamination Program | Not Recorded | | 2012-02-16 | Not Recorded |
03DPR_Salinas_SJRPyrPests | DPR Pyrethroid and OPs in Salinas and San Joaquin | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | DPR, Irrigation Season Monitoring, 2003, Salinas and San Joaquin River basins, whole water pyrethroid and OP analysis, sediment pyrethroid analysis. | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
03RMP2GR | 2003 River Loading - Guadalupe River | SFEI River Loading Study 2003 | Not Recorded | 2003 River Loading - Guadalupe River | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
03RMP2MI | 2003 River Loading - Mallard Island | SFEI River Loading Study 2003 | Not Recorded | 2003 River Loading - Mallard Island | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
03RMP2ST | 2003 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2003 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
03SRWP | Sacramento River Watershed Program 2003 | Sacramento River Watershed Program | SFEI | 2003 Sacramento River Watershed Program | 2016-07-08 | SRWP QAPP 2003-2004 |
03STLS2RMP | STLS Monitoring RMP WY2003 | STLS Monitoring WY2003 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring RMP WY2003 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
04-05RWQCB1_SWAMP_RRTrend | RWQCB1 SWAMP Russian River Trends, 2004-2005 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring, RWB1, Russian River Trend Monitoring FYs 2004-2005. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
04-09_CWRWQCB_ILRP | CWRWQCB Irrigated Lands Monitoring Data, 2004-2009 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | CWRWQCB Irrigated Lands Monitoring Data, 2004-2009. Replaces study code 102. | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
04APMP | 2004 Aquatic Pesticide Monitoring Program | Aquatic Pesticide Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | 2004 Aquatic Pesticide Monitoring Program | 2012-11-02 | APMP QAPP 2004 |
04CCSFOBL | 2004 CCSF-SWOO Monitoring | CCSF-SWOO Regional Monitoring Program | CCSF-OBL | 2004 City and County of San Francisco - Oceanside Biology Lab - SWOO | 2013-01-03 | Not Recorded |
04ETP2TX | 2004 Episodic Toxicity | Sources And Effects of Pyrethroid Pesticides | Not Recorded | 2004 Episodic Toxicity Study | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
04RMP2CC | 2004 River Loading - Coyote Creek | SFEI River Loading Study 2004 | Not Recorded | 2004 River Loading - Coyote Creek | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
04RMP2GR | 2004 River Loading - Guadalupe River | SFEI River Loading Study 2004 | Not Recorded | 2004 River Loading - Guadalupe River | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
04RMP2MI | 2004 River Loading - Mallard Island | SFEI River Loading Study 2004 | Not Recorded | 2004 River Loading - Mallard Island | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
04RMP2ST | 2004 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2004 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
04SRWP | Sacramento River Watershed Program 2004 | SWAMP Historic Bioaccumulation Data | SFEI | 2004 Sacramento River Watershed Program | 2016-02-10 | SRWP QAPP 2003-2004 |
04STLS2RMP | STLS Monitoring RMP WY2004 | STLS Monitoring WY2004 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring RMP WY2004 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
05-06_RWB2_Yr5MarinSFCrks | RWQCB2 Yr 5 Coastal Marin & SF Creeks, 2005-2006 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring, RWB2 Yr5 Coastal Marin and SF Creeks (2005-2006) | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
05-06_RWQCB1_SWAMP_Trends | RWQCB1 SWAMP Trend Maintenance Periods, 2005-2006 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring, RWB1, Trend Maintenance Periods, FY 2005-2006. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
05-06_RWQCB9_SWAMPMonitor | RWQCB9 SWAMP Trend Monitoring, 2005-2006 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | SWAMP RWB9 Monitoring, SWAMP RWQCB9 (2005-2006). | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
05CCSFOBL | 2005 CCSF-SWOO Monitoring | CCSF-SWOO Regional Monitoring Program | CCSF-OBL | 2005 City and County of San Francisco - Oceanside Biology Lab - SWOO | 2013-01-03 | Not Recorded |
05ETP2TX | 2005 Episodic Toxicity | Sources And Effects of Pyrethroid Pesticides | Not Recorded | 2005 Episodic Toxicity Study | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
05FMP001 | Fish Mercury Project (Year 1) | Fish Mercury Project | Not Recorded | Fish Mercury Project (Year 1) | 2012-11-02 | FMP QAPP |
05RMP2CC | 2005 River Loading - Coyote Creek | SFEI River Loading Study 2005 | Not Recorded | 2005 River Loading - Coyote Creek | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
05RMP2GR | 2005 River Loading - Guadalupe River | SFEI River Loading Study 2005 | Not Recorded | 2005 River Loading - Guadalupe River | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
05RMP2MI | 2005 River Loading - Mallard Island | SFEI River Loading Study 2005 | Not Recorded | 2005 River Loading - Mallard Island | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
05RMP2SF | 2005 RMP EEPS Small Fish Pilot Study | Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS | Not Recorded | 2005 RMP EEPS Small Fish Pilot Study | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
05RMP2ST | 2005 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2005 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
05RMP2WP | 2000 RMP Winter Pilot Study | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2005 RMP Winter Pilot Study | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
05RWQCB2_SWAMPYr4EBCreeks | RWQCB2 SWAMP Year 4 East Bay Creeks, 2005 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring, RWB2, Yr4 East Bay Creeks (2005) | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
05RWQCB7_SWAMPTrends | RWQCB7 SWAMP Trend Monitoring, 2005 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | SWAMP RWB7 Monitoring, RWB7 Trend Monitoring, CY 2005. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
05SRWP_FISH | Sacramento River Watershed Program - Fish 2005 | Sacramento River Watershed Program | SFEI | 2005 Sacramento River Watershed Program - Fish (includes FMP Foe/DeVlaming data) | 2016-07-08 | FMP QAPP |
05STLS2RMP | STLS Monitoring RMP WY2005 | STLS Monitoring WY2005 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring RMP WY2005 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
05USGS_NAWQA | USGS NAWQA Data Through Water Year 2005 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | USGS NAWQA data through water year 2005 | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
06-07_RWQCB1_SWAMP_Trends | RWQCB1 SWAMP Trend Maintenance Periods, 2006-2007 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring, RWB1 Trend Maintenance Periods, FYs 2006-2007. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
06-10_USGS_NAWQA | USGS NAWQA Data Water Year 2006 - July 2010 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | USGS NAWQA data, water years 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, partial 2010 (thru July 2010). | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
06292015_SFBay2_ADSCI | San Francisco Bay_2 | San Francisco Bay_2 | AD_SCI | Citizen science initiative where microplastic data is monitored and reported through citizen sample collections. | 2017-05-01 | AdvSci_MP Monitoring |
06292015_SFBay3_ADSCI | San Francisco Bay_3 | San Francisco Bay_3 | AD_SCI | Citizen science initiative where microplastic data is monitored and reported through citizen sample collections. | 2017-05-01 | AdvSci_MP Monitoring |
06CCAMP_SWAMP_CoastalCon | CCAMP SWAMP Coastal Confluences, 2006 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | SWAMP, Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program, CCAMP Coastal Confluences, 2006 | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
06CCAMP_SWAMP_Pajaro&NC | CCAMP SWAMP Pajaro and North Coast Rotation, 2006 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | SWAMP, CCAMP Pajaro and North Coast Rotation, 2006 | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
06CCSFOBL | 2006 CCSF-SWOO Monitoring | CCSF-SWOO Regional Monitoring Program | CCSF-OBL | 2006 City and County of San Francisco - Oceanside Biology Lab - SWOO | 2013-01-03 | Not Recorded |
06FMP001 | Fish Mercury Project (Year 2) | Fish Mercury Project | Not Recorded | Fish Mercury Project (Year 2) | 2012-11-02 | FMP QAPP |
06RMP2EC | 2006 RMP Special Study - Harbor Seals | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2006 RMP Harbor Seals Special Study | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
06RMP2GR | 2006 River Loading - Guadalupe River | SFEI River Loading Study 2006 | Not Recorded | 2006 River Loading - Guadalupe River | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
06RMP2HA | 2006 River Loading - Hayward | SFEI River Loading Study 2006 | Not Recorded | 2006 River Loading - Hayward | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
06RMP2MI | 2006 River Loading - Mallard Island | SFEI River Loading Study 2006 | Not Recorded | 2006 River Loading - Mallard Island | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
06RMP2SF | 2006 RMP EEPS Small Fish Pilot Study | Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS | Not Recorded | 2006 RMP EEPS Small Fish Pilot Study | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
06RMP2ST | 2006 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2006 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
06RWQCB7_SWAMP_NewRiver | RWQCB7 SWAMP New River Monitoring, 2006 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | SWAMP RWB7 Monitoring, RWB7, New River Monitoring, CY2006. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
06RWQCB7_SWAMPTrends | RWQCB7 SWAMP Trend Monitoring, 2006 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | SWAMP RWB7 Monitoring, RWB7 Trend Monitoring CY 2006. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
06SRWP | Sacramento River Watershed Program 2006 | Sacramento River Watershed Program | SFEI | 2006 Sacramento River Watershed Program | 2016-07-08 | SRWP QAPP 2005-2007 |
06STLS2RMP | STLS Monitoring RMP WY2006 | STLS Monitoring WY2006 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring RMP WY2006 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
07-08_RWQCB1_SWAMP_Trends | RWQCB1 SWAMP Trend Maintenance Periods, 2007-2008 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring RWB1 Trend Maintenance Periods, FY 2007-2008. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
07142015_SFBay1_ADSCI | San Francisco Bay_1 | San Francisco Bay_1 | AD_SCI | Citizen science initiative where microplastic data is monitored and reported through citizen sample collections. | 2017-05-01 | AdvSci_MP Monitoring |
07232015_SouthYuba_ADSCI | SouthYuba_River | SouthYuba_River | AD_SCI | Citizen science initiative where microplastic data is monitored and reported through citizen sample collections. | 2017-05-01 | AdvSci_MP Monitoring |
07CCAMP_SWAMP_SantaMaria | CCAMP SWAMP Santa Maria Rotation, 2007 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | SWAMP, CCAMP Santa Maria Rotation, 2007 | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
07CCSFOBL | 2007 CCSF-SWOO Monitoring | CCSF-SWOO Regional Monitoring Program | CCSF-OBL | 2007 City and County of San Francisco - Oceanside Biology Lab - SWOO | 2013-01-03 | Not Recorded |
07FMP001 | Fish Mercury Project (Year 3) | Fish Mercury Project | Not Recorded | Fish Mercury Project (Year 3) | 2012-06-18 | Not Recorded |
07RMP2EC | 2007 RMP Special Study - Harbor Seals | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2007 RMP Harbor Seals Special Study | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
07RMP2HA | 2007 River Loading - Hayward | SFEI River Loading Study 2007 | Not Recorded | 2007 River Loading - Hayward | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
07RMP2SF | 2007 RMP EEPS Small Fish Pilot Study | Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS | Not Recorded | 2007 RMP EEPS Small Fish Pilot Study | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
07RMP2ST | 2007 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2007 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
07RWQCB7_SWAMPTrends | RWQCB7 SWAMP Trend Monitoring, 2007 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | SWAMP RWB7 Monitoring, RWB7, Trend Monitoring CY 2007. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
07SRWP | Sacramento River Watershed Program 2007 | Sacramento River Watershed Program | SFEI | 2007 Sacramento River Watershed Program | 2016-07-08 | SRWP QAPP 2005-2007 |
07STLS2RMP | STLS Monitoring RMP WY2007 | STLS Monitoring WY2007 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring RMP WY2007 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
07SWBMP2 | 2007 Prop 13 Urban Stormwater BMP Study | Stormwater Monitoring and Urban BMP Evaluation | Not Recorded | 2007 Urban Stormwater BMP Study | 2012-02-16 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
08-09RWQCB1_SWAMPKlamTrin | RWQCB1 SWAMP Klamath Trinity Trends, 2008-2009 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring, RWB1, Klamath Trinity Trend Monitoring, FYs 2008-2009. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
0810_Eff_DeltaSmelt | Acute Toxicity in Delta Smelt 2008-2010 | Pelagic Organism Decline Study | UCD-ATL | A Series of 6 experiments conducted from 2008-2010. Acute Toxicity of Ammonia/um and Wastewater Treatment Effluent-Associated Contaminants on Delta Smelt. | 2017-10-03 | Effects of Wastewater Treatment Effluent Contaminants on Delta Smelt Ammonia Toxicity SAP |
08RMP2EC | 2008 RMP Special Study PFCs | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | 2008 RMP Special Study Sources of PFCs | 1900-01-01 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
08RMP2HA | 2008 River Loading - Hayward | SFEI River Loading Study 2008 | Not Recorded | 2008 River Loading - Hayward | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
08RMP2SF | 2008 RMP EEPS Small Fish Pilot Study | Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS | Not Recorded | 2008 RMP EEPS Small Fish Pilot Study | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
08RMP2ST | 2008 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2008 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
08RWQCB7_SWAMPTrends | RWQCB7 SWAMP Trend Monitoring, 2008 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | SWAMP RWB7 Monitoring, RWB7 Trend Monitoring CY2008 | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
08STLS2RMP | STLS Monitoring RMP WY2008 | STLS Monitoring WY2008 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring RMP WY2008 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
08SWBMP2 | 2008 Prop 13 Urban Stormwater BMP Study | Stormwater Monitoring and Urban BMP Evaluation | Not Recorded | 2008 Urban Stormwater BMP Study | 2012-02-16 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
09-15SPCWQ | 2009-2015 San Pablo Creek Water Quality study | 2009-2015 San Pablo Creek Water Quality study | SPAWNERS | Monthly water quality measurements on San Pablo Creek and 3 tributaries form 2009-2015 | 2016-11-15 | Not Recorded |
09CSW2 | 2009 Green Infill for Clean Stormwater | Green Infill for Clean Stormwater | Not Recorded | 2009 Green Infill for Clean Stormwater | 2013-05-25 | CSW QAPP 2009 |
09GI2DC | 2009 SFEI GI Monitoring in Daly City, CA | SFEI GI Monitoring in Daly City, CA | SFEI | Pre Construction - Green Infill stormwater study in Daly City, CA, USA, for measurments of stormwater flow and concentrations of selected metals, organic contaminants, and suspended sediment. | 2015-07-30 | CSW QAPP 2009 |
09P_RR_MS4_CSR | 2009 5 year Permit for RR_MS4 Program CSR | 2009 5 year Permit for Russian River MS4 Program | CSR | | 2017-07-05 | CSR Sampling SOPs |
09P_RR_MS4_SCWA | 2009 5 year Permit for RR_MS4 Program SCWA | 2009 5 year Permit for Russian River MS4 Program | SCWA | Receiving water monitoring of Santa Rosa Creek | 2016-10-18 | SCWA Sampling SOPs |
09RMP2EC | 2009 RMP Special Study PFCs | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | 2009 RMP Special Study Sources of PFCs | 1900-01-01 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
09RMP2EE | 2009 RMP EEPS Pilot Study | Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS | Not Recorded | 2009 RMP Effects and Exposure Pilot Study | 2012-03-26 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
09RMP2HA | 2009 River Loading - Hayward | SFEI River Loading Study 2009 | Not Recorded | 2009 River Loading - Hayward | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
09RMP2SF | 2009 RMP EEPS Small Fish Pilot Study | Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS | Not Recorded | 2009 RMP EEPS Small Fish Pilot Study | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
09RMP2ST | 2009 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2009 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
09STLS2RMP | STLS Monitoring RMP WY2009 | STLS Monitoring WY2009 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring RMP WY2009 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
10_CB_CCC | 2010 Clam Beach County Park Annual Beach Clean Up | 2010 Clam Beach County Park Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
10_GB_CCC | 2010 Glass Beach Annual Beach Clean Up | 2010 Glass Beach Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
10_MacK_CCC | 2010 MacKerricher State Park Annual Beach Clean Up | 2010 MacKerricher State Park Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
10_Njetty_CCC | 2010 North Jetty/Samoa Dunes Recreation Area Annua | 2010 North Jetty/Samoa Dunes Recreation Area Annua | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
10_Nsalmon_CCC | 2010 North Salmon Creek Beach Annual Beach Clean U | 2010 North Salmon Creek Beach Annual Beach Clean U | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
10_Sjetty_CCC | 2010 South Jetty/South Spit Annual Beach Clean Up | 2010 South Jetty/South Spit Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
10_Ssalmon_CCC | 2010 South Salmon Creek Beach Annual Beach Clean U | 2010 South Salmon Creek Beach Annual Beach Clean U | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
10_TenM_CCC | 2010 Ten Mile Beach Annual Beach Clean Up | 2010 Ten Mile Beach Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
10-12_USGS_NAWQA | USGS NAWQA Data Water Year August 2010 - 2012 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | USGS NAWQA data, water years 2010 (post study_cd 103), 2011, 2012 | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
10CSW2 | 2010 Green Infill for Clean Stormwater | Green Infill for Clean Stormwater | Not Recorded | 2010 Green Infill for Clean Stormwater | 2013-05-25 | CSW QAPP 2009 |
10GI2DC | 2010 SFEI GI Monitoring in Daly City, CA | SFEI GI Monitoring in Daly City, CA | SFEI | Post Construction - Green Infill stormwater study in Daly City, CA, USA, for measurments of stormwater flow and concentrations of selected metals, organic contaminants, and suspended sediment. | 2015-07-30 | CSW QAPP 2009 |
10NOAA2 | 2010 PPCP SF Bay Recon | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | 2010 Method Validation and Reconnaissance of PPCPs and Alkylphenols in Surface Waters, Sediments, and Mussels in San Francisco Bay | 2016-10-18 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
10RL2RP | 2010 RiverLoading Study - Richmond Pump Station | SFEI River Loading Study 2010 | SFEI | 2010 River Loading Study - Richmond Pump Station | 2013-05-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
10RMP2GR | 2010 River Loading - Guadalupe River | SFEI River Loading Study 2010 | Not Recorded | 2010 River Loading - Guadalupe River | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
10RMP2HA | 2010 River Loading - Hayward | SFEI River Loading Study 2010 | Not Recorded | 2010 River Loading - Hayward | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
10RMP2MI | 2010 River Loading - Mallard Island | SFEI River Loading Study 2010 | Not Recorded | 2010 River Loading - Mallard Island | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
10RMP2RL | 2010 River Loading Study | SFEI River Loading Study 2010 | Not Recorded | 2010 River Loading Study | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
10RMP2SF | 2010 RMP EEPS Small Fish Pilot Study | Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS | Not Recorded | 2010 RMP EEPS Small Fish Pilot Study | 2012-05-09 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
10RMP2ST | 2010 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2010 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
10STLS2RMP | STLS Monitoring RMP WY2010 | STLS Monitoring WY2010 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring RMP WY2010 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
10SWBMP2 | 2010 Prop 13 Urban Stormwater BMP Study | Stormwater Monitoring and Urban BMP Evaluation | Not Recorded | 2010 Urban Stormwater BMP Study | 2012-02-16 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
11_CB_CCC | 2011 Clam Beach County Park Annual Beach Clean Up | 2011 Clam Beach County Park Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
11_GB_CCC | 2011 Glass Beach Annual Beach Clean Up | 2011 Glass Beach Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
11_Njetty_CCC | 2011 North Jetty/Samoa Dunes Recreation Area Annua | 2011 North Jetty/Samoa Dunes Recreation Area Annua | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
11_Sjetty_CCC | 2011 South Jetty/South Spit Annual Beach Clean Up | 2011 South Jetty/South Spit Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
11_Ssalmon_CCC | 2011 South Salmon Creek Beach Annual Beach Clean U | 2011 South Salmon Creek Beach Annual Beach Clean U | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
11POC2RL | 2011 River Loading - Pollutants of Concern | SFEI River Loading Study 2011 | Not Recorded | 2011 River Loading - Pollutants of Concern | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
11RL2RP | 2011 RiverLoading Study - Richmond Pump Station | SFEI River Loading Study 2011 | SFEI | 2011 River Loading Study- Richmond Pump Station | 2013-05-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
11RMP2RL | 2011 Small Tributary Loading Study | SFEI River Loading Study 2011 | SFEI | 2011 River Loading Study - Small Tributary Loading Study | 2013-05-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
11RMP2SF | 2011 RMP EEPS Small Fish Pilot Study | Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS | Not Recorded | 2011 RMP EEPS Small Fish Pilot Study | 2012-06-26 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
11RMP2SS | 2011 RMP Special Study - Hot Spots | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | 2011 RMP Hot Spots Special Study | 2012-07-26 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
11RMP2ST | 2011 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2011 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
11STLS2RMP | STLS Monitoring RMP WY2011 | STLS Monitoring WY2011 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring RMP WY2011 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
12_CB_CCC | 2012 Clam Beach County Park Annual Beach Clean Up | 2012 Clam Beach County Park Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
12_MacK_CCC | 2012 MacKerricher State Park Annual Beach Clean Up | 2012 MacKerricher State Park Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
12_Sjetty_CCC | 2012 South Jetty/South Spit Annual Beach Clean Up | 2012 South Jetty/South Spit Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
12_Ssalmon_CCC | 2012 South Salmon Creek Beach Annual Beach Clean U | 2012 South Salmon Creek Beach Annual Beach Clean U | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
12-15_USEPA_STORET_WQX | USEPA STORET/WQX Data, October 2012 - March 2015 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | USEPA STORET/WQX data, downloaded from the Water Quality Portal (WQP) website for periods between October 1 2012 - March 1, 2015. | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
12-15_USGS_NWISData | USGS NWIS Water Quality Data, Oct 2012 - Feb 2015 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | USGS NWIS data, downloaded from the Water Quality Portal (WQP) website for periods between October 1 2012 - March 1, 2015. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
12CW4CBT3P1 | 2012 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 3 - Phase 1 | BASMAA Clean Watersheds for a Clean Bay | AMS-CA | 2013 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 3 - Phase 1 | 2014-05-28 | CRC_QAPP_2009 |
12CW4CBT3P2 | 2012 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 3 - Phase 2 | BASMAA Clean Watersheds for a Clean Bay | AMS-CA | 2013 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 3 - Phase 2 | 2014-05-28 | CRC_QAPP_2009 |
12CW4CBT4P1 | 2012 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 4 - Phase 1 | BASMAA Clean Watersheds for a Clean Bay | AMS-CA | 2013 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 4 - Phase 1 | 2014-05-28 | CRC_QAPP_2009 |
12CW4CBT5P1 | 2012 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 5 - Phase 1 | BASMAA Clean Watersheds for a Clean Bay | AMS-CA | 2013 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 5 - Phase 1 | 2014-05-28 | CRC_QAPP_2009 |
12CW4CBT5P2 | 2012 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 5 - Phase 2 | BASMAA Clean Watersheds for a Clean Bay | AMS-CA | 2012 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 5 - Phase 2 | 2014-09-10 | CRC_QAPP_2009 |
12GI2ELC | 2012 Green Infrastructure Study - El Cerrito, CA | SFEI GI Monitoring in El Cerrito, CA | SFEI | 2012 Green Infrastructure Study - El Cerrito, CA | 2015-07-30 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
12GI2FG | 2012 Green Infrastructure - Fitzgerald Marine Res | SFEI Green Infrastructure - Fitzgerald Marine Res | SFEI | 2012 Green Infrastructure - Fitzgerald Marine Reserve | 2015-07-08 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
12RL2ELC | 2012 RiverLoading Study - El Cerrito | SFEI River Loading Study 2012 | SFEI | 2012 RiverLoading Study - El Cerrito | 2013-05-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
12RL2FG | 2012 Stormwater - Fitzgerald Marine Reserve | SFEI River Loading Study 2012 | SFEI | 2012 RiverLoading Study - Fitzgerald Marine Reserve | 2013-05-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
12RMP2EC | 2012 RMP Special Study PFCs Seals, Sediment, Fish | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | 2012 RMP Special Study PFCs in Seals, Sediment and Fish | 2013-09-18 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
12RMP2EE | 2012 RMP EEPS Pilot Study | Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS | SFEI | 2012 RMP Effects and Exposure Pilot Study | 2013-09-18 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
12RMP2RL | 2012 Tributary Loading Study | SFEI River Loading Study 2012 | SFEI | 2012 River Loading Study - Small Tributary Loading Study | 2013-05-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
12RMP2SS | 2012 RMP Special Study - EBMUD Site | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2012 RMP EBMUD Special Study Site (EBM001) | 2014-05-28 | Westside SJR Watershed Coalition_QAPP_2008 |
12RMP2ST | 2012 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2012 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
12STLS2CCCWP | STLS Monitoring Contra Costa CWP WY2012 | STLS Monitoring WY2012 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring Contra Costa Clean Water Program WY2012 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
12STLS2RMP | STLS Monitoring RMP WY2012 | STLS Monitoring WY2012 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring RMP WY2012 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
12STLS2SCVURPPP | STLS Monitoring Santa Clara Valley URPPP WY2012 | STLS Monitoring WY2012 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program WY2012 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
12THPR | PRC 12th and Green Street | Prop 84 12th and Green Street | PRC | PRC 12th and Green Street | 2017-05-08 | Not Recorded |
13_MacK_CCC | 2013 MacKerricher State Park Annual Beach Clean Up | 2013 MacKerricher State Park Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
13_Njetty_CCC | 2013 North Jetty/Samoa Dunes Recreation Area Annu | 2013 North Jetty/Samoa Dunes Recreation Area Annu | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
13_Nsalmon_CCC | 2013 North Salmon Creek Beach Annual Beach Clean U | 2013 North Salmon Creek Beach Annual Beach Clean U | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
13_Sjetty_CCC | 2013 South Jetty/South Spit Annual Beach Clean Up | 2013 South Jetty/South Spit Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
13_Ssalmon_CCC | 2013 South Salmon Creek Beach Annual Beach Clean U | 2013 South Salmon Creek Beach Annual Beach Clean U | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
13_TenM_CCC | 2013 Ten Mile Beach Annual Beach Clean Up | 2013 Ten Mile Beach Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
13BightSed | 2013_BightSeds | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Sediment Sampling | AnchorQEA | POLA/POLB Harbor Toxics TMDL - 2013 Bight Sediment Sampling | 2015-11-16 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
13GI2FG | 2013 Green Infrastructure - Fitzgerald Marine Res | SFEI Green Infrastructure - Fitzgerald Marine Res | SFEI | 2012 Green Infrastructure - Fitzgerald Marine Reserve | 2015-07-08 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
13GI2FM | 2013 SFEI GI Monitoring Fremont CA - Tree Well | SFEI Green Infrastructure Monitoring in Fremont CA | SFEI | 2013 SFEI Green Infrastructure Monitoring in Fremont, CA - Tree Well LID Pilot Study | 2015-06-08 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
13GSP2MGGA | 2013 Green Street Pilot Project - Martha Gardens | Green Street Pilot - Martha Gardens Green Alleys | CSJ-ESD-WSP-SM | 2013 Green Street Pilot Project - Martha Gardens Green Alleys | 2016-07-28 | Monitoring Plan and QAPP for Martha Gardens Green Alleys Pilot Project Monitoring Program - Rev 1 |
13PBC3DW | Pebble Beach Company 2013 ASBS Dry Weather Study | Pebble Beach Company ASBS Monitoring 2013 | Balance | Pebble Beach Company 2013 Areas of Special Biological Significance Dry Weather Discharges Study | 2014-05-28 | WSC_QAPP_2010 |
13RL2FG | 2013 Stormwater - Fitzgerald Marine Reserve | SFEI River Loading Study 2013 | SFEI | 2013 RiverLoading - Fitzgerald Marine Reserve | 2013-05-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
13RMP2RL | 2013 Tributary Loading Study | SFEI River Loading Study 2013 | SFEI | 2013 River Loading Study - Small Tributary Loading Study | 2013-05-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
13RMP2ST | 2013 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2013 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
13STLS2ACCWP | STLS Monitoring Alameda Countywide CWP WY2013 | STLS Monitoring WY2013 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program WY2013 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
13STLS2CCCWP | STLS Monitoring Contra Costa CWP WY2013 | STLS Monitoring WY2013 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring Contra Costa Clean Water Program WY2013 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
13STLS2RMP | STLS Monitoring RMP WY2013 | STLS Monitoring WY2013 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring RMP WY2013 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
13STLS2SCVURPPP | STLS Monitoring Santa Clara Valley URPPP WY2013 | STLS Monitoring WY2013 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program WY2013 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
13STLS2SMCWPPP | STLS Monitoring San Mateo Countywide WPPP WY2013 | STLS Monitoring WY2013 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring San Mateo Countywide Water Pollution Prevention ProgramWY2013 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
14_CB_CCC | 2014 Clam Beach County Park Annual Beach Clean Up | 2014 Clam Beach County Park Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
14_GB_CCC | 2014 Glass Beach Annual Beach Clean Up | 2014 Glass Beach Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
14_MacK_CCC | 2014 MacKerricher State Park Annual Beach Clean Up | 2014 MacKerricher State Park Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
14_Njetty_CCC | 2014 North Jetty/Samoa Dunes Recreation Area Annua | 2014 North Jetty/Samoa Dunes Recreation Area Annua | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
14_Nsalmon_CCC | 2014 North Salmon Creek Beach Annual Beach Clean U | 2014 North Salmon Creek Beach Annual Beach Clean U | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
14_Sjetty_CCC | 2014 South Jetty/South Spit Annual Beach Clean Up | 2014 South Jetty/South Spit Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
14_Ssalmon_CCC | 2014 South Salmon Creek Beach Annual Beach Clean U | 2014 South Salmon Creek Beach Annual Beach Clean U | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
14_TB_CCC | 2014 Trinidad State Beach Annual Beach Clean Up | 2014 Trinidad State Beach Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
14_TenM_CCC | 2014 Ten Mile Beach Annual Beach Clean Up | 2014 Ten Mile Beach Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
14CW4CBT4P2 | 2014 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 4 - Phase 2 | BASMAA Clean Watersheds for a Clean Bay | AMS-CA | 2014 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 4 - Phase 2 | 2015-01-06 | CW4CB QAPP |
14CW4CBT5P2 | 2014 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 5 - Phase 2 | BASMAA Clean Watersheds for a Clean Bay | AMS-CA | 2014 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 5 - Phase 2 | 2014-07-29 | CRC_QAPP_2009 |
14GI2FG | 2014 Green Infrastructure - Fitzgerald Marine Res | SFEI Green Infrastructure - Fitzgerald Marine Res | SFEI | 2014 Green Infrastructure - Fitzgerald Marine Reserve | 2015-07-08 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
14GSP2MGGA | 2014 Green Street Pilot Project - Martha Gardens | Green Street Pilot - Martha Gardens Green Alleys | CSJ-ESD-WSP-SM | 2014 Green Street Pilot Project - Martha Gardens Green Alleys | 2016-07-28 | Monitoring Plan and QAPP for Martha Gardens Green Alleys Pilot Project Monitoring Program - Rev 1 |
14GSPPA | 2014 Green Street Pilot - Park Ave | Green Street Pilot - Park Ave | CSJ-ESD-WSP-SM | 2014 Green Street Pilot Performance Evaluation - Park Ave | 2018-07-05 | Monitoring Plan And QAPP For Park Avenue Green Avenue Pilot Project Monitoring Program |
14GWMAFaWt | GWMA_2014_FallWet | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2014 Water Quality Fall Wet | 2015-11-16 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
14GWMAFish | GWMA_2014_Fish | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Tissue Sampling | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2014 Fish | 2015-11-16 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
14GWMASuDr | GWMA_2014_SmrDry | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2014 Water Quality Summer Dry | 2015-11-16 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
14RL2FG | 2014 Stormwater - Fitzgerald Marine Reserve | Fitzgerald Marine Reserve | SFEI | 2014 Stormwater Monitoring - Fitzgerald Marine Reserve | 2014-05-28 | Westside SJR Watershed Coalition_QAPP_2008 |
14RMP2EC-ALT | 2014 RMP Alternative Flame Retardants | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | 2014 RMP Special Study - Alternative Flame Retardants | 2016-07-08 | RMP QAPP 2015 |
14RMP2EC-SM | 2014 RMP Harbor Seals PFCs in Serum | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | 2014 RMP Harbor Seals Special Study - PFCs in Harbor Seals | 2015-01-15 | RMP QAPP 2014 |
14RMP2RL | 2014 Tributary Loading Study | SFEI River Loading Study 2014 | SFEI | 2014 River Loading Study - Small Tributary Loading Study | 2013-12-17 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
14RMP2SS-EF | 2014 RMP Special Study: WWTP Effluent | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | 2014 RMP Special Study: WWTP Effluent | 2015-08-13 | RMP QAPP 2014 |
14RMP2ST | 2014 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | 2014 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2014-09-10 | FRWM_RCVBA_QAPP_2012 |
14RMP2ST_Se_Fish | 2014 RMP Selenium in Sturgeon | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | 2014 RMP Special Study - Selenium in Sturgeon | 2014-09-16 | FRWM_RCVBA_QAPP_2012 |
14STLS2ACCWP | STLS Monitoring Alameda Countywide CWP WY2014 | STLS Monitoring WY2014 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program WY2014 | 2015-08-17 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
14STLS2RMP | STLS Monitoring RMP WY2014 | STLS Monitoring WY2014 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring RMP WY2014 | 2015-07-15 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
14STLS2SCCCWP | STLS Monitoring Contra Costa CWP WY2014 | STLS Monitoring WY2014 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring Contra Costa Clean Water Program WY2014 | 2015-08-17 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
14STLS2SCVURPPP | STLS Monitoring Santa Clara Valley URPPP WY2014 | STLS Monitoring WY2014 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program WY2014 | 2015-08-17 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
14STLS2SMCWPPP | STLS Monitoring San Mateo Countywide WPPP WY2014 | STLS Monitoring WY2014 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring San Mateo Countywide Water Pollution Prevention ProgramWY2014 | 2015-08-17 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
14TERC6LTMC | 2013-14 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring-Lahonton RWQCB | Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton | UCD-TERC | 2014 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton RWQCB | 2016-10-24 | UCD-TERC QAPP |
15_MacK_CCC | 2015 MacKerricher State Park Annual Beach Clean Up | 2015 MacKerricher State Park Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
15_SamoaManila_NEC | HCWPI_2015_Samoa_Manila | Humboldt Coastal Waterway Plastic Impairment | NEC | Humboldt Coastal Waterway Plastic Impairment (HCWPI) beach cleanup data collected largely by the NEC along Samoa/Manila beaches during the annual 2015 Coastal Cleanup Day, volunteers remove debris/trash from beach sites/record/measure results | 2022-11-02 | Northcoast Environmental Center QAPP Equivalent Document 2022 |
15_TenM_CCC | 2015 Ten Mile Beach Annual Beach Clean Up | 2015 Ten Mile Beach Annual Beach Clean Up | CCC | Annual event in which volunteers remove debris and trash from beach sites and record and measure results. | 2017-05-01 | CCC Recording |
15_UARP_Algae_Qual | Qualitative Algae Monitoring (2015) | Algae Monitoring Plan (2015) | SMUD | Qualitative algae assessment in water associated with hydropower in the Upper American River Project | 2018-05-10 | SMUD Algae Monitoring Plan |
15CW4CBT5P2 | 2015 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 5 - Phase 2 | BASMAA Clean Watersheds for a Clean Bay | AMS-CA | 2015 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 5 - Phase 2 | 2014-07-29 | CRC_QAPP_2009 |
15CW4CBT5P2b | 2015 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 5 - Phase 2b | BASMAA Clean Watersheds for a Clean Bay | AMS-CA | 2015 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 5 - Phase 2b | 2014-08-27 | CRC_QAPP_2009 |
15CW4CBT5P3 | 2015 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 5 - Phase 3 | BASMAA Clean Watersheds for a Clean Bay | AMS-CA | 2015 Clean Water for Clean Bay - Task 5 - Phase 3 | 2016-07-08 | CW4CB QAPP |
15DRMP5CUP | 2015 Delta RMP Current Use Pesticides | Delta RMP - Current Use Pesticides | SFEI | 2015 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Current Use Pesticides | 2015-05-18 | Delta RMP QAPP 2015 |
15DRMP5PAT | 2015 Delta RMP Pathogens | Delta RMP - Pathogens | SFEI | 2015 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Pathogens | 2015-05-18 | Delta RMP QAPP 2015 |
15GSP2MGGA | 2015 Green Street Pilot Project - Martha Gardens | Green Street Pilot - Martha Gardens Green Alleys | CSJ-ESD-WSP-SM | 2015 Green Street Pilot Project - Martha Gardens Green Alleys | 2016-07-28 | Monitoring Plan and QAPP for Martha Gardens Green Alleys Pilot Project Monitoring Program - Rev 1 |
15GSPPA | 2015 Green Street Pilot - Park Ave | Green Street Pilot - Park Ave | CSJ-ESD-WSP-SM | 2015 Green Street Pilot Performance Evaluation - Park Ave | 2018-07-05 | Monitoring Plan And QAPP For Park Avenue Green Avenue Pilot Project Monitoring Program |
15GWMAFaWt | GWMA_2015_FallWet | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2015 Water Quality Fall Wet | 2016-11-16 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
15GWMASuDr | GWMA_2015_SmrDry | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2015 Water Quality Summer Dry | 2015-11-16 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
15GWMAWiWt | GWMA_2015_WntrWet | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2015 Water Quality Winter Wet | 2015-11-16 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
15MLJulDec | ML_2015_Jul-Dec | Machado Lake Nutrients TMDL Compliance Monitoring | NGEM | Machado Lake Nutrients TMDL Compliance Monitoring: July-December 2015 | 2016-07-08 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
15P_RR_MS4_CSR | 2015 5 Year Permit for RR_MS4 Program CSR | 2015 5 year Permit for Russian River MS4 Program | CSR | NPDES Permit and Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from MS4 | 2017-09-05 | CSR Sampling SOPs |
15P_RR_MS4_SCWA | 2015 5 year Permit for RR_MS4 Program SCWA | 2015 5 year Permit for Russian River MS4 Program | SCWA | Receiving water monitoring of Santa Rosa Creek | 2016-10-18 | SCWA Sampling SOPs |
15RMP2MC | 2015 RMP Margins Special Study | Regional Monitoring Program - Margins | SFEI | This study will provide an unbiased spatially distributed characterization of surface sediment contamination and ancillary characteristics (grain size, TOC, etc.) in shallow Central Bay margin areas, weighted towards urbanized areas. | 2015-10-05 | RMP QAPP 2014 |
15RMP2RL | 2015 Tributary Loading Study | SFEI River Loading Study 2015 | SFEI | 2015 River Loading Study - Small Tributary Loading Study | 2015-02-03 | RMP QAPP 2014 |
15RMP2ST | 2015 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | 2015 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2015-10-13 | RMP QAPP 2014 |
15STLS2RMP | STLS Monitoring RMP WY2015 | STLS Monitoring WY2015 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring RMP WY2015 | 2015-08-26 | RMP QAPP 2015 |
15TERC6LTMC | 2014-15 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring-Lahonton RWQCB | Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton | UCD-TERC | 2015 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton RWQCB | 2016-10-24 | UCD-TERC QAPP |
16_17_POS_RSW | 2016-17 Port of Stockton Receiving Water Monitorin | Port of Stockton Receiving Water Monitoring | RBI | 2016-17 Port of Stockton Receiving Water Monitoring | 2017-11-18 | Not Recorded |
16_SamoaManila_NEC | HCWPI_2016_Samoa_Manila | Humboldt Coastal Waterway Plastic Impairment | NEC | Humboldt Coastal Waterway Plastic Impairment (HCWPI) beach cleanup data collected largely by the NEC along Samoa/Manila beaches during the annual 2016 Coastal Cleanup Day, volunteers remove debris/trash from beach sites/record/measure results | 2022-11-02 | Northcoast Environmental Center QAPP Equivalent Document 2022 |
16_SPCR_IFS | 2016 Sproul Creek Instream Flow Study | South Fork Eel River Water Conservation Program | CalTrout | 2016 Sproul Creek Instream Flow Study | 2018-02-12 | Sproul Creek Quality Assurance Project Plan |
1617COLB_IMP_DW | City of Long Beach IMP 2016-2017 Dry Weather | City of LB Integrated Monitoring for MS4 Permit | LBCSMD | City of Long Beach Integrated Monitoring Program (IMP) 2016-2017 Dry Weather | 2017-11-15 | Not Recorded |
1617COLB_IMP_WW | City of Long Beach IMP 2016-2017 Wet Weather | City of LB Integrated Monitoring for MS4 Permit | LBCSMD | City of Long Beach Integrated Monitoring Program (IMP) 2016-2017 Wet Weather | 2017-03-28 | Not Recorded |
1617COLB_IMP_WW1 | City of LB IMP 2016-2017 Wet Weather Event 1 | City of LB Integrated Monitoring for MS4 Permit | LBCSMD | City of Long Beach IMP 2016-2017 Wet Weather Event 1 | 2017-03-13 | Not Recorded |
16BACWA_PHARM | Pharmaceuticals in Wastewater: Analysis, Reporting | Regional Monitoring Program-Emerging Contaminants | SFEI | BACWA collected and analyzed samples collected at 6 wastewater treatment plants in 2016 and 2017.? The purpose of this project is to compile, QA, analyze, and synthesize results. | 2018-01-30 | Not Recorded |
16DRMP5CUP | 2016 Delta RMP Current Use Pesticides | Delta RMP - Current Use Pesticides | SFEI | 2016 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Current Use Pesticides | 2016-09-27 | Delta RMP QAPP 2016 |
16DRMP5Hg | 2016 Delta RMP Mercury | Delta RMP - Mercury | SFEI | 2016 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Mercury | 2016-09-27 | Delta RMP QAPP 2016 |
16DRMP5PAT | 2016 Delta RMP Pathogens | Delta RMP - Pathogens | SFEI | 2016 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Pathogens | 2016-07-08 | Delta RMP QAPP 2015 |
16GSP2MGGA | 2016 Green Street Pilot Project - Martha Gardens | Green Street Pilot - Martha Gardens Green Alleys | CSJ-ESD-WSP-SM | 2016 Green Street Pilot Project - Martha Gardens Green Alleys | 2016-07-28 | Monitoring Plan and QAPP for Martha Gardens Green Alleys Pilot Project Monitoring Program - Rev 1 |
16GSPPA | 2016 Green Street Pilot - Park Ave | Green Street Pilot - Park Ave | CSJ-ESD-WSP-SM | 2016 Green Street Pilot Performance Evaluation - Park Ave | 2018-07-05 | Monitoring Plan And QAPP For Park Avenue Green Avenue Pilot Project Monitoring Program |
16GWMAFaWt | GWMA_2016_FallWet | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2016 Water Quality Fall Wet | 2017-11-22 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
16GWMAFish | GWMA_2016_Fish | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2016 Fish | 2017-11-22 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
16GWMASed | GWMA_2016_Sed | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2016 Sediment | 2017-11-22 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
16GWMASuDr | GWMA_2016_SmrDry | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2016 Water Quality Summer Dry | 2017-11-22 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
16GWMAWiWt | GWMA_2016_WntrWet | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2016 Water Quality Winter Wet | 2016-11-16 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
16MLJanJun | ML_2016_Jan-Jun | Machado Lake Nutrients TMDL Compliance Monitoring | NGEM | Machado Lake Nutrients TMDL Compliance Monitoring: January-June 2016 | 2016-07-15 | Not Recorded |
16PVPWMG-OFDry | PVPWMG Outfall Dry 2016-2017 | Machado Lake Nutrients TMDL Compliance Monitoring | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Outfall Monitoring Dry Weather Monthly Events (July 2016-June 2017) | 2017-02-24 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
16PVPWMG-OFWet1 | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2016-2017 Event 1 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Outfall Monitoring Wet Weather Event 1 (November 2016) | 2017-02-24 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
16PVPWMG-OFWet2 | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2016-2017 Event 2 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Outfall Monitoring Wet Weather Event 2 (January 9, 2017) | 2017-09-01 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
16PVPWMG-OFWet3 | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2016-2017 Event 3 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Outfall Monitoring Wet Weather Event 3 (January 19, 2017) | 2017-09-01 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
16PVPWMG-OFWetSS | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2016-2017 SS | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Outfall Monitoring Wet Weather Suspended Sediment Composites (February 7, 2017) | 2017-09-01 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
16PVPWMG-RWDry1 | PVPWMG_RWDry_2016Event1 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | PVPWMG Receiving Water Dry Weather 2016 Event 1 | 2016-08-19 | Not Recorded |
16PVPWMG-RWDry2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Dry 2016-2017 Event 2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Receiving Water Monitoring Dry Weather Event 2 (September 2016) | 2017-02-24 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
16PVPWMG-RWWet1 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Wet 2016-2017 Event 1 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Receiving Water Monitoring Wet Weather Event 1 (December 2016) | 2017-02-24 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
16PVPWMG-RWWet2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Wet 2016-2017 Event 2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Receiving Water Monitoring Wet Weather Event 2 (January 10, 2017) | 2017-09-01 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
16PVPWMG-RWWet3 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Wet 2016-2017 Event 3 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Receiving Water Monitoring Wet Weather Event 3 (January 25, 2017) | 2017-09-01 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
16RMP2EE | 2016 RMP EEPS Pilot Study | Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS | SFEI | 2016 RMP Effects and Exposure Pilot Study | 2016-07-08 | RMP QAPP 2015 |
16RMP2ST | 2016 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | 2016 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-09-22 | RMP QAPP 2016 |
16SLB2SS-SEP | RMP Special Study San Leandro Bay PCB Study (SEP) | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | RMP Special Study San Leandro Bay PCB Study (Supplemental Environmental Project Study) | 2016-09-01 | RMP QAPP 2015 |
16STLS2RMP | STLS Monitoring RMP WY2016 | STLS Monitoring WY2016 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring RMP WY2016 | 2016-02-29 | RMP QAPP 2015 |
16TERC6LTMC | 2015-16 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring-Lahonton RWQCB | Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton | UCD-TERC | 2016 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton RWQCB | 2016-10-24 | UCD-TERC QAPP |
17_LRiverClam_NEC | HCWPI_2017_Little River_Clam | Humboldt Coastal Waterway Plastic Impairment | NEC | Humboldt Coastal Waterway Plastic Impairment (HCWPI) beach cleanup data collected largely by the NEC along Little River/Clam beaches during the annual 2017 Coastal Cleanup Day, volunteers remove debris/trash from beach sites/record/measure results | 2022-11-02 | Northcoast Environmental Center QAPP Equivalent Document 2022 |
17_SamoaManila_NEC | HCWPI_2017_Samoa_Manila | Humboldt Coastal Waterway Plastic Impairment | NEC | Humboldt Coastal Waterway Plastic Impairment (HCWPI) beach cleanup data collected largely by the NEC along Samoa/Manila beaches during the annual 2017 Coastal Cleanup Day, volunteers remove debris/trash from beach sites/record/measure results | 2022-11-02 | Northcoast Environmental Center QAPP Equivalent Document 2022 |
17-18_MP_Moore | 2017-2018 Microplastic Study - Moore Foundation | Regional Monitoring Program-Microplastics | SFEI | 2017-2018 Microplastic Study - Moore Foundation | 2017-01-17 | RMP QAPP 2016 |
1718COLB_IMP_DW | City of Long Beach IMP 2017-2018 Dry Weather | City of LB Integrated Monitoring for MS4 Permit | LBCSMD | City of Long Beach Integrated Monitoring Program (IMP) 2017-2018 Dry Weather | 2018-02-28 | Not Recorded |
1718COLB_IMP_WW | City of Long Beach IMP 2017-2018 Wet Weather | City of LB Integrated Monitoring for MS4 Permit | LBCSMD | City of Long Beach Integrated Monitoring Program (IMP) 2017-2018 Wet Weather | 2018-06-01 | COLB_IMP |
1718PVPWMG-OFDry | PVPWMG Outfall Dry 2017-2018 | Machado Lake Nutrients TMDL Compliance Monitoring | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Outfall Monitoring Dry Weather Monthly Events (July 2017-June 2018) | 2018-02-16 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1718PVPWMG-OFWet1 | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2017-2018 Event 1 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | | 2018-08-24 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1718PVPWMG-OFWet2 | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2017-2018 Event 2 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | | 2018-08-24 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1718PVPWMG-OFWet3 | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2017-2018 Event 3 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | | 2018-08-24 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1718PVPWMG-OFWetSS | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2017-2018 SS | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | | 2018-08-24 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1718PVPWMG-RWDry1 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Dry 2017-2018 Event 1 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Receiving Water Monitoring Dry Weather Event 1 (September 2017) | 2018-02-16 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1718PVPWMG-RWDry2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Dry 2017-2018 Event 2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | | 2018-08-24 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1718PVPWMG-RWWet1 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Wet 2017-2018 Event 1 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | | 2018-08-24 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1718PVPWMG-RWWet2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Wet 2017-2018 Event 2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | | 2018-08-24 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1718PVPWMG-RWWet3 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Wet 2017-2018 Event 3 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | | 2018-08-24 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
17CLFall | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2017 Fall) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2017 Fall) | 2018-06-14 | CLTMP_2013 |
17CLSmr | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2017 Summer) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2017 Summer) | 2018-06-14 | CLTMP_2013 |
17DRMP5Hg | 2017 Delta RMP Mercury | Delta RMP - Mercury | SFEI | 2017 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Mercury | 2018-01-09 | Delta RMP QAPP 2017 |
17GI2ELC | 2017 Green Infrastructure Study - El Cerrito, CA | SFEI GI Monitoring in El Cerrito, CA | SFEI | 2017 Green Infrastructure Study - El Cerrito, CA | 2016-11-17 | RMP QAPP 2016 |
17GWMAFaWt | GWMA_2017_FallWet | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | | 2018-11-28 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
17GWMASuDr | GWMA_2017_SmrDry | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | | 2018-11-28 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
17GWMAWiWt | GWMA_2017_WntrWet | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2017 Water Quality Winter Wet | 2017-11-22 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
17RMP2EC_Triclosan | 2017 RMP EC Triclosan and Methyltriclosan | Regional Monitoring Program-Emerging Contaminants | SFEI | 2017 RMP Emerging Contaminants Special Studies: triclosan and methyltriclosan in small fish | 2018-07-24 | RMP QAPP 2017 |
17RMP2MC | 2017 RMP Margins Special Study | Regional Monitoring Program - Margins | SFEI | This study will provide an unbiased spatially distributed characterization of surface sediment contamination and ancillary characteristics (grain size, TOC, etc.) in shallow Central Bay margin areas, weighted towards urbanized areas. | 2017-07-24 | RMP QAPP 2016 |
17RMP2ST | 2017 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | 2017 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2017-09-19 | RMP QAPP 2017 |
17STLS2GR | STLS Monitoring WY2017 - Guadalupe River | STLS Monitoring WY2017 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring WY2017 - Guadalupe River | 2017-01-31 | RMP QAPP 2016 |
17STLS2RMP | STLS Monitoring RMP WY2017 | STLS Monitoring WY2017 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring RMP WY2017 | 2017-01-31 | RMP QAPP 2016 |
17STLS2Trends | SFEI STLS Trends Monitoring WY2017 | San Francisco Bay STLS Trends Monitoring | SFEI | SFEI Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Trends Monitoring WY2017 | 2017-02-22 | RMP QAPP 2016 |
17TERC6LTMC | 2016-17 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring-Lahonton RWQCB | Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton | UCD-TERC | 2017 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton RWQCB | 2018-02-08 | UCD-TERC QAPP |
17TWPWQ | Water Quality Monitoring in Contra Costa Co 2017 | The Watershed Project Water Quality Monitoring | TWP | Monthly water quality measurements on Contra Costa Creeks in 2017 | 2017-09-12 | CWT Guidance Compendium |
18_LRiverClam_NEC | HCWPI_2018_Little River_Clam | Humboldt Coastal Waterway Plastic Impairment | NEC | Humboldt Coastal Waterway Plastic Impairment (HCWPI) beach cleanup data collected largely by the NEC along Little River/Clam beaches during the annual 2018 Coastal Cleanup Day, volunteers remove debris/trash from beach sites/record/measure results | 2022-11-02 | Northcoast Environmental Center QAPP Equivalent Document 2022 |
18_SamoaManila_NEC | HCWPI_2018_Samoa_Manila | Humboldt Coastal Waterway Plastic Impairment | NEC | Humboldt Coastal Waterway Plastic Impairment (HCWPI) beach cleanup data collected largely by the NEC along Samoa/Manila beaches during the annual 2018 Coastal Cleanup Day, volunteers remove debris/trash from beach sites/record/measure results | 2022-11-02 | Northcoast Environmental Center QAPP Equivalent Document 2022 |
18_SW_OPC1_TDN_post | 2018 TDN LID Stormwater Outfall Improvement post | Tolowa Dee-ni Nation Stormwater Project 2018 | TDN | 2018 Postconstruction Water Quality Monitoring for the Tolowa Dee-ni Nation LID (Low Impact Development) and Stormwater Outfall Improvement Project | 2018-05-22 | TDN Water Quality Assessment And Monitoring |
18_SW_OPC1_TDN_pre | 2018 TDN LID Stormwater Outfall Improvement pre | Tolowa Dee-ni Nation Stormwater Project 2018 | TDN | 2018 Preconstruction Water Quality Monitoring for the Tolowa Dee-ni Nation LID (Low Impact Development) and Stormwater Outfall Improvement Project | 2018-05-22 | TDN Water Quality Assessment And Monitoring |
1819COLB_IMP_DW | City of Long Beach IMP 2018-2019 Dry Weather | City of LB Integrated Monitoring for MS4 Permit | LBCSMD | City of Long Beach Integrated Monitoring Program (IMP) 2018-2019 Dry Weather | 2019-03-08 | COLB_IMP |
1819COLB_IMP_WW | City of Long Beach IMP 2018-2019 Wet Weather | City of LB Integrated Monitoring for MS4 Permit | LBCSMD | City of Long Beach Integrated Monitoring Program (IMP) 2018-2019 Wet Weather | 2019-03-08 | COLB_IMP |
1819PVPWMG-OFDry | PVPWMG Outfall Dry 2018-2019 | Machado Lake Nutrients TMDL Compliance Monitoring | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Outfall Monitoring Dry Weather Monthly Events (July 2018-December 2018) | 2019-02-26 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1819PVPWMG-OFWet1 | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2018-2019 Event 1 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Outfall Monitoring Wet Weather Event 1 (November 22, 2018) | 2019-02-26 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1819PVPWMG-OFWet2 | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2018-2019 Event 2 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Outfall Monitoring Wet Weather Event 2 (November 29, 2018) | 2019-02-26 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1819PVPWMG-OFWet3 | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2018-2019 Event 3 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Outfall Monitoring Wet Weather Event 3 (January 5, 2019) | 2019-08-29 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1819PVPWMG-OFWetSS | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2018-2019 SS | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | | 2019-08-29 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1819PVPWMG-RWDry1 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Dry 2018-2019 Event 1 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Receiving Water Monitoring Dry Weather Event 1 (August 21, 2018) | 2019-02-26 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1819PVPWMG-RWDry2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Dry 2018-2019 Event 2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Receiving Water Monitoring Dry Weather Event 2 (June 19, 2019) | 2019-08-29 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1819PVPWMG-RWWet1 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Wet 2018-2019 Event 1 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Receiving Water Monitoring Wet Weather Event 1 (November 25, 2018) | 2019-02-26 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1819PVPWMG-RWWet2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Wet 2018-2019 Event 2 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Receiving Water Monitoring Wet Weather Event 2 (December 3, 2018) | 2019-02-26 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1819PVPWMG-RWWet3 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Wet 2018-2019 Event 3 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Receiving Water Monitoring Wet Weather Event 3 (January 7, 2019) | 2019-08-29 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
18-21_ClearLake_SNM | 2018-2021 Clear Lake Sediment Nutrient Monitoring | Clear Lake Sediment Nutrient Monitoring | LCWRD | 2018-2021 Sediment Nutrient Monitoring in Clear Lake, CA | 1900-01-01 | LCWRD Clear Lake Chl a and Sed Nutrient QAPP 2018 |
18CLSmr | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2018 Summer) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2018 Summer) | 2019-06-05 | CLTMP_2013 |
18CLSpring | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2018 Spring) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2018 Spring) | 2018-09-11 | CLTMP_2013 |
18CLWntr | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2018 Winter) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2018 Winter) | 2018-09-11 | CLTMP_2013 |
18DRMP5CUP | 2018 Delta RMP Current Use Pesticides | Delta RMP - Current Use Pesticides | SFEI | 2018 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Current Use Pesticides | 2019-03-25 | Delta RMP QAPP 2018 |
18DRMP5Hg | 2018 Delta RMP Mercury | Delta RMP - Mercury | SFEI | 2018 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Mercury | 2021-05-17 | Delta RMP QAPP 2018 |
18GSPPA | 2018 Green Street Pilot - Park Ave | Green Street Pilot - Park Ave | CSJ-ESD-WSP-SM | 2018 Green Street Pilot Performance Evaluation - Park Ave | 2018-07-05 | Monitoring Plan And QAPP For Park Avenue Green Avenue Pilot Project Monitoring Program |
18GWMAFawt | GWMA_2018_FallWet | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | | 2019-11-09 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
18GWMAFish | GWMA_2018_Fish | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | | 2019-11-09 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
18GWMASed | GWMA_2018_Sed | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | | 2019-11-09 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
18GWMASuDr | GWMA_2018_SmrDry | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | | 2019-11-09 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
18GWMAWiWt | GWMA_2018_WntrWet | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | | 2018-11-28 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
18HPUL_WQ | 2018 Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake WQ Monitoring | Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake WQ Monitoring | HPUL | 2018 Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake Water Quality Monitoring | 1900-01-01 | HPUL Clear Lake Basin WQ QAPP |
18RMP2EE | 2018 RMP Bird Eggs | Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS | SFEI | 2018 SF Bay RMP Cormorant and Tern Eggs | 1900-01-01 | RMP QAPP 2018 |
18RMP2ST | 2018 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | 2018 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2018-08-28 | RMP QAPP 2018 |
18SRCD_PRHabitat | Petersen Ranch Habitat WQ Monitoring 2018 | Petersen Ranch Habitat Monitoring | Solano RCD | Petersen Ranch irrigation season monitoring of water quality measurements | 2018-10-04 | Not Recorded |
18STLS2RMP | STLS Monitoring RMP WY2018 | STLS Monitoring WY2018 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring RMP WY2018 | 2019-05-28 | RMP QAPP 2017 |
18TERC6LTMC | 2017-18 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring-Lahonton RWQCB | Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton | UCD-TERC | 2018 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton RWQCB | 2019-02-25 | UCD-TERC QAPP |
18TWPWQ | Water Quality Monitoring in Contra Costa Co 2018 | The Watershed Project Water Quality Monitoring | TWP | Monthly water quality measurements on Contra Costa Creeks in 2018 | 2017-09-12 | CWT Guidance Compendium |
19_LRiverClam_NEC | HCWPI_2019_Little River_Clam | Humboldt Coastal Waterway Plastic Impairment | NEC | Humboldt Coastal Waterway Plastic Impairment (HCWPI) beach cleanup data collected largely by the NEC along Little River/Clam beaches during the annual 2019 Coastal Cleanup Day, volunteers remove debris/trash from beach sites/record/measure results | 2022-11-02 | Northcoast Environmental Center QAPP Equivalent Document 2022 |
19_SamoaManila_NEC | HCWPI_2019_Samoa_Manila | Humboldt Coastal Waterway Plastic Impairment | NEC | Humboldt Coastal Waterway Plastic Impairment (HCWPI) beach cleanup data collected largely by the NEC along the Samoa/Manila beaches during the annual 2019 Coastal Cleanup Day, volunteers remove debris/trash from beach sites/record/measure results | 2022-11-02 | Northcoast Environmental Center QAPP Equivalent Document 2022 |
19-20_CI_Restoration | 19-20_Cannibal Island Restoration WQ_Monitoring | Cannibal Island Restoration | CalTrout | Water Quality and Salinity Monitoring at Cannibal Island on the Eel River, 2019-20 | 2024-02-05 | Not Recorded |
1920COLB_IMP_DW | City of Long Beach IMP 2019-2020 Dry Weather | City of LB Integrated Monitoring for MS4 Permit | LBCSMD | | 2020-01-31 | COLB_IMP |
1920COLB_IMP_WW | City of Long Beach IMP 2019-2020 Wet Weather | City of LB Integrated Monitoring for MS4 Permit | LBCSMD | | 2020-01-31 | COLB_IMP |
1920PVPWMG-OFDry | PVPWMG Outfall Dry 2019-2020 | Machado Lake Nutrients TMDL Compliance Monitoring | PVPWMG | | 2020-01-31 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1920PVPWMG-OFWet1 | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2019-2020 Event 1 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | | 2020-01-31 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1920PVPWMG-OFWet2 | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2019-2020 Event 2 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | | 2020-01-31 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1920PVPWMG-OFWet3 | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2019-2020 Event 3 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Outfall Monitoring Wet Weather Event 3 (March 17, 2020) | 2020-07-23 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1920PVPWMG-OFWetSS | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2019-2020 Suspended Sediment | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Outfall Monitoring Wet Weather Suspended Sediment Conposites (March 30, 2020) | 2020-07-23 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1920PVPWMG-RWDry1 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Dry 2019-2020 Event 1 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | | 2020-01-31 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1920PVPWMG-RWDry2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Dry 2019-2020 Event 2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Receiving Water Monitoring Dry Weather Event 2 (June 3, 2020) | 2020-07-23 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1920PVPWMG-RWWet1 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Wet 2019-2020 Event 1 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | | 2020-01-31 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1920PVPWMG-RWWet2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Wet 2019-2020 Event 2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | | 2020-01-31 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1920PVPWMG-RWWet3 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Wet 2019-2020 Event 3 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Receiving Water Monitoring Wet Weather Event 3 (March 17, 2020) | 2020-07-23 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
1994 BPTCP FISH | 1994 BPTCP FISH | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | Not Recorded | 1994 Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program FISH | 2012-02-16 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
1997 RMP FISH | 1997 RMP FISH | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | Not Recorded | 1997 RMP FISH | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
1997 RMP/2002 EWG | 1997 RMP/2002 EWG | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | Not Recorded | 1997 RMP/2002 Environmental Working Group Study | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
1998 RMP CLAM | 1998 RMP CLAM | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | Not Recorded | 1998 RMP CLAM | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
1999 RMP CRAB | 1999 RMP CRAB | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | Not Recorded | 1999 RMP CRAB | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
19CECSW2RMP | 2019 CEC Stormwater project | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | 2019 CEC Stormwater project | 2018-12-05 | RMP QAPP 2018 |
19CLSmr | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | | 2020-01-31 | CLTMP_2013 |
19CLWntr | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2019 Winterl) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2019 Winter) | 2019-08-29 | CLTMP_2013 |
19DRMP5CUP | 2019 Delta RMP Current Use Pesticides | Delta RMP - Current Use Pesticides | SFEI | 2019 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Current Use Pesticides | 2021-11-10 | Delta RMP QAPP 2019 |
19DRMP5Hg | 2019 Delta RMP Mercury | Delta RMP - Mercury | SFEI | 2019 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Mercury | 2022-03-28 | Delta RMP QAPP 2019 |
19DRMP5NUT | 2019 Delta RMP Nutrient Change Study | Delta RMP - Nutrients | SRCSD | The study tracked the effects of changes in nutrient loading resulting from a short-term wastewater effluent diversion at the Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (SRWTP), 2019 | 2023-12-15 | Delta RMP QAPP 2019 |
19DRMP5REST | 2019 Delta RMP Wetland Restoration Fish Mercury | Delta RMP - Mercury | SFEI | 2019 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Wetland Restoration Fish Mercury | 1900-01-01 | Delta RMP QAPP 2019 |
19GWMAFaWt | GWMA_2019_FallWet | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance monitoring: 2019 Water Quality Fall Wet | 2020-12-16 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
19GWMASuDr | GWMA_2019_SmrDry | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance monitoring: 2019 Water Quality Summer Dry | 2020-12-16 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
19GWMAWiWt | GWMA_2019_WntrWet | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | | 2019-11-09 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
19PMU2RMP | 2019 Priority Margin Unit | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | 2019 Priority Margin Unit for PCBs and SSC | 2018-12-05 | RMP QAPP 2018 |
19RMP2_NB_Se | 2019-2020 RMP North Bay Selenium | Regional Monitoring Program - North Bay Selenium | SFEI | 2019-2020 RMP North Bay Selenium | 2019-08-13 | RMP QAPP 2018 |
19RMP2Ethox | 2019 RMP Ethoxylated Surfactants | Regional Monitoring Program-Emerging Contaminants | SFEI | 2019 RMP Ethoxylated Surfactants | 2019-10-31 | RMP QAPP 2018 |
19RMP2ST | 2019 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | 2019 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2018-12-05 | RMP QAPP 2018 |
19STLS2RMP | STLS Monitoring RMP WY2019 | STLS Monitoring WY2019 | SFEI | Small Tributaries Loading Strategy Monitoring RMP WY2019 | 2020-04-15 | RMP QAPP 2018 |
19TERC6LTMC | 2018-19 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring-Lahonton RWQCB | Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton | UCD-TERC | 2019 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton RWQCB | 2020-10-29 | UCD-TERC QAPP |
2000 RMP FISH | 2000 RMP FISH | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | Not Recorded | 2000 RMP FISH | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
2002 CTR | 2002 CTR Study | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 2002 California Toxics Rule | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
2002 EEPS_Cormorant | 2002 EEPS_Cormorant | Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS | Not Recorded | 2002 Effects and Exposure Cormorant Pilot Study | 2012-02-16 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
2002 EEPS_Duck | 2002 EEPS_Duck | Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS | Not Recorded | 2002 Effects and Exposure Duck Pilot Study | 2012-02-16 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
2002 EEPS_Tern | 2002 EEPS_Tern | Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS | Not Recorded | 2002 Effects and Exposure Tern Pilot Study | 2012-02-16 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
2002 EWG | 2002 EWG | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | Not Recorded | 2002 Environmental Working Group Study | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
2003 CTR | 2003 CTR Study | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | SFEI | 2003 California Toxics Rule | 2018-02-13 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
2003 EEPS_Tern | 2003 EEPS_Tern | Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS | Not Recorded | 2003 Effects and Exposure Tern Pilot Study | 2012-02-16 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
2003 RMP FISH | 2003 RMP FISH | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | Not Recorded | 2003 RMP FISH | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
2004 EEPS_Cormorant | 2004 EEPS_Cormorant | Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS | Not Recorded | 2004 Effects and Exposure Cormorant Pilot Study | 2012-02-16 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
2004_11_Acterra_Water | 2004-2011 Acterra Water Quality | 2004-2011 Acterra | Acterra | 2004-2011 Acterra Water Quality | 2015-10-05 | Not Recorded |
2005 EEPS_Duck | 2005 EEPS_Duck | Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS | Not Recorded | 2005 Effects and Exposure Duck Pilot Study | 2012-02-16 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
2006 EEPS_Cormorant | 2006 EEPS_Cormorant | Regional Monitoring Program - EEPS | Not Recorded | 2006 Effects and Exposure Cormorant Pilot Study | 2012-02-16 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
2006 RMP FISH | 2006 RMP FISH | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | Not Recorded | 2006 RMP FISH | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
2009 RMP FISH | 2009 RMP FISH | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | Not Recorded | 2009 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
2014 RMP FISH | 2014 RMP FISH | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | SFEI | 2014 SF Bay Regional Monitoring Program - Sportfish | 2016-07-08 | RMP QAPP 2014 |
2014 RMP FISH SS SE MP | 2014 RMP Selenium in Sturgeon Muscle Plugs | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | SFEI | 2014 RMP Special Study - Selenium in Sturgeon Muscle Plugs | 2015-08-06 | RMP QAPP 2014 |
2015 RMP FISH SS SE D | 2015 RMP Sturgeon Derby | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | SFEI | 2015 RMP Special Study - Sturgeon Derby | 2016-07-08 | RMP QAPP 2014 |
2015 RMP FISH SS SE MP | 2015 RMP Selenium in Sturgeon Muscle Plugs | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | SFEI | 2015 RMP Special Study - Selenium Sturgeon Muscle Plugs | 2016-07-08 | RMP QAPP 2014 |
2016 RMP FISH SS SE D | 2016-2017 Muscle Plug studies | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | SFEI | 2016-2017 Muscle Plug studies | 2018-04-04 | RMP QAPP 2016 |
2016 RMP Sturgeon Derby | 2016 RMP Sturgeon Derby | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | SFEI | 2016 RMP Special Study - Sturgeon Derby | 2018-02-08 | RMP QAPP 2015 |
2016 RMP Sturgeon Plugs | 2016 RMP Selenium in Sturgeon Muscle Plugs | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | SFEI | 2016 RMP Special Study - Selenium in Sturgeon Muscle Plugs | 2016-07-08 | RMP QAPP 2015 |
2017 RMP FISH SS SE D | 2017 RMP Sturgeon Derby | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | SFEI | 2017 RMP Special Study - Sturgeon Derby | 2018-02-08 | RMP QAPP 2016 |
2017 RMP Sturgeon Plugs | 2017 RMP Selenium in Sturgeon Muscle Plugs | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | SFEI | 2017 RMP Special Study - Selenium in Sturgeon Muscle Plugs | 2017-01-17 | RMP QAPP 2016 |
2019 RMP FISH | 2019 RMP FISH | Regional Monitoring Program - FISH | SFEI | 2019 SF Bay Regional Monitoring Program - Sportfish | 2019-08-28 | RMP QAPP 2018 |
2019_CC_NPDES_MS4 | 2019 City of Chico MS4 Monitoring | City of Chico Municipal Stormwater Monitoring | CC | 2019 City of Chico MS4 Receiving Water Monitoring | 2019-06-28 | CC RW QAPP 2018 |
2020_CC_NPDES_MS4 | 2020 City of Chico MS4 Monitoring | City of Chico Municipal Stormwater Monitoring | CC | 2020 City of Chico MS4 Receiving Water Monitoring | 2020-07-16 | CC RW QAPP 2018 |
2020_R9-2019-016 | 2020 Receiving Water Monitoring Compliance with R9 | Compliance Monitoring for R9-2019-0166 | OS | 2020 Receiving Water Monitoring Compliance with R9-2019-0166 | 2021-03-09 | SOW_2020_Oceanside |
2021_CC_NPDES_MS4 | 2021 City of Chico MS4 Monitoring | City of Chico Municipal Stormwater Monitoring | CC | 2021 City of Chico MS4 Receiving Water Monitoring | 2021-06-30 | CC RW QAPP 2018 |
2021_CC_PYRETHROIDS | 2021 City of Chico Baseline Pyrethroid Monitoring | City of Chico Municipal Stormwater Monitoring | CC | 2021 City of Chico Baseline Pyrethroid Monitoring | 2021-10-08 | CC BPM QAPP 2021 |
2021_R9-2019-016 | 2021 Receiving Water Monitoring Compliance with R9 | Compliance Monitoring for R9-2019-0166 | OS | 2021 Receiving Water Monitoring Compliance with R9-2019-0166 | 2021-03-09 | SOW_2020_Oceanside |
2021COLB_IMP_DW | City of Long Beach IMP 2020-2021 Dry Weather | City of LB Integrated Monitoring for MS4 Permit | LBCSMD | City of Long Beach Integrated Monitoring Program (IMP) 2020-2021 Dry Weather | 2021-03-12 | COLB_IMP |
2021COLB_IMP_WW | City of Long Beach IMP 2020-2021 Wet Weather | City of LB Integrated Monitoring for MS4 Permit | LBCSMD | City of Long Beach Integrated Monitoring Program (IMP) 2020-2021 Wet Weather | 2021-03-12 | COLB_IMP |
2021PVPWMG-OFDry | PVPWMG Outfall Dry 2020-2021 | Machado Lake Nutrients TMDL Compliance Monitoring | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Outfall Monitoring Dry Weather Monthly Events (July 2020 - June 2021) | 2021-03-12 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
2021PVPWMG-OFWet1 | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2020-2021 Event 1 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Outfall Monitoring Wet Weather Event 1 (December 28, 2020) | 2021-03-12 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
2021PVPWMG-OFWet2 | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2020-2021 Event 2 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Outfall Monitoring Wet Weather Event 2 (January 28, 2021) | 2021-09-02 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
2021PVPWMG-OFWet3 | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2020-2021 Event 3 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Outfall Monitoring Wet Weather Event 3 (March 10, 2021) | 2021-09-02 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
2021PVPWMG-OFWetSS | PVPWMG Outfall Wet 2020-2021 Suspended Sediment | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Outfall Monitoring Wet Weather Suspended Sediment Composites (March 10, 2021) | 2021-09-02 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
2021PVPWMG-RWDry1 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Dry 2020-2021 Event 1 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Receiving Water Monitoring Dry Weather Event 1 (August 26, 2020) | 2021-03-12 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
2021PVPWMG-RWDry2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Dry 2020-2021 Event 2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Receiving Water Monitoring Dry Weather Event 2 (June 29, 2021) | 2021-09-02 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
2021PVPWMG-RWWet1 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Wet 2020-2021 Event 1 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Receiving Water Monitoring Wet Weather Event 1 (December 30, 2020) | 2021-03-12 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
2021PVPWMG-RWWet2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Wet 2020-2021 Event 2 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Receiving Water Monitoring Wet Weather Event 2 (January 29, 2021) | 2021-09-02 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
2021PVPWMG-RWWet3 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Wet 2020-2021 Event 3 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | Palos Verdes Peninsula CIMP Group (or PVP Watershed Management Group) Receiving Water Monitoring Wet Weather Event 3 (March 11, 2021) | 2021-09-02 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
2022_CC_NPDES_MS4 | 2022 City of Chico MS4 Monitoring | City of Chico Municipal Stormwater Monitoring | CC | 2022 City of Chico MS4 Receiving Water Monitoring | 2022-06-29 | CC RW QAPP 2018 |
2022_CC_PYRETHROIDS | 2022 City of Chico Baseline Pyrethroid Monitoring | City of Chico Municipal Stormwater Monitoring | CC | 2022 City of Chico Receiving Water Baseline Pyrethroid Monitoring | 2022-03-25 | CC BPM QAPP 2021 |
2022_R9-2019-016 | 2022 Receiving Water Monitoring Compliance with R9 | Compliance Monitoring for R9-2019-0166 | OS | 2022 Receiving Water Monitoring Compliance with R9-2019-0166 | 2021-03-09 | SOW_2020_Oceanside |
2023_CC_NPDES_MS4 | 2023 City of Chico MS4 Monitoring | City of Chico Municipal Stormwater Monitoring | CC | 2023 City of Chico MS4 Receiving Water Monitoring | 2023-06-02 | SMCRCD_QAPP |
2023_R9-2019-016 | 2023 Receiving Water Monitoring Compliance with R9 | Compliance Monitoring for R9-2019-0166 | OS | 2023 Receiving Water Monitoring Compliance with R9-2019-0166 | 2021-03-09 | SOW_2020_Oceanside |
2024_CC_NPDES_MS4 | 2024 City of Chico MS4 Monitoring | City of Chico Municipal Stormwater Monitoring | CC | 2024 City of Chico MS4 Receiving Water Monitoring | 2024-06-20 | CC RW QAPP 2018 |
2024_R9-2019-016 | 2024 Receiving Water Monitoring Compliance with R9 | Compliance Monitoring for R9-2019-0166 | OS | 2024 Receiving Water Monitoring Compliance with R9-2019-0166 | 2021-03-09 | SOW_2020_Oceanside |
2025_R9-2019-016 | 2025 Receiving Water Monitoring Compliance with R9 | Compliance Monitoring for R9-2019-0166 | OS | 2025 Receiving Water Monitoring Compliance with R9-2019-0166 | 2021-03-09 | SOW_2020_Oceanside |
20ClearLakeLAMP | Clear Lake LAMP - 2020 Monitoring | Clear Lake Limnological Ambient MP - LCWRD Sampled | LCWRD | Clear Lake Limnological Ambient Monitoring Program - 2020 Monitoring | 1900-01-01 | LCWRD Clear Lake Chl a and Sed Nutrient QAPP 2018 |
20CLFall | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2020 Fall) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2020 Fall) | 2021-04-21 | CLTMP_2013 |
20CLSmr | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2020 Summer) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2020 Summer) | 2020-12-16 | CLTMP_2013 |
20CLSpring | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2020 Spring) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2020 Spring) | 2020-12-16 | CLTMP_2013 |
20CLWntr | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2020 Winter) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2020 Winter) | 2020-05-22 | CLTMP_2013 |
20DRMP5CEC | 2020 Delta RMP Constituents of Emerging Concern | Delta RMP - Constituents of Emerging Concern | SFEI | 2020 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Pilot Study of Constituents of Emerging Concern in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta | 1900-01-01 | Delta RMP CEC QAPP 2020 |
20DRMP5CUP | 2020 Delta RMP Current Use Pesticides | Delta RMP - Current Use Pesticides | MLJEnvironmental | 2020 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Current Use Pesticides Water Year 21 Sampling Dates Oct 2020-Sept 2021 | 2021-06-11 | Delta RMP QAPP v6 |
20DRMP5Hg | 2020 Delta RMP Mercury | Delta RMP - Mercury | SFEI | 2020 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Mercury | 2020-10-29 | Delta RMP QAPP v5.4 |
20DRMP5REST | 2020 Delta RMP Mercury Restoration Fish | Delta RMP - Mercury | SFEI | 2020 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Mercury Restoration Fish | 2020-10-29 | Delta RMP QAPP v5.4 |
20GWMASuDr | GWMA_2020_SmrDry | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2020 Water Quality Summer Dry | 2021-10-22 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
20GWMAWiWt | GWMA_2020_WntrWet | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance monitoring: 2020 Water Quality Winter Wet | 2020-12-16 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
20HPUL_WQ | 2020 Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake WQ Monitoring | Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake WQ Monitoring | HPUL | 2020 Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake Water Quality Monitoring | 1900-01-01 | HPUL Clear Lake Basin WQ QAPP |
20RMP2_NB_Se | 2020-2021 RMP North Bay Selenium | Regional Monitoring Program - North Bay Selenium | SFEI | 2020-2021 RMP North Bay Selenium | 1900-01-01 | RMP QAPP 2019 |
20TERC6LTMC | 2019-20 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring-Lahonton RWQCB | Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton | UCD-TERC | 2020 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton RWQCB | 2020-10-29 | UCD-TERC QAPP |
2122COLB_IMP_DW | City of Long Beach IMP 2021-2022 Dry Weather | City of LB Integrated Monitoring for MS4 Permit | LBCSMD | City of Long Beach Integrated Monitoring Program (IMP) 2021-2022 Dry Weather | 2022-05-26 | COLB_IMP |
2122COLB_IMP_WW | City of Long Beach IMP 2021-2022 Wet Weather | City of LB Integrated Monitoring for MS4 Permit | LBCSMD | City of Long Beach Integrated Monitoring Program (IMP) 2021-2022 Wet Weather | 2022-05-26 | COLB_IMP |
2122PVP_CIMP_OF | PVPWMG CIMP OF 2021-2022 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | PVPWMG 2021-22 CIMP Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | 2022-05-12 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
2122PVP_CIMP_RW | PVPWMG CIMP RW 2021-2022 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | PVPWMG 2021-22 CIMP Receiving Water Monitoring for MS4 Permit | 2022-05-12 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
21ClearLakeLAMP | Clear Lake LAMP - 2021 Monitoring | Clear Lake Limnological Ambient MP - LCWRD Sampled | LCWRD | Clear Lake Limnological Ambient Monitoring Program - 2021 Monitoring | 1900-01-01 | LCWRD Clear Lake Chl a and Sed Nutrient QAPP 2018 |
21CLSmr | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2021 Summer) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2021 Summer) | 2021-10-22 | CLTMP_2013 |
21CLSpring | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2021 Spring) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2021 Spring) | 2021-10-22 | CLTMP_2013 |
21CLWntr | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2021 Winter) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2021 Winter) | 2021-10-22 | CLTMP_2013 |
21DRMP5CEC | 2021 Delta RMP Constituents of Emerging Concern | Delta RMP - Constituents of Emerging Concern | MLJEnvironmental | 2021 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Pilot Study of Constituents of Emerging Concern in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta | 2021-08-11 | Not Recorded |
21DRMP5CUP | 2021 Delta RMP Current Use Pesticides | Delta RMP - Current Use Pesticides | MLJEnvironmental | 2021 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Current Use Pesticides Water Year 22 Sampling Dates Oct 2021-Sept 2022 | 2021-06-11 | Delta RMP QAPP v6 |
21DRMP5Hg | 2021 Delta RMP Mercury | Delta RMP - Mercury | MLJEnvironmental | 2021 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Mercury | 2023-09-25 | Delta RMP QAPP v5.4 |
21DRMP5REST | 2021 Delta RMP Mercury Restoration Fish | Delta RMP - Mercury | MLJEnvironmental | 2021 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Mercury Restoration Fish | 2023-09-25 | Delta RMP QAPP v5.4 |
21GWMAFish | GWMA_2021_Fish | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2021 Fish | 2022-12-15 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
21GWMASed | GWMA_2021_Sed | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2021 Sediment | 2022-12-15 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
21GWMASuDr | GWMA_2021_SmrDry | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2021 Water Quality Summer Dry | 2022-12-15 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
21GWMAWt1 | GWMA_2021_Wet1 | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2021 Water Quality Wet 1 | 2021-10-22 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
21GWMAWt2 | GWMA_2021_Wet2 | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2021 Water Quality Wet 2 | 2021-10-22 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
21HPUL_WQ | 2021 Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake WQ Monitoring | Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake WQ Monitoring | HPUL | 2021 Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake Water Quality Monitoring | 1900-01-01 | HPUL Clear Lake Basin WQ QAPP |
21RMP2_NB_Se | 2021-2022 RMP North Bay Selenium | Regional Monitoring Program - North Bay Selenium | SFEI | 2021-2022 RMP North Bay Selenium | 2023-11-16 | RMP QAPP 2021 |
21TERC6LTMC | 2020-21 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring-Lahonton RWQCB | Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton | UCD-TERC | 2021 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton RWQCB | 2022-12-15 | UCD-TERC QAPP |
2223COLB_IMP_DW | City of Long Beach IMP 2022-2023 Dry Weather | City of LB Integrated Monitoring for MS4 Permit | LBCSMD | City of Long Beach Integrated Monitoring Program (IMP) 2022-2023 Dry Weather | 2023-02-13 | COLB_IMP |
2223COLB_IMP_WW | City of Long Beach IMP 2022-2023 Wet Weather | City of LB Integrated Monitoring for MS4 Permit | LBCSMD | City of Long Beach Integrated Monitoring Program (IMP) 2022-2023 Wet Weather | 2023-02-13 | COLB_IMP |
2223PVP_CIMP_OF | PVPWMG CIMP OF 2022-2023 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | PVPWMG 22-23 CIMP Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | 2023-05-19 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
2223PVP_CIMP_RW | PVPWMG CIMP RW 2022-2023 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | PVPWMG 22-23 CIMP Receiving Water Monitoring for MS4 Permit | 2023-05-19 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
22ClearLakeLAMP | Clear Lake LAMP - 2022 Monitoring | Clear Lake Limnological Ambient MP - LCWRD Sampled | LCWRD | Clear Lake Limnological Ambient Monitoring Program - 2022 Monitoring | 1900-01-01 | LCWRD Clear Lake Chl a and Sed Nutrient QAPP 2018 |
22CLFall | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2022 Fall) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2022 Fall) | 2023-04-04 | CLTMP_2013 |
22CLSmr | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2022 Summer) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2022 Summer) | 2022-05-26 | CLTMP_2013 |
22CLSpring | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2022 Spring) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2022 Spring) | 2022-05-26 | CLTMP_2013 |
22CLWntr | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2022 Winter) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2022 Winter) | 2022-05-26 | CLTMP_2013 |
22DRMP5CUP | 2022 Delta RMP Current Use Pesticides | Delta RMP - Current Use Pesticides | MLJEnvironmental | 2022 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Current Use Pesticides Water Year 23 Sampling Dates Oct 2022-Sept 2023 | 2022-03-29 | Not Recorded |
22DRMP5Hg | 2022 Delta RMP Mercury | Delta RMP - Mercury | MLJEnvironmental | 2022 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Mercury | 2023-09-25 | Delta RMP QAPP v5.4 |
22DRMP5REST | 2022 Delta RMP Mercury Restoration Fish | Delta RMP - Mercury | MLJEnvironmental | 2022 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Mercury Restoration Fish | 2023-09-25 | Delta RMP QAPP v5.4 |
22GWMASuDr | GWMA_2022_SmrDry | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2022 Water Quality Summer Dry | 2023-10-26 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
22GWMAWt1 | GWMA_2022_Wet1 | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2022 Water Quality Wet 1 | 2022-12-15 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
22GWMAWt2 | GWMA_2022_Wet2 | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2022 Water Quality Wet 2 | 2022-12-15 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
22HPUL_WQ | 2022 Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake WQ Monitoring | Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake WQ Monitoring | HPUL | 2022 Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake Water Quality Monitoring | 1900-01-01 | HPUL Clear Lake Basin WQ QAPP |
22RMP2_NB_Se | 2022-2023 RMP North Bay Selenium | Regional Monitoring Program - North Bay Selenium | SFEI | 2022-2023 RMP North Bay Selenium | 2023-11-16 | RMP QAPP 2021 |
22TERC6LTMC | 2021-22 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring-Lahonton RWQCB | Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton | UCD-TERC | 2022 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton RWQCB | 2022-12-15 | UCD-TERC QAPP |
2324COLB_IMP_DW | City of Long Beach IMP 2023-2024 Dry Weather | City of LB Integrated Monitoring for MS4 Permit | LBCSMD | City of Long Beach Integrated Monitoring Program (IMP) 2023-2024 Dry Weather | 2024-06-28 | COLB_IMP |
2324COLB_IMP_WW | City of Long Beach IMP 2023-2024 Wet Weather | City of LB Integrated Monitoring for MS4 Permit | LBCSMD | City of Long Beach Integrated Monitoring Program (IMP) 2023-2024 Wet Weather | 2024-06-28 | COLB_IMP |
2324PVP_CIMP_OF | PVPWMG CIMP OF 2023-2024 | PVPWMG Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | PVPWMG 2023-2024 CIMP Outfall Monitoring for MS4 Permit | 2024-03-28 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
2324PVP_CIMP_RW | PVPWMG CIMP RW 2023-2024 | PVPWMG Receiving Water Monitoring - MS4 Permit | PVPWMG | PVPWMG 2023-2024 CIMP Receiving Water Monitoring for MS4 Permit | 2024-03-28 | PVP_CMP_2011 |
23ClearLakeLAMP | Clear Lake LAMP - 2023 Monitoring | Clear Lake Limnological Ambient MP - LCWRD Sampled | LCWRD | Clear Lake Limnological Ambient Monitoring Program - 2023 Monitoring | 2023-11-16 | LCWRD Clear Lake Chl a and Sed Nutrient QAPP 2018 |
23CLFall | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2023 Fall) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2023 Fall) | 2024-06-15 | CLTMP_2013 |
23CLSmr | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2023 Summer) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2023 Summer) | 2023-07-24 | CLTMP_2013 |
23CLSpring | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2023 Spring) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2023 Spring) | 2023-07-24 | CLTMP_2013 |
23CLWntr | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2023 Winter) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2023 Winter) | 2023-07-24 | CLTMP_2013 |
23DRMP5CEC | 2023 Delta RMP Constituents of Emerging Concern | Delta RMP - Constituents of Emerging Concern | MLJEnvironmental | 2023 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Pilot Study of Constituents of Emerging Concern in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta | 2023-10-23 | Delta RMP CEC QAPP 2023 v3.3 |
23DRMP5CUP | 2023 Delta RMP Current Use Pesticides | Delta RMP - Current Use Pesticides | MLJEnvironmental | 2023 Delta Regional Monitoring Program Current Use Pesticides Water Year 2024 Sampling Dates Oct 2023-Sept 2024 | 2022-10-28 | Delta RMP CUP QAPP 2022 v1.4 |
23GWMAWt1 | GWMA_2023_Wet1 | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2023 Water Quality Wet 1 | 2023-10-26 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
23GWMAWt2 | GWMA_2023_Wet2 | Harbor Toxics TMDL Compliance Water Quality | AnchorQEA | GWMA - TMDL Compliance Monitoring: 2023 Water Quality Wet 2 | 2023-10-26 | LALB_PQAPP_2013 |
23HPUL_WQ | 2023 Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake WQ Monitoring | Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake WQ Monitoring | HPUL | 2023 Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake Water Quality Monitoring | 1900-01-01 | HPUL Clear Lake Basin WQ QAPP |
23TERC6LTMC | 2022-23 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring-Lahonton RWQCB | Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton | UCD-TERC | 2023 TERC Lake Tahoe Monitoring - Lahonton RWQCB | 2022-12-15 | UCD-TERC QAPP |
24CLFall | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2024 Fall) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2024 Fall) | 2024-06-15 | CLTMP_2013 |
24CLSmr | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2024 Summer) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2024 Summer) | 2024-06-15 | CLTMP_2013 |
24CLSpring | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2024 Spring) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2024 Spring) | 2024-06-15 | CLTMP_2013 |
24CLWntr | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2024 Winter) | Colorado Lagoon TMDL Compliance Monitoring | LBCPW | City of Long Beach Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring (2024 Winter) | 2024-06-15 | CLTMP_2013 |
303d Delisting Assessment | 303d Delisting Assessment | SWAMP RWB5 Monitoring | RWQCB5 | Sampling to provide data for 303d delisting assessment | 2015-06-16 | SJR Bacteria 2007 |
303D Trace Metals Assessment | 303D Trace Metals Assessment | Riverside Water Quality Control Plant Monitoring | RWQCP | Trace metals analysis | 2017-04-21 | CA0105350 |
3CREEKS | Three Creeks Restoration | Marsh Creek Watershed | AR | Three Creeks Restoration - various grant programs | 2018-11-05 | 3CREEKS AMMP QAPP |
43rd_Logan | 43rd and Logan Ave Bioretention and Filtration Std | Prop 84-City of Anaheim | CSD | 43rd and Logan Avenue Bioretention and Filtration Performance Study | 2017-01-25 | Not Recorded |
801 SAD GB BACT | Santa Ana Delhi & Greenville-Banning Ch. Bac Mon. | Santa Ana-Delhi Greenville Banning REC 2 | RWQCB8 | Santa Ana Delhi & Greenville-Banning Channels Bacteria Monitoring | 2016-01-19 | SAR BACT Monitoring |
85-15_USEPA_STORET_WQXSed | USEPA STORET/WQX Sediment Data, Oct 2012-Mar 2015 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | USEPA STORET/WQX sediment data, downloaded from the Water Quality Portal (WQP) website for periods between October 1, 1985- March 1, 2015. | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
85-15_USGS_NWIS_SedData | USGS NWIS Sediment Data, Oct 1985 - Feb 2015 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | USGS NWIS sediment data, downloaded from the Water Quality Portal (WQP) website for periods between October 1, 1985- March 1, 2015. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
89RMP | 1989 RMP Status & Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1989 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends. Part of Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program - RMP Pilot Study (1989-92). | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
90RMP | 1990 RMP Status & Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1989 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends. Part of Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program - RMP Pilot Study (1989-92). | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
91-92_CVRWQCB_Foe | CVRWQCB Surface Water Pesticides, Foe 1991-1992 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | CVRWQCB study: Pesticides in surface water from applications on orchards and alfalfa during the winter and spring 1991-92 by Chris Foe. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
91-93_DPRSJR_LairdPark | DPR San Joaquin River at Laird Park, 1991-1993 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation San Joaquin River study. Water samples were collected from the SJR at Laird Park seasonally from 1991 through 1993. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
91-94_USGS_SacRandSJR | USGS Sacramento and San Joaquin River, 1991-1994 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | USGS Report 95-110. Water samples were collected from the Sacramento River at Sacramento, CA (5/91-4/94) and the San Joaquin River | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
91BPTCP | 1991 BPTCP | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1991 Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
91RMP | 1991 RMP Status & Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1989 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends. Part of Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program - RMP Pilot Study (1989-92). | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
92BPTCP | 1992 BPTCP | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1992 Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
92RMP | 1992 RMP Status & Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1989 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends. Part of Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program - RMP Pilot Study (1989-92). | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
93-94_SWRCB_ColoradoRTox | SWRCB Colorado River Basin Toxicity, 1993-1994 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | SWRCB Colorado River Basin Toxicity monitoring, March 1993 through Feb. 1994. Alamo River sampling at 11 fixed sampling sites. | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
93RMP2ST | 1993 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1993 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
94BADLEM | 1994 BADLEM | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1994 Bay Area Dischargers' Association Local Effects Monitoring | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
94BPTCP | 1994 BPTCP | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1994 Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
94CVRWQCB_Foe-DeVlaming | CVRWQCB Diazinon, Foe and De Vlaming 1994 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | CVRWQCB study: Sources and Concentrations of diazinon in the Sacramento Watershed during the 1994 Orchard Spray season by Chris Foe and Vic De Vlaming. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
94INTER | 1994 RMP Intercalibration Study | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1994 Regional Monitoring Program Intercalibration Study | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
94RMP2ST | 1994 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1994 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
95-96_Stockton_NPDES | Stockton City NPDES Monitoring, 1995-1996 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | City of Stockton: National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm Water Monitoring, 1995-1996. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
95BADLEM | 1995 BADLEM | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1995 Bay Area Dischargers' Association Local Effects Monitoring | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
95BPTCP | 1995 BPTCP | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1995 Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
95DPR_Rice_PMP | DPR Rice Pesticide Monitoring Program, 1995 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation 1995 Rice Pesticide Monitoring Program. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
95RMP2ST | 1995 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1995 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
96-97_DPRSacRWintToxicity | DPR Sacramento River Winter Toxicity, 1996-1997 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation acute and chronic toxicity testing of surface water in Sacramento River watershed, winter 1996-97. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
96-97_DPRSJRWintToxicity | DPR San Joaquin River Winter Toxicity, 1996-1997 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation acute and chronic toxicity testing of surface water in San Joaquin River watershed, winter 1996-97. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
96-97_USGS_AlamoR_Salton | USGS Dissolved Pests Alamo River and Salton Sea | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | US Geological Survey, 2002.Dissolved Pesticides in the Alamo River and the Salton Sea, California, 1996-97.Open file report 02-232. | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
96-98_Deltakeeper | Deltakeeper monitoring data, 1996-98 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Deltakeeper monitoring data, 1996-98. Diazinon and/or chlorpyrifos detections at six Delta sites. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
96-98_PaloAlto_ChlorDiaz | Palo Alto City Chlorpyrifos & Diazinon, 1996-1998 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | City of Palo Alto urban monitoring data for diazion and chlorpyrifos, 1996-1998. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
96BADLEM | 1996 BADLEM | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1996 Bay Area Dischargers' Association Local Effects Monitoring | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
96BPTCP | 1996 BPTCP | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1996 Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
96DPR_Rice_PMP | DPR Rice Pesticide Monitoring Program, 1996 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation 1996 Rice Pesticide Monitoring Program. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
96RMP2ST | 1996 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1996 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
97-98_DPRSacRWintToxicity | DPR Sacramento River Winter Toxicity, 1997-1998 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation acute and chronic toxicity testing of surface water in Sacramento River watershed, winter 1997-98. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
97-98_DPRSJRWintToxicity | DPR San Joaquin River Winter Toxicity, 1997-1998 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation acute and chronic toxicity testing of surface water in San Joaquin River watershed, winter 1997-98. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
97BADLEM | 1997 BADLEM | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1997 Bay Area Dischargers' Association Local Effects Monitoring | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
97BPTCP | 1997 BPTCP | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1997 Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program | 2012-11-02 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
97CCSFOBL | 1997 CCSF-SWOO Monitoring | CCSF-SWOO Regional Monitoring Program | CCSF-OBL | 1997 City and County of San Francisco - Oceanside Biology Lab - SWOO | 2013-01-03 | Not Recorded |
97DOWAGRO_OrestimbaStudy | DOWAGRO Orestimba Creek, 1996-1997 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Dow AgroSciences: Daily composite samples were taken from three sites on Orestimba Creek, Stanislaus County, from 5/96 through 4/97 | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
97DPR_Rice_PMP | DPR Rice Pesticide Monitoring Program, 1997 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation 1997 Rice Pesticide Monitoring Program. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
97RMP2ST | 1997 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1997 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
98-02_SacRWP_Monitoring | Sacramento River Watershed Program Data, 1998-2002 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Sacramento River Watershed Program data, 1998-2002, monitoring years 1-4.(No pesticide data collected for 1998). | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
98-99_DPRSJR_Dormant | DPR San Joaquin River Dormant Spray, 1998-1999 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation San Joaquin River Watershed Dormant Spray through December 1998 to March 1999. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
98-99_DPRYear3_SacRPests | DPR Sacramento River Pesticides, 1998-1999 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Sacramento River 1998-1999 Third year of a five year study to monitor the Sacramento River watershed for pesticides. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
98-99_ModestoRainEvntPest | Modesto City Pesticide Monitoring, 1998 and 1999 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | City of Modesto monitoring for pesticides following rain events at two sites in 1998 and 1999. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
98CCSFOBL | 1998 CCSF-SWOO Monitoring | CCSF-SWOO Regional Monitoring Program | CCSF-OBL | 1998 City and County of San Francisco - Oceanside Biology Lab - SWOO | 2013-01-03 | Not Recorded |
98CFCP | Year 1998-Coastal Fish Contamination Program | Coastal Fish Contamination Program | Not Recorded | Gassel et al. 2002. The Coastal Fish Contamination Program: Monitoring of Coastal Water Quality and Chemical Contamination in Fish and Shellfish in California in California and the World Ocean ?02: Revisiting and Revising California?s Ocean Agenda. | 2012-02-16 | Not Recorded |
98DPR_Rice_PMP | DPR Rice Pesticide Monitoring Program, 1998 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation 1998 Rice Pesticide Monitoring Program. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
98RMP2ST | 1998 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1998 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
98SRWP | Sacramento River Watershed Program 1998 | Sacramento River Watershed Program | SFEI | 1998 Sacramento River Watershed Program | 2016-07-08 | SRWP QAPP 2003-2004 |
99-00_DPRSacR_Dormant | DPR Sacramento River Dormant Spray, 1999-2000 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Dormant Spray Study in the Sacramento River Watershed through December 1999 to March 2000. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
99-00_DPRSJR_Dormant | DPR San Joaquin River Dormant Spray, 1999-2000 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Dormant Spray Study in the San Joaquin River Watershed through December 1999 to March 2000. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
99-00_SRWP_OP_Pesticides | SRWP OP Pests in the Sacramento Vly, 1999-2000 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Event-based Monitoring of Organophosphate Pesticides in the Sacramento Valley, Winter 1999-2000.Sac. River Watershed Program. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
99-02_DPRFireAntOrangeCo | DPR Orange Cnty Imported Fire Ant Stdy, 1999-2002 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Red Imported Fire Ant Surface Water Monitoring Data, 1999-2002, Orange Co., CA. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
99CCSFOBL | 1999 CCSF-SWOO Monitoring | CCSF-SWOO Regional Monitoring Program | CCSF-OBL | 1999 City and County of San Francisco - Oceanside Biology Lab - SWOO | 2013-01-03 | Not Recorded |
99CFCP | Year 1999-Coastal Fish Contamination Program | Coastal Fish Contamination Program | Not Recorded | Gassel et al. 2002. The Coastal Fish Contamination Program: Monitoring of Coastal Water Quality and Chemical Contamination in Fish and Shellfish in California in California and the World Ocean ?02: Revisiting and Revising California?s Ocean Agenda. | 2012-02-16 | Not Recorded |
99DPR_Rice_PMP | DPR Rice Pesticide Monitoring Program, 1999 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation 1999 Rice Pesticide Monitoring Program. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
99RMP2ST | 1999 RMP Status and Trends | Regional Monitoring Program - Status and Trends | Not Recorded | 1999 Regional Monitoring Project Status and Trends | 2016-01-05 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
99SRWP | Sacramento River Watershed Program 1999 | Sacramento River Watershed Program | SFEI | 1999 Sacramento River Watershed Program | 2016-07-08 | SRWP QAPP 2003-2004 |
AB_LM | Ambient Bay and Lagoon Monitoring | San Diego Region NPDES | WestonSolu | Includes sediment triad approach (chemistry, toxicity, benthic community assessments) and water quality data for San Diego County lagoons and estuaries. One event per year. | 2014-06-10 | Bight08_QAplan |
ABL_AES_SWR | AES ? Sweetwater River | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | AES ? Sweetwater River | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
ABL_AmRivSed | American River Sedimentation Study | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | American River Sedimentation Study | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
ABL_AubRav | Auburn Ravine | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Auburn Ravine | 2016-02-11 | Not Recorded |
ABL_BalWat | Ballast Water Study | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Ballast Water Study | 2016-02-11 | Not Recorded |
ABL_BBLMWD | Big Bear Lake Municipal Water District | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Big Bear Lake Municipal Water District | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_Besselo | Besselo Sediment | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Besselo Sediment | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_BPPT | Big Pine Paiute Tribe | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Big Pine Paiute Tribe | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_BPTWQCP | Bishop Paiute Tribe WQCP | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Bishop Paiute Tribe WQCP | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_BufCrk | Buffalo Creek Bioassessment Training | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Bioassessment Training for CDFG and Regional Board Staff. | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_Calleguas | Calleguas Creek | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Calleguas Creek | 2016-02-11 | Not Recorded |
ABL_CECDam | CEC Dam Project | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | CEC Dam Project | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
ABL_CenValUAA | Central Valley UAA | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Central Valley UAA | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_CherCrk | Cherokee Creek | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Santa Rosa Creek | 2016-02-11 | Not Recorded |
ABL_ChinoHSP | Chino Hills State Park | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Chino Hills State Park | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
ABL_CsmnsRiv | Cosumnes River | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Cosumnes River | 2016-02-11 | Not Recorded |
ABL_DPNPS | Devil's Postpile NPS | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Devil's Postpile NPS | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_GdlpMine | Guadalupe Mine Study | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Guadalupe Mine Study | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
ABL_GooseLk | Goose Lake RCD | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Goose Lake RCD | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
ABL_HCHP | Hot Creek Hatchery Project | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Hatchery discharge into Hot Creek, Mono County. | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_KngsRiv | Kings River | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Kings River | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
ABL_LkDavis | Lake Davis | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Lake Davis | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_LSCR3W | Little Sulpher Creek - Region 3 Wardens | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Region 3 warden bioassessment training. | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_LSR1603 | Little Sur River 1603 Project | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | 1603 Project: Boy Scouts of America - Dam Improvement Project. | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_MrtnzCk | Martinez Creek | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Martinez Creek | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_MudCk | Mud Creek TNC | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Mud Creek TNC | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_NR1603 | Noyo River 1603 Project | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | 1603 Project: Boy Scout Dam on Noyo River - Dam Improvement # R32002-0075. | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_OrvlRelic | Oroville Relicensing | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Oroville Relicensing | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_PJCCk | Padre Juan Canyon Creek | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Padre Juan Canyon Creek | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_QsriaCk | Queseria Creek | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Queseria Creek | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
ABL_RB5_SacValRef | Central Valley Board Sac Valley Reference | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Central Valley Board Sac Valley Reference | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
ABL_SDRMTP | San Diego River Mission Trails Park | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | San Diego River Mission Trails Park | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
ABL_SDRMTP_Pond | San Diego River Mission Trails Park Pond Study | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | San Diego River Mission Trails Park Pond Study | 2016-02-11 | Not Recorded |
ABL_SJRRP | San Joaquin River Restoration Program | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | San Joaquin River Restoration Program | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_SMRRC | Shasta MRRC | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Shasta MRRC | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
ABL_SoqRed | Soquel Creek/Redwood Empire | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Soquel Creek/Redwood Empire | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_SPI | Sierra Pacific Industries | Sierra Pacific Industries Research | DFW-ABL | Sierra Pacific Industries | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
ABL_StaBrbra | Santa Barbara | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Santa Barbara | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
ABL_StaBrbraSP | Santa Barbara State Parks | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Four creeks- one site each | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_Swrzbrt | Swartzbart Mine | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Swartzbart Mine | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
ABL_SYC | Santa Ynez Chumash | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Santa Ynez Chumash | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_ThoKys | Tahoe Keys Lagoon | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Tahoe Keys Lagoon | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
ABL_TOHCTP | City of Thousand Oaks Hill Canyon Treatment Plant | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | TMDL | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_Washoe | Washoe Tribe of NV & CA | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Washoe Tribe of NV & CA | 2014-07-21 | Not Recorded |
ABL_WatAcad | Watershed Academy | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Watershed Academy | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
ABL_WdyEllt | Woody Elliott | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Woody Elliott | 2013-01-09 | Not Recorded |
AC_WQM_2013 | Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2013 | Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2013 | 2018-07-02 | Not Recorded |
AC_WQM_2014 | Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2014 | Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2014 | 2018-07-02 | Not Recorded |
AC_WQM_2015 | Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2015 | Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2015 | 2018-07-02 | Not Recorded |
AC_WQM_2016 | Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2016 | Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2016 | 2018-07-02 | Not Recorded |
AC_WQM_2017 | Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2017 | Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2017 | 2018-07-02 | Not Recorded |
AC_WQM_2018 | Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2018 | Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2018 | 2018-07-02 | Not Recorded |
AC_WQM_2019 | Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2019 | Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Adobe Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2019 | 2020-03-30 | Not Recorded |
ACARM_2011 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2011 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring | SFPUC-WDDNR | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2011 | 2020-03-12 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
ACARM_2012 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2012 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring | SFPUC-WDDNR | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2012 | 2017-01-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
ACARM_2013 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2013 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring | SFPUC-WDDNR | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2013 | 2017-01-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013 |
ACARM_2014 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2014 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring | SFPUC-WDDNR | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2014 | 2017-01-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013 |
ACARM_2015 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2015 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring | SFPUC-WDDNR | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2015 | 2017-01-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013 |
ACARM_2016 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2016 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring | SFPUC-WDDNR | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2016 | 2017-01-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013 |
ACARM_2017 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2017 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring | SFPUC-WDDNR | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2017 | 2018-01-22 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013 |
ACARM_2018 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2018 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring | SFPUC-WDDNR | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2018 | 2019-04-16 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013 |
ACARM_2019 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2019 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring | SFPUC-WDDNR | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2019 | 2020-04-06 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013 |
ACARM_2020 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2020 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring | SFPUC-WDDNR | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2020 | 2021-04-08 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013 |
ACARM_2021 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2021 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring | SFPUC-WDDNR | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2021 | 2022-01-04 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013 |
ACARM_2022 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2022 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring | SFPUC-WDDNR | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2022 | 2023-05-22 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013 |
ACARM_2023 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2023 | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring | SFPUC-WDDNR | Alameda Creek Aquatic Resource Monitoring 2023 | 2024-04-08 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013 |
ACCWP_CSM_WY2012 | ACCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2012 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2012 | ACCWP | Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2012 | 2016-07-05 | BASMAA_CW4CB_QAPPv1 |
ACCWP_CSM_WY2013 | ACCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2013 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2013 | ACCWP | Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2013 | 2016-07-05 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2013 |
ACCWP_CSM_WY2014 | ACCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2014 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2014 | ACCWP | Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2014 | 2016-07-05 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2014 |
ACCWP_CSM_WY2015 | ACCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2015 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2015 | ACCWP | Alameda County Clean Water Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2015 | 2016-07-08 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
ACCWP_CSM_WY2016 | ACCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2016 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2016 | ACCWP | Alameda County Clean Water Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2016 | 2017-02-28 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
ACCWP_CSM_WY2017 | ACCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2017 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2017 | ACCWP | Alameda County Clean Water Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2017 | 2018-07-10 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
ACCWP_CSM_WY2018 | ACCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2018 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2018 | ACCWP | ACCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2018 | 2019-03-19 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
ACCWP_CSM_WY2019 | ACCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2019 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2019 | ACCWP | ACCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2019 | 2020-02-27 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
ACCWP_CSM_WY2020 | ACCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2020 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2020 | ACCWP | ACCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2020 | 2021-02-08 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
ACCWP_CSM_WY2021 | ACCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2021 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | ACCWP | ACCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2021 | 2022-01-27 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
ACCWP_CSM_WY2022 | ACCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2022 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | ACCWP | ACCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2022 | 2023-01-05 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
ACCWP_CSM_WY2023 | ACCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2023 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | ACCWP | ACCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2023 | 2023-10-26 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
ACCWP_LID | ACCWP Low Impact Development Monitoring | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | ACCWP | | 2024-01-31 | BAMSC_LID_QAPP_2024 |
ACCWP_LID_WY2024 | ACCWP Low Impact Development Monitoring in WY2024 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | ACCWP | ACCWP Low Impact Development Monitoring in WY2024 | 2024-05-10 | BAMSC_LID_QAPP_2024 |
ACCWP_LID_WY2025 | ACCWP Low Impact Development Monitoring in WY2025 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | ACCWP | ACCWP Low Impact Development Monitoring in WY2025 | 2024-05-10 | BAMSC_LID_QAPP_2024 |
ACCWP_P&T_WY2018 | ACCWP Pesticide and Toxicity Monitoring in WY18 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2018 | ACCWP | ACCWP Pesticide and Toxicity Monitoring in WY18 | 2019-08-29 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
ACCWP_P&T_WY2023 | ACCWP Pesticides and Toxicity Monitoring in WY2023 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | ACCWP | ACCWP Pesticides and Toxicity Monitoring in WY2023 | 2023-01-20 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
ACCWP_P&T_WY2024 | ACCWP Pesticides and Toxicity Monitoring in WY2024 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | ACCWP | | 2024-02-09 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
ACCWP_POC_WY2016 | ACCWP PoC Monitoring in WY2016 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2016 | ACCWP | Alameda County Clean Water Program PoC Monitoring in WY2016 | 2019-02-14 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
ACCWP_POC_WY2017 | ACCWP Pollutants of Concern Monitoring in WY2017 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2017 | ACCWP | ACCWP Pollutants of Concern Monitoring in WY2017 | 2019-03-19 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
ACCWP_POC_WY2018 | ACCWP Pollutants of Concern Monitoring in WY2018 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2018 | ACCWP | ACCWP Pollutants of Concern Monitoring in WY2018 | 2019-03-19 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
ACCWP_POC_WY2019 | ACCWP Pollutants of Concern Monitoring in WY2019 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2019 | ACCWP | ACCWP Pollutants of Concern Monitoring in WY2019 | 2020-02-27 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
ACCWP_POC_WY2020 | ACCWP Pollutant of Concern Monitoring in WY2020 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2020 | ACCWP | ACCWP Pollutant of Concern Monitoring in WY2020 | 2021-02-09 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
ACCWP_POC_WY2021 | ACCWP Pollutants of Concern Monitoring in WY2021 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | ACCWP | ACCWP Pollutants of Concern Monitoring in WY2021 | 2022-01-27 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
ACCWP_POC_WY2022 | ACCWP Pollutant of Concern Monitoring in WY2022 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | ACCWP | ACCWP Pollutants of Concern Monitoring in WY2022 | 2023-01-05 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
ACCWP_POC_WY2023 | ACCWP Pollutant of Concern Monitoring in WY2023 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | ACCWP | ACCWP Pollutant of Concern Monitoring in WY2023 | 2023-10-27 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
ACCWP_POC_WY2024 | ACCWP Pollutant of Concern Monitoring in WY2024 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | ACCWP | | 2024-01-31 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
ACCWP_POCx_WY2020 | ACCWP POC Monitoring in Urban Soils in WY2020 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2020 | ACCWP | ACCWP Pollutant of Concern Monitoring in Urban Soils in WY2020 | 2021-02-09 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
ACCWP_POCx_WY2021 | ACCWP POC Monitoring in Urban Soils in WY2021 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | ACCWP | ACCWP Pollutants of Concern Monitoring in Urban Soils in WY2021 | 2022-01-27 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
ACCWP_POCx_WY2022 | ACCWP POC Monitoring in Urban Soils in WY2022 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | ACCWP | ACCWP Pollutants of Concern Monitoring in Urban Soils in WY2022 | 2023-01-05 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
ACCWP_POCx_WY2023 | ACCWP POC Monitoring in Urban Soils in WY2023 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | ACCWP | ACCWP Pollutants of Concern Monitoring in Urban Soils in WY2023 | 2023-10-27 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
ACCWP_POCx_WY2024 | ACCWP POC Monitoring in Urban Soils in WY2024 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | ACCWP | | 2024-02-09 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
ACCWP_RWL | ACCWP Receiving Water Limitations | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | ACCWP | | 2024-02-09 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
ACPWA_LIDDP_TC_FY2014 | ACPWA Low Impact Dev Demo Turner Court 2014 | ACPWA Low Impact Dev Demonstration Turner Court | ADH | ACPWA Low Impact Dev Demonstration Project, Turner Court Parking Lots 2014 | 2014-08-04 | Not Recorded |
ACPWA_LIDDP_TC_FY2015 | ACPWA Low Impact Dev Demo Turner Court Field 2015 | ACPWA Low Impact Dev Demonstration Turner Court | ADH | ACPWA Low Impact Device Demonstration Project, Turner Court Parking Lots, Field Year 2015 | 2019-05-10 | ACPWA_LIDDP_TC_QAPP2013V1 |
ACPWA_LIDDP_TC_FY2016 | ACPWA Low Impact Dev Demo Turner Court Year 2016 | ACPWA Low Impact Dev Demonstration Turner Court | ADH | ACPWA Low Impact Device Demonstration Project, Turner Court Parking Lots, Field Year 2016 | 2019-05-24 | ACPWA_LIDDP_TC_QAPP2013V1 |
ACPWA_LIDDP_TC_FY2019 | ACPWA LIDDP TC FY2019 | ACPWA Low Impact Dev Demonstration Turner Court | TOTALFLOW | ACPWA Low Impact Dev Demonstration Project, Turner Court Parking Lots 2019 | 2019-05-01 | ACPWA_LIDDP_TC_QAPP2013V1 |
AdobeSprings_MRP | Adobe Springs Monitoring and Reporting Program | Adobe Springs Monitoring and Reporting Program | ICF-San Diego | | 2019-06-10 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
AECOM | AECOM | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | AECOM - Formerly EDAW | 2012-04-09 | Not Recorded |
AFRP_MJ_Study_2016 | AFRP Marijuana Cultivation Study 2016 | Anadromous Fish Restoration Program | DFW | to CDFW to conduct a study on the effects of marijuana cultivation, with a focus on illegal/trespass (cartel type) growing and its effect on a listed fish species, spring-run Chinook salmon | 2016-12-15 | AFRP_QAPjP_2016 |
AFRP_MJ_Study_2017 | AFRP Marijuana Cultivation Study 2017 | Anadromous Fish Restoration Program | DFW | to CDFW to conduct a study on the effects of marijuana cultivation, with a focus on illegal/trespass (cartel type) growing and its effect on a listed fish species, spring-run Chinook salmon | 2017-07-25 | AFRP_QAPjP_2016 |
AFRP_MJ_Study_2018 | AFRP Marijuana Cultivation Study 2018 | Anadromous Fish Restoration Program | DFW-ABL | to CDFW to conduct a study on the effects of marijuana cultivation, with a focus on illegal/trespass (cartel type) growing and its effect on a listed fish species, spring-run Chinook salmon | 2018-02-21 | AFRP_QAPjP_2016 |
AGW_PhaseI | Ag Waiver Phase I Monitoring | Ag Waiver RWQCB5 | Not Recorded | Ag Waiver Phase I Monitoring | 2013-09-05 | Not Recorded |
AGW_PhaseII | Ag Waiver Phase II Monitoring | Ag Waiver RWQCB5 | Not Recorded | Ag Waiver Phase II Monitoring | 2013-09-05 | Not Recorded |
AGW_SplitSampling | Ag Waiver Split Sampling | Ag Waiver RWQCB5 | Not Recorded | Ag Waiver Split Sampling | 2013-09-05 | Not Recorded |
AHL_REC-1_2021-22 | Agua Hedionda Lagoon REC-1 Beneficial Use 2021-22 | Agua Hedionda Lagoon Bacteria Special Study | WestonSolu | Agua Hedionda Lagoon Bacteria Special Study designed to support the first phase of the Phased Approach for REC-1 Beneficial Use, 2021-22 | 2023-02-01 | QAPP_REC-1_AHL_2021 |
ALH-WQM | Water quality monitoring on Alhambra Creek | The Watershed Project Water Quality Monitoring | TWP | Water quality monitoring on Alhambra Creek | 2018-06-06 | CWT Guidance Compendium |
Alvarado_Creek_BA_2023 | Alvarado Creek Bioassessment Monitoring - 2023 | Alvarado Creek Bioassessment Monitoring Program | ICF-Sacramento | Alvarado Creek Bioassessment Monitoring - 2023 | 2023-06-26 | Not Recorded |
Alvarado_Creek_Bioassessment_2020 | Alvarado Creek Bioassessment Monitoring - 2020 | Alvarado Creek Bioassessment Monitoring Program | ICF-Sacramento | Alvarado Creek Bioassessment Monitoring - 2020 | 2020-07-10 | Not Recorded |
Alvarado_Creek_Bioassessment_2022 | Alvarado Creek Bioassessment Monitoring - 2022 | Alvarado Creek Bioassessment Monitoring Program | ICF-Sacramento | Alvarado Creek Bioassessment Monitoring - 2022 | 2022-07-05 | Not Recorded |
Alvarado_SI | Alvarado Creek Human Source Investigation | Alvarado Creek Human Source Investigation | WoodGroup | Alvarado Creek Human Source Investigation | 2022-01-07 | Not Recorded |
ARC_CRWQMP_2017 | ARC Cosumnes River WQ Monitoring Program 2017 | ARC Cosumnes River WQ Monitoring Program | ARC | American River Conservancy Cosumnes River Water Quality Monitoring Program 2017 | 2018-01-20 | CRWQMP_QAPP_2017 |
ARC_CRWQMP_2018 | ARC Cosumnes River WQ Monitoring Program 2018 | ARC Cosumnes River WQ Monitoring Program | ARC | | 2019-01-21 | CRWQMP_QAPP_2017 |
ARC_CRWQMP_2019 | ARC Cosumnes River WQ Monitoring Program 2019 | ARC Cosumnes River WQ Monitoring Program | ARC | American River Conservancy Cosumnes River Water Quality Monitoring Program 2019 | 2019-12-16 | CRWQMP_QAPP_2019 |
ARC_CRWQMP_2021 | ARC Cosumnes River WQ Monitoring Program 2021 | ARC Cosumnes River WQ Monitoring Program | ARC | American River Conservancy Cosumnes River Water Quality Monitoring Program 2021 | 2021-12-17 | CRWQMP_QAPP_2021 |
ARC_CRWQMP_2022 | ARC Cosumnes River WQ Monitoring Program 2022 | ARC Cosumnes River WQ Monitoring Program | ARC | American River Conservancy Cosumnes River Water Quality Monitoring Program 2022 | 2023-05-26 | CRWQMP_QAPP_2022 |
ASBS_2013_NB | Newport Bay ASBS | ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring | WestonSolu | Newport Bay ASBS | 2013-09-20 | Not Recorded |
ASBS-NCRMG | Northern California ASBS Regional Monitoring Group | ASBS Regional Discharge Monitoring | ADH | Northern California ASBS Regional Monitoring Group | 2014-07-23 | Not Recorded |
ASBS-REF_ADH | ASBS Reg Ref Site Monitoring 2013 - ADH | ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring | ADH | ADH 2013 ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring Assessing Natural Water Quality in Northern California | 2013-06-20 | Not Recorded |
ASBS-SNI_2013_TT | ASBS San Nicolas Island 2013 - TT | ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring | TetraTech | Tetra Tech 2013 San Nicolas Island Area of Special Biological Significance outfall and receiving water monitoring | 2013-09-11 | Not Recorded |
ASCHA_P1896008 | Atascadero Subwatershed Coho Habitat Assmt_1896008 | Proposition 1 Grant for Gold Ridge RCD | GRRCD | Atascadero Subwatershed Coho Habitat Assmt_1896008: to conduct a comprehensive assessment of stream habitat, migration passage & watershed function of the AT subws, to guide implementation efforts to restore a population of the endangered CCC Coho Salmon | 2021-10-04 | Not Recorded |
ASR_Post | Arroyo Sequit Post-restoration | Proposition 50 Grant for California State Parks An | CSP-Angeles | Monitoring after removal, as part of the Arroyo Sequit Steelhead Barrier Removal Project, which involved removal of three barriers to steelhead trout migration along Arroyo Sequit Creek located within Leo Carrillo State Park, Los Angeles CA. | 2017-12-22 | Not Recorded |
ASR_Pre | Arroyo Sequit Pre-restoration | Proposition 50 Grant for California State Parks An | CSP-Angeles | Monitoring prior to removal, as part of the Arroyo Sequit Steelhead Barrier Removal Project, which involved removal of three barriers to steelhead trout migration along Arroyo Sequit Creek located within Leo Carrillo State Park, Los Angeles CA. | 2017-12-22 | Not Recorded |
ATCSAFPR_Q2096007 | Atascadero Sed Analysis Fish Pass Restor_Q2096007 | Proposition 1 Grant for Gold Ridge RCD | GRRCD | Atascadero Creek Sedimentation Analysis and Fish Passage Restoration 65% Design Project, Grant Agmt Q2096007. Develop plan for the removal of the accumulated sediment to improve water quality and enhance aquatic habitat for salmonids and other species | 2024-03-18 | Not Recorded |
AvalonN_GreenAlley | Avalon Green Alley North Project | Avalon Green Alleys Study | CWH | The objective of this monitoring program is to evaluate the performance of the Avalon Green Alley North Project, in terms of its capacity to reduce bacteria pollutant loads and metal pollutant loads to Los Angeles River. | 2017-03-20 | AvalonS_QAPP_2013 |
AvalonS_GreenAlley | Avalon Green Alley South Project | Avalon Green Alleys Study | CWH | The objective of this monitoring program is to evaluate the performance of the Avalon Green Alley South Project, in terms of its capacity to reduce bacteria pollutant loads and metal pollutant loads to Los Angeles River. | 2016-08-05 | AvalonS_QAPP_2013 |
AWG_Ambient | Alpine Watershed Group Ambient Monitoring | Alpine Watershed Group Monitoring Program | AWG | Alpine Watershed Group Ambient Monitoring | 2017-03-30 | AWG QAPP 2007 |
AWG_Bioassessment | Alpine Watershed Group Bioassessment Sampling | Alpine Watershed Group Monitoring Program | AWG | Alpine Watershed Group Bioassessment Sampling | 2017-04-14 | AWG QAPP 2007 |
BacteriaTMDL_SDR | San Diego River Bacteria TMDL Monitoring Program | Revised TMDL for Indicator Bacteria, Project 1 | WestonSolu | Bacteria TMDL Monitoring Program for Forester Creek, the Lower San Diego River, and the Pacific Ocean Shoreline at San Diego River mouth at Dog Beach. | 2016-11-16 | BacteriaTMDL_SDR_QAPP |
BacteriaTMDL_SDR_FollowUp | San Diego River Bacteria TMDL Follow-Up Monitoring | Revised TMDL for Indicator Bacteria, Project 1 | WestonSolu | Dry weather follow-up monitoring for the Bacteria TMDL Monitoring Program in the San Diego River Watershed. | 2019-01-28 | BacteriaTMDL_SDR_QAPP |
BacteriaTMDL_SDR_HF183 | San Diego River Bacteria TMDL HF183 Monitoring | Revised TMDL for Indicator Bacteria, Project 1 | WestonSolu | HF183 Monitoring for the Bacteria TMDL Monitoring Program in the San Diego River Watershed | 2021-01-20 | Not Recorded |
BacteriaTMDL_SLR | San Luis River Bacteria TMDL Monitoring Program | Revised TMDL for Indicator Bacteria, Project 1 | WestonSolu | Bacteria TMDL Monitoring Program for Pacific Ocean Shoreline at the San Luis Rey River Mouth. | 2016-11-16 | BacteriaTMDL_SLR_QAPP |
BACWA_SuBay_2011 | BACWA Suisun Bay Monitoring Project 2011 | SuisunBayMonitoring _BACWA | Not Recorded | Bay Area Clean Water Agencies Suisun Bay Monitoring Project 2011 | 2013-09-05 | Not Recorded |
BACWA_SuBay_2012 | BACWA Suisun Bay Monitoring Project 2012 | SuisunBayMonitoring _BACWA | Not Recorded | Bay Area Clean Water Agencies Suisun Bay Monitoring Project 2012 | 2014-03-13 | Not Recorded |
Bad Suisun_2013_Fall | Bad Suisun 2013 Fall sampling | Bad Suisun | UCSC-IMS | Testing inhibition of phytoplankton growth in Suisun Bay and Sacramento - fall 2013 sampling | 2013-10-28 | Not Recorded |
Bad Suisun_2013_Summer | Bad Suisun 2013 Summer sampling | Bad Suisun | UCSC-IMS | Testing inhibition of phytoplankton growth in Suisun Bay and Sacramento - summer 2013 sampling | 2013-10-28 | Not Recorded |
Bad Suisun_2014_Spring | Bad Suisun 2014 Spring sampling | Bad Suisun | UCSC-IMS | Testing inhibition of phytoplankton growth in Suisun Bay and Sacramento - spring 2014 sampling | 2013-10-28 | Not Recorded |
Bad Suisun_2014_Winter | Bad Suisun 2014 Winter sampling | Bad Suisun | UCSC-IMS | Testing inhibition of phytoplankton growth in Suisun Bay and Sacramento - winter 2014 sampling | 2013-10-28 | Not Recorded |
BASMAA_Historic_ACCWP | Historic BASMAA Monitoring- ACCWP | Historic (pre 2012) BASMAA monitoring | ACCWP | | 2017-12-08 | SWAMP QAMP 2002 |
BASMAA_Historic_CCCWP | Historic BASMAA Monitoring- CCCWP | Historic (pre 2012) BASMAA monitoring | CCCWP | | 2017-12-08 | SWAMP QAMP 2002 |
BASMAA_Historic_ICARE | Historic BASMAA Monitoring- ICARE | Historic (pre 2012) BASMAA monitoring | ICARE | | 2017-12-08 | SWAMP QAMP 2002 |
BASMAA_Historic_MCSTOPPP | Historic BASMAA Monitoring- MCSTOPPP | Historic (pre 2012) BASMAA monitoring | MCSTOPPP | | 2017-12-08 | SWAMP QAMP 2002 |
BASMAA_Historic_SCVURPPP | Historic BASMAA Monitoring- SCVURPPP | Historic (pre 2012) BASMAA monitoring | SCVURPPP | | 2017-12-08 | SWAMP QAMP 2002 |
BASMAA_Historic_SEC | Historic BASMAA Monitoring- SEC | Historic (pre 2012) BASMAA monitoring | SEC | | 2017-12-08 | SWAMP QAMP 2002 |
BASMAA_Historic_SMCWPPP | Historic BASMAA Monitoring- SMCWPPP | Historic (pre 2012) BASMAA monitoring | SMCWPPP | | 2017-12-08 | SWAMP QAMP 2002 |
BASMAA_RMC_FY2012 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition FY 2011-2012 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | SCVURPPP | Monitoring | 2013-06-03 | BASMAA_CW4CB_QAPPv1 |
BASMAA_RMC_FY2013 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition FY 2013 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | SCVURPPP | Monitoring | 2013-12-10 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2013 |
BASMAA_RMC_FY2014 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition FY 2014 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | SCVURPPP | Monitoring | 2015-01-28 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2014 |
BassoLaGrange_RFSHRP_Post | Basso_LaGrange Reach Floodplain SHRP_Post | TRT_Basso_LaGrange Reach FpSpwHRP, Prop 1 | Kleinfelder | Basso/La Grange Reach Floodplain & Spawning Habitat Restoration Post-Project Monitoring. Natural habitat restoration project stemming from the past land use of mining. | 2024-08-22 | Not Recorded |
BassoLaGrange_RFSHRP_Pre | Basso_LaGrange Reach Floodplain SHRP_Pre | TRT_Basso_LaGrange Reach FpSpwHRP, Prop 1 | Kleinfelder | Basso/La Grange Reach Floodplain & Spawning Habitat Restoration Pre-Project Monitoring. Natural habitat restoration project stemming from the past land use of mining. | 2024-08-22 | Not Recorded |
Battle_Creek_2017 | RWB5 Battle Creek 2017 | SWAMP RWB5 Monitoring | RWQCB5 | RWB5 Battle Creek 2017 | 2017-09-08 | Not Recorded |
BBM | Beach Bacteria Monitoring | Santa Cruz City Beach Monitoring | CIWQS 39958 | Weekly monitoring of coliforms and enterococci of select beaches in Santa Cruz City | 2017-04-12 | Wastewater Laboratory Quality Assurance Performance Plan |
BC_WQM_2013 | Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2013 | Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2013 | 2018-07-02 | Not Recorded |
BC_WQM_2014 | Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2014 | Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2014 | 2018-07-02 | Not Recorded |
BC_WQM_2015 | Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2015 | Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2015 | 2018-07-02 | Not Recorded |
BC_WQM_2016 | Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2016 | Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2016 | 2018-07-02 | Not Recorded |
BC_WQM_2017 | Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2017 | Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2017 | 2018-07-02 | Not Recorded |
BC_WQM_2018 | Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2018 | Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2018 | 2018-07-02 | Not Recorded |
BC_WQM_2019 | Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2019 | Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Barron Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2019 | 2020-03-30 | Not Recorded |
BCA | Citizen's Water Monitoring | BCA Citizen's Water Monitoring Project | BCA | Water Quality Monitoring in upper Battle Creek watershed | 2019-01-08 | Battle Creek Alliance |
BCC_ICFP_BMI_2023 | BigChicoCrk, Iron Canyon Fish Passage, BMI, 2023 | Big Chico Creek, Iron Canyon Fish Passage 2023-26 | FISHBIO | Multi-year BMI sample collection as outlined in BMI Community monitoring section of the Big Chico Creek, Iron Canyon Fish Passage Project, 2023 | 2024-02-15 | Not Recorded |
BCC_ICFP_BMI_2024 | BigChicoCrk, Iron Canyon Fish Passage, BMI, 2024 | Big Chico Creek, Iron Canyon Fish Passage 2023-26 | FISHBIO | Multi-year BMI sample collection as outlined in BMI Community monitoring section of the Big Chico Creek, Iron Canyon Fish Passage Project, 2024 | 2024-09-10 | Not Recorded |
BeachWatch_EB | BeachWatch- East Bay Parks District County | BeachWatch- East Bay Parks District County | SCCWRP | BeachWatch- East Bay Parks District County | 2011-07-15 | Not Recorded |
BeachWatch_HT | BeachWatch-Humboldt County | BeachWatch-Humboldt County | SCCWRP | BeachWatch-Humboldt County | 2011-07-15 | Not Recorded |
BeachWatch_LA | BeachWatch_Los Angeles County | BeachWatch_Los Angeles County | SCCWRP | BeachWatch_Los Angeles County | 2011-07-15 | Not Recorded |
BeachWatch_LB | BeachWatch_Long Beach City County | BeachWatch_Long Beach City County | SCCWRP | BeachWatch_Long Beach City County | 2011-07-15 | Not Recorded |
BeachWatch_MN | BeachWatch_Marin County | BeachWatch_Marin County | SCCWRP | BeachWatch_Marin County | 2011-07-15 | Not Recorded |
BeachWatch_MO | BeachWatch_Mendocino County | BeachWatch_Mendocino County | SCCWRP | BeachWatch_Mendocino County | 2011-07-15 | Not Recorded |
BeachWatch_MY | BeachWatch_Monterey County | BeachWatch_Monterey County | SCCWRP | BeachWatch_Monterey County | 2011-07-15 | Not Recorded |
BeachWatch_OC | BeachWatch_Orange County | BeachWatch_Orange County | SCCWRP | BeachWatch_Orange County | 2011-07-15 | Not Recorded |
BeachWatch_SA | BeachWatch_Sonoma County | BeachWatch_Sonoma County | SCCWRP | BeachWatch_Sonoma County | 2011-07-15 | Not Recorded |
BeachWatch_SB | BeachWatch_Santa Barbara County | BeachWatch_Santa Barbara County | SCCWRP | BeachWatch_Santa Barbara County | 2011-07-15 | Not Recorded |
BeachWatch_SC | BeachWatch_Santa Cruz County | BeachWatch_Santa Cruz County | SCCWRP | BeachWatch_Santa Cruz County | 2011-07-15 | Not Recorded |
BeachWatch_SD | BeachWatch_San Diego County | BeachWatch_San Diego County | SCCWRP | BeachWatch_San Diego County | 2011-07-15 | Not Recorded |
BeachWatch_SF | BeachWatch_San Francisco County | BeachWatch_San Francisco County | SCCWRP | BeachWatch_San Francisco County | 2011-07-15 | Not Recorded |
BeachWatch_SLO | BeachWatch_San Luis Obispo County | BeachWatch_San Luis Obispo County | SCCWRP | BeachWatch_San Luis Obispo County | 2011-07-15 | Not Recorded |
BeachWatch_SM | BeachWatch_San Mateo County | BeachWatch_San Mateo County | SCCWRP | BeachWatch_San Mateo County | 2011-07-15 | Not Recorded |
BeachWatch_VC | BeachWatch_Ventura County | BeachWatch_Ventura County | SCCWRP | BeachWatch_Ventura County | 2011-07-15 | Not Recorded |
Big_Dalton_Rehabilitation_2024 | Big Dalton Dam Sluiceway BA Monitoring - 2024 | Big Dalton Dam Sluiceway BA Monitoring Program | MTS | Big Dalton Dam Sluiceway BA Monitoring - 2024 | 2024-08-19 | Not Recorded |
BigChicoCrMonit_2017 | City of Chico - Big Chico Cr. Monitoring Prog. | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | Not Recorded | City Of Chico Special Studies - Big Chico Creek Water Monitoring Program | 2016-02-05 | Not Recorded |
BigChicoCrMonit_2018 | City of Chico - Big Chico Cr. Monitoring Prog. 201 | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | Not Recorded | City Of Chico Special Studies - Big Chico Creek Water Monitoring Program | 2019-06-11 | Not Recorded |
BigChicoCrMonit_2019 | City of Chico - Big Chico Cr. Monit Prog. 2019 | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | Not Recorded | City Of Chico Special Studies - Big Chico Creek Water Monitoring Program | 2019-10-10 | Not Recorded |
BigChicoCrMonit_2020 | City of Chico - Big Chico Cr. Monit Prog. 2020 | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | Not Recorded | City Of Chico Special Studies - Big Chico Creek Water Monitoring Program | 2020-06-05 | Not Recorded |
BigChicoCrMonit_2021 | City of Chico - Big Chico Cr. Monit Prog. 2021 | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | Not Recorded | City Of Chico Special Studies - Big Chico Creek Water Monitoring Program | 2021-06-10 | Not Recorded |
BigChicoCrMonit_2022 | City of Chico - Big Chico Cr. Monit Prog. 2022 | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | Not Recorded | City Of Chico Special Studies - Big Chico Creek Water Monitoring Program | 2022-03-01 | Not Recorded |
BigChicoCrMonit_2023 | City of Chico - Big Chico Cr. Monit Prog. 2023 | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | Not Recorded | City Of Chico Special Studies - Big Chico Creek Water Monitoring Program | 2023-04-07 | Not Recorded |
BigChicoCrMonit_2024 | City of Chico - Big Chico Cr. Monit Prog. 2024 | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | City Of Chico Special Studies - Big Chico Creek Water Monitoring Program | 2024-03-22 | Not Recorded |
Bight03 | So. Ca. Bight 2003 | Southern California Bight Project 2003 | SCCWRP | Using monitoring methods, gather and provide synoptic information about the ecological condition of reference areas and wastewater and stormwater discharge areas on the mainland shelf of bight 2003 | 2010-05-03 | Not Recorded |
Bight08 | So. Ca. Bight 2008 | Southern California Bight Project 2008 | SCCWRP | Using monitoring methods, gather and provide synoptic information about the ecological condition of reference areas and wastewater and stormwater discharge areas on the mainland shelf of bight 2008 | 2012-04-05 | Bight08_QAplan |
Bight2013 | So. Ca. Bight 2013 | Southern California Bight Project 2013 | SCCWRP | Using monitoring methods, gather and provide synoptic information about the ecological condition of reference areas and wastewater and stormwater discharge areas on the mainland shelf of bight 2013 | 2013-07-31 | B13_QAPlan |
Bight2013_ASBS | So. Ca. Bight 2013-ASBS | ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring | SCCWRP | Areas of Special Biological Significance focused sampling done in conjunction with/supplementing Bight 2013 sampling efforts | 2013-07-31 | Not Recorded |
Bight2013_ASBS_Alta | So. Ca. Bight 2013-ASBS-Alta | ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring | ALTA | Sampling performed as part of the General Exception compliance for ASBS | 2013-10-21 | Not Recorded |
Bight2013_ASBS_LB | Laguna Beach Bight 2013 ASBS Sampling | ASBS Regional Discharge Monitoring | ALTA | Laguna Beach Bight 2013 ASBS Sampling | 2014-04-29 | Not Recorded |
Bight2018 | So. Ca. Bight 2018 | Southern California Bight Project 2018 | SCCWRP | Using monitoring methods, gather and provide synoptic information about the ecological condition of reference areas and wastewater and stormwater discharge areas on the mainland shelf of Bight 2018 | 2020-01-22 | Bight18_QAPlan |
Bight98 | So. Ca. Bight 1998 | Southern California Bight Project 1998 | SCCWRP | Using monitoring methods, gather and provide synoptic information about the ecological condition of reference areas and wastewater and stormwater discharge areas on the mainland shelf of bight 1998 | 2010-05-03 | Not Recorded |
BL_PCS | Blacklock Restoration: Phragmites Control Study | Department of Water Resources, Proposition 1 | DWR | Herbicide concentration data collected during herbicide treatments to reduce phragmites cover at the Blacklock Restoration site in Suisun Marsh, CA | 2023-03-10 | Not Recorded |
BMP015_ELA | East LA Sustainable Median SW Capture Project | Prop 50 Grant for LA County, Watershed Mangmnt Div | LACDPW-WMD | East LA Sustainable Median Stormwater Capture Project | 2020-07-07 | Not Recorded |
BobcatRestoration_Post | Bobcat Flat Restoration_Post-project Monitoring | Bobcat Flat Restoration Project, Proposition 1 | Kleinfelder | Natural habitat restoration project stemming from the past land use of mining. Environmental monitoring for the project includes specific sampling and analyses of surface water in the Tuolumne River during restoration activities. | 2023-10-18 | Not Recorded |
BobcatRestoration_Pre | Bobcat Flat Restoration_Pre-project Monitoring | Bobcat Flat Restoration Project, Proposition 1 | Kleinfelder | Natural habitat restoration project stemming from the past land use of mining. Environmental monitoring for the project includes specific sampling and analyses of surface water in the Tuolumne River during restoration activities. | 2023-10-18 | Not Recorded |
Borden_Rd_Project | Borden Road and Bridge Project | Helix Environmental | DFW-ABL | Borden Road and Bridge Project | 2016-07-11 | Not Recorded |
BrAvGrnSt_Post | Brighton Avenue Pilot Green Street Project Post | Brighton Avenue Pilot Green Street Project | Albany | Post-construction samples of stormwater runoff for a broad water chemistry analysis prior to construction of green infrastructure in school/residential neighborhood | 2016-07-08 | Brighton Ave QAPP 2016 |
BrAvGrnSt_Pre | Brighton Avenue Pilot Green Street Project Pre | Brighton Avenue Pilot Green Street Project | Albany | Pre-construction samples of stormwater runoff for a broad water chemistry analysis prior to construction of green infrastructure in school/residential neighborhood | 2016-07-08 | Brighton Ave QAPP 2016 |
BRCMP_2017 | Bear River Citizen Monitoring Project 2017 | Bear River Citizen Monitoring Program | SSI_FDC | | 2017-03-06 | Yuba Watershed Council Monitoring Committee Citizen Monitor QAPjP |
BTGRP | Baker Terrace Groundwater Recharge Project | Sanctuary Forest, Proposition 1 | SFI | Restoration project to slow runoff in order to increase infiltration and benefit riparian habitat adjacent to Baker Creek | 2021-11-12 | Mattole QAPP |
BVC_08 | BVC Monitoring under ILRP MRP Order R5-2008-005 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | BVC Monitoring under ILRP MRP Order R5-2008-005 | 2014-03-13 | Not Recorded |
BVC_13 | BVC Monitoring under ILRP MRP Order R5-2013-00X | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | BVC Monitoring under ILRP MRP Order R5-2013-00X | 2013-09-12 | Not Recorded |
BVC_AY13_Q2 | BVC, Order R5-2008-0005, Sep 1st 2013, AY13, Q2 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2008-005, September 1st 2013 Submittal, Annual Year 2013, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2013 | 2015-06-12 | Not Recorded |
BVC_AY13_Q3 | BVC, Order R5-2008-0005, Dec 1st 2013, AY13, Q3 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2008-005, December 1st 2013 Submittal, Annual Year 2013, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2013 | 2015-06-12 | Not Recorded |
BVC_AY13_Q4 | BVC, Order R5-2008-0005, Mar 1st 2014, AY13, Q4 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2008-005, March 1st 2014 Submittal, Annual Year 2013, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2013 | 2015-06-12 | Not Recorded |
BVC_AY14_Q1 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2014, AY14, Q1 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June1st 2014 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2014 | 2015-06-12 | Not Recorded |
BVC_AY14_Q2 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2014, AY14, Q2 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2014 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2014 | 2015-06-12 | Not Recorded |
BVC_AY14_Q3 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2014, AY14, Q3 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2014 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2014 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
BVC_AY14_Q4 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2015, AY14, Q4 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2008-005, March 1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2014 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
BVC_AY15_Q1 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2015, AY15, Q1 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
BVC_AY15_Q2 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2015, AY15, Q2 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
BVC_AY15_Q3 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2015, AY15, Q3 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates July-Sep 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
BVC_AY15_Q4 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2016, AY15, Q4 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2015 Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
BVC_AY16_Q1 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2016, AY16, Q1 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2016 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
BVC_AY16_Q2 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2016, AY16, Q2 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2016 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
BVC_AY16_Q3 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2016, AY16, Q3 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates July-Sep 2016 | 2019-02-11 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_AY16_Q4 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2016, AY16, Q4 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120,March 1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2016 | 2019-02-11 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_AY17_Q1 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2017, AY17, Q1 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2017 Submittal, Annual Year 2017, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2017 | 2019-02-11 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_AY17_Q2 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2017, AY17, Q2 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2017 Submittal, Annual Year 2017, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2017 | 2019-02-11 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_AY17_Q3 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2017, AY17, Q3 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December1st 2017 Submittal, Annual Year 2017, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates July-Sep 2017 | 2019-02-11 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_AY17_Q4 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2017, AY17, Q4 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120,March 1st 2017 Submittal, Annual Year 2017, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2017 | 2019-02-11 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_AY18_Q1 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2018, AY18, Q1 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2018 Submittal, Annual Year 2018, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2018 | 2019-02-11 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_AY18_Q2 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2018, AY18, Q2 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2018 Submittal, Annual Year 2018, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2018 | 2019-02-11 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_AY18_Q3 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2018, AY18, Q3 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December1st 2018 Submittal, Annual Year 2018, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates July-Sep 2018 | 2019-02-11 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_AY18_Q4 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2018, AY18, Q4 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120,March 1st 2018 Submittal, Annual Year 2018, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2018 | 2019-02-11 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_AY19_Q1 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2019, AY19, Q1 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2019 Submittal, Annual Year 2019, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2019 | 2019-02-11 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_AY19_Q2 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2019, AY19, Q2 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2019 Submittal, Annual Year 2019, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2019 | 2019-02-11 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_AY19_Q3 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2019, AY19, Q3 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December1st 2019 Submittal, Annual Year 2019, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates July-Sep 2019 | 2019-02-11 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_AY19_Q4 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2019, AY19, Q4 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120,March 1st 2019 Submittal, Annual Year 2019, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2019 | 2019-02-11 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY13_Q3 | BVC, Order R5-2008-0005, Sep 1st 2013, WY13, Q3 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2008-005, September 1st 2013 Submittal, Water Year 2013, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2013 | 2014-11-20 | Not Recorded |
BVC_WY13_Q4 | BVC, Order R5-2008-0005, Dec 1st 2013, WY13, Q4 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2008-005, December 1st 2013 Submittal, Water Year 2013, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2013 | 2014-11-20 | Not Recorded |
BVC_WY14_Q1 | BVC, Order R5-2008-0005, Mar 1st 2014, WY14, Q1 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2008-005, March 1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2013 | 2015-05-01 | Not Recorded |
BVC_WY14_Q2 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2014, WY14, Q2 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2014 | 2015-05-01 | Not Recorded |
BVC_WY14_Q3 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2014, WY14, Q3 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2013 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2014 | 2015-05-01 | Not Recorded |
BVC_WY14_Q4 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2014, WY14, Q4 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2014 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
BVC_WY15_Q1 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2015, WY15, Q1 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2008-005, March 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2015, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2014 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
BVC_WY18_Q1 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2018, WY18, Q1 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2017 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY18_Q2 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2018, WY18, Q2 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2018 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY18_Q3 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2018, WY18, Q3 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2018 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY18_Q4 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2018, WY18, Q4 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2018 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY19_Q1 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2019, WY19, Q1 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2018 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY19_Q2 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2019, WY19, Q2 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2019 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY19_Q3 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2019, WY19, Q3 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2019 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY19_Q4 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2019, WY19, Q4 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2019 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY20_Q1 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2020, WY20, Q1 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2019 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY20_Q2 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2020, WY20, Q2 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2020 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY20_Q3 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2020, WY20, Q3 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2020 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY20_Q4 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2020, WY20, Q4 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2020 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY21_Q1 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2021, WY21, Q1 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2020 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY21_Q2 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2021, WY21, Q2 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2021 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY21_Q3 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2021, WY21, Q3 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2021 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY21_Q4 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2021, WY21, Q4 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2021 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY22_Q1 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2022, WY22, Q1 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2021 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY22_Q2 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2022, WY22, Q2 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2022 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY22_Q3 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2022, WY22, Q3 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2022 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY22_Q4 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2022, WY22, Q4 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2022 | 2022-07-05 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY23_Q1 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2023, WY23, Q1 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2023 Submittal, Water Year 2023, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2022 | 2022-07-06 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY23_Q2 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2023, WY23, Q2 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2023 Submittal, Water Year 2023, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2023 | 2022-07-06 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY23_Q3 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2023, WY23, Q3 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2023 Submittal, Water Year 2023, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2023 | 2022-07-06 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY23_Q4 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2023, WY23, Q4 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2023 Submittal, Water Year 2023, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2023 | 2022-07-06 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY24_Q1 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2024, WY24, Q1 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2024 Submittal, Water Year 2024, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2023 | 2022-07-06 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY24_Q2 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2024, WY24, Q2 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2024 Submittal, Water Year 2024, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2024 | 2022-07-06 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY24_Q3 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2024, WY24, Q3 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2024 Submittal, Water Year 2024, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2024 | 2022-07-06 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVC_WY24_Q4 | BVC, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2024, WY24, Q4 | Buena Vista Coalition | BVC | Buena Vista Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2024 Submittal, Water Year 2024, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2024 | 2022-07-06 | BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPP |
BVR_ClearLake_2010to2018 | Clear Lake Fish Cyanotoxin Study 2010 to 2018 | Clear Lake Fish Cyanotoxin Study | BVB_Pomo | CalEPA EJ microcystin fish tissue study | 2018-02-21 | Cyanotoxin Monitoring for Big Valley and Elem Indian Colony |
BWC_MOTEMS_2024-2025 | BWC MOTEMS-CMOTBSD Project, 2024-2025 | BWC Marine Oil Terminal Eng. and Maintenance Stds | AnchorQEA | BWC MOTEMS-Compliant Marine Oil Terminal and Berthing System Development Project, 2024-25. Project is to construct a new MOTEMS compliant dock to support long-term marine shipments to the Permittee?s existing terminals at Port of Stockton | 2024-08-28 | Not Recorded |
BWGW_MP | Monitoring Plan For Broadway Neighborhood StormW | Monitoring Plan For Broadway Neighboorhood StormW | LABOSWPD | Monitoring Plan For Broadway Neighborhood Stormwater Greenway Project | 2017-03-24 | BroadwayNeighborhoodStormwater_QAPP |
CacheFire_FY2122 | Cache Post-Fire Monitoring FY2122 | Lake County Post Fire Monitoring | LCWRD | Water quality monitoring for the 2021 Cache Fire | 2022-05-25 | LCWRD Cache Fire QAPP 2021 |
CalFed | CalFed | SWAMP Historic Bioaccumulation Data | Not Recorded | Davis et al. 2004. Mercury in Sport Fish from the Delta Region (Task 2A). Final Report submitted to the CALFED Bay-Delta Program for the Project: An Assessment of the Ecological and Human Health Impacts of Mercury in the Bay-Delta Watershed. | 2012-02-16 | Not Recorded |
CalPolySLO_FLOW | Cal Poly SLO Flow Monitoring | Central Coast Water Conservancy Flow Monitoring | CalPoly_SLO | Instantaneous discharge measurements collected by California Polytechnic State University of San Luis Obispo. Data shared with the CCWC as part of CCWC_FLOW program. | 2018-05-10 | CCWC Flow Monitoring QAQC_2018 |
campus_lid_monitoring | Low-Impact Development BMP @CSUS Monitoring | Install & Eval of low-impact BMP Stormwater treatm | CSUS | Collection and analysis of stormwater samples and hydrologic data at several BMPs installed on the CSUS. The purpose of this effort is to evaluate the efficacy of these devices. | 2017-01-09 | CS_CSUS_QAPP |
Catalina_Island_PB | Catalina Island Pebbly Beach | Catalina Island Industrial Stormwater Program | AMEC | Water Quality Monitoring at Pebbly Beach of Catalina Island | 2016-07-08 | Not Recorded |
Catalina_Island_TH | Catalina Island Two Harbors | Catalina Island Industrial Stormwater Program | AMEC | Water Quality Monitoring at Two Harbors of Catalina Island | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY14_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2014, AY14, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2014 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2014 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY14_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2014, AY14, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2014 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-June 2014 | 2015-06-12 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY14_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2014, AY14, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2014 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2014 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY14_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2015, AY14, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2014 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY15_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2015, AY15, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY15_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2015, AY15, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY15_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2015, AY15, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY15_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2016, AY15, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY16_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2016, AY16, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2016 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY16_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2016, AY16, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2016 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY16_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2016, AY16, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2016 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY16_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2017, AY16, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2017 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2016 | 2020-12-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY17_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2017, AY17, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2017 Submittal, Annual Year 2017, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2017 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY17_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2017, AY17, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2017 Submittal, Annual Year 2017, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2017 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY17_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2017, AY17, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2017 Submittal, Annual Year 2017, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2017 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY17_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2018, AY17, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2018 Submittal, Annual Year 2017, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2017 | 2020-12-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY18_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2018, AY18, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2018 Submittal, Annual Year 2018, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2018 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY18_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2018, AY18, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2018 Submittal, Annual Year 2018, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2018 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY18_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2018, AY18, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2018 Submittal, Annual Year 2018, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2018 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY18_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2019, AY18, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2019 Submittal, Annual Year 2018, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2018 | 2020-12-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY19_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2019, AY19, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2019 Submittal, Annual Year 2019, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2019 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY19_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2019, AY19, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2019 Submittal, Annual Year 2019, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2019 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY19_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2019, AY19, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2019 Submittal, Annual Year 2019, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2019 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY19_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2020, AY19, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2020 Submittal, Annual Year 2019, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2019 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY20_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2020, AY20, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2020 Submittal, Annual Year 2020, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2020 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY20_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2020, AY20, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2020 Submittal, Annual Year 2020, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2020 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY20_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2020, AY20, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2020 Submittal, Annual Year 2020, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2020 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY20_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2021, AY20, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2021 Submittal, Annual Year 2021, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2020 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY21_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2021, AY21, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2021 Submittal, Annual Year 2021, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2021 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY21_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2021, AY21, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2021 Submittal, Annual Year 2021, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2021 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY21_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2021, AY21, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2021 Submittal, Annual Year 2021, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2021 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY21_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2022, AY21, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2022 Submittal, Annual Year 2021, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2021 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY22_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2022, AY22, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2022 Submittal, Annual Year 2022, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2022 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY22_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2022, AY22, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2022 Submittal, Annual Year 2022, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2022 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY22_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2022, AY22, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2022 Submittal, Annual Year 2022, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep2022 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY22_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2023, AY22, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2022 Submittal, Annual Year 2022, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2022 | 2020-07-24 | Not Recorded |
CAW_AY23_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2023, AY23, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2023 Submittal, Annual Year 2023, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2023 | 2023-04-18 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
CAW_AY23_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2023, AY23, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2023 Submittal, Annual Year 2023, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2023 | 2023-04-18 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
CAW_AY23_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2023, AY23, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2023 Submittal, Annual Year 2023, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2023 | 2024-07-19 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
CAW_AY23_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2024, AY23, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2024 Submittal, Annual Year 2023, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2023 | 2024-07-19 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
CAW_AY24_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2024, AY24, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2024 Submittal, Annual Year 2024, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2024 | 2024-07-19 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
CAW_AY24_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2024, AY24, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2024 Submittal, Annual Year 2024, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2024 | 2024-09-10 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
CAW_WY14_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2014, WY14, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2014 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY14_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2014, WY14, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr-June 2014 | 2015-05-01 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY14_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2014, WY14, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2014 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY15_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2015, WY15, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2015, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2014 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY15_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2015, WY15, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2015, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2015 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY15_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2015, WY15, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2015, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2015 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY15_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2015, WY15, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2015, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2015 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY16_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2016, WY16, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2016 Submittal, Water Year 2016, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2015 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY16_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2016, WY16, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2016 Submittal, Water Year 2016, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2016 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY16_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2016, WY16, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2016 Submittal, Water Year 2016, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2016 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY16_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2016, WY16, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2016 Submittal, Water Year 2016, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2016 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY17_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2017, WY17, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2017 Submittal, Water Year 2017, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2016 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY17_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2017, WY17, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2017 Submittal, Water Year 2017, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2017 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY17_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2017, WY17, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2017 Submittal, Water Year 2017, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2017 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY17_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2017, WY17, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2017 Submittal, Water Year 2017, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2017 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY18_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2018, WY18, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2017 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY18_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2018, WY18, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2018 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY18_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2018, WY18, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2018 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY18_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2018, WY18, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2018 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY19_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2019, WY19, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2018 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY19_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2019, WY19, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2019 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY19_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2019, WY19, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2019 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY19_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2019, WY19, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2019 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY20_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2020, WY20, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2019 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY20_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2020, WY20, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2020 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY20_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2020, WY20, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2020 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY20_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2020, WY20, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2020 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY21_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2021, WY21, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2020 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY21_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2021, WY21, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2021 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY21_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2021, WY21, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2021 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY21_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2021, WY21, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2021 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY22_Q1 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2022, WY22, Q1 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2021 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY22_Q2 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2022, WY22, Q2 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2022 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY22_Q3 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2022, WY22, Q3 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2022 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CAW_WY22_Q4 | CAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2022, WY22, Q4 | Cawelo Water District | CWD | Cawelo Water District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2022 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
CBI Monitoring Program | CBI Monitoring Program | Clean Beaches Initiative Monitoring Program | CSM | Clean Beaches Initiative Monitoring Program | 2018-12-11 | MP_CSM_CBI Project |
CBSBMP_WY24 | Culver Boulevard Stormwater BMP Monitoring WY24 | Culver_Blvd_Realign_Urban_Runoff_Stormwater_Proj | CulverCity | Culver Boulevard Realignment, Urban Runoff and Stormwater Project BMP Monitoring, Water Year 2024 | 2024-05-03 | CBSCP_QAPP_v2_Jan2023 |
CC LID Post | City of Chico LID Project Post | City of Chico LID Project | CC | City of Chico LID Project Post | 2018-04-20 | SGRRMP QAPP 2010 |
CC LID Pre | City of Chico LID Project Pre | City of Chico LID Project | CC | City of Chico LID Project Pre | 2018-04-20 | SGRRMP QAPP 2010 |
CC SS | Chico Special Studies: Big Chico Crk Monitoring | City of Chico Municipal Stormwater Monitoring | CC | City of Chico Special Studies Big Chico Creek Water Monitoring Program | 2018-04-20 | SGRRMP QAPP 2013 |
CCBA_2016 | Calabazas Creek Baseline Assessement 2016 | Calabazas Creek OSP Assessment | SCAPOSD | Calabazas Creek Baseline Assessement 2016 | 2016-11-16 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
CCCS_1998 | Calleguas Creek Characterization Study 1998 | Calleguas Creek Characterization Study | LWA | Calleguas Creek Characterization Study 1998 | 2012-05-31 | Not Recorded |
CCCS_1999 | Calleguas Creek Characterization Study 1999 | Calleguas Creek Characterization Study | LWA | Calleguas Creek Characterization Study 1999 | 2012-05-31 | Not Recorded |
CCCWP_ DO_MON_MC_WY2023 | CCCWP Pollutants of Concern Monitoring in WY2023 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2023 | CCCWP | | 2024-03-27 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
CCCWP_CSM_WY2012 | CCCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2012 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2012 | CCCWP | Contra Costa County Clean Water Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2012 | 2016-07-05 | BASMAA_CW4CB_QAPPv1 |
CCCWP_CSM_WY2013 | CCCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2013 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2013 | CCCWP | Contra Costa County Clean Water Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2013 | 2016-07-05 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2013 |
CCCWP_CSM_WY2014 | CCCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2014 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2014 | CCCWP | Contra Costa County Clean Water Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2014 | 2016-07-05 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2014 |
CCCWP_CSM_WY2015 | CCCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2015 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2015 | CCCWP | Contra Costa County Clean Water Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2015 | 2016-07-08 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
CCCWP_CSM_WY2016 | CCCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2016 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2016 | CCCWP | Contra Costa County Clean Water Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2016 | 2017-02-28 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
CCCWP_CSM_WY2017 | CCCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2017 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2017 | CCCWP | Contra Costa County Clean Water Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2017 | 2018-06-27 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
CCCWP_CSM_WY2018 | CCCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2018 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2017 | CCCWP | Contra Costa County Clean Water Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2018 | 2019-04-01 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
CCCWP_CSM_WY2019 | CCCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2019 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2019 | CCCWP | Contra Costa County Clean Water Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2019 | 2020-02-20 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
CCCWP_CSM_WY2020 | CCCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2020 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2020 | CCCWP | Contra Costa County Clean Water Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2020 | 2021-03-26 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
CCCWP_CSM_WY2021 | CCCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2021 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2021 | CCCWP | Contra Costa County Clean Water Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2021 | 2021-12-13 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
CCCWP_CSM_WY2022 | CCCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2022 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2022 | CCCWP | Contra Costa County Clean Water Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2022 | 2022-11-14 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
CCCWP_CSM_WY2023 | CCCWP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2023 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2023 | CCCWP | Contra Costa County Clean Water Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2023 | 2024-04-18 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
CCCWP_LID | CCCWP Low Impact Development Monitoring | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | CCCWP | | 2024-01-31 | BAMSC_LID_QAPP_2024 |
CCCWP_LID_WY2024 | CCCWP Low Impact Development Monitoring in WY2024 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | CCCWP | CCCWP Low Impact Development Monitoring in WY2024 | 2024-05-10 | BAMSC_LID_QAPP_2024 |
CCCWP_LID_WY2025 | CCCWP Low Impact Development Monitoring in WY2025 | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | CCCWP | CCCWP Low Impact Development Monitoring in WY2025 | 2024-05-10 | BAMSC_LID_QAPP_2024 |
CCCWP_P&T_WY2022 | CCCWP Pesticides and Toxicity Monitoring WY2022 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2022 | CCCWP | CCCWP Pesticides and Toxicity Monitoring in WY2022 | 2023-03-28 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
CCCWP_P&T_WY2023 | CCCWP Pesticides and Toxicity Monitoring in WY2023 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2023 | CCCWP | | 2024-03-27 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
CCCWP_POC_COPNUT_WY2017 | CCCWP POC Copper and Nutrients Monitoring, WY 2017 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2017 | CCCWP | Contra Costa Clean Water Program Pollutants of Concern Monitoring, Copper and Nutrients, Water Year 2017 | 2019-04-23 | CCCWP_POC_QAPP_V1.0D |
CCCWP_POC_COPNUT_WY2018 | CCCWP POC Copper and Nutrients Monitoring, WY 2018 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2018 | CCCWP | Contra Costa Clean Water Program Pollutants of Concern Monitoring, Copper and Nutrients, Water Year 2018 | 2019-04-23 | CCCWP_POC_QAPP_V1.0D |
CCCWP_POC_HDS_WY2019 | CCCWP POC Hydrodynamic Separator, WY 2019 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2019 | CCCWP | Contra Costa Clean Water Program Pollutants of Concern Monitoring, Hydrodynamic Separator, Water Year 2019 | 2020-02-18 | CCCWP_POC_QAPP_V1.0D |
CCCWP_POC_MeHgPH1_WY2017 | CCCWP POC Mercury Monitoring, Phase 1, WY 2017 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2017 | CCCWP | Contra Costa Clean Water Program Pollutants of Concern Monitoring, Mercury and Methyl Mercury, Phase 1, Marsh Creek Watershed Discharge, Water Year 2017 | 2019-04-23 | CCCWP_POC_QAPP_V1.0D |
CCCWP_POC_PCBRECWAT_WY2018 | CCCWP POC PCBRECWAT WY 2018 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2018 | CCCWP | Contra Costa Clean Water Program Pollutants of Concern Monitoring, Mercury and PCBs in Receiving Waters, Water Year 2018 | 2019-04-24 | CCCWP_POC_QAPP_V1.0D |
CCCWP_POC_SimsMtls_WY2020 | CCCWP POC PCB Monitoring, WY 2020 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2020 | CCCWP | Contra Costa Clean Water Program Pollutants of Concern Monitoring, PCBs, Water Year 2020 | 2020-02-25 | CCCWP_POC_QAPP_V1.0D |
CCCWP_POC_TIER1_WY2019 | CCCWP POC Tier 1 Street Dirt Monitoring, WY 2019 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2019 | CCCWP | Contra Costa Clean Water Program Pollutants of Concern Monitoring, Tier 1 Street Dirt, Water Year 2019 | 2020-01-03 | CCCWP_POC_QAPP_V1.0D |
CCCWP_PTM_WY2018 | CCCWP Pesticide and Toxicity Monitoring in WY2018 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2018 | CCCWP | Contra Costa County Clean Water Program Wet Weather Pesticide and Toxicity Monitoring in Water Year 2018 | 2019-04-04 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
CCCWP_RWL | CCCWP Receiving Water Limitations | BASMAA Regional Monitoring Coalition | CCCWP | | 2024-02-09 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020 |
CCCWP_SSID_MC_WY2018 | CCCWP_SSID_MC_WY2018 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2018 | CCCWP | Contra Costa Clean Water Program Marsh Creek Stressor and Source Identification Study, Water Year 2018 | 2019-04-05 | CCCWP_SSID_MC_WP2018v1 |
CCCWP_SSID_MC_WY2019 | CCCWP_SSID_MC_WY2019 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2018 | CCCWP | Contra Costa Clean Water Program Marsh Creek Stressor and Source Identification Study, Water Year 2019 | 2019-11-07 | CCCWP_SSID_MC_WP2018v1 |
CCLEAN_2001_Dry | CCLEAN_2001_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2001_Dry | 2013-01-22 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2001_Wet | CCLEAN_2001_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2001_Wet | 2013-01-22 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2002_Dry | CCLEAN_2002_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2002_Dry | 2013-01-22 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2002_Wet | CCLEAN_2002_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2002_Wet | 2013-01-22 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2003_Dry | CCLEAN_2003_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2003_Dry | 2013-01-22 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2003_Wet | CCLEAN_2003_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2003_Wet | 2013-01-22 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2004_Dry | CCLEAN_2004_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2004_Dry | 2013-01-22 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2004_Wet | CCLEAN_2004_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2004_Wet | 2013-01-22 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2005_Dry | CCLEAN_2005_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2005_Dry | 2013-01-22 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2005_Wet | CCLEAN_2005_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2005_Wet | 2013-01-22 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2006_Dry | CCLEAN_2006_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2006_Dry | 2013-01-22 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2006_Wet | CCLEAN_2006_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2006_Wet | 2013-01-22 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2007_Dry | CCLEAN_2007_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2007_Dry | 2012-11-07 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2007_Wet | CCLEAN_2007_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2007_Wet | 2012-11-07 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2008_Dry | CCLEAN_2008_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2008_Dry | 2012-11-07 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2008_Wet | CCLEAN_2008_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2008_Wet | 2012-11-07 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2009_Dry | CCLEAN_2009_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2009_Dry | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2009_Wet | CCLEAN_2009_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2009_Wet | 2012-11-07 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2010_Dry | CCLEAN_2010_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2010_Dry | 2012-09-27 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2010_Wet | CCLEAN_2010_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2010_Wet | 2012-11-07 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2011_Dry | CCLEAN_2011_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2011_Dry | 2012-10-03 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2011_Wet | CCLEAN_2011_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2011_Wet | 2012-10-03 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2012_Dry | CCLEAN_2012_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2012_Dry | 2015-02-24 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2012_Wet | CCLEAN_2012_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2012_Wet | 2015-02-24 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2013_Dry | CCLEAN_2013_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2013_Dry | 2017-03-22 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2013_Wet | CCLEAN_2013_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2013_Wet | 2017-03-22 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2014_Dry | CCLEAN_2014_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2014_Dry | 2017-04-12 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2014_Wet | CCLEAN_2014_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2014_Wet | 2017-03-22 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2015 | CCLEAN_2015 | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2015 | 2016-07-08 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2015_Dry | CCLEAN_2015_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2015_Dry | 2017-04-12 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2015_Wet | CCLEAN_2015_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2015_Wet | 2017-04-12 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2016_Dry | CCLEAN_2016_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2016_Dry | 2017-04-12 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2016_Wet | CCLEAN_2016_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2016_Wet | 2017-04-12 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2017_Dry | CCLEAN_2017_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2017_Dry | 2017-11-09 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2017_Wet | CCLEAN_2017_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2017_Wet | 2017-11-09 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2018_Dry | CCLEAN_2018_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2018_Dry | 2018-09-10 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2018_Wet | CCLEAN_2018_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2018_Wet | 2018-09-10 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2019_Dry | CCLEAN_2019_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2019_Dry | 2019-04-03 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2019_Wet | CCLEAN_2019_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2019_Wet | 2019-04-03 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2020_Dry | CCLEAN_2020_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2020_Dry | 2022-06-14 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2020_Wet | CCLEAN_2020_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2020_Wet | 2022-06-14 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2021_Dry | CCLEAN_2021_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2021_Dry | 2022-06-15 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2021_Wet | CCLEAN_2021_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2021_Wet | 2022-06-15 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2022_Dry | CCLEAN_2022_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2022_Dry | 2022-08-11 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2022_Wet | CCLEAN_2022_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2022_Wet | 2022-08-11 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2023_Dry | CCLEAN_2023_Dry | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2023_Dry | 2024-02-02 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2023_Wet | CCLEAN_2023_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2023_Wet | 2024-02-02 | Not Recorded |
CCLEAN_2024_Wet | CCLEAN_2024_Wet | RWB3 CCLEAN | AMS-CA | CCLEAN_2024_Wet | 2024-07-31 | Not Recorded |
CCMP | Camille Creek Monitoring Plan | Camille Creek Monitoring Plan | CDSH-Napa | Formerly the Implementation, Monitoring, and Adaptive Management Plan | 2022-09-09 | Camille Creek Monitoring Plan |
CCPCWP98-99 | Cache Creek and Putah Creek Watersheds 1998-1999 | Cache Creek and Putah Creek Watersheds Project | SSJDC | Cache Creek and Putah Creek Watersheds Project 1998-1999 | 2016-08-18 | Not Recorded |
CCRS-REF | Central Coast Restoration Success Reference Sites | Central Coast Restoration Success 2007 Grant | CCWG-MLML | Central Coast Restoration Success Reference Sites | 2014-09-08 | Not Recorded |
CCRS-REST | Central Coast Restoration Success Restoration Site | Central Coast Restoration Success 2007 Grant | CCWG-MLML | Central Coast Restoration Success Restoration Sites | 2014-09-09 | Not Recorded |
CCSE_FLOW | CCSE Flow Monitoring | Central Coast Water Conservancy Flow Monitoring | CCSE | Instantaneous discharge measurements collected by the Central Coast Salmon Enhancement. Data collected under the umbrella of the CCWC_FLOW program. | 2018-05-10 | CCWC Flow Monitoring QAQC_2018 |
CCTV_Site_Invest_2012 | CCTV Site Investigation 2012 | Tijuana River Bacteria Source Identification Study | WestonSolu | CCTV Site Investigation 2012 | 2013-01-16 | Not Recorded |
CCV_SS | City of Chula Vista Selenium Study | City of Chula Vista Selenium Study | CCV | Surface Water Monitoring for Total Selenium in the City of Chula Vista on an as-needed basis | 2013-12-05 | ChulaVistaSelenium_QAPP |
CCWG_MC_SAL | CCWG_Moro Cojo Salinity Transect | MBNMS_Proposition84_Projects | CCWG-MLML | Monthly Water Quality sampling in Moro Cojo Slough between Hwy 1 and Castroville Blvd | 2019-04-10 | SVIMP_QAPP_2014 |
CCWG_MC_WQ_Grab | CCWG_Moro Cojo Slough Water Quality Grab Samples | MBNMS_Proposition84_Projects | CCWG-MLML | Water Quality sampling in Moro Cojo Slough | 2019-05-14 | SVIMP_QAPP_2014 |
CCWG_MC_WQ_HWY1 | CCWG_Moro Cojo Slough Water Quality at Hwy 1 | MBNMS_Proposition84_Projects | CCWG-MLML | Water Quality sampling in Moro Cojo Slough at Hwy 1 crossing | 2019-04-10 | SVIMP_QAPP_2014 |
CCWG_RipRAM | CCWG RipRAM Monitoring | CCWG-WatershedAssessments | CCWG-MLML | CCWG RipRAM Monitoring | 2019-05-13 | RipRAM_QAPP_2014 |
CCWTWP_2003 | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2003 | Calleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan Monitoring | LWA | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2003 | 2012-05-31 | Not Recorded |
CCWTWP_2004 | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2004 | Calleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan Monitoring | LWA | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2004 | 2012-05-31 | Not Recorded |
CCWTWP_2005 | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2005 | Calleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan Monitoring | LWA | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2005 | 2019-05-17 | Not Recorded |
CCWTWP_2006 | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2006 | Calleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan Monitoring | LWA | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2006 | 2019-05-17 | Not Recorded |
CCWTWP_2007 | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2007 | Calleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan Monitoring | LWA | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2007 | 2019-05-17 | Not Recorded |
CCWTWP_2008 | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2008 | Calleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan Monitoring | LWA | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2008 | 2012-05-30 | Not Recorded |
CCWTWP_2009 | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2009 | Calleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan Monitoring | LWA | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2009 | 2012-05-30 | Not Recorded |
CCWTWP_2010 | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2010 | Calleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan Monitoring | LWA | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2010 | 2012-05-30 | Not Recorded |
CCWTWP_2011 | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2011 | Calleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan Monitoring | LWA | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2011 | 2019-05-17 | Not Recorded |
CCWTWP_2012 | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2012 | Calleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan Monitoring | LWA | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2012 | 2019-05-17 | Not Recorded |
CCWTWP_2013 | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2013 | Calleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan Monitoring | LWA | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2013 | 2019-05-17 | Not Recorded |
CCWTWP_2014 | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2014 | Calleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan Monitoring | LWA | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2014 | 2019-05-17 | Not Recorded |
CCWTWP_2015 | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2015 | Calleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan Monitoring | LWA | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2015 | 2019-05-17 | Not Recorded |
CCWTWP_2016 | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2016 | Calleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan Monitoring | LWA | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2016 | 2019-05-17 | Not Recorded |
CCWTWP_2017 | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2017 | Calleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan Monitoring | LWA | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2017 | 2019-05-17 | Not Recorded |
CCWTWP_2018 | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2018 | Calleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan Monitoring | LWA | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2018 | 2019-05-17 | Not Recorded |
CCWTWP_2019 | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2019 | Calleguas Creek TMDL Work Plan Monitoring | LWA | Callegas Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Prgm 2019 | 2019-05-17 | Not Recorded |
CDFG-CL | CDFG-ClearLake | SWAMP Historic Bioaccumulation Data | Not Recorded | 2005. Health Advisory: Fish Consumption Guidelines for Clear Lake, Cache Creek, and Bear Creek (Lake, Yolo, and Colusa Counties). | 2012-02-16 | Not Recorded |
CDFW_CarFire_2018 | CDFW Carr Fire Assessment 2018 | CDFW led Car Fire Assessment 2018 | DFW | CDFW-led study on the effects of the 2018 Carr Fire, which affected Upper and Lower Clear Creek, its tributaries, and tributaries to Upper Sacramento River, to instream habitat and benthic macroinvertebrates | 2018-11-20 | Not Recorded |
CDFW_CarFire_2019 | CDFW Carr Fire Assessment 2019 | CDFW led Car Fire Assessment 2018 | DFW | CDFW-led study on the effects of the 2018 Carr Fire, which affected Upper and Lower Clear Creek, its tributaries, and tributaries to Upper Sacramento River, to instream habitat and benthic macroinvertebrates | 2019-07-12 | Not Recorded |
CDFW_PineCr_2014 | CDFW Pine Creek, Susan River 2014 | CDFW Pine Creek Susan River | DFW-ABL | CDFW Pine Creek, Susan River 2014 | 2017-11-08 | Not Recorded |
CDFW_PineCr_2016 | CDFW Pine Creek, Susan River 2016 | CDFW Pine Creek Susan River | DFW-ABL | CDFW Pine Creek, Susan River 2016 | 2017-11-08 | Not Recorded |
CDFW_PWC_2018 | CDFW Paired Watershed Comparison 2018 | CDFW Fisheries Paired Watershed Comparison | DFW | A Paired Watershed Comparison of Hydrological and Biological Condition in Streams With and Without Cannabis Cultivation | 2018-05-24 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
CDFW_PWC_2019 | CDFW Paired Watershed Comparison 2019 | CDFW Fisheries Paired Watershed Comparison | DFW-ABL | A Paired Watershed Comparison of Hydrological and Biological Condition in Streams With and Without Cannabis Cultivation | 2018-05-24 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
CEC_PPCP_2018 | Contaminants_Emerging_Concern_PPCP_2018 | Alpine Watershed Group CEC PPCP | AWG | Contaminants of Emerging Concern including Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products, 2018 | 2021-05-07 | Not Recorded |
CEC_PPCP_2019 | Contaminants_Emerging_Concern_PPCP_2019 | Alpine Watershed Group CEC PPCP | AWG | Contaminants of Emerging Concern including Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products, 2019 | 2021-05-07 | Not Recorded |
CEC_PPCP_2020 | Contaminants_Emerging_Concern_PPCP_2020 | Alpine Watershed Group CEC PPCP | AWG | Contaminants of Emerging Concern including Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products, 2020 | 2021-05-07 | Not Recorded |
CEC303d_FCSe_EC | CEC303d_ForesterCreekSelenium_ElCajon | CEC303d_ElCajon | CEC | The objective of Forester Creek selenium monitoring is to collect additional selenium data that would support the removal of the selenium 303(d) listing in the future. | 2016-11-30 | Not Recorded |
CEMAF_2022 | Cannabis CA Enviro Mon & Assessment Framework 2022 | CDFW Cannabis CA Env Mon & Assessment Framework | DFW | This framework assesses if cannabis cultivation is having significant adverse impacts on terrestrial and aquatic species and their habitats | 2022-08-31 | Not Recorded |
CEMAF_2023 | Cannabis CA Enviro Mon & Assessment Framework 2023 | CDFW Cannabis CA Env Mon & Assessment Framework | DFW | This framework assesses if cannabis cultivation is having significant adverse impacts on terrestrial and aquatic species and their habitats | 2023-07-25 | CEMAF_QAPP_2022 |
CEMAF_2024 | Cannabis CA Enviro Mon & Assessment Framework 2024 | CDFW Cannabis CA Env Mon & Assessment Framework | DFW | This framework assesses if cannabis cultivation is having significant adverse impacts on terrestrial and aquatic species and their habitats | 2024-06-04 | CEMAF_QAPP_2022 |
CEMAF_Pilot 2021 | Cannabis CA Enviro Mon & Assessment Framework 2021 | CDFW Cannabis CA Env Mon & Assessment Framework | DFW | This framework assesses if cannabis cultivation is having significant adverse impacts on terrestrial and aquatic species and their habitats | 2021-06-24 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
CeNCOOS_MLML_ShoreStation | CeNCOOS MLML Shore Station | CeNCOOS Coastal Shore Station Network | MBARI | Moss Landing Marine Laboratories near-real time seawater intake monitoring station | 2024-08-27 | IOOS QARTOD |
Central_Coast_ASBS | ASBS Reg Ref Site Monitoring 2013 - AMS | ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring | AMS-CA | AMS 2013 ASBS Regional Reference | 2014-05-27 | Not Recorded |
CEO-WQM | Water quality monitoring on Grayson Creek | The Watershed Project Water Quality Monitoring | TWP | Water quality monitoring on Grayson Creek | 2018-06-06 | CWT Guidance Compendium |
CFW_2017_BMI | Camp Far West FERC Relicensing | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | HDR-SAC | | 2019-01-23 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
Chili Bar BMI_2019 | Chili Bar BMI Monitoring_2019 | CB Aqua Macroinvert Mon Plan FERC Proj 2155_2016 | SMUD | CB Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Plan FERC Project 2155_2019 | 2020-05-08 | Chili Bar BMI Monitoring Plan |
Chili Bar BMI_2020 | Chili Bar BMI Monitoring_2020 | CB Aqua Macroinvert Mon Plan FERC Proj 2155_2016 | SMUD | CB Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Plan FERC Project 2155_2020 | 2020-05-08 | Chili Bar BMI Monitoring Plan |
Chollas Creek TMDL | Chollas Creek TMDL Implementation Monitoring | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring | AMEC | Water quality monitoring and sampling of Caltrans runoff within District 11 in the Chollas Creek watershed | 2015-11-12 | Chollas Creek and Rainbow Creek_QAPP_2015 |
Chollas_BacteriaTMDL | Chollas Creek Bacteria TMDL | Bacteria TMDL 20 Beaches and Creeks | AMEC | Chollas Creek Bacteria TMDL | 2016-12-09 | Not Recorded |
Chollas_MetalsTMDL | Chollas Creek Diazinon and Dissolved Metals TMDL | Chollas Creek Diazinon and Dissolved Metals TMDL | CSD | Chollas Creek Metals TMDL | 1900-01-01 | Not Recorded |
Chollas_SpecialStudy | Chollas Creek Jurisdictional Boundry SS | Bacteria TMDL 20 Beaches and Creeks | AMEC | Chollas Creek Jurisdictional Boundary Special Study | 2016-12-09 | Not Recorded |
ChollasBMP_RunoffRed_GW | Chollas Creek Runoff Reduction and Groundwater Rec | San Diego County Inegrated Regional water Manageme | SDC | Demonstrate practical implementation of porous asphalt and bioswale BMPs to capture and infiltrate runoff at County facilities tributary to Chollas Creek. | 2020-04-24 | Not Recorded |
CI_Harbor_NSSS | Channel Island Harbor Nutrient Sources/Sinks Study | Channel Island Harbor Nutrient Study | COXLSP | Assessment of?the?relative?importance?of?the?input?of?nutrients?from rain?events?compared?to?chronic?inputs?that?take?place?during?the?extensive?dry?weather and,?the?main?point?sources?of?nutrients?entering?CIH?during?dry?weather?and?seasonal?rains. | 2020-09-29 | CI_Harbor_NSSS_QAPP |
CIH_OXN_VC_Comb_WQ_2023 | Channel_Is.H_Oxnard_VenturaCo_Combined_WQMon_2023 | OxnardCty_Channel Islands Harbor WQ Monitoring Pgm | OXN_PW | Combined Water Quality Monitoring of Channel Islands Harbor, City of Oxnard and Ventura County, 2023 | 2023-10-30 | OXN_CIH_QAPP_2023 |
CIH_OXN_VC_Comb_WQ_2024 | Channel_Is.H_Oxnard_VenturaCo_Combined_WQMon_2024 | OxnardCty_Channel Islands Harbor WQ Monitoring Pgm | OXN_PW | Combined Water Quality Monitoring of Channel Islands Harbor, City of Oxnard and Ventura County, 2024 | 2023-10-30 | OXN_CIH_QAPP_2023 |
CIH_OXN_VC_Comb_WQ_2025 | Channel_Is.H_Oxnard_VenturaCo_Combined_WQMon_2025 | OxnardCty_Channel Islands Harbor WQ Monitoring Pgm | OXN_PW | Combined Water Quality Monitoring of Channel Islands Harbor, City of Oxnard and Ventura County, 2025 | 2023-10-30 | OXN_CIH_QAPP_2023 |
CIH_OXN_VC_Comb_WQ_2026 | Channel_Is.H_Oxnard_VenturaCo_Combined_WQMon_2026 | OxnardCty_Channel Islands Harbor WQ Monitoring Pgm | OXN_PW | Combined Water Quality Monitoring of Channel Islands Harbor, City of Oxnard and Ventura County, 2026 | 2023-10-30 | OXN_CIH_QAPP_2023 |
CitMon_BearRiv | Citizen Monitoring - Bear River | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Citizen Monitoring - Bear River | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
CitMon_DeerCk | Citizen Monitoring - Deer Creek | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Citizen Monitoring - Deer Creek | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
CitMon_MorroB | Citizen Monitoring - Morro Bay | Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program | RWQCB3 | Citizen Monitoring - Morro Bay | 2022-01-10 | Not Recorded |
CitMon_MorroB_2002 | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2002 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2002 | 2015-06-03 | MBNEP_QAPP_2002 |
CitMon_MorroB_2003 | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2003 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2003 | 2015-06-03 | MBNEP_QAPP_2003 |
CitMon_MorroB_2004 | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2004 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2004 | 2015-06-03 | MBNEP_QAPP_2004 |
CitMon_MorroB_2005 | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2005 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2005 | 2015-06-03 | MBNEP_QAPP_2005 |
CitMon_MorroB_2006 | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2006 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2006 | 2015-06-03 | MBNEP_QAPP_2006 |
CitMon_MorroB_2007 | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2007 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2007 | 2015-06-03 | MBNEP_QAPP_2007 |
CitMon_MorroB_2008 | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2008 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2008 | 2015-06-03 | MBNEP_QAPP_2008 |
CitMon_MorroB_2009 | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2009 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2009 | 2015-06-03 | MBNEP_QAPP_2009 |
CitMon_MorroB_2010 | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2010 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2010 | 2015-06-03 | MBNEP_QAPP_2010 |
CitMon_MorroB_2011 | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2011 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2011 | 2015-02-10 | MBNEP_QAPP_2011 |
CitMon_MorroB_2012 | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2012 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2012 | 2015-02-10 | MBNEP_QAPP_2012 |
CitMon_MorroB_2013 | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2013 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2013 | 2015-02-10 | MBNEP_QAPP_2013 |
CitMon_MorroB_2014 | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2014 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2014 | 2015-02-10 | MBNEP_QAPP_2014 |
CitMon_MorroB_2015 | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2015 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | Citizen Monitoring Morro Bay 2015 | 2015-03-30 | MBNEP_QAPP_2015 |
CitMon_MorroB_2016 | MBNEP Monitoring Program 2016 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | MB Watershed and Estuary Monitoring 2016 | 2016-07-08 | MBNEP_QAPP_2015 |
CitMon_MorroB_2017 | MBNEP Monitoring Program 2017 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | MB Watershed and Estuary Monitoring 2017 | 2022-01-10 | MBNEP_QAPP_2017 |
CitMon_MorroB_2018 | MBNEP Monitoring Program 2018 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | MB Watershed and Estuary Monitoring 2018 | 2022-01-10 | MBNEP_QAPP_2018 |
CitMon_MorroB_2019 | MBNEP Monitoring Program 2019 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | MB Watershed and Estuary Monitoring 2019 | 2019-08-28 | MBNEP_QAPP_2019 |
CitMon_MorroB_2020 | MBNEP Monitoring Program 2020 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | MB Watershed and Estuary Monitoring 2020 | 2022-01-10 | MBNEP_QAPP_2020 |
CitMon_MorroB_2021 | MBNEP Monitoring Program 2021 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | MB Watershed and Estuary Monitoring 2021 | 2022-01-10 | MBNEP_QAPP_2020 |
CitMon_MorroB_2022 | MBNEP Monitoring Program 2022 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | MB Watershed and Estuary Monitoring 2022 | 2021-12-20 | MBNEP_QAPP_2021 |
CitMon_MorroB_2023 | MBNEP Monitoring Program 2023 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | MB Watershed and Estuary Monitoring 2023 | 2023-06-16 | MBNEP_QAPP_2023 |
CitMon_MorroB_2024 | MBNEP Monitoring Program 2024 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | MB Watershed and Estuary Monitoring 2024 | 2024-02-28 | MBNEP_QAPP_2023 |
CitMon_PutahCk | Citizen Monitoring - Putah Creek | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Citizen Monitoring - Putah Creek | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
CitMon_SanDiego | Citizen Monitoring - San Diego | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Citizen Monitoring - San Diego | 2011-10-19 | Not Recorded |
CitMon_TrkeeRiv | Citizen Monitoring Truckee River | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Citizen Monitoring Truckee River | 2011-10-19 | Not Recorded |
CITYLB_2004 | City of Long Beach 2004 | So. Ca. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project | SCCWRP | City of Long Beach 2004 | 2012-04-26 | Not Recorded |
CITYLB_2005 | City of Long Beach 2005 | So. Ca. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project | SCCWRP | City of Long Beach 2005 | 2012-04-26 | Not Recorded |
CITYLB_2006 | City of Long Beach 2006 | So. Ca. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project | SCCWRP | City of Long Beach 2006 | 2012-04-26 | Not Recorded |
CITYLB_2007 | City of Long Beach 2007 | So. Ca. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project | SCCWRP | City of Long Beach 2007 | 2012-04-26 | Not Recorded |
CitySD_BacteriaTMDL | City of San Diego Bacteria TMDL | Bacteria TMDL 20 Beaches and Creeks | AMEC | City of San Diego Bacteria TMDL | 2016-12-09 | Not Recorded |
CJ_GANP | Central Jefferson Green Alley Network Project | WPP, GI, Green Streets and Green Corridors | TetraTech | Central Jefferson Green Alley Network Project | 2024-03-05 | Central Jefferson Green Alley Network, QAPP, 2023 |
CMPMonitoringData | CMP Monitoring Data | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | CMP monitoring data | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
CNRA_2016 | CA Natural Resources Agency Monitoring 2016 | California Natural Resources Agency Monitoring | DFW-ABL | California Natural Resources Agency Augmentation of the PSA Program Targeting Private Timber Land 2016 | 2016-05-18 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
CNRA_2017 | CA Natural Resources Agency Monitoring 2017 | California Natural Resources Agency Monitoring | DFW-ABL | California Natural Resources Agency Augmentation of the PSA Program Targeting Private Timber Land 2017 | 2016-05-18 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
CNRA_2018 | CA Natural Resources Agency Monitoring 2018 | California Natural Resources Agency Monitoring | DFW-ABL | California Natural Resources Agency Augmentation of the PSA Program Targeting Private Timber Land 2018 | 2018-04-26 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
COMPTON_NPDES | City of Compton NPDES Program | City of Compton NPDES Program | NV5_Long Beach | City of Compton NPDES Monitoring | 2021-04-21 | Not Recorded |
Coronado_BeachWQSpecialStudy | Coronado Special Study Beach WQ Assessment | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring | Ccity | Coronado Special Study Beach Water Quality Assessment | 2024-01-24 | Not Recorded |
CoSD Non-Res Septic Study | CoSD Non-Residential Septic Study | CoSD Non-Residential Septic Study | WoodGroup | Wet Weather Runoff Study from Non-Residential Parcels with Septic Systems | 2022-08-29 | WetRunoffSepticQAPP_V1.0 |
CoSD SDR-098B 22-23 | CoSD SDR-098B Wet Weather MST Investigation 22-23 | CoSD 22-23 SDR-098B WW Investigation | WSP_SD_SkyPkwy | Collection of FIB and HF183 at catch basin B in SDR-098 drainage area | 2024-01-25 | Not Recorded |
COSD_Selenium Study | COSD_Selenium Study | San Diego Region NPDES | SDC | Collection of selenium results from multiple projects used for delisting assessmemnt from section 303(d) list | 2018-02-28 | QAPP_ISWM_Ver4 |
CPTMDL16-18 | Coastal Pathogen Project 2016-2018 | Coastal Pathogen TMDL | RWQCB1 | Coastal Watershed Pathogen indicator Project 2016-2018 | 2018-01-12 | CWPIS_QAPP_2015 |
CRC_09 | CRC MRP Order no. R5-2009-0809 | California Rice Commission | CRC | Monitoring and Reporting Program Order no. R5-2009-0809 for the California Rice Commision | 2012-03-13 | CW4CB QAPP |
CRC_10 | CRC MRP Order no. R5-2010-0805 | California Rice Commission | CRC | Monitoring performed by the California Rice Commission under the Monitoring and Reporting Program Order no. R5-2010-0805 for the California Rice Commision | 2010-12-16 | USBR_SJRR_WS_QAPP |
CRC_AY09 | CRC, Order R5-2009-0809, Dec 31st 2009, AY09 | California Rice Commission | CRC | California Rice Commission Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2009-0809, December 31st 2009 Submittal, Annual Year 2009, Sampling Dates Apr-Sep 2009 | 2014-11-20 | CRC_QAPP_2009 |
CRC_AY10 | CRC, Order R5-2009-0809, Dec 31st 2010, AY10 | California Rice Commission | CRC | California Rice Commission Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2009-0809, December 31st 2010 Submittal, Annual Year 2010, Sampling Dates May-Aug 2010 | 2014-11-20 | CRC_QAPP_2010 |
CRC_AY11 | CRC, Order R5-2010-0805, Dec 31st 2011, AY11 | California Rice Commission | CRC | California Rice Commission Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2010-0805, December 31st 2011 Submittal, Annual Year 2011, Sampling Dates May-Aug 2011 | 2014-11-20 | CRC_QAPP_2010 |
CRC_AY12 | CRC, Order R5-2010-0805, Dec 31st 2012, AY12 | California Rice Commission | CRC | California Rice Commission Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2010-0805, December 31st 2012 Submittal, Annual Year 2012, Sampling Dates May-Sep 2012 | 2014-11-20 | CRC_QAPP_2010 |
CRC_AY13 | CRC, Order R5-2010-0805, Dec 31st 2013, AY13 | California Rice Commission | CRC | California Rice Commission Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2010-0805, December 31st 2013 Submittal, Annual Year 2013, Sampling Dates May-Aug 2013 | 2015-05-01 | CRC_QAPP_2010 |
CRC_AY14 | CRC, Order R5-2014-0032, Dec 31st 2014, AY14 | California Rice Commission | CRC | California Rice Commission Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2014-0032, December 31st 2014 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Sampling Dates May- Aug 2014 | 2016-09-07 | CRC_QAPP_2010 |
CRC_AY15 | CRC, Order R5-2014-0032, Dec 31st 2015, AY15 | California Rice Commission | CRC | California Rice Commission Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2014-0032, December 31st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Sampling Dates May- Aug 2015 | 2016-09-07 | CRC_QAPP_2010 |
CRC_AY16 | CRC, Order R5-2014-0032, Dec 31st 2016, AY16 | California Rice Commission | CRC | California Rice Commission Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2014-0032, December 31st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Sampling Dates May- Aug 2016 | 2016-09-07 | CRC_QAPP_2010 |
CRC_AY17 | CRC, Order R5-2014-0032, Dec 31st 2017, AY17 | California Rice Commission | CRC | California Rice Commission Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2014-0032, December 31st 2017 Submittal, Annual Year 2017, Sampling Dates May- Aug 2017 | 2016-09-07 | CRC_QAPP_2010 |
CRC_AY18 | CRC, Order R5-2014-0032, Dec 31st 2018, AY18 | California Rice Commission | CRC | California Rice Commission Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2014-0032, December 31st 2018 Submittal, Annual Year 2018, Sampling Dates May- Aug 2018 | 2018-05-15 | CRC_QAPP_2017 |
CRC_AY19 | CRC, Order R5-2014-0032, Dec 31st 2019, AY19 | California Rice Commission | CRC | California Rice Commission Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2014-0032, December 31st 2019 Submittal, Annual Year 2019, Sampling Dates May- Aug 2019 | 2018-05-15 | CRC_QAPP_2017 |
CRC_AY20 | CRC, Order R5-2014-0032, Dec 31st 2020, AY20 | California Rice Commission | CRC | California Rice Commission Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2014-0032, December 31st 2020 Submittal, Annual Year 2020, Sampling Dates May- Aug 2020 | 2018-05-15 | CRC_QAPP_2017 |
CRC_AY21 | CRC, Order R5-2014-0032, Dec 31st 2021, AY21 | California Rice Commission | CRC | California Rice Commission Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2014-0032, December 31st 2021 Submittal, Annual Year 2021, Sampling Dates May- Aug 2021 | 2018-05-15 | CRC_QAPP_2017 |
CRC_AY22 | CRC, Order R5-2014-0032, Dec 31st 2022, AY22 | California Rice Commission | CRC | California Rice Commission Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2014-0032, December 31st 2022 Submittal, Annual Year 2022, Sampling Dates May-Aug 2022 | 2022-06-07 | CRC_QAPP_2017 |
CRC_AY23 | CRC, Order R5-2014-0032, Dec 31st 2023, AY23 | California Rice Commission | CRC | California Rice Commission Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2014-0032, December 31st 2023 Submittal, Annual Year 2023, Sampling Dates May- Aug 2023 | 2022-07-05 | CRC_QAPP_2017 |
CRC_AY24 | CRC, Order R5-2014-0032, Dec 31st 2024, AY24 | California Rice Commission | CRC | California Rice Commission Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2014-0032, December 31st 2024 Submittal, Annual Year 2024, Sampling Dates May- Aug 2024 | 2022-07-05 | CRC_QAPP_2017 |
CRC_Historical | CRC, Order R5-2003-0839, R5-2007-0835, 2003-2008 | California Rice Commission | CRC | California Rice Commission Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2003-0839, Order R5-2007-0835, Sampling Dates 2003-2008 | 2016-08-12 | GuidanceDocument_2010 |
CRC_RPP | California Rice Commission Rice Pesticide Program | California Rice Commission | Not Recorded | California Rice Commission Rice Pesticide Program | 2011-11-28 | Not Recorded |
Creekside_Park_Rst_CY2021 | Marsh Ck - Oakley Creekside Park Restoration | Marsh Creek Watershed | AMS-CA | Bioassessment and WQ monitoring in Marsh Creek for Oakley Creekside Park Restoration Project | 2021-07-01 | 3CREEKS AMMP QAPP |
Creekside_Park_Rst_CY2022 | Marsh Ck - Oakley Creekside Park Restoration 2022 | Marsh Creek Watershed | AMS-CA | Bioassessment and WQ monitoring in Marsh Creek for Oakley Creekside Park Restoration Project 2022 | 2022-05-11 | 3CREEKS AMMP QAPP |
Creekside_Park_Rst_CY2023 | Marsh Ck - Oakley Creekside Park Restoration 2023 | Marsh Creek Watershed | AMS-CA | Bioassessment and WQ monitoring in Marsh Creek for Oakley Creekside Park Restoration Project 2023 | 2023-05-18 | 3CREEKS AMMP QAPP |
CS_PEST_DS_2011-2012 | Cache Slough Pest Input for Delta Smelt 2011-12 | Region 5 Cache Slough | RWQCB5S | Weston, D. P.; Asbell, A. M.; Lesmeister, S. A.; Teh, S. J.; Lydy, M. J. Urban and Agricultural Pesticide Inputs to a Critical Habitat for the Threatened Delta Smelt (Hypomesus Transpacificus). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2014, Vol. 33, No. 4, | 2018-03-05 | Not Recorded |
CS_PEST_TOX_2015-2016 | SFCWA CacheSlough Resistance ID PEST TOX 2015-16 | SFCWA Cache Slough | SFCWA | Weston, D. P.; Poynton, H. C.; Major, K; Wellborn, G. A.; Lydy, M. J.; Moschet, C.; Connon, R. E. Using Mutations for Pesticide Resistance to Identify the Cause of Toxicity in Environmental Samples. 2018; DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b05071. | 2018-03-05 | Not Recorded |
CS3C SDMP 2016 DRY | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pathogens; 2016, dry season | Clean Streams in S. SoCo Pathogen Source Detection | SCPRMD | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pathogens; 2016, dry season | 2017-02-06 | QAPP1 |
CS3C SDMP 2016-17 WET | Clean Streams S. SoCo Pathogens 2016-17 wet season | Clean Streams in S. SoCo Pathogen Source Detection | SCPRMD | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pathogens; 2016-17, wet season | 2017-02-06 | QAPP1 |
CS3C SDMP 2017 DRY | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pathogens; 2017, dry season | Clean Streams in S. SoCo Pathogen Source Detection | SCPRMD | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pathogens; 2017, dry season | 2017-02-06 | QAPP1 |
CS3C SDMP 2017-18 WET | Clean Streams S. SoCo Pathogens 2017-18 wet season | Clean Streams in S. SoCo Pathogen Source Detection | SCPRMD | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pathogens; 2017-18, wet season | 2017-02-06 | QAPP1 |
CS3C SDMP 2017-18 WETpest | Clean Streams S.SoCo Pesticides 2017-18 wet season | Clean Streams in S. SoCo Pathogen Source Detection | SCPRMD | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pesticides; 2017-18, wet season | 2018-01-02 | QAPP1 |
CS3C SDMP 2018 DRY | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pathogens; 2018, dry season | Clean Streams in S. SoCo Pathogen Source Detection | SCPRMD | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pathogens; 2018, dry season | 2017-02-06 | QAPP1 |
CS3C SDMP 2018-19 WET | Clean Streams S. SoCo Pathogens 2018-19 wet season | Clean Streams in S. SoCo Pathogen Source Detection | SCPRMD | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pathogens; 2018-19, wet season | 2017-02-06 | QAPP1 |
CS3C SDMP 2018-19 WETpest | Clean Streams S.SoCo Pesticides 2018-19 wet season | Clean Streams in S. SoCo Pathogen Source Detection | SCPRMD | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pesticides; 2018-19, wet season | 2019-05-09 | QAPP1 |
CS3C SDMP 2019 DRY | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pathogens; 2019, dry season | Clean Streams in S. SoCo Pathogen Source Detection | SCPRMD | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pathogens; 2019, dry season | 2019-08-05 | QAPP1 |
CS3C SDMP 2019-20 WET | Clean Streams S. SoCo Pathogens 2019-20 wet season | Clean Streams in S. SoCo Pathogen Source Detection | SCPRMD | Clean Streams S. SoCo Pathogens 2019-20 wet season | 2019-08-05 | QAPP1 |
CS3C SDMP 2019-20 WETpest | Clean Streams S.SoCo Pesticides 2019-20 wet season | Clean Streams in S. SoCo Pathogen Source Detection | SCPRMD | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pesticides; 2019-20, wet season | 2019-05-09 | QAPP1 |
CS3C SDMP 2020 DRY | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pathogens; 2020, dry season | Clean Streams in S. SoCo Pathogen Source Detection | SCPRMD | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pathogens; 2020, dry season | 2019-08-05 | QAPP1 |
CS3C SDMP 2020-21 WET | Clean Streams S. SoCo Pathogens 2020-21 wet season | Clean Streams in S. SoCo Pathogen Source Detection | SCPRMD | Clean Streams S. SoCo Pathogens 2020-21 wet season | 2019-08-05 | QAPP1 |
CS3C SDMP 2020-21 WETpest | Clean Streams S.SoCo Pesticides 2020-21 wet season | Clean Streams in S. SoCo Pathogen Source Detection | SCPRMD | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pesticides; 2020-21, wet season | 2019-05-09 | QAPP1 |
CS3C SDMP 2021 DRY | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pathogens; 2021, dry season | Clean Streams in S. SoCo Pathogen Source Detection | SCPRMD | Clean Streams S. SoCo, Pathogens; 2021, dry season | 2019-08-05 | QAPP1 |
CSD HOS | City of San Diego Hypolimnetic Oxygenation System | Prop84-City of San Diego | CSD | Purchase and install a hypolimnetic oxygenation system (HOS) and on-land oxygen storage facility to aid in controlling algal productivity in Hodges Reservoir to improve WQ, and increase DW supply. Funded by Proposition 84 IRWMP (Project No. 7-80027.) | 2021-06-04 | Not Recorded |
CSD_LaJolla_ASBS_2013 | City of San Diego-La Jolla ASBS 2012-2013 | ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring | AMEC | Areas of Special Biological Significance focused sampling done in conjunction with/supplementing Bight 2013 | 2014-03-13 | Not Recorded |
CSD_Purewater_NorthCity | City of San Diego Purewater Project North City | City of San Diego Purewater Project North City | CSD | City of San Diego Purewater Project North City | 2023-02-27 | Discharge_Requirements_for_CSD_Purewater_NorthCity |
CSD_Regional_OM | San Diego Regional Ocean Monitoring | San Diego Regional Ocean Monitoring | CSD | San Diego Regional Ocean Monitoring | 2022-01-10 | QAPP_for_Coastal_Receiving_Waters_Monitoring_2020 |
CSDM | Coastal Storm Drain Monitoring | San Diego Region NPDES | WestonSolu | Monitoring of fecal indicator bacteria in urban runoff from coastal outfalls. Samples collected monthly at flowing storm drains and include receiving water where the drains discharge to coastal waters. 2007 NPDES Permit. | 2014-06-10 | Not Recorded |
CSERC_SNLE_1 | CSERC Sierra Nevada Low Elevation WQM Phase 1 | CSERC Sierra Nevada Low Elevation WQM | CSERC | CSERC Sierra Nevada Low Elevation Water Quality Monitoring phase 1 2018-2019 | 2019-02-08 | CSERC QAPP SNLEM v1 |
CSI_2018 | Cleanup and Site Investigation 2018 | SWAMP RWB6 Monitoring | RWQCB6 | Data collected for 2018 Cleanup and Site Investigation Projects | 2018-06-06 | Not Recorded |
CSLRCD_Ag_Monitor_2012 | Ag_WQ_Enhancement_Grant 2012 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | AMBIENT_WQ_LOS_OSOS_VALLEY 2012 | 2015-06-03 | MBNEP_QAPP_2012 |
CSLRCD_Ag_Monitor_2013 | Ag_WQ_Enhancement_Grant 2013 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | AMBIENT_WQ_LOS_OSOS_VALLEY 2013 | 2015-06-03 | MBNEP_QAPP_2013 |
CSLRCD_Ag_Monitor_2014 | Ag_WQ_Enhancement_Grant 2014 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | AMBIENT_WQ_LOS_OSOS_VALLEY 2014 | 2015-06-03 | MBNEP_QAPP_2014 |
CSLRCD_Ag_Monitor_2015 | Ag_WQ_Enhancement_Grant 2015 | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | MBNEP | AMBIENT_WQ_LOS_OSOS_VALLEY 2015 | 2015-03-30 | MBNEP_QAPP_2015 |
CSRCS_2010 | City of Santee 2010 Rivers and Creeks Study | City of Santee Rivers and Creeks Additional Study | CS | This study collected and analyzed water quality samples from 2010 in impaired water bodies with selenium impairment in order to assess whether their inclusion on the CWA 303(d) list is justified. | 2019-06-07 | City of Santee Rivers and Creeks Study |
CSWRCB_PajaroAquaticRox | CSWRCB Pajaro Aquatic Toxicity | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | California State Water Resources Control Board - Division of Water Quality. Aquatic Toxicity in the Pajaro | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
CT_SD_FSI_Study | County of San Diego Flow Source Investigation | County of San Diego Flow Source Investigation | WoodGroup | Flow source investigation (FSI) study to assess potential sources of flow to County of San Diego maintained MS4 outfalls. | 2020-01-15 | GW_Detection_Manual |
CTC_UTM_319 | Upper Truckee Marsh 319 Monitoring | Upper Truckee Marsh 319 Monitoring | CTC | Upper Truckee Marsh 319 Monitoring | 2017-06-23 | UTMMP_QAPP_2014 |
CV_OutfallStudy_SLR-03 | City of Vista_Target Outfall Investigation_SLR-03 | San Diego Region NPDES | VistaCity | City of Vista, Targeted SLR-3 Outfall Investigation Study: Dry weather investigation of water quality, FIB, and HF183 at major outfall SLR-03 | 2023-10-17 | Not Recorded |
CVILC_SW_AY21_Q1 | CVILC, SW, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2022, AY21, Q1 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2022 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2021, Quarter 1, Sampling Date March 2021 | 2021-08-03 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVILC_SW_AY21_Q2 | CVILC, SW, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2022, AY21, Q2 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2022 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2021, Quarter 2, Sampling Date May 2021 | 2021-08-03 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVILC_SW_AY21_Q3 | CVILC, SW, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2022, AY21, Q3 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2022 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2021, Quarter 3, Sampling Date August 2021 | 2021-08-03 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVILC_SW_AY21_Q4 | CVILC, SW, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2022, AY21, Q4 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2022 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2021, Quarter 4, Sampling Date October 2020 | 2021-08-03 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVILC_SW_AY22_Q1 | CVILC, SW, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2023, AY22, Q1 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2023 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2022, Quarter 1, Sampling Date March 2022 | 2022-03-15 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVILC_SW_AY22_Q2 | CVILC, SW, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2023, AY22, Q2 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2023 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2022, Quarter 2, Sampling Date May 2022 | 2022-03-15 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVILC_SW_AY22_Q3 | CVILC, SW, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2023, AY22, Q3 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2023 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2022, Quarter 3, Sampling Date August 2022 | 2022-03-15 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVILC_SW_AY22_Q4 | CVILC, SW, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2023, AY22, Q4 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2023 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2022, Quarter 4, Sampling Date October 2022 | 2022-03-15 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVILC_SW_AY23_Q1 | CVILC, SW, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2024, AY23, Q1 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2024 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2023, Quarter 1, Sampling Date March 2023 | 2023-03-15 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVILC_SW_AY23_Q2 | CVILC, SW, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2024, AY23, Q2 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2024 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2023, Quarter 2, Sampling Date May 2023 | 2023-03-15 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVILC_SW_AY23_Q3 | CVILC, SW, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2024, AY23, Q3 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2024 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2023, Quarter 3, Sampling Date August 2023 | 2023-03-15 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVILC_SW_AY23_Q4 | CVILC, SW, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2024, AY23, Q4 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2024 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2023, Quarter 4, Sampling Date October 2023 | 2023-03-15 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVILC_SW_AY24_Q1 | CVILC, SW, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2025, AY24, Q1 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2025 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2024, Quarter 1, Sampling Date March 2024 | 2024-02-07 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVILC_SW_AY24_Q2 | CVILC, SW, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2025, AY24, Q2 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2025 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2024, Quarter 2, Sampling Date May 2024 | 2024-02-07 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVILC_SW_AY24_Q3 | CVILC, SW, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2025, AY24, Q3 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2025 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2024, Quarter 3, Sampling Date August 2024 | 2024-02-07 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVILC_SW_AY24_Q4 | CVILC, SW, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2025, AY24, Q4 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2025 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2024, Quarter 4, Sampling Date October 2024 | 2024-02-07 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVILC_TI_AY22_Q4 | CVILC, TI, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2023, AY22, Q4 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition tissue monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2023 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2022, Quarter 4, Sampling Date October 2022 | 2022-03-15 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVILC_TI_AY23_Q4 | CVILC, TI, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2024, AY23, Q4 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition tissue monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2024 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2023, Quarter 4, Sampling Date October 2023 | 2023-03-15 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVILC_TI_AY24_Q4 | CVILC, TI, R7-2020-0026, Apr 1st 2025, AY24, Q4 | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | CVILC | Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition tissue monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2020-0026, April 1st 2025 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2024, Quarter 4, Sampling Date October 2024 | 2024-02-07 | CVILC_QAPP_2021 |
CVRWQCB_Foe | CVRWQCB San Joaquin Basin Ag Return Water, Foe | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | CVRWQCB study: Insecticide concentrations and invertebrate bioassay mortality in agricultural return water from the San Joaquin Basin by Chris Foe. | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
CVSALTS_MUN_2012-2013 | CV-SALTS MUN Beneficial Use Project 2012-2013 | CV-SALTS MUN Evaluation in Ag Water Bodies | RWQCB5S | CV-SALTS Evaluation of Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) Beneficial Use in Agricultural Drains 2012-2013 | 2016-09-07 | MUN_QAPP_2012 |
CVSALTS_MUN_2014 | CV-SALTS MUN Beneficial Use Project 2014 | CV-SALTS MUN Evaluation in Ag Water Bodies | RWQCB5S | CV-SALTS Evaluation of Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) Beneficial Use in Agricultural Drains 2014 | 2016-09-07 | MUN_QAPP_2014 |
CVSALTS_MUN_2016 | CV-SALTS MUN Beneficial Use Project 2016 | CV-SALTS MUN Evaluation in Ag Water Bodies | RWQCB5S | CV-SALTS Evaluation of Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) Beneficial Use 2016 | 2016-09-07 | MUN_QAPP_2016 |
CVSALTS_MUN_2017 | CV-SALTS MUN Beneficial Use Project 2017 | SWAMP RWB5 Monitoring | RWQCB5 | CV-SALTS Evaluation of Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) Beneficial Use 2017 | 2017-09-05 | Not Recorded |
CVSALTS_MUN_2018 | CV-SALTS MUN Beneficial Use Project 2018 | CV-SALTS MUN Evaluation in Ag Water Bodies | RWQCB5 | CV-SALTS Evaluation of Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) Beneficial Use 2018 | 2018-07-31 | Not Recorded |
CVSALTS_MUN_2019 | CV-SALTS MUN Beneficial Use Project 2019 | CV-SALTS MUN Evaluation in Ag Water Bodies | RWQCB5 | CV-SALTS Evaluation of Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) Beneficial Use 2019 | 2020-02-10 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
CVSALTS_MUN_2020 | CV-SALTS MUN Beneficial Use Project 2020 | CV-SALTS MUN Evaluation in Ag Water Bodies | RWQCB5 | CV-SALTS Evaluation of Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) Beneficial Use 2020 | 2020-02-10 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
CWA303d_PCSe_NC | CWA303d_ParadiseCreekSelenium_NationalCity | CWA303d_NationalCity | NCCity | The objective of Paradise Creek selenium monitoring is to collect additional selenium data in the portion of the creek adjacent to Kimball Park within the City that would support the removal of the selenium 303(d) listing in the future. | 2016-08-30 | Not Recorded |
CWC_ALBA_2011 | Carneros Creek/ALBA 2011 | Elkhorn_Carneros Creek Project | CWC | Carneros Creek/ALBA 2011 | 2015-01-23 | Not Recorded |
CWC_ALBA_2012 | Carneros Creek/ALBA 2012 | Elkhorn_Carneros Creek Project | CWC | Carneros Creek/ALBA | 2012-11-28 | Not Recorded |
CWC_ALBA_2013 | Carneros Creek/ALBA 2013 | Elkhorn_Carneros Creek Project | CWC | Carneros Creek/ALBA 2013 | 2014-05-30 | Not Recorded |
CWC_ALBA_2015 | Carneros Creek/ALBA 2015 | Elkhorn_Carneros Creek Project | CWC | Carneros Creek/ALBA 2015 | 2015-06-26 | Elkhorn_LCC_QAPP_2010 |
CWC_CAPFF_2011 | City of Capitola First Flush Program 2011 | City of Capitola First Flush Program | CWC | City of Capitola First Flush Program 2011 | 2015-06-26 | MBRUW_FF_QAPP_2004 |
CWC_CAPFF_2012 | City of Capitola First Flush Program 2012 | City of Capitola First Flush Program | CWC | City of Capitola First Flush Program 2012 | 2015-06-26 | MBRUW_FF_QAPP_2004 |
CWC_CAPFF_2013 | City of Capitola First Flush Program 2013 | City of Capitola First Flush Program | CWC | City of Capitola First Flush Program 2013 | 2015-06-26 | MBRUW_FF_QAPP_2004 |
CWC_CAPFF_2014 | City of Capitola First Flush Program 2014 | City of Capitola First Flush Program | CWC | City of Capitola First Flush Program 2014 | 2015-06-26 | MBRUW_FF_QAPP_2004 |
CWC_CAPFF_2015 | City of Capitola First Flush Program 2015 | City of Capitola First Flush Program | CWC | City of Capitola First Flush Program 2015 | 2015-06-26 | MBRUW_FF_QAPP_2004 |
CWC_CAPUW_2010 | City of Capitola Urban Watch Program 2010 | City of Capitola Urban Watch Program | CWC | City of Capitola Urban Watch Program 2010 | 2015-06-26 | MBRUW_FF_QAPP_2004 |
CWC_CAPUW_2011 | City of Capitola Urban Watch Program 2011 | City of Capitola Urban Watch Program | CWC | City of Capitola Urban Watch Program 2011 | 2015-06-26 | MBRUW_FF_QAPP_2004 |
CWC_CAPUW_2012 | City of Capitola Urban Watch Program 2012 | City of Capitola Urban Watch Program | CWC | City of Capitola Urban Watch Program 2012 | 2015-06-26 | MBRUW_FF_QAPP_2004 |
CWC_CAPUW_2013 | City of Capitola Urban Watch Program 2013 | City of Capitola Urban Watch Program | CWC | City of Capitola Urban Watch Program 2013 | 2015-06-26 | MBRUW_FF_QAPP_2004 |
CWC_CAPUW_2014 | City of Capitola Urban Watch Program 2014 | City of Capitola Urban Watch Program | CWC | City of Capitola Urban Watch Program 2014 | 2015-06-26 | MBRUW_FF_QAPP_2004 |
CWC_CAPUW_2015 | City of Capitola Urban Watch Program 2015 | City of Capitola Urban Watch Program | CWC | City of Capitola Urban Watch Program 2015 | 2015-09-23 | MBRUW_FF_QAPP_2004 |
CWC_L&L_ASBS_2012 | Livestock & Land ASBS Carmel River Monitoring | Livestock & Land ASBS Carmel River Monitoring | CWC | Livestock & Land ASBS Carmel River Monitoring | 2012-11-28 | Not Recorded |
CWC_L_and_L_ASBS_2012 | Livestock and Land ASBS Carmel River Monitoring | Elkhorn_Carneros Creek Project | CWC | | 2012-11-28 | CCWG-MLML CRAM Validation QAPP 2014 |
CWC_SC_FF_2011 | City of Santa Cruz First Flush Program 2011 | City of Santa Cruz First Flush Program | CWC | City of Santa Cruz First Flush Program 2011 | 2015-01-26 | USEPA 40 CFR, 2007 |
CWC_SC_FF_2012 | City of Santa Cruz First Flush Program 2012 | City of Santa Cruz First Flush Program | CWC | y of Santa Cruz First Flush Program 2012 | 2012-11-28 | USEPA 40 CFR, 2007 |
CWC_SC_FF_2013 | City of Santa Cruz First Flush Program 2013 | City of Santa Cruz First Flush Program | CWC | City of Santa Cruz First Flush Program 2013 | 2015-01-26 | USEPA 40 CFR, 2007 |
CWC_SC_FF_2014 | City of Santa Cruz First Flush Program 2014 | City of Santa Cruz First Flush Program | CWC | City of Santa Cruz First Flush Program 2014 | 2015-01-26 | USEPA 40 CFR, 2007 |
CWC_SSD_2015 | Monterey Bay Regional Snapshot Day Event 2015 | MBNMS Snapshot Day | CWC | Monterey Bay Regional Snapshot Day Event 2015 | 2015-07-01 | USEPA 40 CFR, 2007 |
DCCMP_2017 | Deer Creek Citizen Monitoring Project 2017 | Deer Creek Citizen Monitoring Program | SSI_FDC | | 2017-03-06 | Yuba Watershed Council Monitoring Committee Citizen Monitor QAPjP |
DCHWQEDP | Delilah Crk Habitat and WQ Enhancement Design | Smith River Alliance, CDFW Fisheries Restoration G | SRA | Water quality monitoring to support restoration design and planning for Delilah Creek. | 2022-11-04 | Not Recorded |
Delta98 Organics | Delta98 Organics | SWAMP Historic Bioaccumulation Data | Not Recorded | Davis, J.A., M.D. May, G. Ichikawa, and D. Crane. 2000. Contaminant Concentrations in Fish from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Lower San Joaquin River, 1998. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Richmond, CA. | 2012-02-16 | Not Recorded |
DFG_CritRiff_FLOW | DFG Critical Riffle Study Flow Monitoring | Central Coast Water Conservancy Flow Monitoring | DFW | Instantaneous discharge measurements collected by California Department of Fish and Wildlife as part of a critical riffle study. Data shared with CCWC as part of CCWC_FLOW program. | 2018-05-10 | CCWC Flow Monitoring QAQC_2018 |
DFG_DltaSed | Fish & Game Delta Sediments | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Fish & Game Delta Sediments | 2011-10-19 | Not Recorded |
DFG_Mrjna_Study | DFG Marijuana Grow Study | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | DFG Marijuana Grow Study | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
DFW_COSSEP_DryStream_2018 | DFW COSSEP Dry Stream 2018 | SWAMP Dry Stream | CSUMB-WEE | Samples collected for development of biological indicators in dry streams, supported by DFW, 2018 | 2019-04-30 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
DFW_COSSEP_DryStream_2019 | DFW COSSEP Dry Stream 2019 | SWAMP Dry Stream | CSUMB-WEE | Samples collected for development of biological indicators in dry streams, supported by DFW, 2019 | 2022-08-31 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
DFW_Drafting_Study | CDFW Class II drafting study Project | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | CDFW Class II drafting study Project | 2015-09-17 | Not Recorded |
DFW_Kern_River | DFW Kern River | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | DFW Kern River | 2015-09-17 | Not Recorded |
DIM_RB5 | Delta Island Monitoring Project RWQCB5 | Delta Island Monitoring Project RWQCB5 | Not Recorded | Delta Island Monitoring Project Regional Water Quality Control Board Region 5 | 2013-09-05 | Not Recorded |
DOT_NPDES_MON_2013-2014 | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring 2013-2014 | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring | Caltrans | Compliance with SWRCB Order No. 2012-0011-DWQ, California Department of Transportation Statewide NPDES Permit for the 2013-2014 storm season. | 2015-03-10 | Not Recorded |
DOT_NPDES_MON_2014-2015 | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring 2014-2015 | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring | Caltrans | Compliance with SWRCB Order No. 2012-0011-DWQ, California Department of Transportation Statewide NPDES Permit for the 2014-2015 storm season. | 2014-07-02 | Not Recorded |
DOT_NPDES_MON_2015-2016 | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring 2015-2016 | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring | Caltrans | Compliance with SWRCB Order No. 2012-0011-DWQ, California Department of Transportation Statewide NPDES Permit for the 2015-2016 storm season. | 2015-12-03 | Not Recorded |
DOT_NPDES_MON_2016-2017 | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring 2016-2017 | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring | Caltrans | Compliance with SWRCB Order No. 2012-0011-DWQ, California Department of Transportation Statewide NPDES Permit for the 2016-2017 storm season. | 2016-11-15 | Not Recorded |
DOT_NPDES_MON_2017-2018 | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring 2017-2018 | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring | Caltrans | Compliance with SWRCB Order No. 2012-0011-DWQ, California Department of Transportation Statewide NPDES Permit for the 2017-2018 storm season. | 2018-01-02 | CTSW-PL-17-327.07.1 |
DOT_NPDES_MON_2018-2019 | DOT Statewide NPDES Permit, 2018-19 | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring | Caltrans | NPDES Monitoring for the California Department of Transportation for the 2018-19 storm season | 2019-01-07 | Not Recorded |
DOT_NPDES_MON_2019-2020 | DOT Statewide NPDES Permit, 2019-20 | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring | Caltrans | NPDES Monitoring for the California Department of Transportation for the 2019-20 storm season | 2020-01-07 | Not Recorded |
DOT_NPDES_MON_2020-2021 | DOT Statewide NPDES Permit, 2020-21 | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring | Caltrans | NPDES Monitoring for the California Department of Transportation for the 2020-21 storm season | 2021-01-29 | Not Recorded |
DOT_NPDES_MON_2021-2022 | DOT Statewide NPDES Permit, 2021-22 | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring | Caltrans | NPDES Monitoring for the California Department of Transportation for the 2021-22 storm season. | 2021-05-10 | Not Recorded |
DOT_NPDES_MON_2022-2023 | DOT Statewide NPDES Permit, 2022-23 | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring | Caltrans | NPDES Monitoring for the California Department of Transportation for the 2022-23 storm season | 2022-12-23 | CTSW-PL-22-423.03.1 |
DOT_NPDES_MON_2023-2024 | DOT Statewide NPDES Permit, 2023-24 | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring | Caltrans | NPDES Monitoring for the California Department of Transportation for the 2023-24 storm season | 2024-03-04 | CTSW-PL-22-423.03.1 |
DPR study 270_2016-2017 | DPR 270 Monitoring in Urban Areas S Calif 2016-17 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | DPR study 270: Ambient and Mitigation Monitoring in Urban Areas in Southern California, FY 2016-2017 | 2019-06-13 | Not Recorded |
DPR study 299_2016-2017 | DPR 299 Monitoring in Urban Areas N Calif 2016-17 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | DPR study 299: Ambient and Mitigation Monitoring in Urban Areas in Northern California, FY 2016-2017 | 2019-06-13 | Not Recorded |
DPR study 310 | DPR 310 Pesticide in Ag Areas of N California 2017 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | DPR study 310: Surface Water Monitoring for Pesticides in Agricultural Areas of Northern California, 2017 | 2019-06-13 | Not Recorded |
DPR_209 | DPR 209 | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | DPR 209 | 2011-10-19 | Not Recorded |
DPR_225 | DPR 225 | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | DPR 225 | 2011-10-19 | Not Recorded |
DPR_FourRivers | DPR Four Rivers Monitoring Study | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Four Rivers Monitoring study. Water samples were collected weekly from the Salinas, Russian, Sacramento, and Merced rivers. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
DPR_HighUsePyrethroidStdy | DPR Pyrethroid Study High-use Agricultural Regions | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation 12-month Statewide Pyrethroid study, high-use agricultural regions. Monterey, Imperial, Feather River and Northern San Joaquin Valley. | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
DPR_LgnaCk | DPR-Laguna Creek | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | DPR-Laguna Creek | 2011-10-19 | Not Recorded |
DPR_LnTrCk | DPR-Lone Tree Creek | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | DPR-Lone Tree Creek | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
DPR_PGC_Study249-264-269_2008-2011 | DPR_PGC_Study249-264-269_2008-2011 | DPR Pleasant Grove Creek | DPR | DPR Pleasant Grove Creek Apr 2008-June 2011.DPR Study 249. Monitoring Urban Pesticide Runoff in California 2008-2009; DPR Study 264: Urban pesticide monitoring in north California Oct2009-May2010; DPR Study 269.Characterization Of Sacramento, California A | 2017-05-19 | Not Recorded |
DPR_PGC_Study269_2011-2014 | DPR_PGC_Study269_2011-2014 | DPR Pleasant Grove Creek | DPR | DPR Pleasant Grove Creek Aug 2011-June 2014.DPR Study 269. Further Characterization Of Sacramento, California Area Urban Neighborhoods. | 2017-05-19 | Not Recorded |
DPR_PGC_Study269_2014-2015 | DPR_PGC_Study269_2014-2015 | DPR Pleasant Grove Creek | DPR | DPR Pleasant Grove Creek Aug 2014-June 2015.DPR Study 269. Further Characterization Of Sacramento, California Area Urban Neighborhoods FY2014-2015 | 2017-05-19 | Not Recorded |
DPR_PGC_Study299_2015-2016 | DPR_PGC_Study299_2015-2016 | DPR Pleasant Grove Creek | DPR | DPR Pleasant Grove Creek Aug 2015-June 2016.DPR Study 299. Ambient and Mitigation Monitoring in Urban Areas in Northern California. FY 2015/2016. | 2017-05-19 | Not Recorded |
DPR_PGC_Study299_2016-2017 | DPR_PGC_Study299_2016-2017 | DPR Pleasant Grove Creek | DPR | DPR Pleasant Grove Creek Aug 2016-June 2017.DPR Study 299. Ambient and Mitigation Monitoring in Urban Areas in Northern California. FY 2016/2017. | 2018-07-25 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Rice_PMP_Thiobencarb | DPR Rice Thiobencarb, 1990-94, 2003-08, 2012-13 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Rice pesticide monitoring program data from 1990-1994, 2003-2008 and 2012-2013; data only for thiobencarb, obtained from RWB5 Margaret Wong in June 2014 | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_172 | DPR 172 Forest Herbicide Lower Klamath Watershed | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | DPR study 172: Forest Herbicide Residues in Surface Water and Plants in the Tribal Territory of the Lower Klamath River Watershed of California | 2017-09-20 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_227 | DPR Sacramento Valley Storm Monitoring, 2004-2005 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 227: Storm monitoring data, Sacramento Valley, Dec. 2004-Feb. 2005. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_229 | DPR Pyrethroid OP Pesticide Monitoring, 2004-2005 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 229: Pyrethroid/OP monitoring in Monterey, Imperial, and Delta, 2004-2005. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_238 | DPR Targeted Monitoring Of AIS In Tox Assessment | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 238: Targeted monitoring of AIS identified in DPRs Toxicity Assessment. | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_243 | DPR Sediment and Water Pesticides and Toxicity | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 243: Pesticide concentrations in water and sediment and associated toxicity. | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_247 | DPR Pilot Sacramento Co Urban Creeks Pest Residues | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 247: Pilot Monitoring of Pesticide Residues in Urban Creeks of Sacramento County. | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_248 | DPR Monitoring Central Coast & Imperial Vly, Yr 1 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 248: Long-term monitoring, Central Coast and Imperial Valley, Year 1. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_249 | DPR Monitoring Urban Pesticide Runoff, 2008-2009 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 249: Monitoring Urban Pesticide Runoff in California 2008-2009. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_252 | DPR Monitoring Central Coast & Imperial Vly, Yr 2 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 252: Long-term monitoring, Central Coast and Imperial Valley, Year 2. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_255 | DPR Monitoring Dormant Season Use Herbicides | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 255: Surface Water Monitoring For Dormant Season Use Herbicides: A Preliminary Investigation. | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_262 | DPR Long-term Agricultural Monitoring, 2010 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 262: Long-term agricultural monitoring, 2010. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_264 | DPR Urban Pesticide Monitoring in N Calif, 2009-10 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 264: Urban pesticide monitoring in northern California Oct 2009 - May 2010. | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_265 | DPR Urban Pesticide Monitoring in S Calif, 2009-10 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 265: Urban pesticide monitoring in sourthern California Dec 2009 - June 2010. | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_269 | DPR Characterize Sacramento Neighborhood, 2010-11 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 269: Further Characterization Of A Sacramento, California Area Urban Neighborhood July 2010 ? July 2011. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_269_2014-2015 | DPR Characterize Sacramento Neighborhoods, 2014-15 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | DPR Study 269 (2014-15). Further Characterization Of Sacramento, California Area Urban Neighborhoods | 2017-09-20 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_269A | DPR Addendum Sacramento Neighborhood, 2011-2012 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 269: Further Characterization Of Sacramento, California Area Urban Neighborhoods. Addendum For Fiscal Year 2011-2012. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_270 | DPR Urban Pesticides in S Calif, up to June 2011 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 270: Urban pesticide monitoring in southern California, up to June 2011. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_270_2013-2014 | DPR Urban Pesticides in S California, 2013-2014 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 270 (2013-2014): Urban Pesticide Monitoring In Southern California During Fiscal Year 2013-2014 | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_270_2014-2015 | DPR Urban Pesticides in S California, 2014-2015 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | DPR Study 270 (2014-15): Ambient and Mitigation Monitoring in Urban Areas in Southern California during Fiscal Year 2014 & 2015 | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_270_2015-2016 | DPR 270 Monitoring in Urban Areas S Calif 2015-16 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | DPR study 270: Ambient and Mitigation Monitoring in Urban Areas in Southern California during Fiscal Year 2015 & 2016 | 2017-09-20 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_271 | DPR Study 271 Agricultural Monitoring, 2011 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 271: DPR Agricultural Monitoring, 2011. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_278 | DPR Study 278 Agricultural Monitoring, 2012 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 278: Agricultural Monitoring, 2012. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_282 | DPR Pesticides in Ag Areas of California, 2013 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 282: Surface Water Monitoring for Pesticides in Agricultural Areas of California, 2013 | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_283 | DPR Chlorantraniliprole Increased Use in CA, 2013 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 283: Protocol for Field Monitoring of Chlorantraniliprole in Areas of Increased Use in California, 2013. | 2018-01-29 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_290 | DPR Pesticides in Ag Areas of California, 2014 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study 290: Surface Water Monitoring for Pesticides in Agricultural Areas of California, 2014 | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_297 | DPR 297 Surface Water Pesticides in Ag Areas, 2015 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | DPR Study 297. Surface Water Monitoring for Pesticides in Agricultural Areas of California, 2015 | 2017-09-20 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_299 | DPR 299 Monitoring in Urban Areas N California | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | DPR study 299: Ambient and Mitigation Monitoring in Urban Areas in Northern California | 2017-09-20 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_304 | DPR 304 Ag Pesticide Central Coast & S Calif 2016 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | DPR study 304: Surface Water Monitoring for Pesticides in Agricultural Areas in Central Coast and Southern California, 2016 | 2017-09-20 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_306 | DPR 306 Pesticide in Ag Areas of N California 2016 | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | DPR study 306: Surface Water Monitoring for Pesticides in Agricultural Areas of Northern California, 2016 | 2017-09-20 | Not Recorded |
DPR_Study_EH95-11 | DPR MCPA in Sacramento River Basin Surface Waters | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Study EH95-11: Results of monitoring for the herbicide MCPA in surface water of the Sacramento River basin by P.L.Wofford and P.Lee. | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
DPR_SWS_290 | DPR Surface Water Study 290 | DPR Surface Water Study 290 Name | DWR | | 2015-07-30 | Not Recorded |
DPR_SWS_297 | DPR Surface Water Study 297 | DPR Surface Water Study | DWR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Surface Water Study 297 | 2015-11-17 | Not Recorded |
DPR_SWS_299 | DPR Surface Water Study 299 | DPR Surface Water Study | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Surface Water Study 299 | 2020-11-19 | Not Recorded |
DPR_SWS_310 | DPR Surface Water Study 310 | DPR Surface Water Study | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Surface Water Study 310 | 2020-12-01 | Not Recorded |
DPR_SWS_310_2019 | DPR Surface Water Study 310, 2019 | DPR Surface Water Study | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Surface Water Study 310, 2019 | 2019-08-21 | Not Recorded |
DPR_SWS_320 | DPR Surface Water Study 320 | DPR Surface Water Study | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Surface Water Study 320 | 2020-11-19 | Not Recorded |
DPR_SWS_329 | DPR Surface Water Study 329 | DPR Surface Water Study | DPR | Department of Pesticide Regulation Surface Water Study 329 | 2020-11-19 | Not Recorded |
Dry_W_Mon_2010 | Dry Weather Monitoring 2010 | Tijuana River Bacteria Source Identification Study | WestonSolu | Dry Weather Monitoring 2010 | 2013-01-16 | Not Recorded |
Dry_W_Sewage_Invest_2012 | Dry Weather Sewage Investigation 2012 | Tijuana River Bacteria Source Identification Study | WestonSolu | Dry Weather Sewage Investigation 2012 | 2013-01-16 | Not Recorded |
Dutton, Morelli Lane | Dutton, Morelli Lane | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Dutton, Morelli Lane | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
DV_Postcon 2023 | Discovery Village Bioassessment Postcon 2023 | San Diego Region Water Quality Control Board | MERKELINC | Post-construction Bioassessment and Post-construction Water Chemistry 2020 | 2024-08-08 | Not Recorded |
DV_Precon 2020 | Discovery Village Bioassessment Precon 2020 | San Diego Region Water Quality Control Board | MERKELINC | Pre-construction Bioassessment and Pre-construction Water Chemistry 2020 | 2021-02-08 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
DWM_J | Jurisdictional Dry Weather Monitoring | San Diego Region NPDES | WestonSolu | Dry weather samples collected from jursidictions' MS4 between May 1 and Sept 30. Includes field data, chemistry, and trash assessment. 2007 NPDES Permit. | 2014-06-10 | Not Recorded |
DWR Reservoir | DWR Reservoir | SWAMP Historic Bioaccumulation Data | Not Recorded | Boles, J. 2004. Mercury Contamination in Fish from Northern California Lakes and Reservoirs. Department of Water Resources. | 2012-02-16 | Not Recorded |
DWR_FR_Restor | DWR Feather River Restoration | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | DWR Feather River Restoration | 2015-01-07 | Not Recorded |
DWR_LstChnCk | DWR Last Chance Cr. | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | DWR Last Chance Cr. | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
DWR_Meadow_Rest_2019 | Meadow Restoration 2019 | Dept Water Resources Watershed Restoration | DWR-ND | SWAMP bioassessment for meadow restoration monitoring | 2020-04-14 | Not Recorded |
DWR_Meadow_Rest_2020 | Meadow Restoration 2020 | Dept Water Resources Watershed Restoration | DWR-ND | SWAMP bioassessment for meadow restoration monitoring 2020 | 2021-02-02 | Not Recorded |
DWR_Meadow_Rest_2021 | Meadow Restoration 2021 | Dept Water Resources Watershed Restoration | DWR-ND | SWAMP Bioassessment for meadow restoration monitoring 2021 | 2021-07-21 | Not Recorded |
DWR_Meadow_Rest_2022 | Meadow Restoration 2022 | Dept Water Resources Watershed Restoration | DWR-ND | SWAMP Bioassessment for meadow restoration monitoring 2022 | 2023-04-28 | Not Recorded |
DWR_RdCvr | DWR Red Cover Creek | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | DWR Red Cover Creek | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
DWR_SacRivSCR_2019 | Sacramento River Side Channel Restoration_2019 | Dept Water Resources Watershed Restoration | DFW-ABL | A multi-year study to restore side channel habitat on the Sacramento River | 2020-02-13 | Not Recorded |
DWR_SacRivSCR_2020 | Sacramento River Side Channel Restoration_2020 | Dept Water Resources Watershed Restoration | DWR-ND | SWAMP bioassessment for Sac river restoration monitoring | 2020-04-14 | Not Recorded |
DWR_SacRivSCR_2021 | Sacramento River Side Channel Restoration _2021 | Dept Water Resources Watershed Restoration | DWR-ND | SWAMP bioassessment for Sac river restoration monitoring | 2021-07-21 | Not Recorded |
DWR_SacRivSCR_2022 | Sacramento River Side Channel Restoration_2022 | Dept Water Resources Watershed Restoration | DWR-ND | SWAMP bioassessment for Sac river restoration monitoring 2022 | 2023-05-02 | Not Recorded |
DWR1 | Special Tributary Project 1998 Fish Sampling | SWAMP Historic Bioaccumulation Data | Not Recorded | DWR Special Tributary Project - 1998 Fish Sampling | 2012-02-16 | Not Recorded |
DWR2 | Special Tributary Project 1999 Fish Sampling | SWAMP Historic Bioaccumulation Data | Not Recorded | DWR Special Tributary Project - 1999 Fish Sampling | 2012-02-16 | Not Recorded |
E_MDP_AB_2020 | Eastvale MDP Line A&B Follow-up 2020 | SAR Special Projects | RCFC | Eastvale Master Drinage Plan (MDP) Line A&B Follow-up 2020 | 2021-04-21 | CMP Vol II_QAPP |
East_Marin_Pesticides_Mon | TMDL pesticide monitoring in East Marin Creeks | TMDL pest mon in East Marin and Petaluma River | MCSTOPPP | TMDL related monitoring for pesticides | 2016-08-18 | MCSTOPPP_COP_Pest_Monitoring_QAPP |
ECRFS | Elk Creek Restoration Feasibility Study | Smith River Alliance, Proposition 1 | SRA | Water quality sampling for aquatic habitat use and availability | 2022-03-04 | Not Recorded |
EDAW_AldrCk | EDAW Alder Creek | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | EDAW Alder Creek | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
EDAW_Alvso | EDAW Alviso Slough | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | EDAW Alviso Slough | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
EDAW_Greka | EDAW Greka Energy | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | EDAW Greka Energy | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
EDAW_LgnaCk | EDAW Laguna Creek | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | EDAW Laguna Creek | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
EDAW_SanDiego | EDAW San Diego | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | EDAW San Diego | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
EDAW_TrkeeRiv | EDAW Truckee River | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | EDAW Truckee River | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
EDTU_CRWQMP_2015 | EDTU Cosumnes River WQ Monitoring Program 2015 | EDTU Cosumnes River WQ Monitoring Program | EDTU | El Dorado Trout Unlimited Cosumnes River Water Quality Monitoring Program 2015 | 2016-02-03 | CRWQMP_QAPP_2015 |
EDTU_CRWQMP_2016 | EDTU Cosumnes River WQ Monitoring Program 2016 | EDTU Cosumnes River WQ Monitoring Program | EDTU | El Dorado Trout Unlimited Cosumnes River Water Quality Monitoring Program 2016 | 2019-05-28 | CRWQMP_QAPP_2016 |
EID_Project184_2016 | EID Project 184 2016 | El Dorado Irrigation District Project 184 | EID | El Dorado Irrigation District (EID) Project 184 2016 sampling | 2016-11-23 | EID_Project184_BMIMonitoringPlan_2010 |
EID_Project184_2017 | EID Project 184 2017 | El Dorado Irrigation District Project 184 | EID | El Dorado Irrigation District (EID) Project 184 2017 sampling | 2017-12-01 | EID_Project184_BMIMonitoringPlan_2010 |
EID_Project184_2022 | EID Project 184 2022 | El Dorado Irrigation District Project 184 | EID | El Dorado Irrigation District (EID) Project 184 2022 sampling | 2022-12-08 | EID_Project184_BMIMonitoringPlan_2010 |
EMAP_2000_WS | EMAP Wadeable Streams 2000 | EPA EMAP - 2000 | DFW-ABL | EMAP Wadeable Streams sampling conducted in the year 2000 | 2012-10-05 | Not Recorded |
EMAP_2001_WS | EMAP Wadeable Streams 2001 | EPA EMAP - 2001 | DFW-ABL | EMAP Wadeable Streams sampling conducted in the year 2001 | 2012-10-05 | Not Recorded |
EMAP_2002_WS | EMAP Wadeable Streams 2002 | EPA EMAP - 2002 | DFW-ABL | EMAP Wadeable Streams sampling conducted in the year 2002 | 2012-10-05 | Not Recorded |
EMAP_2003_WS | EMAP Wadeable Streams 2003 | EPA EMAP - 2003 | DFW-ABL | EMAP Wadeable Streams sampling conducted in the year 2003 | 2012-10-05 | Not Recorded |
EMAP_2004_WS | EMAP Wadeable Streams 2004 | EPA EMAP - 2004 | DFW-ABL | EMAP Wadeable Streams sampling conducted in the year 2004 | 2012-10-05 | Not Recorded |
EMAP1999 | W. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Prgm 1999 | W. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Prgm 1999 | SCCWRP | A multi-year effort lead by EPA's Office of Research and Development to advance the science of ecosystem health monitoring and to demonstrate th application of EMAP monitoring and assessment tools 1999 | 2010-05-03 | Not Recorded |
EMAP2000 | W. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Prgm 2000 | W. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Pgrm 2000 | SCCWRP | A multi-year effort lead by EPA's Office of Research and Development to advance the science of ecosystem health monitoring and to demonstrate th application of EMAP monitoring and assessment tools 2000 | 2010-05-03 | Not Recorded |
EMAP2001 | W. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Prgm 2001 | W. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Pgrm 2001 | SCCWRP | A multi-year effort lead by EPA's Office of Research and Development to advance the science of ecosystem health monitoring and to demonstrate th application of EMAP monitoring and assessment tools 2001 | 2010-05-03 | Not Recorded |
EMAP2002 | W. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Prgm 2002 | W. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Pgrm 2002 | SCCWRP | A multi-year effort lead by EPA's Office of Research and Development to advance the science of ecosystem health monitoring and to demonstrate th application of EMAP monitoring and assessment tools 2002 | 2010-05-03 | Not Recorded |
EMAP2003 | W. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Prgm 2003 | W. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Pgrm 2003 | SCCWRP | A multi-year effort lead by EPA's Office of Research and Development to advance the science of ecosystem health monitoring and to demonstrate th application of EMAP monitoring and assessment tools 2003 | 2010-05-03 | Not Recorded |
EMAP2004 | W. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Prgm 2004 | W. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Pgrm 2004 | SCCWRP | A multi-year effort lead by EPA's Office of Research and Development to advance the science of ecosystem health monitoring and to demonstrate th application of EMAP monitoring and assessment tools 2004 | 2010-05-03 | Not Recorded |
EMAP2005 | W. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Prgm 2005 | W. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Pgrm 2005 | SCCWRP | A multi-year effort lead by EPA's Office of Research and Development to advance the science of ecosystem health monitoring and to demonstrate th application of EMAP monitoring and assessment tools 2005 | 2010-05-03 | Not Recorded |
Enf_Amer-Hess_1998 | Enforcement - Amerada-Hess 1998 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Condensate discharge into seasonal tributary, RP is Amerada-Hess. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_Anselmo_2007 | Enforcement - SF Bear Creek - Anselmo 2007 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | 5650 & 1600 violations. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_ArLasPositas_2004 | Enforcement - Arroyo Las Positas Creek 2004 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Chemical discharge into Arroyo Las Positas Creek, Livermore CA. RP is Niles Machine Shop. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_BearCrSF_2003 | Enforcement - Bear Creek SF 2003 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment case; 5650 & 1600 violations. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_BearRiv_2002 | Enforcement - Bear River 2002 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge into Bear River, Placer County, RP is NID and PG&E. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_BearRiv_2003 | Enforcement - Bear River 2003 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge into Bear River, Placer County, RP is NID and PG&E. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_BearRiv_2004 | Enforcement - Bear River 2004 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge into Bear River, Placer County, RP is NID and PG&E. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_BearRiv_2005 | Enforcement - Bear River 2005 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge into Bear River, Placer County, RP is NID and PG&E. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_BlueStarDairy_2008 | Enforcement - Blue Star Dairy Discharge 2008 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Dairy waste discharge, 5650 violation. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_BurneyCr_2006 | Enforcement - Burney Creek 2006 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Burney Creek Mill - Sierra Pacific; Black ash case; 5650 violation. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_ButteCr_2003 | Enforcement - Butte Creek 2003 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Crawford Ditch - Butte Creek NF Cosumnes River, RP is El Dorado Irrigation District, sediment discharge occurred on the following dates: 06/13-15/2003. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_ButteCr_2006 | Enforcement - Butte Creek 2006 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Crawford Ditch - Butte Creek NF Cosumnes River, RP is El Dorado Irrigation District, sediment discharge occurred on the following dates: 06/13-15/2003. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_ButteCr_2023 | Enforcement - Butte Creek 2023 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment case; PGE | 2023-09-14 | Not Recorded |
Enf_CedarCr_2007 | Enforcement - Cedar Creek 2007 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment case; 5650 & 1600 violations. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_CedarCr_2008 | Enforcement - Cedar Creek 2008 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment case; 5650 & 1600 violations. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_CherokeeCr_2001 | Enforcement - Cherokee Creek 2001 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Aircraft paint discharge into Cherokee Creek; 5650 violation. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_ClearCr_I_2003 | Enforcement - Clear Creek I 2003 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge into Clear Creek, RP is El Dorado Irrigation District (EID), August 2003. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_ClearCr_I_2004 | Enforcement - Clear Creek I 2004 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge into Clear Creek, RP is El Dorado Irrigation District (EID), August 2003. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_ClearCr_I_2005 | Enforcement - Clear Creek I 2005 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge into Clear Creek, RP is El Dorado Irrigation District (EID), August 2003. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_ClearCr_I_2006 | Enforcement - Clear Creek I 2006 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge into Clear Creek, RP is El Dorado Irrigation District (EID), August 2003. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_ClearCr_II_2004 | Enforcement - Clear Creek II 2004 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge into Clear Creek, RP is EID, September 2004. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_ClearCr_III_2006 | Enforcement - Clear Creek NF III 2006 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment & chlorine discharge into NF Clear Creek, El Dorado County. RP is EID. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_DairyCr_1996 | Enforcement - Dairy Creek 1996 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_DairyCr_1997 | Enforcement - Dairy Creek 1997 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_DairyCr_1998 | Enforcement - Dairy Creek 1998 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_DairyCr_1999 | Enforcement - Dairy Creek 1999 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_DairyCr_2000 | Enforcement - Dairy Creek 2000 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_DryCreek_2006 | Enforcement - Dry Creek 2006 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Dry Creek-Kevin Barr sediment case, Mendocino County. RP is Kevin Barr. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_EastWalkerR_1994 | Enforcement - East Walker River 1994 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_EastWalkerR_2001 | Enforcement - East Walker River 2001 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Tanker Spill (crude oil #6) into the East Walker River. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_EastWalkerR_2006 | Enforcement - East Walker River 2006 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Tanker Spill (crude oil #6) into the East Walker River. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_EastWalkerR_2007 | Enforcement - East Walker River 2007 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Tanker Spill (crude oil #6) into the East Walker River. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_EastWalkerR_2008 | Enforcement - East Walker River 2008 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Tanker Spill (crude oil #6) into the East Walker River. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_EscondidoCr_2002 | Enforcement - Escondido Creek 2002 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Escondido Creek diesel spill on 21 June 2002. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_EWeaverCr_2002 | Enforcement - East Weaver Creek 2002 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Diesel spill that entered East Weaver Creek at Cyril Road and Squires Road. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_GoldenVin_2001 | Enforcement - Golden Vineyards 2001 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge into Forsythe and Mill Creeks, Mendocino County. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_GooseCr_2001 | Enforcement - Goose Creek 2001 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Copper Sulfate discharge into Goose Creek and Burney Creek. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_HangtownCr_1998 | Enforcement - Hangtown Creek 1998 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge into Hangtown Creek, El Dorado County. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_JamesCr_2001 | Enforcement - James Creek 2001 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Diesel spill into James Creek. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_KernRiv_2001 | Enforcement - Kern River 2001 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge into the Kern River, Kern County. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_LasVirgCr_2004 | Enforcement - Las Virgenes Creek 2004 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge from construction site into Las Virgenes Creek, LA County. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_LasVirgCr_2005 | Enforcement - Las Virgenes Creek 2005 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge from construction site into Las Virgenes Creek, LA County. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_LolonisVin_2001 | Enforcement - Lolonis Vineyards 2001 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge from Lolonis Vineyard into Tributary and Salt Hollow Creek, both tribs to Russian River, Mendocino County. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_LyttonCr_2002 | Enforcement - Lytton Creek 2001 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Wine waste discharge into Lytton Creek, Sonoma County, RP is Gallo Vineyard. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_MajorsCr_2006 | Enforcement - Majors Creek 2006 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment Release into Majors Creek. RP is City of Santa Cruz. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_MathGasCo_2001 | Enforcement - Matheson Gas Company 2001 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Chemical discharge into flood channel (Zone 5) downstream of Plumber Creek. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_MorrisonCr_2003 | Enforcement - Morrison Creek 2003 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Concrete discharge into Morrison Creek, Sacramento County, RP is Sacramento Concrete Plant. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_Pine_CalabooseCr_2022 | Enforcement-Pine Incident_Calaboose Creek 2022 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW | January 21, 2022 Gasoline-diesel spill into Calaboose Creek, Redding, Shasta County | 2022-05-17 | Not Recorded |
Enf_PinerCr_2004 | Enforcement - Piner Creek 2004 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Chlorine discharge into Piner Creek, Sonoma County. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_RedwoodCr_1999 | Enforcement - Redwood Creek 1999 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Underground tank diesel leak into Redwood Creek. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_RedwoodCr_2000 | Enforcement - Redwood Creek 2000 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Underground tank diesel leak into Redwood Creek. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_RubySpr_2004 | Enforcement - Ruby Springs 2004 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Limestone waste discharge into Ruby Springs, RP is Omya Mining Company. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_SanLorenzo_2003 | Enforcement - San Lorenzo River 2003 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Chemical (pesticide) discharge into the SLR, Santa Cruz County. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_ScottCr_2003 | Enforcement - Scott Creek 2003 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment slide influencing Scott Creek and Tomki Creek in Mendocino County, RP is Jon Green. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_SilverCr_1998 | Enforcement - Silver Creek 1998 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_SlugCynCr_1999 | Enforcement - Slug Canyon Creek 1999 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Illegal mining activity caused sediment discharge into Slug Canyon Creek. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_SuisunCr_1999 | Enforcement - Suisun Creek 1998 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_SuisunMarsh_2004 | Enforcement - Suisun Marsh 2004 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Diesel spill from a pipeline rupture, RP is Kinder-Morgan Energy Partners. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_SummitCr_1997 | Enforcement - Summit Creek I 1997 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Diesel release from a pipeline rupture spill into Summit Creek, RP is Santa Fe Pipeline. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_SummitCr_1998 | Enforcement - Summit Creek I 1998 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Diesel release from a pipeline rupture spill into Summit Creek, RP is Santa Fe Pipeline. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_SummitCr_1999 | Enforcement - Summit Creek I 1999 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Diesel release from a pipeline rupture spill into Summit Creek, RP is Santa Fe Pipeline. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_SummitCr_2000 | Enforcement - Summit Creek I 2000 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Diesel release from a pipeline rupture spill into Summit Creek, RP is Santa Fe Pipeline. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_SummitCr_2001 | Enforcement - Summit Creek I 2001 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Diesel release from a pipeline rupture spill into Summit Creek, RP is Santa Fe Pipeline. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_SummitCr_2003 | Enforcement - Summit Creek I 2003 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Diesel release from a pipeline rupture spill into Summit Creek, RP is Santa Fe Pipeline. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_SummitCr_2005 | Enforcement - Summit Creek I 2005 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Diesel release from a pipeline rupture spill into Summit Creek, RP is Santa Fe Pipeline. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_SummitCr_II_2005 | Enforcement - Summit Creek II 2005 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Enforcement | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_SummitCr_II_2006 | Enforcement - Summit Creek II 2006 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Enforcement | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_SummitCr_II_2007 | Enforcement - Summit Creek II 2007 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Enforcement | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_SummitCr_II_2008 | Enforcement - Summit Creek II 2008 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Enforcement | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_SummitCr_II_2009 | Enforcement - Summit Creek II 2009 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Enforcement | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_TombCr_2004 | Enforcement - Tomb Creek 2004 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment release into Tomb Creek and unnamed tributary, Sonoma County. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_VanNorden_1997 | Enforcement - Van Norden 1997 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Pipeline leak into Van Norden | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_WeberCr_2001 | Enforcement - Weber Creek 2001 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge into NF Weber Creek, RP is EID. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_WildIrisCr_1997 | Enforcement - Wild Iris Creek 1997 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_WillowCr_1999 | Enforcement - Willow Creek 1999 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_WineCr_2000 | Enforcement - Wine Creek 2000 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge into Wine Creek, RP is Brown. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_WineCr_2001 | Enforcement - Wine Creek 2001 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge into Wine Creek, RP is Brown. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
Enf_WineCr_2002 | Enforcement - Wine Creek 2002 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | Sediment discharge into Wine Creek, RP is Brown. | 2020-12-11 | Not Recorded |
EPA_DEP_CRAM_VAL_2014 | EPA 104b3 Depressional CRAM Validation | EPA CRAM Validation | CCWG-MLML | EPA 104b3 Depressional CRAM Validation 2014 | 2014-12-08 | CCWG-MLML CRAM Validation QAPP 2014 |
EPA_DryStream_2018 | EPA Dry Stream 2018 | SWAMP Dry Stream | CSUMB-WEE | Samples collected for development of biological indicators in dry streams, supported by EPA, 2018 | 2019-04-30 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
EPA_EMAP_West | Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program | SWAMP Historic Bioaccumulation Data | Not Recorded | EPA study (more details available at | 2012-02-16 | Not Recorded |
EPA_Hmbt | EPA Humboldt | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | EPA Humboldt | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
EPA_NRSA_2008 | National Rivers and Streams Assessment 2008 | EPA National Rivers and Streams Assessment | Not Recorded | National Rivers and Streams Assessment (NRSA) 2008 | 2013-03-07 | Not Recorded |
EPA_NRSA_2009 | National Rivers and Streams Assessment 2009 | EPA National Rivers and Streams Assessment | Not Recorded | National Rivers and Streams Assessment (NRSA) 2009 | 2013-03-07 | Not Recorded |
EPA_NRSA_2013 | National Rivers and Streams Assessment 2013 | EPA National Rivers and Streams Assessment | Not Recorded | National Rivers and Streams Assessment (NRSA) 2013 | 2014-04-02 | Not Recorded |
EPA_NRSA_2014 | National Rivers and Streams Assessment 2014 | EPA National Rivers and Streams Assessment | Not Recorded | National Rivers and Streams Assessment (NRSA) 2014 | 2014-04-02 | Not Recorded |
EPA_NRSA_2018 | National Rivers and Streams Assessment 2018 | EPA National Rivers and Streams Assessment | DFW-ABL | National Rivers and Streams Assessment (NRSA) 2018 | 2018-04-26 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
EPA_NRSA_2019 | National Rivers and Streams Assessment 2019 | EPA National Rivers and Streams Assessment | DFW-ABL | National Rivers and Streams Assessment (NRSA) 2019 | 2019-02-11 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
EPA_NRSA_2023 | National Rivers and Streams Assessment 2023 | EPA National Rivers and Streams Assessment | DFW-ABL | National Rivers and Streams Assessment (NRSA) 2023 | 2023-05-04 | EPA_NRSA_QAPP_2023 |
EPA_NRSA_2024 | National Rivers and Streams Assessment 2024 | EPA National Rivers and Streams Assessment | DFW-ABL | National Rivers and Streams Assessment (NRSA) 2024 | 2024-03-22 | EPA_NRSA_QAPP_2023 |
EPA_Pilot | Pilot Monitoring Studies | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Pilot Monitoring Studies | 2016-02-11 | Not Recorded |
EPA_REMAPBD | REMAP Bay Delta | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | REMAP Bay Delta | 2016-02-10 | Not Recorded |
EPI_Study | Epidemiology Study | Epidemiology Study | SCCWRP | Single Study during the summer from 2007-2008 | 2012-03-02 | Not Recorded |
ES_Special_Study | City of Escondido Dry Weather Special Study 2016 | City of Escondido Dry Weather Special Study | CES | City of Escondido Dry Weather Special Study 2016 | 2018-03-09 | ES_SS_QAPP |
ESALMWQ | Environmental Science Academy Lake Merritt WQM | Student Lake Merritt Water Quality Monitoring | LMI | Environmental Science Academy Lake Merritt Water Quality Monitoring | 2019-06-11 | Not Recorded |
ESAM_2012 | Eastern Sierra Ambient Monitoring Project 2012 | Eastern Sierra Ambient Monitoring | SNARL | Eastern Sierra Ambient Monitoring Project 2012 | 2014-02-13 | Not Recorded |
ESAM_2013 | Eastern Sierra Ambient Monitoring Project 2013 | Eastern Sierra Ambient Monitoring | SNARL | Eastern Sierra Ambient Monitoring Project 2013 | 2014-02-13 | Not Recorded |
ESAM_2014 | Eastern Sierra Aquatic Monitoring Program - 2014 | Eastern Sierra Ambient Monitoring | SNARL | Monitoring program to describe concentrations of fecal indicator bacteria in streams | 2015-03-23 | SNARL_QAPP_2012 |
ESAM_2015 | Eastern Sierra Aquatic Monitoring Program - 2015 | Eastern Sierra Ambient Monitoring | SNARL | Monitoring program to describe concentrations of fecal indicator bacteria in streams | 2016-07-08 | SNARL_QAPP_2012 |
ESJ_AY09 | ESJ, Order R5-2008-0005, Mar 1st 2010, AY09 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2008-005, March 1st 2010 Submittal, Annual Year 2009, Sampling Dates Oct08-Dec09 | 2014-11-20 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_AY10 | ESJ, Order R5-2008-0005, Mar 1st 2011, AY10 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2008-005, March 1st 2011 Submittal, Annual Year 2010, Sampling Dates Jan-Dec 2010 | 2014-11-20 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_AY11 | ESJ, Order R5-2008-0005, Mar 1st 2012, AY11 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2008-005, March 1st 2012 Submittal, Annual Year 2011, Sampling Dates Jan-Dec 2011 | 2014-11-20 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_AY12 | ESJ, Order R5-2008-0005, Mar 1st 2013, AY12 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2008-005, March 1st 2013 Submittal, Annual Year 2012, Sampling Dates Jan-Dec 2012 | 2014-11-20 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_Historical | ESJ, Order R5-2003-0105, R5-2005-0833, 2004-2008 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2003-0826, R5-2006-0053, Sampling Dates Jul04-Sep08 | 2014-11-20 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY13_Q2 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Mar 1st 2014, WY13, Q2 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, September 1st 2013 Submittal, Water Year 2013, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2013 | 2015-02-12 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY13_Q3 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Mar 1st 2014, WY13, Q3 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, December 1st 2013 Submittal, Water Year 2013, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2013 | 2015-02-12 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY13_Q4 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Mar 1st 2014, WY13, Q4 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, March 1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2013, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Jan-Sep 2013 | 2015-02-12 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY14_Q1 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Jun 1st 2014, WY14, Q1 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, June 1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2013 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY14_Q2 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Sep 1st 2014, WY14, Q2 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, September 1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2014 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY14_Q3 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Dec 1st 2014, WY14, Q3 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, December 1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr- Jun 2014 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY14_Q4 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Mar 1st 2015, WY14, Q4 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, March 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2014 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY15_Q1 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Jun 1st 2015, WY15, Q1 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, June 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2014 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY15_Q2 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Sep 1st 2015, WY15, Q2 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, September 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2015, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY15_Q3 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Dec 1st 2015, WY15, Q3 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, December 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2015, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr- Jun 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY15_Q4 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Mar 1st 2016, WY15, Q4 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, March 1st 2016 Submittal, Water Year 2015, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY16_Q1 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Jun 1st 2016, WY16, Q1 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, June 1st 2016 Submittal, Water Year 2016, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY16_Q2 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Sep 1st 2016, WY16, Q2 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, September 1st 2016 Submittal, Water Year 2016, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2016 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY16_Q3 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Dec 1st 2016, WY16, Q3 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, December 1st 2016 Submittal, Water Year 2016, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2016 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY16_Q4 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Mar 1st 2017, WY16, Q4 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, March 1st 2017 Submittal, Water Year 2016, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2016 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY17_Q1 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Jun 1st 2017, WY17, Q1 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, June 1st 2017 Submittal, Water Year 2017, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2016 | 2016-09-23 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY17_Q2 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Sep 1st 2017, WY17, Q2 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, September 1st 2017 Submittal, Water Year 2017, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2017 | 2017-01-17 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY17_Q3 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Dec 1st 2017, WY17, Q3 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, December 1st 2017 Submittal, Water Year 2017, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2017 | 2017-01-17 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY17_Q4 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Mar 1st 2018, WY17, Q4 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, March 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2017, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2017 | 2017-01-17 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY18_Q1 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Jun 1st 2018, WY18, Q1 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, June 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2017 | 2017-01-17 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY18_Q2 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Sep 1st 2018, WY18, Q2 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, September 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2018 | 2018-01-11 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY18_Q3 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Dec 1st 2018, WY18, Q3 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, December 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2018 | 2018-01-11 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY18_Q4 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Mar 1st 2019, WY18, Q4 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, March 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2018 | 2018-01-11 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY19_Q1 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Jun 1st 2019, WY19, Q1 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJ-LLC | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, June 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2018 | 2018-01-11 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY19_Q2 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Sep 1st 2019, WY19, Q2 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, September 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2019 | 2018-10-11 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY19_Q3 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Dec 1st 2019, WY19, Q3 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, December 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2019 | 2018-10-11 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY19_Q4 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Mar 1st 2020, WY19, Q4 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, March 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2019 | 2018-10-11 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY20_Q1 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Jun 1st 2020, WY20, Q1 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, June 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2019 | 2018-10-11 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY20_Q2 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Sep 1st 2020, WY20, Q2 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, September 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2020 | 2020-01-23 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY20_Q3 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Dec 1st 2020, WY20, Q3 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, December 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2020 | 2020-01-23 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY20_Q4 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Mar 1st 2021, WY20, Q4 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, March 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2020 | 2020-01-23 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY21_Q1 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Jun 1st 2021, WY21, Q1 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, June 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2020 | 2020-01-23 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY21_Q2 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Sep 1st 2021, WY21, Q2 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, September 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2021 | 2021-01-14 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY21_Q3 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Dec 1st 2021, WY21, Q3 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, December 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2021 | 2021-01-15 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY21_Q4 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Mar 1st 2022, WY21, Q4 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, March 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2021 | 2021-01-15 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY22_Q1 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Jun 1st 2022, WY22, Q1 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, June 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2021 | 2021-01-15 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY22_Q2 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Sep 1st 2022, WY22, Q2 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, September 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2022 | 2022-01-25 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY22_Q3 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Dec 1st 2022, WY22, Q3 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, December 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2022 | 2022-01-25 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY22_Q4 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Mar 1st 2023, WY22, Q4 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, March 1st 2023 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2022 | 2022-01-25 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY23_Q1 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Jun 1st 2023, WY23, Q1 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, June 1st 2023 Submittal, Water Year 2023, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2022 | 2022-01-25 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY23_Q2 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Sep 1st 2023, WY23, Q2 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, September 1st 2023 Submittal, Water Year 2023, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2023 | 2023-01-13 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY23_Q3 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Dec 1st 2023, WY23, Q3 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, December 1st 2023 Submittal, Water Year 2023, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2023 | 2023-01-13 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY23_Q4 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Mar 1st 2024, WY23, Q4 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, March 1st 2024 Submittal, Water Year 2023, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2023 | 2023-01-13 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY24_Q1 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Jun 1st 2024, WY24, Q1 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, June 1st 2024 Submittal, Water Year 2024, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2023 | 2023-01-13 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY24_Q2 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Sep 1st 2024, WY24, Q2 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, September 1st 2024 Submittal, Water Year 2024, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2024 | 2024-01-12 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY24_Q3 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Dec 1st 2024, WY24, Q3 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, December 1st 2024 Submittal, Water Year 2024, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2024 | 2024-01-12 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY24_Q4 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Mar 1st 2025, WY24, Q4 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, March 1st 2025 Submittal, Water Year 2024, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2024 | 2024-01-12 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY25_Q1 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Jun 1st 2025, WY25, Q1 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, June 1st 2025 Submittal, Water Year 2025, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2024 | 2024-01-12 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY25_Q2 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Sep 1st 2025, WY25, Q2 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, September 1st 2025 Submittal, Water Year 2025, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2025 | 2024-07-16 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY25_Q3 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Dec 1st 2025, WY25, Q3 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, December 1st 2025 Submittal, Water Year 2025, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2025 | 2024-07-16 | Not Recorded |
ESJ_WY25_Q4 | ESJ, Order R5-2012-0116, Mar 1st 2026, WY25, Q4 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | MLJEnvironmental | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2012-0116, March 1st 2026 Submittal, Water Year 2025, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2025 | 2024-07-16 | Not Recorded |
ESJWQC_04 | ESJWQCMonitoring,MRPOrderR5-2003-0826,R5-2006-0053 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | Not Recorded | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Monitoring under ILRP MRP Order R5-2003-0826, R5-2006-0053 | 2013-09-05 | Not Recorded |
ESJWQC_08 | ESJWQC Monitoring under ILRP MRP Order R5-2008-005 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | Not Recorded | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Monitoring under ILRP MRP Order R5-2008-005 | 2014-03-13 | Not Recorded |
ESJWQC_12 | ESJWQC Monitoring under ILRP WDR R5-2012-0116 | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | Not Recorded | Coalition monitoring under waste discharge order R5-2012-0116. Monitoring based on ILRP MRP Order R5-2008-005 with Monitoring Plan Updates to occur annually on August 1st when appropriate. | 2013-03-28 | Not Recorded |
ESJWQC_BactSourceStudy | ESJWQC Special Study - Bacteria Sourcing | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition | Not Recorded | East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition Special Study - Bacteria Sourcing | 2013-09-05 | Not Recorded |
ESNERR_VMP | ESNERR Volunteer Monitoring Program | ESNERR Water Quality Monitoring | ESNERR | Volunteer Monthly Water Quality Program | 2020-03-17 | ESNERR_VMWQP_2009 |
ESNERR_Vol | ESNERR_Vol | ESNERR Water Quality Monitoring | ESNERR | ESNERR_Vol | 2019-05-29 | Not Recorded |
Eucalyptus_Hills_MST_Study | Eucalyptus Hills Septic Contribution Study | Eucalyptus Hills Septic Contribution Study | WoodGroup | Microbial source tracking (MST) study to assess potential sources of human fecal pollution, including onsite wastewater treatment systems (septics), in the Eucalyptus Hills area. | 2019-09-26 | Eucalyptus_Hills_MST_Study_QAPP |
Fallbrook_MST | San Diego County MST Phase II - SLR WMA-Fallbrook | San Diego Region NPDES | WestonSolu | San Diego County Microbial Source Identification Study Phase II - SLR WMA-Fallbrook, San Diego County, CA | 2021-01-22 | Fallbrook_MST_2020_QAPP |
Famosa_Slough_Eutro_Mon | Famosa Slough Eutrophication Monitoring Alt TMDL | Famosa Slough Eutrophication Monitoring Alt TMDL | CSD | Water quality monitoring conducted in accordance with the approved total maximum daily load (TMDL) alternative for eutrophication in Famosa Slough | 2020-01-14 | Famosa_Slough_Eutrophication_Monitoring_QAPP |
FBGAP_Post | Fort Bragg Green Alleys Project_Post | Fort Bragg Green Alleys Project | FBC | Fort Bragg Green Alleys Project after BMP implemenation | 2016-07-08 | QAPP for FBGAP |
FBGAP_Pre | Fort Bragg Green Alleys Project_Pre | Fort Bragg Green Alleys Project | FBC | Fort Bragg Green Alleys Project before BMP implemenation | 2016-07-08 | QAPP for FBGAP |
FCAS | Forester Creek Additonal Study | Forester Creek Additional Sampling | CEC | Forester Creek Additonal Study | 2013-12-18 | Not Recorded |
FCMST_2018_2019 | 2018/2019 Forester Creek MS4 Investigation | San Diego Region Microbial Source Tracking | SDC | 2018/2019 Forester Creek MS4 Investigation | 2019-12-16 | Not Recorded |
FDS | Fecal Degradation Study | Fecal Degradation Study | SCCWRP | Fecal Degradation Study | 2016-07-08 | Not Recorded |
FERC_619_FA-S3_2015 | Benthic Macroinvertebrate Study, FA-S3 2015 | Bucks Creek Hydroelectric Project FERC Project 619 | SWS | Bucks Creek Hydroelectric Project FERC Project No. 619, FA-S3: Benthic Macroinvertebrate Study 2015 | 2016-09-07 | SWS_QAPP_2015 |
Fish Contaminant_P1796002 | Cont. Effects, Two CA Fish Spps Food Web, P1796002 | UCD School of Veterinary Medicine, Prop 1 Grant | UCD-SVM | Contaminant Effects on Two California Fish Species and the Food Web That Supports Them, P1796002 | 2021-10-29 | Not Recorded |
Fish_Tissue_Lake Clementine_2015 | Lake Clementine Fish Tissue Sampling Data 2015 | CABY Watershed: Sediment and Mercury Abatement | TSF | Lake Clementine Fish Tissue Sampling Data 2015 | 2018-11-27 | Not Recorded |
Fish_Tissue_Lake Combie_2015-2016 | Lake Combie Fish Tissue Sampling Data 2015-2016 | CABY Watershed: Sediment and Mercury Abatement | TSF | Lake Combie Fish Tissue Sampling Data 2015-2016 | 2018-11-27 | Not Recorded |
Fish_Tissue_Lake Elsinore | Lake Elsinore Fish Tissue Sampling Data 2019 | Lake Elsinore Tissue DDT & PCB | LESJWA | Lake Elsinore Fish Tissue DDT & PCB Data 2019 | 2020-05-01 | Lake Elsinore Fisheries Management Work Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan - Final |
Fish_Tissue_Rollins Reservoir_2014-2015 | Rollins Reservoir Fish Tissue Sampling Data 2014-2 | CABY Watershed: Sediment and Mercury Abatement | TSF | Rollins Reservoir Fish Tissue Sampling Data 2014-2 | 2018-11-27 | Not Recorded |
Fish_Tissue_Scotts Flat_2016-2018 | Scotts Flat Fish Tissue Sampling Data 2016-2018 | CABY Watershed: Sediment and Mercury Abatement | TSF | Scotts Flat Fish Tissue Sampling Data 2016-2018 | 2018-11-27 | Not Recorded |
Fish_Tissue_South Yuba River_2016 | South Yuba River Fish Tissue Sampling Data 2016 | CABY Watershed: Sediment and Mercury Abatement | TSF | South Yuba River Fish Tissue Sampling Data 2016 | 2018-11-27 | Not Recorded |
FMP_FOE_DeVLAMING | Fish Mercury Project Foe_DeVlaming SO | Fish Mercury Project | UCD-SVM | Fish Mercury Project Foe_DeVlaming Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) | 2016-07-08 | SRWP QAPP 2005-2007 |
FreeVern_PEST_2012-2013 | SFCWA FreeportVernalis PEST 2012-2013 | SFCWA FreeportVernalis | SFCWA | Dissolved Pesticide Concentrations Entering the Sacramento?San Joaquin Delta from the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, California, 2012?13, Data Series 876, U.S. Depart of the Interior, USGS, Prepared in cooperation with SLDMWA | 2018-03-05 | Not Recorded |
FRWM_LCC_BA_2013 | FRWM Last Chance Creek BA June 2013 | FRWM Last Chance Creek Prop 50 Grant | Not Recorded | Feather River Watershed Monitoring Program Last Chance Creek Bioassessment June 2013 | 2012-08-15 | Not Recorded |
FRWM_RCC_BA_2012 | FRWM Red Clover Confluence BA June-July 2012 | FRWM Red Clover Confluence Prop 13 and 50 Grant | FRCRM | Feather River Watershed Monitoring Program Red Clover Confluence Bioassessment June-July 2012 | 2012-07-19 | RMP QAPP 2014 |
FSURMP_CSM_WY2013 | FSURMP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2013 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2013 | FSURMP | Fairfield-Suisun Urban Runoff Management Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2013 | 2016-07-05 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2013 |
FSURMP_CSM_WY2014 | FSURMP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2014 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2014 | FSURMP | Fairfield-Suisun Urban Runoff Management Program Creek Status Monitoring in WY2014 | 2016-07-05 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2014 |
FSURMP_CSM_WY2017 | FSURMP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2017 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2017 | FSURMP | Fairfield Suisun Creek Status Monitoring in WY2017 | 2019-03-21 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
FSURMP_CSM_WY2019 | FSURMP Creek Status Monitoring in WY2019 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2019 | FSURMP | Fairfield Suisun Creek Status Monitoring in WY2019 | 2020-02-06 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
FW 2012 | Fireworks 2012 | SeaWorld Fireworks Monitoring | SeaWorld | Fireworks Annual Sampling 2012 | 2019-12-18 | SeaWorld_FW_WP |
FW 2013 | Fireworks 2013 | SeaWorld Fireworks Monitoring | SeaWorld | Fireworks Annual Sampling 2013 | 2019-12-18 | SeaWorld_FW_WP |
FW 2014 | Fireworks 2014 | SeaWorld Fireworks Monitoring | SeaWorld | Fireworks Annual Sampling 2014 | 2019-12-18 | SeaWorld_FW_WP |
FW 2015 | Fireworks 2015 | SeaWorld Fireworks Monitoring | SeaWorld | Fireworks Annual Sampling 2015 | 2019-12-18 | SeaWorld_FW_WP |
FW 2016 | Fireworks 2016 | SeaWorld Fireworks Monitoring | SeaWorld | Fireworks Annual Sampling 2016 | 2019-12-18 | SeaWorld_FW_WP |
FW 2017 | Fireworks 2017 | SeaWorld Fireworks Monitoring | SeaWorld | Fireworks Annual Sampling 2017 | 2019-12-18 | SeaWorld_FW_WP |
FW 2018 | Fireworks 2018 | SeaWorld Fireworks Monitoring | SeaWorld | Fireworks Annual Sampling 2018 | 2019-12-18 | SeaWorld_FW_WP |
FW 2019 | Fireworks 2019 | SeaWorld Fireworks Monitoring | SeaWorld | Fireworks Annual Sampling 2019 | 2019-12-18 | SeaWorld_FW_WP |
GAL-WQM | Water quality monitoring on Galindo Creek | The Watershed Project Water Quality Monitoring | TWP | Water quality monitoring on Galindo Creek | 2024-08-07 | CWT Guidance Compendium |
GBP_USBR_Jan13-Jun13 | GBP, GBP 5-01-234, Jan 1st 2014, Jan13-Jun13 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Data, January 1st 2014 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jan13-Jun13 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
GBP_USBR_Jan14-Jun14 | GBP,GBP 5-01-234, Jan 1st 2015, Jan14-Jun14 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Data, January 1st 2015 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jan14-Jun14 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
GBP_USBR_Jan15-Jun15 | GBP,GBP 5-01-234, Jan 1st 2016, Jan15-Jun15 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Data, January 1st 2016 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jan15-Jun15 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
GBP_USBR_Jan16-Jun16 | GBP, Order R5-2015-0094, Oct 30th 2016, Jan16-Jun1 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2015-0094, October 30th 2016 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jan16-Jun16 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
GBP_USBR_Jan17-Jun17 | GBP, Order R5-2015-0094, Oct 30th 2017, Jan17-Jun1 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2015-0094, October 30th 2017 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jan17-Jun17 | 2016-09-07 | GBP QAPP 2017 |
GBP_USBR_Jan18-Jun18 | GBP,R5-2015-0094, Oct 30th 2018, Jan18-Jun18 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2015-0094, October 30th 2018 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jan18-Jun18 | 2018-05-15 | GBP QAPP 2017 |
GBP_USBR_Jan19-Jun19 | GBP, R5-2015-0094, Oct 30th 2019, Jan19-Jun19 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2015-0094, October 30th 2019 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jan19-Jun19 | 2018-05-15 | GBP QAPP 2017 |
GBP_USBR_Jan20-Jun20 | GBP, R5-2015-0094, Oct 30th 2020, Jan20-Jun20 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2015-0094, October 30th 2020 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jan20-Jun20 | 2018-05-15 | GBP QAPP 2017 |
GBP_USBR_Jan21-Jun21 | GBP, R5-2015-0094, Oct 30th 2021, Jan21-Jun21 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2015-0094, October 30th 2021 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jan21-Jun21 | 2018-05-15 | GBP QAPP 2017 |
GBP_USBR_Jan22-Jun22 | GBP, R5-2015-0094, Oct 30th 2022, Jan22-Jun22 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2015-0094, October 30th 2022 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jan22-Jun22 | 2022-04-07 | GBP QAPP 2017 |
GBP_USBR_Jan23-Jun23 | GBP, R5-2015-0094, Oct 30th 2023, Jan23-Jun23 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-CGBRO | Grassland Bypass Project Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2015-0094, October 30th 2023 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jan23-Jun23 | 2023-05-24 | GBP QAPP 2017 |
GBP_USBR_Jan24-Jun24 | GBP, R5-2015-0094, Oct 30th 2024, Jan24-Jun24 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-CGBRO | Grassland Bypass Project Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2015-0094, October 30th 2024 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jan24-Jun24 | 2024-04-09 | GBP QAPP 2017 |
GBP_USBR_Jul13-Dec13 | GBP,GBP 5-01-234, Jun 30th 2014, Jul13-Dec13 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Data, June 30th 2014 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jul13-Dec13 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
GBP_USBR_Jul14-Dec14 | GBP,GBP 5-01-234, Jun 30th 2015, Jul14-Dec14 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Data, June 30th 2015 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jul14-Dec14 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
GBP_USBR_Jul15-Dec15 | GBP, Order R5-2015-0094, Apr 30th 2016, Jul15-Dec1 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2015-0094, April 30th 2016 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jul15-Dec15 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
GBP_USBR_Jul16-Dec16 | GBP, Order R5-2015-0094, Apr 30th 2017, Jul16-Dec1 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2015-0094, April 30th 2017 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jul16-Dec16 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
GBP_USBR_Jul17-Dec17 | GBP, Order R5-2015-0094, Apr 30th 2018, Jul17-Dec1 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2015-0094, April 30th 2018 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jul17-Dec17 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
GBP_USBR_Jul18-Dec18 | GBP, R5-2015-0094, Apr 30th 2019, Jul18-Dec18 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2015-0094, April 30th 2019 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jul18-Dec18 | 2018-05-15 | GBP QAPP 2017 |
GBP_USBR_Jul19-Dec19 | GBP, R5-2015-0094, Apr 30th 2020, Jul19-Dec19 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2015-0094, April 30th 2020 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jul19-Dec19 | 2018-05-15 | GBP QAPP 2017 |
GBP_USBR_Jul20-Dec20 | GBP, R5-2015-0094, Apr 30th 2021, Jul20-Dec20 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2015-0094, April 30th 2021 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jul20-Dec20 | 2018-05-15 | GBP QAPP 2017 |
GBP_USBR_Jul21-Dec21 | GBP, R5-2015-0094, Apr 30th 2022, Jul21-Dec21 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-SCCAO | Grassland Bypass Project Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2015-0094, April 30th 2022 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jul21-Dec21 | 2018-05-15 | GBP QAPP 2017 |
GBP_USBR_Jul22-Dec22 | GBP, R5-2015-0094, Apr 30th 2023, Jul22-Dec22 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-CGBRO | Grassland Bypass Project Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2015-0094, April 30th 2023 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jul22-Dec22 | 2022-10-24 | GBP QAPP 2017 |
GBP_USBR_Jul23-Dec23 | GBP, R5-2015-0094, Apr 30th 2024, Jul23-Dec23 | Grasslands Bypass Project | USBR-CGBRO | Grassland Bypass Project Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2015-0094, April 30th 2024 Submittal, Semi Annual, Sample Dates Jul23-Dec23 | 2023-05-24 | GBP QAPP 2017 |
Glassell_Postproject | Glassell Post-Project Monitoring | Prop 84 Glassell Campus LID Retrofit Project | OCPW | Water quality monitoring post-project | 2016-08-29 | Not Recorded |
Glassell_Preproject | Glassell Pre-Project Monitoring | Prop 84 Glassell Campus LID Retrofit Project | OCPW | Water quality monitoring pre-project | 2016-08-29 | Not Recorded |
GLC_07 | GLC Monitoring under ILRP MRP Order R5-2006-0053 | Goose Lake Coalition | GLC | GLC Monitoring under ILRP MRP Order R5-2006-0053 | 2010-06-17 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
GLC_08 | GLC Monitoring under ILRP MRP Order R5-2008-005 | Goose Lake Coalition | GLC | GLC Monitoring under ILRP MRP Order R5-2006-0053 | 2014-03-13 | SWAMP BOG QAPP 2007 |
GLC_AY07 | GLC, Order 06-0053, Dec 1st 2007, AY07 | Goose Lake Coalition | GLC | Goose Lake Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2006-0053, December 31st 2007 Submittal, Annual Year 2007, Sampling Dates May-Jul 2007 | 2014-11-20 | Goose Lake Coalition_QAPP_2007 |
GLC_AY08 | GLC, Order 06-0053, Dec 1st 2008, AY08 | Goose Lake Coalition | GLC | Goose Lake Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2006-0053, December 31st 2008 Submittal, Annual Year 2008, Sampling Dates Apr-Jul 2008 | 2014-11-20 | Goose Lake Coalition_QAPP_2007 |
GLC_AY09_Q2 | GLC, Order 06-0053, Sep 1st 2009, AY09, Q2 | Goose Lake Coalition | GLC | Goose Lake Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2006-0053, September 1st 2009 Submittal, Annual Year 2009, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2009 | 2014-11-20 | Goose Lake Coalition _QAPP_2008 |
GLC_AY09_Q3 | GLC, Order 06-0053, Dec 1st 2009, AY09, Q3 | Goose Lake Coalition | GLC | Goose Lake Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2006-0053, December 1st 2009 Submittal, Annual Year 2009, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul 2009 | 2014-11-20 | Goose Lake Coalition _QAPP_2008 |
GLC_AY10_Q2 | GLC, Order 06-0053, Sep 1st 2010, AY10, Q2 | Goose Lake Coalition | GLC | Goose Lake Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2006-0053, September 1st 2010 Submittal, Annual Year 2010, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2010 | 2014-11-20 | Goose Lake Coalition _QAPP_2008 |
GLC_AY10_Q3 | GLC, Order 06-0053, Dec 1st 2010, AY10, Q3 | Goose Lake Coalition | GLC | Goose Lake Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2006-0053, December 1st 2010 Submittal, Annual Year 2010, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul 2010 | 2014-11-20 | Goose Lake Coalition _QAPP_2008 |
GLC_AY11_Q2 | GLC, Order 06-0053, Sep 1st 2011, AY11, Q2 | Goose Lake Coalition | GLC | Goose Lake Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2006-0053, September 1st 2011 Submittal, Annual Year 2011, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2011 | 2014-11-20 | Goose Lake Coalition _QAPP_2008 |
GLC_AY11_Q3 | GLC, Order 06-0053, Dec 1st 2011, AY11, Q3 | Goose Lake Coalition | GLC | Goose Lake Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2006-0053, December 1st 2011 Submittal, Annual Year 2011, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Aug 2011 | 2014-11-20 | Goose Lake Coalition _QAPP_2008 |
GLC_AY11_Q4 | GLC, Order 06-0053, Mar 1st 2012, AY11, Q4 | Goose Lake Coalition | GLC | Goose Lake Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2006-0053, March 1st 2012 Submittal, Annual Year 2011, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct 2011 | 2014-12-08 | Goose Lake Coalition _QAPP_2008 |
GLC_AY12 | GLC, Order 06-0053, Mar 1st 2013, AY12 | Goose Lake Coalition | GLC | Goose Lake Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2006-0053, March 1st 2012 Submittal, Annual Year 2011, Sampling Dates Oct 2011 | 2014-11-20 | Goose Lake Coalition _QAPP_2008 |
GLC_AY13 | GLC, Order 06-0053, Mar 1st 2013, AY13 | Goose Lake Coalition | GLC | Goose Lake Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2006-0053, March 1st 2013 Submittal, Annual Year 2012, Sampling Date Jul 2012 | 2014-11-20 | Goose Lake Coalition _QAPP_2008 |
GLC_Historical | GLC, Order R5-2006-0053, 2007-2009 | Goose Lake Coalition | GLC | Goose Lake Coalition Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2006-0053, Sampling Dates May 2007-Jul 2009 | 2016-10-25 | GuidanceDocument_2010 |
Goat_Cyn_Sed_2011 | Goat Canyon Sediment 2011 | Tijuana River Bacteria Source Identification Study | WestonSolu | Goat Canyon Sediment 2011 | 2013-01-16 | Not Recorded |
Groundwater_2010-2011 | Groundwater 2010-2011 | Tijuana River Bacteria Source Identification Study | WestonSolu | Groundwater 2010-2011 | 2013-01-16 | Not Recorded |
GVWCME_ P1796004 | Green Valley WS Coho Migratn Enhncmnt, G#P1796004 | Proposition 1 Grant for Gold Ridge RCD | GRRCD | Green Valley Watershed Coho Migration Enhancement Project; grant agreement P1796004. Compared water quality of Lk Graton to Atascadero Crk to investigate whether connecting Atascadero Crk to Lk Graton would impact water quality in Atascadero Crk. | 2020-08-26 | Not Recorded |
Haster_2015-2016 | Haster Basin Report 1 2015-2016 | Haster Retarding Basin and Pump Station Project | OCPW | Monitor improvements in TSS in pre-construction and post-construction conditions at Haster Retarding Basin | 2016-07-08 | OCPW_HASTER_HMMP |
Haster_2016-2017 | Haster Basin Report 1 2016-2017 | Haster Retarding Basin and Pump Station Project | OCPW | Monitor improvements in TSS in pre-construction and post-construction conditions at Haster Retarding Basin | 2016-07-08 | OCPW_HASTER_HMMP |
Haster_2017-2018 | Haster Basin Report 1 2017-2018 | Haster Retarding Basin and Pump Station Project | OCPW | Monitor improvements in TSS in pre-construction and post-construction conditions at Haster Retarding Basin | 2016-07-08 | OCPW_HASTER_HMMP |
Haster_2018-2019 | Haster Basin Report 1 2018-2019 | Haster Retarding Basin and Pump Station Project | OCPW | Monitor improvements in TSS in pre-construction and post-construction conditions at Haster Retarding Basin | 2016-07-08 | OCPW_HASTER_HMMP |
Haster_2019-2020 | Haster Basin Report 1 2019-2020 | Haster Retarding Basin and Pump Station Project | OCPW | Monitor improvements in TSS in pre-construction and post-construction conditions at Haster Retarding Basin | 2016-07-08 | OCPW_HASTER_HMMP |
Haster_2020-2021 | Haster Basin Report 1 2020-2021 | Haster Retarding Basin and Pump Station Project | OCPW | Monitor improvements in TSS in pre-construction and post-construction conditions at Haster Retarding Basin | 2016-07-08 | OCPW_HASTER_HMMP |
Haster_2021-2022 | Haster Basin Report 1 2021-2022 | Haster Retarding Basin and Pump Station Project | OCPW | Monitor improvements in TSS in pre-construction and post-construction conditions at Haster Retarding Basin | 2016-07-08 | OCPW_HASTER_HMMP |
Haster_2022-2023 | Haster Basin Report 1 2022-2023 | Haster Retarding Basin and Pump Station Project | OCPW | Monitor improvements in TSS in pre-construction and post-construction conditions at Haster Retarding Basin | 2016-07-08 | OCPW_HASTER_HMMP |
Haster_2023-2024 | Haster Basin Report 1 2023-2024 | Haster Retarding Basin and Pump Station Project | OCPW | Monitor improvements in TSS in pre-construction and post-construction conditions at Haster Retarding Basin | 2016-07-08 | OCPW_HASTER_HMMP |
HCDEH_APMPSWM | Humboldt Co DEH APMP Surface Water Monitoring | Humboldt County Env. Health Surface Water Monitori | HCDEH | Humboldt Count Department of Environmental Health Bacterialogical sampling of surface water bodies in the Advanced Protection Management Program, LAMP Tier 3 areas. | 2019-07-15 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2001 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2001 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | RWQCB6 | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2001 | 2015-01-26 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2002 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2002 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | RWQCB6 | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2002 | 2015-01-26 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2003 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2003 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | RWQCB6 | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2003 | 2015-01-26 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2006 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2006 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | RWQCB6 | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2006 | 2015-01-26 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2007 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2007 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | RWQCB6 | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2007 | 2015-01-26 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2010 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2010 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | Not Recorded | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2010 | 2012-04-13 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2011 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2011 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | Not Recorded | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2011 | 2012-04-15 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2012 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2012 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | RWQCB6 | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2012 | 2021-07-16 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2013 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2013 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | RWQCB6 | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2013 | 2022-07-07 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2014 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2014 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | RWQCB6 | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2014 | 2015-01-26 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2015 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2015 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | RWQCB6 | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2015 | 2016-01-19 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2016 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2016 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | RWQCB6 | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2016 | 2017-03-01 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2017 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2017 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | RWQCB6 | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2017 | 2022-07-08 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2018 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2018 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | RWQCB6 | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2018 | 2019-03-08 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2019 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2019 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | RWQCB6 | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2018 | 2020-01-10 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2020 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2020 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | RWQCB6 | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2020 | 2021-07-16 | HeavenlyValley_WQ_QAPP |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2021 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2021 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | RWQCB6 | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2021 | 2022-07-08 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2022 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2022 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | RWQCB6 | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2022 | 2022-09-27 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2023 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2023 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | RWQCB6 | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2023 | 2024-03-12 | Not Recorded |
HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2024 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL_2024 | HeavenlyValley_TMDL | RWQCB6 | Total Maximum Daily Load Heavenly Valley 2024 | 2024-03-12 | Not Recorded |
HF183_Dye_Screening | Dye Screening at HF183 Elevated MS4 Outfalls | San Diego Region Microbial Source Tracking | SDC | Dye Screening Investigation at HF183 Elevated MS4 Outfalls | 2020-10-27 | Not Recorded |
HF183_Outfall_Screening | HF183 Outfall Screening | San Diego Region Microbial Source Tracking | SDC | Screening of outfalls for HF183 | 2020-01-27 | Not Recorded |
HF183_Outfall_Screening_SDG_LP | HF183 Outfall Screening in SDG and LP WMAs (DW) | HF183 Outfall Screening in SDG and LP WMAs (DW) | SDC | Dry weather screening for HF183 in major outfalls in the unincorporated County of San Diego jurisdictional area of San Dieguito River and Los Penasquitos Watershed Management Areas (WMAs). | 2019-12-23 | HF183_Outfall_Screening_SDG_LP_QAPP |
Hist FW 2008-2011 | Historical Fireworks Data 2008-2011 | SeaWorld Fireworks Monitoring | SeaWorld | Historical Fireworks Data 2008-2011 | 2019-12-18 | SeaWorld_FW_WP |
HOB-WQM | Water quality monitoring on Holbrook Channel | The Watershed Project Water Quality Monitoring | TWP | Water quality monitoring on Holbrook Channel | 2024-08-07 | CWT Guidance Compendium |
Hodges_2017 | Statewide_Reservoirs_Lake-Hodges_2017 | Pilot Tests of Mercury in Reservoirs | RWQCB5 | Statewide-Pilot-Test-Fish-Hg-Levels-Pre-Hypolimnetic-O2-installation | 2019-05-10 | SWAMP BOG QAPP 2007 |
Hodges_SI | Lake Hodges Source Investigation | Lake Hodges Source Investigation | WoodGroup | Lake Hodges Source Investigation | 2021-01-28 | Not Recorded |
Holy_Fire | Lake Elsinore In-Lake Holy Fire Runoff Sediment & | City of Lake Elsinore Fire Monitoring | LEC | Post Fire water and sediment quality moitoring for the City of Lake Elsinore for the Holy Fire | 2019-08-14 | Not Recorded |
Hood_Exsitu | Hood Ex Situ 2018-2019 | SWCSP Hood Exsitu Testing | UCD-AHPL | Two-week exposure tests with Rainbow Trout and Hyalella azteca to evaluate water quality of Sacramento River at Hood, conducted four times during the study period. | 2020-03-27 | Hood ExSitu QAPP |
HStGrnSt-Post | H Street Green Street Improvements Project Post | H Street Green Street Improvements Project | UnionCity | Post-construction samples of stormwater runoff for a broad water chemistry analysis prior to construction of green infrastructure in residential neighborhood | 2016-09-22 | H Street Green Street Improvement Project Quality Assurance Project Plan, 2015 |
HStGrnSt-Pre | H Street Green Street Improvements Project Pre | H Street Green Street Improvements Project | UnionCity | Pre-construction samples of stormwater runoff for a broad water chemistry analysis prior to construction of green infrastructure in residential neighborhood | 2016-09-22 | H Street Green Street Improvement Project Quality Assurance Project Plan, 2015 |
ICARE_BMI_Survey_1999 | ICARE BMI Survey 1999 | ICARE BMI Surveys | ICARE | | 2017-05-17 | FNR_NapaBMI_QAPP |
ICARE_BMI_Survey_2000 | ICARE BMI Survey 2000 | ICARE BMI Surveys | ICARE | | 2017-05-17 | FNR_NapaBMI_QAPP |
ICARE_BMI_Survey_2001 | ICARE BMI Survey 2001 | ICARE BMI Surveys | ICARE | | 2017-05-17 | FNR_NapaBMI_QAPP |
ICARE_BMI_Survey_2002 | ICARE BMI Survey 2002 | ICARE BMI Surveys | ICARE | | 2017-05-17 | FNR_NapaBMI_QAPP |
ICARE_BMI_Survey_2003 | ICARE BMI Survey 2003 | ICARE BMI Surveys | ICARE | | 2017-05-17 | FNR_NapaBMI_QAPP |
ICARE_BMI_Survey_2004 | ICARE BMI Survey 2004 | ICARE BMI Surveys | ICARE | | 2017-05-17 | FNR_NapaBMI_QAPP |
ICARE_BMI_Survey_2006 | ICARE BMI Survey 2006 | ICARE BMI Surveys | ICARE | | 2017-05-17 | FNR_NapaBMI_QAPP |
ICF_Crystal_Lake | ICF Crystal Lake Outlet | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | ICF Crystal Lake Outlet | 2016-02-11 | Not Recorded |
ICF_JLFS17 | Longfin Smelt Study - Juvenile | Longfin Smelt Study - ICF | ICF-Sacramento | An investigation of factors that affect juvenile Longfin Smelt abundance and distribution in the upper San Francisco Estuary | 2020-09-09 | Not Recorded |
ICF_LLFS16-17 | Longfin Smelt Study - Larval | Longfin Smelt Study - ICF | ICF-Sacramento | An investigation of factors that affect larval Longfin Smelt abundance and distribution in the upper San Francisco Estuary | 2020-09-09 | Not Recorded |
ILRP9_Frog_19_20_Dry | ILRP9, Frog Environmental 19-20 Dry Season | R9 Irrigated Lands Reg. Prgm., Frog Environmental | Frog | Region 9 Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program, Frog Environmental 19-20 Dry Season | 2020-05-20 | Not Recorded |
ILRP9_Frog_20_BioA_Wet | ILRP9, Frog Environmental 2020 Wet Season BioA | R9 Irrigated Lands Reg. Prgm., Frog Environmental | Frog | Region 9 Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program, Frog Environmental 2020 Wet Season Bioassessment | 2021-05-03 | Not Recorded |
ILRP9_Frog_20_Dry | ILRP9, Frog Environmental 2020 Dry Season | R9 Irrigated Lands Reg. Prgm., Frog Environmental | Frog | Region 9 Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program, Frog Environmental 2020 Dry Season | 2021-05-03 | Not Recorded |
ILRP9_Frog_20_Wet | ILRP9, Frog Environmental 2020 Wet Season | R9 Irrigated Lands Reg. Prgm., Frog Environmental | Frog | Region 9 Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program, Frog Environmental 2020 Wet Season | 2021-05-03 | Not Recorded |
ILRP9_Frog_21_Dry | ILRP9, Frog Environmental 2021 Dry Season | R9 Irrigated Lands Reg. Prgm., Frog Environmental | Frog | Region 9 Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program, Frog Environmental 2021 Dry Season | 2021-10-22 | Not Recorded |
IMP | Implementers' Monitoring Program | Lake Tahoe Regional Stormwater Monitoring Program | TahoeRCD | Compliance monitoring for the Tahoe TMDL under the Lake Tahoe NPDES permit | 2015-09-09 | RSWMP_QAPP |
IO_R9-2017-0082_PhaseI | Investigative Order R9-2017-0082 Phase I Investiga | R9 Investigative Orders | WoodGroup | Investigation of upland solids and bay sediment adjacent to Continental Maritime of San Diego pursuant to Investigative Order R9-2017-0082 | 2020-01-31 | Not Recorded |
IVILC_SW_AY23_Q1 | IVILC, SW, R7-2021-0050, July 1st 2024, AY23, Q1 | Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | IVILC | Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2021-0050, July 1st 2024 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2023, Quarter 1, Sampling Date January 2023 | 2024-05-20 | IVILC_QAPP_2022 v1.1 |
IVILC_SW_AY23_Q2 | IVILC, SW, R7-2021-0050, July 1st 2024, AY23, Q2 | Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | IVILC | Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2021-0050, July 1st 2024 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2023, Quarter 2, Sampling Date April 2023 | 2024-05-20 | IVILC_QAPP_2022 v1.1 |
IVILC_SW_AY23_Q3 | IVILC, SW, R7-2021-0050, July 1st 2024, AY23, Q3 | Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | IVILC | Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2021-0050, July 1st 2024 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2023, Quarter 3, Sampling Date July 2023 | 2024-05-20 | IVILC_QAPP_2022 v1.1 |
IVILC_SW_AY23_Q4 | IVILC, SW, R7-2021-0050, July 1st 2024, AY23, Q4 | Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | IVILC | Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2021-0050, July 1st 2024 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2023, Quarter 4, Sampling Date October 2023 | 2024-05-20 | IVILC_QAPP_2022 v1.1 |
IVILC_SW_AY24_Q1 | IVILC, SW, R7-2021-0050, July 1st 2025, AY24, Q1 | Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | IVILC | Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2021-0050, July 1st 2025 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2024, Quarter 1, Sampling Date January 2024 | 2024-02-23 | IVILC_QAPP_2022 v1.1 |
IVILC_SW_AY24_Q2 | IVILC, SW, R7-2021-0050, July 1st 2025, AY24, Q2 | Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | IVILC | Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2021-0050, July 1st 2025 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2024, Quarter 2, Sampling Date April 2024 | 2024-02-23 | IVILC_QAPP_2022 v1.1 |
IVILC_SW_AY24_Q3 | IVILC, SW, R7-2021-0050, July 1st 2025, AY24, Q3 | Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | IVILC | Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2021-0050, July 1st 2025 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2024, Quarter 3, Sampling Date July 2024 | 2024-02-23 | IVILC_QAPP_2022 v1.1 |
IVILC_SW_AY24_Q4 | IVILC, SW, R7-2021-0050, July 1st 2025, AY24, Q4 | Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition | IVILC | Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition surface water monitoring Under ILRP Order R7-2021-0050, July 1st 2025 Annual Monitoring Report, Annual Year 2024, Quarter 4, Sampling Date October 2024 | 2024-02-23 | IVILC_QAPP_2022 v1.1 |
JS_Kellogg_Creek | ICF Jones & Stokes, Kellogg Creek Watershed | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | ICF Jones & Stokes, Kellogg Creek Watershed | 2016-02-11 | Not Recorded |
KAW_AY14_Q1 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2014, AY14, Q1 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2014 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2014 | 2015-06-12 | Not Recorded |
KAW_AY14_Q2 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2014, AY14, Q2 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2014 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-June 2014 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KAW_AY14_Q3 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2014, AY14, Q3 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2014 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates July-Sept 2014 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KAW_AY14_Q4 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2015, AY14, Q4 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2014 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KAW_AY15_Q1 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2015, AY15, Q1 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KAW_AY15_Q2 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2015, AY15, Q2 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KAW_AY15_Q3 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2015, AY15, Q3 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KAW_AY15_Q4 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar1st 2016, AY15, Q4 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KAW_AY16_Q1 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2016, AY16, Q1 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2016 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KAW_AY16_Q2 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2016, AY16, Q2 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2016 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY14_Q2 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2014, WY14, Q2 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2014 | 2015-05-01 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY14_Q3 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2014, WY14, Q3 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr-June 2014 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY14_Q4 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2014, WY14, Q4 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-Sept 2014 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY15_Q1 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2015, WY15, Q1 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2015, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2014 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY15_Q2 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2015, WY15, Q2 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2015, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2015 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY15_Q3 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2015, WY15, Q3 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2015, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2015 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY15_Q4 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2015, WY15, Q4 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2015, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2015 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY16_Q1 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2016, WY16, Q1 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2016 Submittal, Water Year 2016, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2015 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY16_Q2 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2016, WY16, Q2 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2016 Submittal, Water Year 2016, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2016 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY16_Q3 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2016, WY16, Q3 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2016 Submittal, Water Year 2016, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2016 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY16_Q4 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2016, WY16, Q4 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2016 Submittal, Water Year 2016, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2016 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY17_Q1 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2017, WY17, Q1 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2017 Submittal, Water Year 2017, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2016 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY17_Q2 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2017, WY17, Q2 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2017 Submittal, Water Year 2017, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2017 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY17_Q3 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2017, WY17, Q3 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2017 Submittal, Water Year 2017, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2017 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY17_Q4 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2017, WY17, Q4 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2017 Submittal, Water Year 2017, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2017 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY18_Q1 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2018, WY18, Q1 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2017 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY18_Q2 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2018, WY18, Q2 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2018 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY18_Q3 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2018, WY18, Q3 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2018 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY18_Q4 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2018, WY18, Q4 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2018 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY19_Q1 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2019, WY19, Q1 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2018 | 2019-04-08 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KAW_WY19_Q2 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2019, WY19, Q2 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2019 | 2019-04-08 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KAW_WY19_Q3 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2019, WY19, Q3 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2019 | 2019-04-08 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KAW_WY19_Q4 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2019, WY19, Q4 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2019 | 2019-04-08 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KAW_WY20_Q1 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2020, WY20, Q1 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2019 | 2019-04-08 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KAW_WY20_Q2 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2020, WY20, Q2 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2020 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY20_Q3 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2020, WY20, Q3 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2020 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY20_Q4 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2020, WY20, Q4 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2020 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY21_Q1 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2021, WY21, Q1 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2020 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY21_Q2 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2021, WY21, Q2 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2021 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY21_Q3 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2021, WY21, Q3 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2021 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY21_Q4 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2021, WY21, Q4 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2021 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY22_Q1 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2022, WY22, Q1 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2021 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY22_Q2 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2022, WY22, Q2 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2022 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY22_Q3 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2022, WY22, Q3 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2022 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY22_Q4 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2022, WY22, Q4 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2022 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KAW_WY23_Q1 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2023, WY23, Q1 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2023 Submittal, Water Year 2023, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2022 | 2023-04-04 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KAW_WY23_Q2 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2023, WY23, Q2 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2023 Submittal, Water Year 2023, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2023 | 2023-04-04 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KAW_WY23_Q3 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2023, WY23, Q3 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2023 Submittal, Water Year 2023, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2023 | 2023-04-04 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KAW_WY23_Q4 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2023, WY23, Q4 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2023 Submittal, Water Year 2023, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2023 | 2024-06-18 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KAW_WY24_Q1 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2024, WY24, Q1 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2024 Submittal, Water Year 2024, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2023 | 2024-06-18 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KAW_WY24_Q2 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2024, WY24, Q2 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2024 Submittal, Water Year 2024, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2024 | 2024-06-18 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KAW_WY24_Q3 | KAW, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2024, WY24, Q3 | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association | KBWQA | Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2024 Submittal, Water Year 2024, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2024 | 2024-09-06 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KER_AY14_Q1 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2014, AY14, Q1 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2014 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2014 | 2015-06-12 | Not Recorded |
KER_AY14_Q2 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2014, AY14, Q2 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2014 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-June 2014 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KER_AY14_Q3 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2014, AY14, Q3 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2014 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates July-Sept 2014 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KER_AY15_Q1 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2015, AY15, Q1 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KER_AY15_Q2 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2015, AY15, Q2 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KER_AY15_Q3 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2015, AY15, Q3 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KER_AY15_Q4 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2015, AY14, Q4 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2014 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KER_AY16_Q1 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2016, AY16, Q1 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2016 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KER_AY16_Q2 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2016, AY16, Q2 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2016 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KER_AY16_Q4 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2016, AY15, Q4 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY14_Q2 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2014, WY14, Q2 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2014 | 2015-05-01 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY14_Q3 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2014, WY14, Q3 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr-June 2014 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY14_Q4 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2014, WY14, Q4 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2014,Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-Sept 2014 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY15_Q1 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2015, WY15, Q1 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2015, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2014 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY15_Q2 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2015, WY15, Q2 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2015, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2015 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY15_Q3 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2015, WY15, Q3 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2015, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2015 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY15_Q4 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2015, WY15, Q4 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition AuthorityMonitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2015, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2015 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY16_Q1 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2016, WY16, Q1 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2016 Submittal, Water Year 2016, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2015 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY16_Q2 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2016, WY16, Q2 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition AuthorityMonitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2016 Submittal, Water Year 2016, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2016 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY16_Q3 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2016, WY16, Q3 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2016 Submittal, Water Year 2016, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2016 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY16_Q4 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2016, WY16, Q4 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2016 Submittal, Water Year 2016, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2016 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY17_Q1 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2017, WY17, Q1 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2017 Submittal, Water Year 2017, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2016 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY17_Q2 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2017, WY17, Q2 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2017 Submittal, Water Year 2017, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2017 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY17_Q3 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2017, WY17, Q3 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120,September 1st 2017 Submittal, Water Year 2017, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2017 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY17_Q4 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2017, WY17, Q4 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2017 Submittal, Water Year 2017, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2017 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY18_Q1 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2018, WY18, Q1 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2017 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY18_Q2 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2018, WY18, Q2 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2018 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY18_Q3 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2018, WY18, Q3 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120,September 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2018 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY18_Q4 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2018, WY18, Q4 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2018 Submittal, Water Year 2018, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2018 | 2019-02-01 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY19_Q1 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2019, WY19, Q1 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2018 | 2019-06-11 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KER_WY19_Q2 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2019, WY19, Q2 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2019 | 2019-06-11 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KER_WY19_Q3 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2019, WY19, Q3 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2019 | 2019-06-11 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KER_WY19_Q4 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2019, WY19, Q4 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2019 Submittal, Water Year 2019, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2019 | 2019-06-11 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KER_WY20_Q1 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2020, WY20, Q1 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2019 | 2019-06-11 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KER_WY20_Q2 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2020, WY20, Q2 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2020 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY20_Q3 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2020, WY20, Q3 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2020 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY20_Q4 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2020, WY20, Q4 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2020 Submittal, Water Year 2020, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2020 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY21_Q1 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2021, WY21, Q1 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2020 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY21_Q2 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2021, WY21, Q2 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2021 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY21_Q3 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2021, WY21, Q3 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2021 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY21_Q4 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2021, WY21, Q4 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2021 Submittal, Water Year 2021, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2021 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY22_Q1 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2022, WY22, Q1 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2021 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY22_Q2 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2022, WY22, Q2 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2022 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY22_Q3 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2022, WY22, Q3 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2022 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY22_Q4 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2011, WY22, Q4 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2022 Submittal, Water Year 2022, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2022 | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
KER_WY23_Q1 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2023, WY23, Q1 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2023 Submittal, Water Year 2023, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2022 | 2023-04-04 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KER_WY23_Q2 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2023, WY23, Q2 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2023 Submittal, Water Year 2023, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2023 | 2023-04-04 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KER_WY23_Q3 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2023, WY23, Q3 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2023 Submittal, Water Year 2023, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2023 | 2023-04-04 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KER_WY23_Q4 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2023, WY23, Q4 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2023 Submittal, Water Year 2023, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-September 2023 | 2024-06-18 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KER_WY24_Q1 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2024, WY24, Q1 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2024 Submittal, Water Year 2024, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates October-December 2023 | 2024-06-18 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KER_WY24_Q2 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2024, WY24, Q2 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2024 Submittal, Water Year 2024, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates January-March 2024 | 2024-06-18 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KER_WY24_Q3 | KER, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2024, WY24, Q3 | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority | KERNRWCA | Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2024 Submittal, Water Year 2024, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates April-June 2024 | 2024-09-06 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KHSA_Baseline_2009 | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2009 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | Pacificorp | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2009 | 2016-10-13 | Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan- Version 2.0 |
KHSA_Baseline_2010 | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2010 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | Pacificorp | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2010 | 2016-10-13 | Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan- Version 2.0 |
KHSA_Baseline_2011 | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2011 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | Pacificorp | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2011 | 2016-10-13 | Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan- Version 2.0 |
KHSA_Baseline_2012 | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2012 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | Pacificorp | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2012 | 2016-10-13 | Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan- Version 2.0 |
KHSA_Baseline_2013 | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2013 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | Pacificorp | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2013 | 2016-10-13 | Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan- Version 2.0 |
KHSA_Baseline_2014 | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2014 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | Pacificorp | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2014 | 2016-10-13 | Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan- Version 2.0 |
KHSA_Baseline_2015 | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2015 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | Pacificorp | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2015 | 2016-10-13 | Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan- Version 2.0 |
KHSA_Baseline_2016 | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2016 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | Pacificorp | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2016 | 2016-10-13 | Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan- Version 2.0 |
KHSA_Baseline_2017 | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2017 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | PacifiCorp | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2017 | 2018-05-21 | Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan- Version 2.0 |
KHSA_Baseline_2018 | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2018 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | PacifiCorp | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2018 | 2018-05-21 | Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan- Version 2.0 |
KHSA_Baseline_2019 | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2019 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | PacifiCorp | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2019 | 2020-02-28 | Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan- Version 2.0 |
KHSA_Baseline_2020 | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2020 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | PacifiCorp | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2020 | 2020-09-21 | Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan- Version 2.0 |
KHSA_Baseline_2021 | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2021 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | PacifiCorp | Klamath River Baseline Water Quality Sampling 2021 | 2022-07-15 | Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan- Version 2.0 |
KHSA_PH_2009 | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2009 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | Pacificorp | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2009 | 2016-10-13 | Klamath River Sampling of Cyanobacteria - Cell Enumeration, Identification and Toxin Analysis 2009 |
KHSA_PH_2010 | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2010 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | Pacificorp | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2010 | 2016-10-13 | Klamath River Sampling of Cyanobacteria - Cell Enumeration, Identification and Toxin Analysis 2009 |
KHSA_PH_2011 | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2011 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | Pacificorp | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2011 | 2016-10-13 | Klamath River Sampling of Cyanobacteria - Cell Enumeration, Identification and Toxin Analysis 2009 |
KHSA_PH_2012 | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2012 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | Pacificorp | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2012 | 2016-10-13 | Klamath River Sampling of Cyanobacteria - Cell Enumeration, Identification and Toxin Analysis 2009 |
KHSA_PH_2013 | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2013 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | Pacificorp | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2013 | 2016-10-13 | Klamath River Sampling of Cyanobacteria - Cell Enumeration, Identification and Toxin Analysis 2009 |
KHSA_PH_2014 | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2014 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | Pacificorp | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2014 | 2016-10-13 | Klamath River Sampling of Cyanobacteria - Cell Enumeration, Identification and Toxin Analysis 2009 |
KHSA_PH_2015 | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2015 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | Pacificorp | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2015 | 2016-10-13 | Klamath River Sampling of Cyanobacteria - Cell Enumeration, Identification and Toxin Analysis 2009 |
KHSA_PH_2016 | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2016 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | Pacificorp | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2016 | 2016-10-13 | Klamath River Sampling of Cyanobacteria - Cell Enumeration, Identification and Toxin Analysis 2009 |
KHSA_PH_2017 | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2017 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | PacifiCorp | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2017 | 2018-01-17 | Klamath River Sampling of Cyanobacteria - Cell Enumeration, Identification and Toxin Analysis 2009 |
KHSA_PH_2018 | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2018 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | PacifiCorp | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2018 | 2018-01-17 | Klamath River Sampling of Cyanobacteria - Cell Enumeration, Identification and Toxin Analysis 2009 |
KHSA_PH_2019 | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2019 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | PacifiCorp | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2019 | 2020-02-28 | Klamath River Sampling of Cyanobacteria - Cell Enumeration, Identification and Toxin Analysis 2009 |
KHSA_PH_2020 | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2020 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | PacifiCorp | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2020 | 2021-07-16 | Klamath River Sampling of Cyanobacteria - Cell Enumeration, Identification and Toxin Analysis 2009 |
KHSA_PH_2021 | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2021 | Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Monitoring | PacifiCorp | Klamath River Public Health Monitoring 2021 | 2022-07-15 | Klamath River Sampling of Cyanobacteria - Cell Enumeration, Identification and Toxin Analysis 2009 |
KIN_AY14_Q1 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2014, AY14, Q1 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2014 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2014 | 2015-06-12 | Not Recorded |
KIN_AY14_Q2 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2014, AY14, Q2 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2014 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-June 2014 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KIN_AY14_Q3 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2014, AY14, Q3 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2014 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates July-Sept 2014 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KIN_AY14_Q4 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2015, AY14, Q4 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2014 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KIN_AY15_Q1 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2015, AY15, Q1 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KIN_AY15_Q2 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2015, AY15, Q2 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KIN_AY15_Q3 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2015, AY15, Q3 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KIN_AY15_Q4 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2016, AY15, Q4 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KIN_AY16_Q1 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2016, AY16, Q1 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2016 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KIN_AY16_Q2 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2016, AY16, Q2 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2016 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
KIN_AY16_Q3 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2016, AY16, Q3 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2016 | 2019-05-10 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY16_Q4 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2017, AY16, Q4 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2017 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2016 | 2019-05-10 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY17_Q1 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2017, AY17, Q1 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2017 Submittal, Annual Year 2017, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2017 | 2019-05-10 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY17_Q2 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2017, AY17, Q2 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2017 Submittal, Annual Year 2017, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2017 | 2019-05-10 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY17_Q3 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2017, AY17, Q3 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2017 Submittal, Annual Year 2017, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2017 | 2019-05-10 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY17_Q4 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2018, AY17, Q4 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2018 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2016 | 2019-05-10 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY18_Q1 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2018, AY18, Q1 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2018 Submittal, Annual Year 2018, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2018 | 2019-05-10 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY18_Q2 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2018, AY18, Q2 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2018 Submittal, Annual Year 2018, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2018 | 2019-05-10 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY18_Q3 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2018, AY18, Q3 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2018 Submittal, Annual Year 2018, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2018 | 2019-05-10 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY18_Q4 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2019, AY18, Q4 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2019 Submittal, Annual Year 2018, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2018 | 2019-05-10 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY19_Q1 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2019, AY19, Q1 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2019 Submittal, Annual Year 2019, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2019 | 2019-05-10 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY19_Q2 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2019, AY19, Q2 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2019 Submittal, Annual Year 2019, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2019 | 2019-05-10 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY19_Q3 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2019, AY19, Q3 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2019 Submittal, Annual Year 2019, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2019 | 2019-05-10 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY19_Q4 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2020, AY19, Q4 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2020 Submittal, Annual Year 2019, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2019 | 2019-05-10 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY20_Q1 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2020, AY20, Q1 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2020 Submittal, Annual Year 2020, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2020 | 2020-02-14 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY20_Q2 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2020, AY20, Q2 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2020 Submittal, Annual Year 2020, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2020 | 2020-02-14 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY20_Q3 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2020, AY20, Q3 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2020 Submittal, Annual Year 2020, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2020 | 2020-02-14 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY20_Q4 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2021, AY20, Q4 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2021 Submittal, Annual Year 2020, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2020 | 2020-02-14 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY21_Q1 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2021, AY21, Q1 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2021 Submittal, Annual Year 2021, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2021 | 2020-02-14 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY21_Q2 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2021, AY21, Q2 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2021 Submittal, Annual Year 2021, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2021 | 2020-02-14 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY21_Q3 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2021, AY21, Q3 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2021 Submittal, Annual Year 2021, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2021 | 2020-02-14 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY21_Q4 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2022, AY21, Q4 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2022 Submittal, Annual Year 2021, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2021 | 2020-02-14 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY22_Q1 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2022, AY22, Q1 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2022 Submittal, Annual Year 2022, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2022 | 2022-02-25 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY22_Q2 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2022, AY22, Q2 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2022 Submittal, Annual Year 2022, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2022 | 2022-02-25 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY22_Q3 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2022, AY22, Q3 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2022 Submittal, Annual Year 2022, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2022 | 2022-02-25 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY22_Q4 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2023, AY22, Q4 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2023 Submittal, Annual Year 2022, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2022 | 2022-02-25 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY23_Q1 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2023, AY23, Q1 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2023 Submittal, Annual Year 2023, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2023 | 2022-02-25 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY23_Q2 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2023, AY23, Q2 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2023 Submittal, Annual Year 2023, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2023 | 2022-02-25 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY23_Q3 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2023, AY23, Q3 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2023 Submittal, Annual Year 2023, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Jul-Sep 2023 | 2022-02-25 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY23_Q4 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2024, AY23, Q4 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2024 Submittal, Annual Year 2023, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2023 | 2022-02-25 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY24_Q1 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2024, AY24, Q1 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2024 Submittal, Annual Year 2024, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2024 | 2024-07-19 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_AY24_Q2 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2024, AY24, Q2 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2024 Submittal, Annual Year 2024, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2024 | 2024-09-10 | SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009 |
KIN_WY14_Q2 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2014, WY14, Q2 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2014 | 2015-05-01 | Not Recorded |
KIN_WY14_Q3 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Sep 1st 2014, WY14, Q3 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, September 1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 3, Sampling Dates Apr-June 2014 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
KIN_WY14_Q4 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Dec 1st 2014, WY14, Q4 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, December 1st 2014 Submittal, Water Year 2014, Quarter 4, Sampling Dates July-Sept 2014 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
KIN_WY15_Q1 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Mar 1st 2015, WY15, Q1 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, March 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2015, Quarter 1, Sampling Dates Oct-Dec 2014 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
KIN_WY15_Q2 | KIN, Order R5-2013-0120, Jun 1st 2015, WY15, Q2 | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority | KINGSRWCA | Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2013-0120, June 1st 2015 Submittal, Water Year 2015, Quarter 2, Sampling Dates Jan-Mar 2015 | 2014-07-31 | Not Recorded |
KRWQ_2001 | Klamath River WQ Monitoring Project 2001 | AFWO Water Quality Monitoring Program | USFWS-Arcata | Klamath River Water Quality Monitoring Project 2001 | 2016-12-07 | US Fish and Wildlife Service 2004 Nutrient Grab Sample Protocol |
KRWQ_2002 | Klamath River WQ Monitoring Project 2002 | AFWO Water Quality Monitoring Program | USFWS-Arcata | Klamath River Water Quality Monitoring Project 2002 | 2016-12-07 | US Fish and Wildlife Service 2004 Nutrient Grab Sample Protocol |
KRWQ_2003 | Klamath River WQ Monitoring Project 2003 | AFWO Water Quality Monitoring Program | USFWS-Arcata | Klamath River Water Quality Monitoring Project 2003 | 2016-12-07 | US Fish and Wildlife Service 2004 Nutrient Grab Sample Protocol |
KRWQ_2004 | Klamath River WQ Monitoring Project 2004 | AFWO Water Quality Monitoring Program | USFWS-Arcata | Klamath River Water Quality Monitoring Project 2004 | 2016-12-07 | US Fish and Wildlife Service 2004 Nutrient Grab Sample Protocol |
KRWQ_2005 | Klamath River WQ Monitoring Project 2005 | AFWO Water Quality Monitoring Program | USFWS-Arcata | Klamath River Water Quality Monitoring Project 2005 | 2016-12-07 | US Fish and Wildlife Service 2004 Nutrient Grab Sample Protocol |
KTBM_2012 | Karuk Tribe Bacteria Monitoring 2012 | Karuk Tribe Bacteria Monitoring | Karuk-Tribe | Bacterial Water Quality Sampling 2012 | 2017-03-30 | KTWQ_QAPP_2011 |
KTBM_2013 | Karuk Tribe Bacteria Monitoring 2013 | Karuk Tribe Bacteria Monitoring | Karuk-Tribe | Bacterial Water Quality Sampling 2013 | 2017-03-30 | KTWQ_QAPP_2011 |
KTBM_2014 | Karuk Tribe Bacteria Monitoring 2014 | Karuk Tribe Bacteria Monitoring | Karuk-Tribe | Bacterial Water Quality Sampling 2014 | 2017-03-30 | KTWQ_QAPP_2011 |
KTBM_2015 | Karuk Tribe Bacteria Monitoring 2015 | Karuk Tribe Bacteria Monitoring | Karuk-Tribe | Bacterial Water Quality Sampling 2015 | 2017-03-30 | KTWQ_QAPP_2011 |
KTMP_2013 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program 2013 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program 2013 | 2014-09-04 | TRWC Monitoring Plan QAPP |
KTMP_UKL_1990 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_1990 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_1990 | 2016-10-21 | KT Laboratory and Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan,1991 |
KTMP_UKL_1991 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_1991 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_1991 | 2016-10-21 | KT Laboratory and Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan,1991 |
KTMP_UKL_1992 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_1992 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_1992 | 2016-10-21 | KT Laboratory and Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan,1991 |
KTMP_UKL_1993 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_1993 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_1993 | 2016-10-21 | KT Laboratory and Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan,1991 |
KTMP_UKL_1994 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_1994 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_1994 | 2016-10-21 | KT Laboratory and Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan,1991 |
KTMP_UKL_1995 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_1995 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_1995 | 2016-10-21 | KT Laboratory and Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan,1991 |
KTMP_UKL_1996 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_1996 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_1996 | 2016-10-21 | KT Laboratory and Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan,1991 |
KTMP_UKL_1997 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_1997 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_1997 | 2016-10-21 | KT Laboratory and Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan,1991 |
KTMP_UKL_1998 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_1998 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_1998 | 2016-10-21 | KT Laboratory and Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan,1991 |
KTMP_UKL_1999 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_1999 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_1999 | 2016-10-21 | KT Laboratory and Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan,1991 |
KTMP_UKL_2000 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_2000 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_2000 | 2016-10-21 | KT Laboratory and Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan,1991 |
KTMP_UKL_2001 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_2001 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_2001 | 2016-10-21 | KT Laboratory and Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan,1991 |
KTMP_UKL_2002 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_2002 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_2002 | 2016-10-21 | KT Laboratory and Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan,1991 |
KTMP_UKL_2003 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_2003 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_2003 | 2016-10-21 | KT Laboratory and Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan,1991 |
KTMP_UKL_2004 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_2004 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_2004 | 2016-10-21 | KT Laboratory and Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan,1991 |
KTMP_UKL_2005 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_2005 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_2005 | 2016-10-21 | KT Laboratory and Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan,1991 |
KTMP_UKL_2006 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_2006 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_2006
| 2016-10-21 | TRWC Monitoring Plan QAPP |
KTMP_UKL_2007 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_2007 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_2007
| 2016-10-21 | TRWC Monitoring Plan QAPP |
KTMP_UKL_2008 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_2008 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_2008
| 2016-10-21 | TRWC Monitoring Plan QAPP |
KTMP_UKL_2009 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_2009 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_2009
| 2016-10-21 | TRWC Monitoring Plan QAPP |
KTMP_UKL_2010 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_2010 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_2010
| 2016-10-21 | TRWC Monitoring Plan QAPP |
KTMP_UKL_2011 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_2011 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_2011
| 2016-10-21 | TRWC Monitoring Plan QAPP |
KTMP_UKL_2012 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_2012 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_2012
| 2016-10-21 | TRWC Monitoring Plan QAPP |
KTMP_UKL_2013 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_UKL_2013 | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program | Klamath-Tribes | Klamath Tribes Monitoring Program_Upper Klamath Lake_2013 | 2016-10-21 | KT Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) |
KWRFP_1 | Knightsen Wetland Restor & Flood Protect Phase 1 | Knightsen Wetland Restor & Flood Protect | ECCCHC | A multi-objective effort on a 645-acre parcel to implement conservation goals of the East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Community Conservation Plan. | 2019-09-27 | Not Recorded |
LA_MST_2017 | Loma Alta Creek MST Study 2017 | Loma Alta Creek Microbial Source Tracking Study | OC | Loma Alta Creek MST Study 2017 | 2017-12-22 | Not Recorded |
LABWAS_PhaseIII | LA Basin Water Augmentation Study Phase III Mon | Los Angeles Basin Water Augmentation Study | CWH | Los Angeles Basin Water Augmentation Study: Assessing the effect of long-term stormwater infiltration on groundwater quality; continued monitoring of the Los Angeles basin Water Augmentation Study infiltration Best Management Practices (BMPs) | 2016-07-08 | LABWAS_QAPP_2014 |
LACDPW_2002 | Los Angeles County Department of Public Works 2002 | So. Ca. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project | SCCWRP | Los Angeles County Department of Public Works 2002 | 2012-04-26 | Not Recorded |
LACDPW_2003 | Los Angeles County Department of Public Works 2003 | So. Ca. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project | SCCWRP | Los Angeles County Department of Public Works 2003 | 2012-04-26 | Not Recorded |
LACDPW_2004 | Los Angeles County Department of Public Works 2004 | So. Ca. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project | SCCWRP | Los Angeles County Department of Public Works 2004 | 2012-04-26 | Not Recorded |
LACDPW_2005 | Los Angeles County Department of Public Works 2005 | So. Ca. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project | SCCWRP | Los Angeles County Department of Public Works 2005 | 2012-04-26 | Not Recorded |
LACDPW_2006 | Los Angeles County Department of Public Works 2006 | So. Ca. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project | SCCWRP | Los Angeles County Department of Public Works 2006 | 2012-04-26 | Not Recorded |
LACDPW_2007 | Los Angeles County Department of Public Works 2007 | So. Ca. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project | SCCWRP | Los Angeles County Department of Public Works 2007 | 2012-04-26 | Not Recorded |
LACDPW_SPM_ASBS | LACDPW Special Protections Monitoring for ASBS 24 | ASBS Regional Discharge Monitoring | WestonSolu | LACDPW Special Protections Monitoring for ASBS 24 - Malibu | 2014-06-10 | Not Recorded |
Lafayette_Station | Lafayette Station Parking Lots Improvement | Municipal Stormwater Monitoring Programs | BART | Lafayette Station Parking Lots Improvement | 2019-01-07 | Lafayette Station Parking Lots Improvement |
LagunaLake_2013 | Laguna Lake-San Diego Region NPDES 2013 | San Diego Region NPDES | ABCL | National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for the Discharge of Lanthanum-Modified Clay to Surface Waters of the United States in the San Diego Region (NPDES No. # CAG999003) | 2013-04-24 | Not Recorded |
LB_LFDM | City of Long Beach LFD Monitoring | City of Long Beach VSS BMPs and Low Flow Diversion | Kinnetic | VSS BMPs and Low Flow Diversions of Storm Drains to San Pedro Bay Beaches | 2020-09-09 | Not Recorded |
LBE_IMP | Long Beach Estuary IMP | Long Beach Estuary IMP | LongBeachCity | City of Long Beach Integrated Monitoring Program, Lower Long Beach Estuaries and Coastal San Pedro Bay Beaches | 2016-02-23 | Not Recorded |
LBSMP | Long Beach Stormwater Monitoring Program | Long Beach Stormwater Monitoring Program | Kinnetic | City of Long Beach Stormwater Monitoring Program-seasonal sampling | 2014-04-28 | Not Recorded |
LC_MS4_Pyrethroid_WY23 | Lake County MS4 Pyrethroid Monitoring, WY23 | Lake County MS4 Baseline Pyrethroid Monitoring | LCWRD | Lake County MS4 Baseline Pyrethroid Monitoring, Water Year 2023 | 1900-01-01 | LC_MS4_Pyrethroid_QAPP |
LC_MS4_WY22 | Lake County MS4 Monitoring, WY22 | Lake County MS4 Monitoring | LCWRD | Lake County MS4 Monitoring, Water Year 2022 | 1900-01-01 | LC_CWP_MS4_QAPP |
LCC_CIMP | Los Cerritos Channel CIMP | Los Cerritos Channel CIMP | Kinnetic | Los Cerritos Channel Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program | 2016-02-23 | Not Recorded |
LCGS | Laurel Canyon Green Street | Laurel Canyon Green Street | LABOSWPD | Green Street along Laurel Canyon between Kagel Canyon St and Terra Bella St | 2017-08-07 | Not Recorded |
LDSR_2011 | Laguna de Santa Rosa Program | Laguna de Santa Rosa Program | Not Recorded | Water quality data from Laguna de Santa Rosa, June-August 2011 | 2012-04-24 | Not Recorded |
LE-CL_Nutrient_TMDL | Lake Elsinore & Canyon Lake Nutrient TMDL MP | Lake Elsinore & Canyon Lake Nutrient TMDL MP | SAWPA | Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake Nutrient TMDL: San Jacinto Watershed-wide Monitoring Program | 2012-12-18 | Not Recorded |
LeoCarilloNSE | Leo Carillo QMRA Efficacy Study | Leo Carillo QMRA Efficacy Study | SCCWRP | Study to determine appropriate study design for assessing QMRA efficacy | 2015-08-27 | Not Recorded |
LHI_RSW | Lehigh Receiving Water Monitoring | Lehigh Receiving Water Monitoring | RBI | Lehigh Receiving Water Monitoring in Permanente Creek Watershed | 2018-11-26 | RWQCB2 Order ID: SM-273205 |
LHWE_EMNR_2016 | Laurel-Hawthorn Western Embayment | LHWE Sediment Remediation | GC | Laurel-Hawthorn Western Embayment sediment remediation | 2016-11-29 | LHWE_QAPP |
LLAR_WQM | Lower Los Angeles River Water Quality Monitoring | Lower Los Angeles River Water Quality Monitoring | Kinnetic | Lower Los Angeles River Water Quality Monitoring | 2016-02-26 | Not Recorded |
LLAR-CIMP | LLAR-CIMP | Lower Los Angeles River CIMP | Not Recorded | Lower Los Angeles River CIMP | 2019-03-26 | Not Recorded |
LOFLSA | Little Oso Flaco Lake Sediment Assessment | Oso Flaco Planning and Assessment 319 grant | CSLRCD | Little Oso Flaco Lake Sediment Assessment | 2019-04-19 | Oso Flaco Planning and Assessment |
Los_Coches_MST_Study | Los Coches Sources of Human Fecal Contamination | os Coches Sources of Human Fecal Contamination | WoodGroup | Microbial source tracking (MST) study to assess potential sources of human fecal contamination in Los Coches Creek during wet weather. | 2019-09-26 | Los_Coches_MST_Study_QAPP |
Los_Coches_MST_Study_DW | Los Coches Sources of Human Fecal Contamination_DW | os Coches Sources of Human Fecal Contamination | WestonSolu | Microbial source tracking (MST) study to assess potential sources of human fecal contamination in Los Coches Creek during dry weather | 2022-06-17 | Not Recorded |
LosPen_BacteriaTMDL | Los Penasquitos Bacteria TMDL | Bacteria TMDL 20 Beaches and Creeks | AMEC | Los Penasquitos Bacteria TMDL | 2016-12-09 | Not Recorded |
LP_Sediment_TMDL | Los Penasquitos Sediment TMDL | San Diego Region NPDES | CSD | Los Penasquitos Sediment TMDL Monitoring | 2016-12-12 | Not Recorded |
LP_Special_Study | Los Penasquitos Special Study | San Diego Region NPDES | CSD | Los Penasquitos Special Study in accordance to the Los Penasquitos WQIP - NPDES Permit | 2016-12-12 | Not Recorded |
LSCWQ | Lower Stotenburg Creek Coho Habitat Enhancement | Smith River Plain Habitat Restoration_SRA | SRA | The project removed three crossings, one of which was replaced and upgraded. The crossings limited fish passage and interfered with the natural conveyance of water, sediment, and wood. | 2024-05-20 | Not Recorded |
LSGR-WQM | Lower San Gabriel River Water Quality Monitoring | Lower San Gabriel River Water Quality Monitoring | Kinnetic | Lower San Gabriel River Water Quality Monitoring | 2016-02-26 | Not Recorded |
LTBABM | Lake Tahoe Basin Ambient Bioassessment Monitoring | Lake Tahoe Basin Ambient Bioassessment Monitoring | TRPA | . The goal of this monitoring and evaluation plan is to provide stream monitoring program implementation guidance in an effort to determine the status and trends of Tahoe Basin streams by measuring their biological condition | 2013-02-20 | Not Recorded |
LTMLAS_16 | Water Quality Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough 2016 | Long-Term WQ Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough | OS | Long-Term Water Quality Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough - in compliance with SD-RWQCB Order No. R9-2014-0020 (2016 Annual Monitoring Data) | 2018-02-27 | LTMLAS_QAPP |
LTMLAS_17 | Water Quality Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough 2017 | Long-Term WQ Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough | OS | Long-Term Water Quality Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough - in compliance with SD-RWQCB Order No. R9-2014-0020 (2017 Annual Monitoring Data) | 2018-02-27 | LTMLAS_QAPP |
LTMLAS_18 | Water Quality Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough 2018 | Long-Term WQ Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough | OS | Long-Term Water Quality Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough - in compliance with SD-RWQCB Order No. R9-2014-0020 (2018 Annual Monitoring Data) | 2021-02-12 | LTMLAS_QAPP |
LTMLAS_19 | Water Quality Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough 2019 | Long-Term WQ Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough | OS | Long-Term Water Quality Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough - in compliance with SD-RWQCB Order No. R9-2014-0020 (2019 Annual Monitoring Data) | 2021-02-12 | LTMLAS_QAPP |
LTMLAS_20 | Water Quality Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough 2020 | Long-Term WQ Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough | OS | Long-Term Water Quality Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough - in compliance with SD-RWQCB Order No. R9-2014-0020 (2020 Annual Monitoring Data) | 2020-12-31 | LTMLAS_QAPP |
LTMLAS_21 | Water Quality Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough 2021 | Long-Term WQ Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough | OS | Long-Term Water Quality Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough - in compliance with SD-RWQCB Order No. R9-2014-0020 (2021 Annual Monitoring Data) | 2021-12-03 | LTMLAS_QAPP |
LTMLAS_22 | Water Quality Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough 2022 | Long-Term WQ Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough | OS | Long-Term Water Quality Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough - in compliance with SD-RWQCB Order No. R9-2014-0020 (2022 Annual Monitoring Data) | 2023-01-13 | LTMLAS_QAPP |
LTNSHH_2018 | Lake Tahoe Nearshore Human Health | Lake Tahoe Nearshore Human Health | NTCD | | 2018-12-03 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013 |
LTNSHH_2019 | Lake Tahoe Nearshore Human Health 2019 | Lake Tahoe Nearshore Human Health | NTCD | | 2019-09-25 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013 |
LTNSHH_2020 | Lake Tahoe Nearshore Human Health 2020 | Lake Tahoe Nearshore Human Health | NTCD | Monitoring water quality for human health constituents including FIB and HAB | 2020-11-02 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
LTNSHH_2021 | Lake Tahoe Nearshore Human Health 2021 | Lake Tahoe Nearshore Human Health | NTCD | Monitoring water quality for human health constituents including total Coliform and E.Coli | 2021-12-10 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
LTNSHH_2022 | Lake Tahoe Nearshore Human Health 2022 | Lake Tahoe Nearshore Human Health | NTCD | Monitoring water quality for human health constituents including total Coliform and E.Coli | 2022-12-16 | Not Recorded |
LTNSHH_2023 | Lake Tahoe Nearshore Human Health 2023 | Lake Tahoe Nearshore Human Health | NTCD | Monitoring water quality for human health constituents including total Coliform and E.Coli | 2023-12-21 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
MadR_HatchBA_2018 | Mad River Hatchery Bioassessment 2018 | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | Mad River Bioassessment 2018 | 2018-10-04 | Not Recorded |
MagSD_2020 | Magnolia Center Storm Drain Follow-up 2020 | SAR Special Projects | RCFC | Magnolia Center Storm Drain Follow-up 2020 | 2021-04-21 | CMP Vol II_QAPP |
Mast_Park_CS_2020 | Mast Park Monitoring Program, 2019-2020 | City of Santee, Proposition 1 | CS | The objective of Mast Park Monitoring is to evaluate water quality benefits from the recently installed debris baffle box and 1,200-foot bioretention swale within Mast Park. | 2020-09-09 | Not Recorded |
MBARI_Auto_P | MBARI Automation Project | MBARI Automation Project | MBARI | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute's Autonymous Sampling Project | 2017-09-15 | Not Recorded |
MBC_FIB_Bishop | Fecal indicator bacteria study in Bishop area | Eastern Sierra Fecal Indicator Bacteria Study | MBC | The project will focus on measuring E.Coli along Bishop Creek, Horton Creek and Lower Pine Creek. | 2019-04-03 | MBC Eastern Sierra Fecal Indicator Bacteria Study QAPP |
MBC_Haiwee_DelistingWQ | Haiwee Reservoir WQ monitoring - 303(d) de-listing | Haiwee Reservoirs Delisting Monitoring Events | MBC | Water quality monitoring and collection at North and South Haiwee Reservoirs for de-listing from the CWA 303(d) list. | 2020-09-30 | MBC_Haiwee_QAPP_Delisting |
MBNMS_DR | MBNMS_Dry_Run | MBNMS First Flush | MBNMS | MBNMS_FF_2013 | 2014-06-09 | CWT Guidance Compendium |
MBNMS_FF | MBNMS_First_Flush | MBNMS First Flush | MBNMS | | 2014-06-09 | CWT Guidance Compendium |
MBNMS_LP_CBI | MBNMS Lovers Point CBI | MBNMS Lovers Point | MBNMS | MBNMS Monitoring storm drians within Lovers Point watershed | 2018-06-05 | QAPP for Lovers Point Beach Water Quality Initiative |
MBNMS_Prop84_AZBR | Azevedo Bioreactor | MBNMS_Proposition84_Projects | MBNMS | Water quality improvements through the bioreactor | 2017-04-12 | QAPP for Proposition 84 Grant No. 12-414-553 |
MBNMS_Prop84_OMBR | Oceanmist Bioreactor | MBNMS_Proposition84_Projects | MBNMS | Water quality improvements through the bioreactor | 2017-04-12 | QAPP for Proposition 84 Grant No. 12-414-553 |
MBNMS_Prop84_PGEW | PG&E Treatment Wetland | MBNMS_Proposition84_Projects | MBNMS | Water quality improvements through the wetland | 2017-04-12 | QAPP for Proposition 84 Grant No. 12-414-553 |
MBNMS_Prop84_SVTS | Spence Vegetated Treatment System | MBNMS_Proposition84_Projects | MBNMS | Water quality improvements through the VTS | 2017-04-12 | QAPP for Proposition 84 Grant No. 12-414-553 |
MBNMS_SF | MBNMS_Second_Flush | MBNMS First Flush | MBNMS | | 2014-06-09 | CWT Guidance Compendium |
MBNMS_SpR | MBNMS_Spring_Run | MBNMS First Flush | MBNMS | | 2014-06-09 | CWT Guidance Compendium |
MBNMS_SR | MBNMS_Summer_Run | MBNMS First Flush | MBNMS | | 2014-06-09 | CWT Guidance Compendium |
MBNMS_SRCM | Santa Rita Creek Monitoring | Santa Rita Creek Monitoring | MBNMS | Monitoring is to determine if restoration and on-farm practices are improving water qualityt in Santa Rita Creek | 2016-08-02 | MBNMS_SRCM_QAPP_2014 |
MBNMS_SSD | MBNMS_Snapshot_Day | MBNMS Snapshot Day | MBNMS | | 2014-06-09 | CWT Guidance Compendium |
MBSPM_SWM | Morro Bay State Park Marina Parking Lot SWM | Morro Bay NEP Monitoring Program | TetraTech | Morro Bay State Park Marina Parking Lot Storm Water Monitoring | 2020-10-09 | MBNEP_QAPP_2019 |
MC_303d/TMDL | MC_303d/TMDL Water Quality Monitoring Program | NPDES Phase II Small MS 4 General Permit | MontereyCounty | This project is the County of Montery's response to the SWRCB?s Phase II Small MS4 General Permit monitoring requirments, and aims to analyzes & assesses impacts from its MS4 discharges on waters of the U.S. that have been identified as being impaired. | 2018-05-16 | MoCo 303d/TMDL Water Quality Monit. Program QAPP |
MC_WQM_2013 | Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2013 | Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2013 | 2018-07-02 | Not Recorded |
MC_WQM_2014 | Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2014 | Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2014 | 2018-07-02 | Not Recorded |
MC_WQM_2015 | Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2015 | Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2015 | 2018-07-02 | Not Recorded |
MC_WQM_2016 | Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2016 | Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2016 | 2018-07-02 | Not Recorded |
MC_WQM_2017 | Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2017 | Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2017 | 2018-07-02 | Not Recorded |
MC_WQM_2018 | Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2018 | Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2018 | 2018-07-02 | Not Recorded |
MC_WQM_2019 | Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2019 | Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring | GrassrootsEcology | Grassroots Ecology Matadero Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2019 | 2020-03-30 | Not Recorded |
MDB-WQM | Water quality monitoring on Mt Diablo Creek | The Watershed Project Water Quality Monitoring | TWP | Water quality monitoring on Mt Diablo Creek | 2024-08-07 | CWT Guidance Compendium |
Meiners Oaks BMP | VC Meiners Oaks Evaluating Low Impact Development | VCPWA-County Stormwater Program | VCPWA | Receive and treat stormwater and non-stormwater runoff from three hundred (300) acres of impervious surface using a vegetated swale. | 2016-12-15 | VC_Meiners Oaks BMP_QAPP |
MERID_Historical | MERID, Order R5-2003-0827, 2004-2008 | Merced Irrigation District | MERID | Merced Irrigation District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2003-0827, Sampling Dates Jul 2004-Sep 2008 | 2016-10-25 | GuidanceDocument_2010 |
MK_GW_Baseline | Mid-Kaweah Groundwater Baseline | Prop68_Mid-Kaweah GSA Projects | MKGSA | Monitoring to establish baseline groundwater quality in the Mid-Kaweah groundwater basin | 2022-11-11 | Not Recorded |
MOD_Historical | MOD, Order R5-2003-0827, R5-2006-0054, 2004-2009 | Modesto Irrigation District | MODID | Modesto Irrigation District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2003-0827, R5-2006-0054, Sampling Dates 2004-2008 | 2014-11-20 | GuidanceDocument_2010 |
MOD_SW_16-17 | Modesto Stormwater FY 2016-2017 | Modesto Stormwater Program | MODCSP | City of Modesto Stormwater Monitoring Project FY 2016-2017 | 2024-03-04 | Modesto Pyrethroid BPA QAPP |
MOD_SW_17-18 | Modesto Stormwater FY 2017-2018 | Modesto Stormwater Program | MODCSP | City of Modesto Stormwater Monitoring Project FY 2017-2018 | 2024-03-04 | Modesto Pyrethroid BPA QAPP |
MOD_SW_18-19 | Modesto Stormwater FY 2018-2019 | Modesto Stormwater Program | MODCSP | City of Modesto Stormwater Monitoring Project FY 2018-2019 | 2024-03-04 | Modesto Pyrethroid BPA QAPP |
MOD_SW_19-20 | Modesto Stormwater FY 2019-2020 | Modesto Stormwater Program | MODCSP | City of Modesto Stormwater Monitoring Project FY 2019-2020 | 2024-03-04 | Modesto Pyrethroid BPA QAPP |
MOD_SW_20-21 | Modesto Stormwater FY 2020-2021 | Modesto Stormwater Program | MODCSP | City of Modesto Stormwater Monitoring Project FY 2020-2021 | 2024-03-04 | Modesto Pyrethroid BPA QAPP |
MOD_SW_21-22 | Modesto Stormwater FY 2021-2022 | Modesto Stormwater Program | MODCSP | City of Modesto Stormwater Monitoring Project FY 2021-2022 | 2024-03-04 | Modesto Pyrethroid BPA QAPP |
MOD_SW_22-23 | Modesto Stormwater FY 2022-2023 | Modesto Stormwater Program | MODCSP | City of Modesto Stormwater Monitoring Project FY 2022-2023 | 2024-03-04 | Modesto Pyrethroid BPA QAPP |
MOD_SW_23-24 | Modesto Stormwater FY 2023-2024 | Modesto Stormwater Program | MODCSP | City of Modesto Stormwater Monitoring Project FY 2023-2024 | 2024-09-17 | Modesto Pyrethroid BPA QAPP |
MODID_04 | MODID MonitoringUnder ILRP MRP Order R5-2003-0827 | Modesto Irrigation District | MODID | MODID Monitoring under ILRP MRP Order R5-2003-0827 | 2011-01-04 | APMP QAPP 2004 |
MODID_08 | MODID MonitoringUnder ILRP MRP Order R5-2006-0054 | Modesto Irrigation District | MODID | MODID Monitoring under ILRP MRP Order R5-2006-0054 | 2014-03-13 | APMP QAPP 2004 |
Moonlight_BacteriaTMDL | Moonlight Beach Bacterial TMDL | Bacteria TMDL 20 Beaches and Creeks | CE | Moonlight Beach Bacterial TMDL | 2017-01-20 | Not Recorded |
MPSL_Quail_Creek | UC Davis Quail Creek | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | Not Recorded | Pesticide-reducing enzyme trial | 2016-02-11 | Not Recorded |
MRT_WQ_MalibuCreekWtrsd | MRT Water Quality Malibu Creek Watershed | Water Quality Monitoring in the Malibu Creek Water | MRT | Water Quality Monitoring in the Malibu Creek Watershed by Mountains Restoration Trust | 2018-09-24 | MCW_QAPP_2017-2019 |
MS4_DW_OFS_T | Transitional Dry Weather MS4 Outfall Monitoring | San Diego Region NPDES | WestonSolu | Transitional Dry Weather MS4 Outfall Field Screening. Visual inspections, observations, estimations, etc. May include field and/or analytical data for non-SW discharge. 2013 NPDES permit. | 2014-06-10 | Not Recorded |
MS4_DW_OFSM | Dry Weather MS4 Outfall FS & DM | San Diego Region NPDES | WestonSolu | Dry Weather MS4 Outfall Field Screening and Discharge Monitoring | 2016-07-08 | Not Recorded |
MS4_DW_SMR_LR | Lower Santa Margarita Subwatershed DW Vis Obs | San Diego Region NPDES | WestonSolu | Lower Santa Margarita Subwatershed Dry Weather Visual Observations | 2024-01-23 | Not Recorded |
MS4_DWM_T | Targeted MS4 Dry Weather Monitoring | San Diego Region NPDES | WestonSolu | MS4 Outfall monitoring during dry weather for a customized constituent list based on watershed priorities. 2007 NPDES Permit. | 2014-06-10 | Not Recorded |
MS4_M_R | Random MS4 Monitoring | San Diego Region NPDES | WestonSolu | MS4 Oufall monitoring during wet and dry weather. Includes field data, chemistry, and bacteria analyses. 2007 NPDES Permit. | 2014-06-10 | Not Recorded |
MS4_WW_LP_SED | Los Penasquitos Lagoon Sediment TMDL Monitoring | City of Del Mar TMDL Compliance Monitoring | DelMarCity | City of Del Mar Compliance Monitoring for sediment TMDL study | 2022-01-26 | MS4_WW_LP_SED_QAPP |
MS4_WW_OFM | Wet Weather MS4 Outfall Monitoring | San Diego Region NPDES | WestonSolu | Wet Weather MS4 Monitoring. Grab sampling. May include field and/or analytical data for SW discharge. 2013 NPDES permit. | 2016-07-08 | Not Recorded |
MS4_WW_OFM_T | Transitional Wet Weather MS4 Outfall Monitoring | San Diego Region NPDES | WestonSolu | Transitional Wet Weather MS4 Monitoring. Grab sampling. May include field and/or analytical data for non-SW discharge. 2013 NPDES permit. | 2014-06-10 | Not Recorded |
MS4_WWM_T | Targeted MS4 Wet Weather Monitoring | San Diego Region NPDES | WestonSolu | Targeted MS4 Wet Weather Monitoring | 2014-06-10 | Not Recorded |
MSAR_TMDL_MP | Middle Santa Ana River TMDL Monitoring Project | Middle Santa Ana River TMDL Monitoring Project | SAWPA | A multi-year effort funded by Prop 40 grant funds the first year of monitoring (FY 2007 -08) , other years (2008-current) are funded by stakeholders of the MSAR TMDL Task Force. | 2012-12-18 | Not Recorded |
MSH-WQM | Water quality monitoring on Marsh Creek | The Watershed Project Water Quality Monitoring | TWP | Water quality monitoring on Marsh Creek | 2018-06-06 | CWT Guidance Compendium |
Murphy_SI | Murphy Canyon Human Source Investigation | Murphy Canyon Human Source Investigation | WoodGroup | Murphy Canyon Human Source Investigation | 2022-01-07 | Not Recorded |
Murray_SI | Murray Canyon Human Source Investigation | Murray Canyon Human Source Investigation | WoodGroup | Murray Canyon Human Source Investigation | 2022-01-07 | Not Recorded |
NatTroutRCRCD | Native Trout Preservation Santa Ana Watershed | Coldwater Canyon | RCRCD | Purpose of this project is to support the continued survival of a small population of rainbow trout (O. mykiss) in Coldwater Canyon, through instream restoration actions and performing study of their genetics to understand their current genetic diversity. | 2019-06-13 | Not Recorded |
NBBM_2009-2010 | 2009-2010 North Bay Biosentinel Mercury Monitoring | 2009-2010 North Bay Biosentinel Mercury Monitoring | SFEI | North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring 2009-2010 | 1900-01-01 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
NBBM_2011 | 2011 North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring | North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring | 2012-11-09 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
NBBM_2012 | 2012 North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring | North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring | 2012-11-09 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
NBBM_2013 | 2013 North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring | North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring | 2012-11-09 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
NBBM_2014 | 2014 North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring | North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring Program | SFEI | North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring | 2019-11-07 | RMP QAPP 1999 |
NBBM_2016 | 2016 North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring | North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring Program | SFEI | North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring | 2018-02-12 | RMP QAPP 2017 |
NBBM_2017 | 2017 North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring | North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring Program | SFEI | North Bay Biosentinels Mercury Monitoring | 2018-02-12 | RMP QAPP 2017 |
NBWBTMP_06 | Newport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring Prg '06 | Newport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring Prgm | MPSL-MLML | Newport Bay Watershed Bioaccumulation Trend Monitoring Program 2006 | 2012-11-29 | Not Recorded |
NBWBTMP_07 | Newport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring Prg '07 | Newport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring Prgm | MPSL-MLML | Newport Bay Watershed Bioaccumulation Trend Monitoring Program 2007 | 2012-11-29 | Not Recorded |
NBWBTMP_08 | Newport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring Prg '08 | Newport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring Prgm | MPSL-MLML | Newport Bay Watershed Bioaccumulation Trend Monitoring Program 2008 | 2012-11-29 | Not Recorded |
NBWBTMP_09 | Newport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring Prg '09 | Newport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring Prgm | MPSL-MLML | Newport Bay Watershed Bioaccumulation Trend Monitoring Program 2009 | 2012-11-29 | Not Recorded |
NBWBTMP_10 | Newport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring Prg '10 | Newport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring Prgm | MPSL-MLML | Newport Bay Watershed Bioaccumulation Trend Monitoring Program 2010 | 2012-11-29 | Not Recorded |
NBWBTMP_11 | Newport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring Prg '11 | Newport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring Prgm | MPSL-MLML | Newport Bay Watershed Bioaccumulation Trend Monitoring Program 2011 | 2012-11-29 | Not Recorded |
NBWBTMP_12 | Newport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring Prg '12 | Newport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring Prgm | MPSL-MLML | Newport Bay Watershed Bioaccumulation Trend Monitoring Program 2012 | 2012-11-29 | Not Recorded |
NBWBTMP_13 | Newport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring Prg '13 | Newport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring Prgm | MPSL-MLML | Newport Bay Watershed Bioaccumulation Trend Monitoring Program 2013 | 2012-11-29 | Not Recorded |
NBWBTMP_14 | Newport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring Prg '14 | Newport Bay Watershed Bio Trend Monitoring Prgm | MPSL-MLML | Newport Bay Watershed Bioaccumulation Trend Monitoring Program 2014 | 2012-11-29 | Not Recorded |
NCBED_RB5 | Nutrient-Biological Effects Sac-SJ Delta 2010 | Nutrient-Biological Effects in Sac-SJ Delta 2010 | RWQCB5S | Foe, C., A. Ballard,, and S. Fong,. 2010. Nutrient Concentrations and Biological Effects in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Regional Board report (CVRWQCB), 87 p. | 2012-04-19 | Not Recorded |
NDOT | Nevada Department of Transportation | Lake Tahoe Regional Stormwater Monitoring Program | TahoeRCD | Best Management Practice (storm filters) effectiveness monitoring in the Tahoe Basin | 2017-10-10 | RSWMP_QAPP |
NFTS | National Fish Tissue Study | SWAMP Historic Bioaccumulation Data | Not Recorded | CSC Environmental. 2005. Quality Assurance Report for the National Study of Chemical Residues in Lake Fish Tissue: Analytical Data for Years 1 through 4. US EPA. | 2012-02-16 | Not Recorded |
NFTS Historic | National Fish Tissue Study-Historic | SWAMP Historic Bioaccumulation Data | Not Recorded | National Fish Tissue Study Historic Dataset (1970-1979) | 2012-02-16 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_1986 | 1986 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 1986 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_1987 | 1987 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 1987 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_1988 | 1988 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 1988 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_1989 | 1989 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 1989 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_1990 | 1990 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 1990 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_1991 | 1991 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 1991 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_1992 | 1992 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 1992 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_1993 | 1993 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 1993 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_1994 | 1994 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 1994 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_1995 | 1995 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 1995 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_1996 | 1996 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 1996 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_1997 | 1997 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 1997 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_1998 | 1998 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 1998 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_1999 | 1999 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 1999 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_2000 | 2000 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 2000 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_2001 | 2001 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 2001 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_2002 | 2002 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 2002 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_2003 | 2003 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 2003 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_2004 | 2004 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 2004 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_2005 | 2005 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 2005 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_2006 | 2006 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 2006 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_2007 | 2007 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 2007 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_2008 | 2008 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 2008 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_2009 | 2009 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 2009 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
NOAA_MWP_CA_2010 | 2010 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | NOAA - Mussel Watch Program | Not Recorded | 2010 NOAA - Mussel Watch Program - California | 2012-11-02 | Not Recorded |
Not Applicable | No project code exists; used for LABQA samples | Not Applicable | Not Recorded | No project code exists; used for LABQA samples | 2013-04-18 | Not Recorded |
NPDES_BA | NPDES Bioassessment | San Diego Region NPDES | WestonSolu | Dry weather rapid stream bioassessment. Includes macroinvertebrate community structure, attached algae community metrics, physical habitat assessment, and riparian condition assessment. | 2014-06-10 | Not Recorded |
NPDES_LACSD, 2020 | LA Co Sanitation Districts NPDES Monitoring, 2020 | LA County Sanitation Districts NPDES Monitoring | LACSD | Receiving water monitoring in compliance with Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts NPDES permits, 2020 | 2020-12-11 | LACSD Receiving Water Monitoring QAPP, 2020 |
NPDES_MS4_PhaseII_RWB6 | NPDES_Municipal Stormwater PhaseII Permit_RWB6 | NPDES Municipal Stormwater PhaseII Permit | ABCL | Monitoring and Reporting requirements associated with the NPDES Municipal Stormwater PhaseII Permit | 2017-10-31 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
NPDES_RWM | NPDES Receiving Water Monitoring | San Diego Region NPDES | WestonSolu | Receiving water monitoring during 2 wet and 2 dry weather events per year at mass loading stations and temporary watershed assessment stations. Includes field data, chemistry, toxicity, and bacteria analyses and trash assessments. | 2014-06-10 | SDR_NPDES_RW_QAPP_Equivalency |
NPS_MEDN_2016 | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network | 2016-07-08 | Not Recorded |
NPS_MEDN_2017 | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network 2017 | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network | DFW-ABL | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network 2017 | 2018-05-15 | Not Recorded |
NPS_MEDN_2019 | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network 2019 | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network | DFW-ABL | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network 2017 | 2019-06-10 | Not Recorded |
NPS_MEDN_2020 | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network 2020 | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network | DFW-ABL | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network 2020 | 2020-06-05 | Not Recorded |
NPS_MEDN_2021 | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network 2021 | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network | DFW-ABL | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network 2021 | 2021-03-10 | Not Recorded |
NPS_MEDN_2022 | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network 2022 | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network | DFW-ABL | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network 2022 | 2022-03-01 | Not Recorded |
NPS_MEDN_2023 | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network 2023 | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network | DFW-ABL | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network 2023 | 2023-04-07 | Not Recorded |
NPS_MEDN_2024 | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network 2024 | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network | DFW-ABL | NPS Mediterranean Coasts Network 2024 | 2024-03-22 | Not Recorded |
NR_WQMP | Newhall Ranch Water Quality Monitoring Program | Newhall Ranch Water Quality Monitoring Program | GC | Newhall Ranch Water Quality Monitoring Program for Specific Plan Conditoins of Approval and Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification and Waste Discharge Requirements | 2016-12-23 | Newhall Ranch WQMP Quality Assurance Project Plan |
NRDA_CFL_2019 | NRDA Clover Flat Lanfill 2019 | CDFW NRDA Feather River | DFW-ABL | NRDA Clover Flat Lanfill 2019 | 2019-06-10 | Not Recorded |
NRDA_FR_2017 | NRDA Feather River 2017 | CDFW NRDA Feather River | DFW-ABL | NRDA Feather River 2017 | 2017-11-06 | Not Recorded |
NRDA_SacRiverBA_2018 | NRDA SacRiver BA 2018 | DFW_ABL_Monitoring | DFW-ABL | NRDA SacRiver BA 2018 | 2018-10-08 | Not Recorded |
NRDA_SacRiverBA_2021 | NRDA SacRiver BA 2021 | CDFW_Enforcement | DFW-ABL | NRDA SacRiver BA 2021 | 2021-11-03 | Not Recorded |
NSDCWMP | NSDCWMP_Monthly | North San Diego County Watershed Monitoring Prog | NSDCWMP | | 2019-10-23 | SB_MST_QAPP |
NSDCWMP Monthly Monitoring | NSDCWMP Monthly Monitoring | North San Diego County Watershed Monitoring Prog | NSDCWMP | | 2019-12-30 | NSDCWMP QAPP |
Oak Park BMP | VC Oak Park Green Streets Urban Retrofit | VCPWA-County Stormwater Program | VCPWA | Treat stormwater and non-stormwater urban runoff using modular wetland systems | 2020-04-08 | Not Recorded |
OC_LA_PATA | La Pata Avenue Extension Monitoring | South Orange County Internal Project Monitoring | OCPW | Effectiveness monitoring for La Pata Avenue Extension Project | 2013-10-15 | OCPW_LA_PATA_QAPP |
OC_LOS_PATRONES | Los Patrones Monitoring Project | South Orange County Internal Project Monitoring | OCPW | Effectiveness monitoring for Los Patrones Project | 2020-10-23 | OCPW_LOS_PATRONES_QAPP |
OC_SAR_DWM | OC SAR Dry Weather Monitoring Program | Santa Ana Region Monitoring | OCPW | OC SAR Dry Weather Monitoring Program | 2020-10-06 | OCPW_SAR_NPDES_2010 |
OC_SAR_HARBORS | OC SAR Harbors, Estuaries, & Wetlands Mon Prgm | Santa Ana Region Monitoring | OCPW | Orange County SAR Harbors, Estuaries and Wetlands Monitoring Programs | 2017-04-14 | OCPW_SAR_NPDES_2005 |
OC_SAR_LTME | OC SAR Long Term Mass Emissions Monitoring | Santa Ana Region Monitoring | OCPW | OC SAR Long Term Mass Emissions Monitoring | 2020-10-06 | OCPW_SAR_NPDES_2010 |
OC_SDR_ACRWM | SDR Ambient Coastal Receiving Water Monitoring | San Diego Region Monitoring | OCPW | | 2019-05-29 | QAPP_SOCWMA_WQIP |
OC_SDR_ALC | Aliso Creek TMDL | OCPW San Diego Region TMDL Programs | OCPW | | 2019-05-29 | QAPP_SOCWMA_WQIP |
OC_SDR_Bioassessment | OCPW San Diego Region Bioassessment | San Diego Region Monitoring | OCPW | | 2019-05-29 | QAPP_SOCWMA_WQIP |
OC_SDR_DPHTMDL | Dana Point Harbor TMDL | OCPW San Diego Region TMDL Programs | OCPW | Dana Point Harbor TMDL | 2019-02-25 | QAPP_SOCWMA_WQIP |
OC_SDR_LTME | OC SDR Long Term Mass Emissions Monitoring | San Diego Region Monitoring | OCPW | Long term mass emissions monitoring for OC WQIP | 2019-02-20 | QAPP_SOCWMA_WQIP |
OC_SDR_MS4_OUTFALL | OC SDR MS4 Outfall Monitoring | San Diego Region Monitoring | OCPW | MS4 outfall monitoring for OC WQIP | 2019-02-20 | QAPP_SOCWMA_WQIP |
OC_SDR_NALS | SDR Non-stormwater Action Levels | San Diego Region Monitoring | OCPW | | 2019-05-29 | QAPP_SOCWMA_WQIP |
OC_SDR_OCFS | OCPW SDR Outfall Capture Feasibility Study | San Diego Region HPWQC | OCPW | OCPW SDR Outfall Capture Feasibility Study | 2019-11-04 | QAPP_SOCWMA_WQIP |
OC_SDR_PHR | OCPW SDR Pathogen Health Risk | San Diego Region HPWQC | OCPW | OCPW SDR Pathogen Health Risk | 2019-11-04 | QAPP_SOCWMA_WQIP |
OC_SDR_SALM | SDR Stormwater Action Limits | San Diego Region Monitoring | OCPW | | 2019-05-29 | QAPP_SOCWMA_WQIP |
OC_SDR_SCCSTMDL | San Clemente Coastal Streams TMDL | OCPW San Diego Region TMDL Programs | OCPW | | 2019-05-29 | QAPP_SOCWMA_WQIP |
OC_SDR_SJCTMDL | San Juan Creek TMDL | OCPW San Diego Region TMDL Programs | OCPW | San Juan Creek TMDL | 2019-02-25 | QAPP_SOCWMA_WQIP |
OC_SDR_TWAS | OC SDR Temporary Watershed Assessment Stations | San Diego Region Monitoring | OCPW | Temporary watershed assessment stations for OC WQIP | 2022-01-25 | QAPP_SOCWMA_WQIP |
OC_SDR_UNIFIED | OC SDR Unified Beach Water Quality Monitoring | San Diego Region Monitoring | OCPW | Beach water quality monitoring for OC WQIP | 2019-02-22 | QAPP_SOCWMA_WQIP |
OC_TMDL_CC | OC Total Maximum Daily Load Coyote Creek | OCPW Santa Ana Region TMDL Programs | OCPW | OC Total Maximum Daily Load Coyote Creek | 2020-10-06 | OCPW_SAR_NPDES_2010 |
OC_TMDL_NB | OC Total Maximum Daily Load Newport Bay | OCPW Santa Ana Region TMDL Programs | OCPW | OC Total Maximum Daily Load Newport Bay | 2020-10-06 | OCPW_SAR_NPDES_2010 |
OCPW_HH_SQ | Orange County PW Huntington Harbor Sed Quality | OC SAR Harbors, Estuaries, and Wetlands Monitoring | OCPW | Orange County Public Works Huntington Harbor Sediment Sampling and Sediment Quality Objectives | 2024-09-05 | Bight18_QAPlan |
OCPW_NB_SQ | Orange County PW Newport Bay Sediment Quality | OC SAR Harbors, Estuaries, and Wetlands Monitoring | OCPW | Orange County Public Works Newport Bay Sediment Sampling and Sediment Quality Objectives | 2024-09-05 | Bight18_QAPlan |
OCSD_COMP | OCSD Core Ocean Monitoring Program | OCSD Core Ocean Monitoring Program | OCSD | Core Ocean Monitoring Program for Orange County Sanitation District | 2013-12-03 | Not Recorded |
OCSP_2000 | Orange County Stormwater Program 2000 | So. Ca. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project | SCCWRP | Orange County Stormwater Program 2000 | 2012-04-26 | Not Recorded |
OCSP_2001 | Orange County Stormwater Program 2001 | So. Ca. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project | SCCWRP | Orange County Stormwater Program 2001 | 2012-04-26 | Not Recorded |
OCSP_2002 | Orange County Stormwater Program 2002 | So. Ca. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project | SCCWRP | Orange County Stormwater Program 2002 | 2012-04-26 | Not Recorded |
OCSP_2003 | Orange County Stormwater Program 2003 | So. Ca. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project | SCCWRP | Orange County Stormwater Program 2003 | 2012-04-26 | Not Recorded |
OCSP_2004 | Orange County Stormwater Program 2004 | So. Ca. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project | SCCWRP | Orange County Stormwater Program 2004 | 2012-04-26 | Not Recorded |
OCSP_2005 | Orange County Stormwater Program 2005 | So. Ca. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project | SCCWRP | Orange County Stormwater Program 2005 | 2012-04-26 | Not Recorded |
OCSP_2006 | Orange County Stormwater Program 2006 | So. Ca. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Project | SCCWRP | Orange County Stormwater Program 2006 | 2012-04-26 | Not Recorded |
OCWD_SARMON | OCWD Santa Ana River Monitoring | OCWD Santa Ana River Monitoring | OCWDML | Santa Ana River Monitoring for Orange County Water District | 2020-10-08 | OCWD QAPP Equivalent for SARMON Program |
OCWR_TCSR_2020 | Trabuco Creek Stream Rehabilitation Project | Trabuco Creek Stream Rehabilitation Project | DUDEK_Encinitas | Bioassessment Monitoring in Trabuco Creek Stream_2020 | 2021-01-14 | SWAMP Bioassessment QAPP 2019 |
OID_04 | OID Monitoring under ILRP MRP Order R5-2003-0827 | Oakdale Irrigation District | Not Recorded | Agricultural Water Quality Monitoring under the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program | 2010-12-03 | Not Recorded |
OID_Historical | OID, Order R5-2003-0827, R5-2006-0054, 2004 -2008 | Oakdale Irrigation District | OID | Oakdale Irrigation District Monitoring Under ILRP Order R5-2003-0827, R5-2006-0054, Sampling Dates 2004-2008 | 2014-11-20 | GuidanceDocument_2010 |
OKMUCPP_2017 | Oak Knoll Mixed Use Community Plan Project 2017 | Oak Knoll Mixed Use Community Plan Project | WRA | Surveys to establish baseline and monitor stream condition 2017 | 2018-01-10 | Not Recorded |
OMC_NPDES_Monitoring | Oceanside Marine Centre NPDES Monitoring | NPDES Wastewater Monitoring | WoodGroup | Receiving Water Monitoring in compliance with NPDES permit R9-2013-0026 | 2019-07-26 | Not Recorded |
Otay_River_Bioassessment_2017 | Otay River Bioassessment Monitoring - 2017 | Otay River Bioassessment Monitoring Program | ICF-Sacramento | Otay River Bioassessment Monitoring - 2017 | 2020-06-23 | Not Recorded |
Otay_River_Bioassessment_2020 | Otay River Bioassessment Monitoring - 2020 | Otay River Bioassessment Monitoring Program | ICF-Sacramento | Otay River Bioassessment Monitoring - 2020 | 2020-06-23 | Not Recorded |
Otay_River_Bioassessment_2022 | Otay River Bioassessment Monitoring - 2022 | Otay River Bioassessment Monitoring Program | MTS | Otay River Bioassessment Monitoring - 2022 | 2022-10-24 | Not Recorded |
Otay_River_Bioassessment_2024 | Otay River Bioassessment Monitoring - 2024 | Otay River Bioassessment Monitoring Program | MTS | Otay River Bioassessment Monitoring - 2024 | 2024-06-06 | Not Recorded |
OWA_FSRR | Oroville Wildlife Area Flood Stg Reduct and Restor | Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency, Proposition 1 | SBFCA | Restoration project to install new riparian vegetation plantings, riparian scrub & wetland vegetation to benefit flood control, ecosystem restoration and recreation improvements on E. side of the Feather River | 2023-03-15 | Not Recorded |
OxMountain_NPDES_2017 | Ox Mountain Sanitary Landfill NPDES Mon 2017 | Ox Mountain NPDES Monitoring | AMS-CA | NPDES bioassessment monitoring for Ox Mountain Sanitary Landfill conducted in 2017 | 2023-08-11 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2014 |
OxMountain_NPDES_2023 | Ox Mountain Sanitary Landfill NPDES Mon 2023 | Ox Mountain NPDES Monitoring | AMS-CA | NPDES bioassessment monitoring for Ox Mountain Sanitary Landfill conducted in 2023 | 2023-08-03 | SWAMP Bioassessment QAPP 2019 |
PaloAlto_ChlorDiaz | Chlorpyrifos & Diazinon San Francisquito Creek | Surface Water Monitoring Project | DPR | City of Palo Alto: San Francisquito Creek CRMP monitoring, San Mateo county. Urban monitoring data for diazinon and chlorpyrifos. | 2017-06-15 | Not Recorded |
Palomar_2019 | Palomar Airport BMP 2018-2019 | Palomar Airport BMP Effectiveness | WestonSolu | 2018-2019 Monitoring for Long Term Effectiveness at the County of San Diego McClellan Palomar Airport Water Quality Treatment Facility | 2020-01-10 | Not Recorded |
Palomar_2021 | Palomar Airport BMP 2020-2021 | Palomar Airport BMP Effectiveness | WestonSolu | 2020-2021 Monitoring for Long Term Effectiveness at the County of San Diego McClellan Palomar Airport Water Quality Treatment Facility | 2021-05-29 | Not Recorded |
Palomar_2022 | Palomar Airport BMP 2021-2022 | Palomar Airport BMP Effectiveness | WestonSolu | 2021-2022 Monitoring for Long Term Effectiveness at the County of San Diego McClellan Palomar Airport Water Quality Treatment Facility | 2022-06-28 | Not Recorded |
Palomar_2023 | Palomar Airport BMP 2022-2023 | Palomar Airport BMP Effectiveness | WestonSolu | 2022-2023 Monitoring for Long Term Effectiveness at the County of San Diego McClellan Palomar Airport Water Quality Treatment Facility | 2023-12-22 | Not Recorded |
Parking Lot BMP | VC Government Center Parking Lot Green Streets | VCPWA-County Stormwater Program | VCPWA | Receive, store, treat, and infiltrate one hundred percent (100%) of the first flush stormwater and non-stormwater runoff from thirty-nine (39) acres of impervious surface using pervious gutters, infiltration basins, dry wells, and permeable pavement. | 2016-07-08 | VCWPD_Parking Lot BMP_QAPP |
PC_SLRP_2016 | Pleasants Creek Sediment Load Reduction Project 16 | Pleasants Creek Sediment Load Reduction Project | Solano CWA | Pleasants Creek Sediment Load Reduction Project Jan-March 2016 | 2017-02-24 | Not Recorded |
Petaluma Pest Monitoring | TMDL pesticide monitoring in Petaluma River | TMDL pest mon in East Marin and Petaluma River | COP | TMDL related monitoring for pesticides | 2016-08-18 | MCSTOPPP_COP_Pest_Monitoring_QAPP |
PGE_ButteCr_2023 | Pacific Gas and Electric Company Butte Creek 2023 | FISHBIO PGE monitoring on Butte Creek | FISHBIO | Sediment case; PGE | 2024-01-19 | Not Recorded |
PGE_ButteCr_2024 | Pacific Gas and Electric Company Butte Creek 2024 | FISHBIO PGE monitoring on Butte Creek | FISHBIO | Sediment case; PGE | 2024-08-08 | Not Recorded |
PGE_Project137_2020 | PGE Project 137 2020 | PGE Mokelumne River Project 137 | PGE-San Ramon | PGE Mokelumne River Project 137 sampling | 2020-12-16 | PGE_Project137_Mokelumne_MacroinvertebrateMonitoringPlan_2012 |
PGE_Project1962_2017 | PGE Project 1962 2017 | PGE Rock Creek-Cresta Project 1962 | PGE-San Ramon | PGE Rock Creek-Cresta Project 1962 sampling | 2017-12-01 | PGE_Project1962_RockCreek-Cresta_MacroinvertebrateMonitoringPlan_2002 |
PGE_Project1962_2018 | PGE Project 1962 2018 | PGE Rock Creek-Cresta Project 1962 | PGE-San Ramon | PGE Rock Creek-Cresta Project 1962 sampling | 2018-12-18 | PGE_Project1962_RockCreek-Cresta_MacroinvertebrateMonitoringPlan_2002 |
PGE_ProjectPoe2107_2021 | PGE Project Poe2107 2021 | PGE Feather River- Project Poe 2107 | PGE-San Ramon | PGE Feather River Project Poe2107 macroinvertebrate sampling | 2021-11-03 | Not Recorded |
PGE_ProjectPoe2107_2022 | PGE Project Poe2107 2022 | PGE Feather River- Project Poe 2107 | PGE-San Ramon | PGE Feather River Project Poe2107 macroinvertebrate sampling 2022 | 2023-02-14 | Not Recorded |
PGE_ProjectPoe2107_2023 | PGE Project Poe2107 2023 | PGE Feather River- Project Poe 2107 | PGE-San Ramon | PGE Feather River Project Poe2107 macroinvertebrate sampling 2023 | 2023-02-14 | Not Recorded |
PGE_ProjectPoe2107_2024 | PGE Project Poe2107 2024 | PGE Feather River- Project Poe 2107 | PGE-San Ramon | PGE Feather River Project Poe2107 macroinvertebrate sampling 2024 | 2024-05-30 | Not Recorded |
Pilot_Study_1_2011 | Pilot Study 1 2011 | Tijuana River Bacteria Source Identification Study | WestonSolu | Pilot Study 1 2011 | 2013-01-16 | Not Recorded |
Pilot_Study_2_2011 | Pilot Study 2 2011 | Tijuana River Bacteria Source Identification Study | WestonSolu | Pilot Study 2 2011 | 2013-01-16 | Not Recorded |
PintoLake_TMDL | Pinto Lake TMDL | PintoLake_TMDL | CSUMB | The Pinto Lake TMDL Plannin and Assessment Project | 2013-01-02 | Not Recorded |
PIN-WQM | Water quality monitoring on Pinole Creek | The Watershed Project Water Quality Monitoring | TWP | Water quality monitoring on Pinole Creek | 1900-01-01 | CWT Guidance Compendium |
PiruCreek_2018_BMI | South SWP FERC Relicensing | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | HDR-SAC | | 2019-01-23 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
PL_Microcystins_Monitoring | PL_Microcystins_Monitoring | City of Watsonville Pinto Lake Monitoring | WC | PL_Microcystins_Monitoring | 2019-06-28 | Not Recorded |
PL_Treatment_Monitoring | PL_Treatment_Monitoring | City of Watsonville Pinto Lake Monitoring | WC | PL_Treatment_Monitoring | 2016-07-08 | Pinto Lake Restoration Project QAPP |
PLOO | Point Loma Ocean Outfall Monitoring | Point Loma Ocean Outfall Monitoring | CSD | Water Quality Monitoring of receiving waters by the City of San Diego Point Loma | 2021-12-17 | QAPP_for_Coastal_Receiving_Waters_Monitoring_2020 |
PODP_SSJD05 | Pelagic Organism Decline Study 2005 | Pelagic Organism Decline Study | SSJDC | IEP study to evaluate the cause of pelagic organism decline. | 2016-09-29 | Not Recorded |
PODP_SSJD0607 | Pelagic Organism Decline 2006-2007 | Pelagic Organism Decline Study | SSJDC | Pelagic Organism Decline (POD): Acute and Chronic Invertebrate and Fish Toxicity Testing in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta 2006-2007 | 2015-09-09 | Not Recorded |
PODP_SSJD0810 | Pelagic Organism Decline 2008-2010 | Pelagic Organism Decline Study | SSJDC | Pelagic Organism Decline (POD): Acute and Chronic Invertebrate and Fish Toxicity Testing in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta 2008-2010 | 2015-08-25 | Not Recorded |
POSD_SwimWaters | Port of San Diego Swimmable Waters | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring | AMEC | San Diego Bay WQIP highest priority condition monitoring, NPDES Permit | 2017-01-13 | Not Recorded |
Post_Belvedere_DROPs | Belvedere_LAUSD_DROPs_Post-construction | LAUSD_DROPS | CWH | Belvedere LID Demonstation Project Post-construction water quality monitoring | 2017-06-27 | Not Recorded |
Post_Normandie_DROPs | Normandie_LAUSD_DROPs_Post-construction | LAUSD_DROPS | CWH | Normandie LID Demonstration Project Post-construction water quality monitoring | 2017-06-27 | Not Recorded |
Post_Northridge_DROPs | Northridge_LAUSD_DROPs_Post-construction | LAUSD_DROPS | CWH | Northridge_LAUSD_DROPs_Post-construction | 2020-01-14 | DROPS_QAPP_2019 |
Post_Victory_DROPs | Victory_LAUSD_DROPs_Post-construction | LAUSD_DROPS | CWH | Victory LID Demonstration Project Post-construction water quality monitoring | 2017-06-27 | Not Recorded |
Post_Webster_DROPs | Webster_LAUSD_DROPs_Post-construction | LAUSD_DROPS | CWH | Webster_LAUSD_DROPs_Post-construction | 2020-01-14 | DROPS_QAPP_2019 |
PostFire_LittleCreek_2021 | Post-fire examination of Little Creek Watershed | Post-fire examination of Little Creek Watershed | DFW-ABL | BMI, water chemistry and physical habitat examination in Little Creek (Scotts Creek Watershed) following the 2019 CZU lightening complex fire | 2021-08-05 | SWAMP Bioassessment QAPP 2019 |
Pre_Belvedere_DROPs | Belvedere_LAUSD_DROPs_Pre-construction | LAUSD_DROPS | CWH | Belvedere LID Demonstration Project Pre-construction water quality monitoring | 2017-06-27 | Not Recorded |
Pre_Normandie_DROPs | Normandie_LAUSD_DROPs_Pre-construction | LAUSD_DROPS | CWH | Normandie LID Demonstration Project Pre-construction water quality monitoring | 2017-06-27 | Not Recorded |
Pre_Northridge_DROPs | Northridge_LAUSD_DROPs_Pre-construction | LAUSD_DROPS | CWH | Northridge_LAUSD_DROPs_Pre-construction | 2020-01-14 | DROPS_QAPP_2019 |
Pre_Victory_DROPs | Victory_LAUSD_DROPs_Pre-construction | LAUSD_DROPS | CWH | Victory LID Demonstration Project Pre-construction water quality monitoring | 2017-06-27 | Not Recorded |
Pre_Webster_DROPs | Webster_LAUSD_DROPs_Pre-construction | LAUSD_DROPS | CWH | Webster_LAUSD_DROPs_Pre-construction | 2020-01-14 | DROPS_QAPP_2019 |
PRISM_UCD_ZALOM | PRISMGrantProjectUCD-Frank Zalom, Michael Johnson | PRISM - SacValleyPestBMPImplementationProgram | Not Recorded | Pesticide Reduction and Investigation of Source Mitigation (PRISM) project; Frank Zalom, Mike Johnson UCD | 2010-01-03 | Not Recorded |
Prop1_CV_PSGSP_P2 | Prop 1_City of Vista_Paseo Santa Fe Phase II | City of Vista, Proposition 1 | VistaCity | City of Vista Paseo Santa Fe Green Street Project Phase II | 2021-05-14 | Not Recorded |
Prop50_SJCDWQC | Proposition 50 Grant for SJCDWQC | Proposition 50 Grant for SJCDWQC | Not Recorded | Evaluation of specific management practices on field water quality. | 2014-03-13 | Not Recorded |
Prop50_UCD_SUTTER | Proposition 50 Grant for Sutter County | Proposition 50 Grant for Sutter County | Not Recorded | Monitoring was conducted by the University of California Davis Aquatic Ecosystems Analysis Laboratory at two sites in Sutter County. Monitoring was primarily for organophosphate pesticides. | 2010-01-03 | Not Recorded |
Prop50_VCWPD_SW_SACGRRP | Proposition 50 Grant for VCWPD Giant Reed Removal | Proposition 50 Grant for VCWPD | VCWPD | Surface Water Monitoring for Arundo donax removal in San Antonio Creek watershed | 2012-07-24 | Not Recorded |
Prop84_AAve_NC | Prop84_AAve_AAveGreenStreet | Prop84_AAve_NationalCity | NCCity | "A" Ave Green Street and Pedestrian Pathway LID Project, Prop 84 Stormwater Grant Program | 2016-08-30 | Not Recorded |
Prop84_ASBS_COT_SWMIP | City of Trinidad Storm Water Project | Prop 84 ASBS - Monitoring | ADH | City of Trinidad Storm Water Management Improvement Project | 2015-08-17 | COT_SWMIP_QAPP |
Prop84_Brookhurst | Boorkhurst South Prop84 Grant | Prop 84-City of Anaheim | AMEC | Brookhurst Street Low Impact Development (LID) Project, Prop 84 Stormwater Grant Program | 2016-07-08 | CA_Brookhurst_2013 |
Prop84_CLN_OCMUT_2013-15 | Prop 84 Grant for City of Laguna Niguel OCMUT | Prop 84- Laguna Niguel | CLN | Measuring quality of BMP influent and effluent waters, pre- and post-construction of LID BMPs in urban environment | 2013-06-03 | Not Recorded |
Prop84_CM_ASBS | So. Ca. Bight 2013-ASBS Survey | ASBS Regional Discharge Monitoring | MalC | Southern California Bight 2013 Regional Monitoring Survey for Areas of Special Biological Significance | 2014-04-22 | Not Recorded |
Prop84_CS_IISIC_PS | Installation of Infiltration Strips In Concrete-PS | Prop 84- City of Santee | CS | Installation of Infiltration Strips In Concrete-Pilot Study; funded by Prop 84 | 2013-05-03 | Not Recorded |
Prop84_CSM_ILSDRIDP | Prop 84 Grant for City of Santa Monica ILSDRIDP | Prop 84- City of Santa Monica | CSM | In-Line Storm Drain Runoff Infiltration Demonstration Project | 2013-01-16 | Not Recorded |
Prop84_CURES_STS | Prop 84 CURES Sediment Transport Study 2013 | Prop 84 Grant for CURES - Field Level Studies | MLJ-LLC | Proposition 84 Grant for the Coalition for Urban/Rural Environmental Stewardship Sediment Transport Study 2013 | 2016-09-07 | CURES_SedimentModel_QAPP_FINAL_042213 |
Prop84_CV_PSGSP | Prop 84_City of Vista_Paseo Santa Fe Green St Prj | Prop 84-City of Vista | LWA | Improve storm water mitigation and maximize the benefits of the streetscape design for this urban corridor; funded by Prop 84 | 2015-01-26 | Not Recorded |
Prop84_CVC_SW | Prop84 Crescenta Valley County Stormwater Recharge | Prop 84-Crescenta Valley County | AMEC | Crescenta Valley County Park Stormwater Recharge for Local Groundwater Assistance (LGA) grant program under Proposition 84 | 2016-07-08 | CA_Brookhurst_2013 |
Prop84_CWE_BCWLFR | Ballona Creek Watershed Low Flow Reconnaissance | Prop 84- California Watershed Engineering | CWE | Ballona Creek Watershed Low Flow Reconnaissance-characterize dry-weather low flows withing Ballona/Centinela Creek; funded by Prop 84 | 2014-04-01 | Not Recorded |
Prop84_CWE_MGS | Milton Green Street | Prop84_CWE | CWE | Milton Green Street, Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority | 2018-06-22 | MRCA Milton Green Street and Park MRP |
Prop84_LADPark_BMP | Ladera Park Stormwater Capture Project | Prop 84 Grant for LA County | LACDPW-WMD | Post-construction stormwater quality monitoring for the Ladera Park Stormwater Capture Project, Agreement No. D1812203 | 2024-03-05 | Prop84_LADPark_BMP_QAPP |
Prop84_LCC_LID | Prop 84 - Los Cerritos Channel Low Impact Dev. | Prop 84-Los Cerrritos Channel Low Impact Dev. | Not Recorded | Los Cerritos Channel Watershed Segmentation and Low Impact Development Planning Project | 2015-12-18 | Not Recorded |
Prop84_LCOWQIP | Prop84 Lower Chipmunk Outfall WQ Improvement Proj | Lower Chipmunk and Outfall WQ Improvement Project | CIWQS 181411 | Prop84- Stormwater Quality Improvements in Kings Beach, CA - LCOWQIP - Lower Chipmunk Outfall Water Quality Improvement Project | 2018-11-16 | Prop84_LCOWQIP_QAPP 2015 |
Prop84_Markham_Post | Prop84_Markham_Post-construction | Prop84_LAUSD_Markham | CWH | Markham LID Demonstration Project Post-construction water quality monitoring | 2017-03-20 | Markham_LID_Project |
Prop84_Markham_Pre | Prop84_Markham_Pre-construction | Prop84_LAUSD_Markham | CWH | Markham LID Demonstration Project Pre-construction water quality monitoring | 2017-03-20 | Markham_LID_Project |
Prop84_Morrison_Park | Morrison Park Prop84 Grant | Prop 84-City of Anaheim | AMEC | Morrison Park Low Impact Development (LID) Project, Prop 84 Stormwater Grant Program | 2017-03-03 | CA_MorrisonPark_2016 |
Prop84_ORBMBEP | Prop84 LACFCD Oxford Ret Basin Multibenefit Enh Pr | OxfordRetentionBasinMultibenefitEnhancementProject | LACDPW-WMD | Characterization at Oxford Retention Basin in Marina Del Rey Harbor Watershed | 2016-09-07 | LACDPW_OBMEP |
Prop84_TPRP | Trinidad Pier Reconstruction Project | ASBS Regional Reference Site Monitoring | ADH | Assessment of TPRP to improve WQ within the Trinidad Head ASBS. Pre- and post-construction data results to be compared and flow weighted stormwater quality data used to estimate pollutant loadings | 2013-10-30 | Not Recorded |
Prop84_UniversityAve_LM | Prop84_UniversityAve_LaMesa | Prop84_UniversityAve_LaMesa | LMCity | Prop 84 University Avenue Median Water Quality Improvement Project BMP Effectiveness Monitoring | 2018-05-01 | Prop84_UniversityAve_LaMesa_QAPP |
Prop84_Visalia_Greening_Post_2017 | Prop84 Greening Visalia Public Parking Post 2017 | Prop84 Greening Downtown Visalia Public Parking | VCE | Prop84 Greening Downtown Visalia Public Parking Post-Construction | 2017-08-17 | VISALIA_QAPP_2015 |
Prop84_Visalia_Greening_Pre_2015 | Prop84 Greening Visalia Public Parking Pre 2015 | Prop84 Greening Downtown Visalia Public Parking | VCE | Prop84 Greening Downtown Visalia Public Parking Pre-Construction | 2017-08-17 | VISALIA_QAPP_2015 |
Prop84r2_KimParadise_NC | Prop84round2_KimballPark_ParadiseCreek | Prop84round2_NationalCity | NCCity | Kimball Park LID & Paradise Creek Restoration Project, Prop 84 Stormwater Grant Program Round 2 | 2017-01-20 | Not Recorded |
PSSPM | Post-Storm Sediment Pyrethroid Monitoring | San Diego Region NPDES | WestonSolu | Monitoring for pyrethroid pesticides in sediments from each mass loading station and temporary watershed assessment station after the first wet weather event of the monitoring season. | 2014-06-10 | Not Recorded |
PWTRP_2019 | Pajaro Watershed Toxicity Reduction Project | Pajaro Watershed Toxicity Reduction Project | UCD-GC | Monitoring of a bioreactor with an installation of granulated activated carbon at the outflow in order to assess the reduction of toxicity associated with agricultural runoff in the Pajaro Watershed | 2020-01-30 | Pajaro Toxicity Reduction QAPP 2018 |
QJ_GANP | Quincy Jones Green Alley Network Project | WPP, GI, Green Streets and Green Corridors | TetraTech | Quincy Jones Green Alley Network Project | 2024-03-05 | Quincy Jones Green Alley Network, QAPP, 2023 |
QMRA_TecoloteCreek | QMRA Tecolote Creek Study | QMRA Tecolote Creek Study | CSD | QMRA Tecolote Creek Study | 2020-02-20 | Not Recorded |
QVIR_GWQM_2011-2012 | QVIR Ground Water Quality Monitoring 2011-2012 | QVIR Water Quality Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | Ongoing Ground Water Quality Monitoring in Quartz Valley | 2012-12-12 | Not Recorded |
QVIR_SRCM_2011-2012 | QVIR Scott River Continuous Monitoring 2011-2012 | QVIR Water Quality Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | QVIR Scott River Continuous Water Quality Monitoring 2011-2012 | 2012-12-12 | Not Recorded |
QVIR_SWQM_2011-2012 | OVIR Surface Water Quality Monitoring 2011-2012 | QVIR Water Quality Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | Ongoing Surface Water Quality Monitoring in Scott Valley | 2012-12-12 | Not Recorded |
QVIR_SWTM_2011-2012 | QVIR Surface Water Temperature Monitoring 2011-201 | QVIR Water Quality Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | Ongoing Temperature Water Quality Monitoring in Scott Valley | 2012-12-12 | Not Recorded |
QVIR-Bacteria-BL | QVIR Bacteria Monitoring Baseline | Quartz Valley Indian Reservation WQ Monitoring | QVIR | QVIR Bacteria Monitoring Baseline | 2017-03-30 | QVIR_WQ_QAPP |
QVIR-Bacteria-GR | QVIR Bacteria Monitoring Grazing Allotments | Quartz Valley Indian Reservation WQ Monitoring | QVIR | QVIR Bacteria Monitoring Grazing Allotments | 2017-03-30 | QVIR_WQ_QAPP |
R5_YubaWillowCk_2021 | R5 DCD Willow Creek Hg Sampling | RWB5 TMDL | RWQCB5 | Regional Water Board 5 Mercury Monitoring of Joubert Diggins and Willow Creek R5 Yuba Debris Control Dam | 2021-09-30 | SWAMP BOG QAPP 2021 |
R8_BPI_LEBBL | Focused FHAB Monitoring at LE and BBL | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB8 | Focused Freshwater Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring at Two Regional High Priority Lakes: Lake Elsinore and Big Bear Lake | 2021-04-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
R8-PradoDam-2015 | Reg8-Prado Dam SAR3 2015 | Region8-PradoDamSARReach3ComplianceMonitoring | RWQCB8 | Region 8 Prado Dam Santa Ana River Reach 3 Compliance Monitoring 2015 | 2016-08-05 | Not Recorded |
R8-PradoDam-2016 | Reg8-Prado Dam SAR3 2016 | Region8-PradoDamSARReach3ComplianceMonitoring | RWQCB8 | Region 8 Prado Dam Santa Ana River Reach 3 Compliance Monitoring 2016 | 2016-08-05 | Not Recorded |
R8-PradoDam-2017 | Reg8-Prado Dam SAR3 2017 | Region8-PradoDamSARReach3ComplianceMonitoring | RWQCB8 | Region 8 Prado Dam Santa Ana River Reach 3 Compliance Monitoring 2017 | 2018-07-24 | Not Recorded |
R8-PradoDam-2019 | Reg8-Prado Dam SAR3 2019 | Region8-PradoDamSARReach3ComplianceMonitoring | RWQCB8 | Region 8 Prado Dam Santa Ana River Reach 3 Compliance Monitoring 2019 | 2019-08-20 | SAR_R3_SAP_QAPP |
R8-PradoDam-2020 | Reg8-Prado Dam SAR3 2020 | Region8-PradoDamSARReach3ComplianceMonitoring | RWQCB8 | Region 8 Prado Dam Santa Ana River Reach 3 Compliance Monitoring 2020 | 2020-10-06 | SAR_R3_SAP_QAPP |
R8-PradoDam-2021 | Reg8-Prado Dam SAR3 2021 | Region8-PradoDamSARReach3ComplianceMonitoring | RWQCB8 | Region 8 Prado Dam Santa Ana River Reach 3 Compliance Monitoring 2021 | 2021-09-10 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
R8-PradoDam-2022 | Reg8-Prado Dam SAR3 2022 | Region8-PradoDamSARReach3ComplianceMonitoring | RWQCB8 | Region 8 Prado Dam Santa Ana River Reach 3 Compliance Monitoring 2022 | 2022-08-30 | SAR_R3_SAP_QAPP |
R8-PradoDam-2024 | Reg8-Prado Dam SAR3 2024 | Region8-PradoDamSARReach3ComplianceMonitoring | RWQCB8 | Region 8 Prado Dam Santa Ana Reach 3 Compliance Monitoring 2024 | 2024-09-10 | SAR_R3_SAP_QAPP |
R9_NS_Ambient_FY1819 | RWB9 Ambient Surface Water Monitoring FY18/19 | RWQCB9 Surface Water Monitoring | RWQCB9 | Surface/receiving water monitoring for RWQCB9 programs | 2019-07-02 | RWQCB9_QAPP_2018 |
R9_NS_Ambient_FY1920 | RWB9 Ambient Surface Water Monitoring FY19/20 | RWQCB9 Surface Water Monitoring | RWQCB9 | Surface/receiving water monitoring for RWQCB9 programs | 2019-07-02 | RWQCB9_QAPP_2018 |
R9_NS_Ambient_FY2021 | RWB9 Ambient Surface Water Monitoring FY20/21 | RWQCB9 Surface Water Monitoring | RWQCB9 | Surface/receiving water monitoring for RWQCB9 programs | 2020-06-29 | RWQCB9_QAPP_2018 |
R9_NS_Ambient_FY2122 | RWB9 Ambient Surface Water Monitoring FY21/22 | RWQCB9 Surface Water Monitoring | RWQCB9 | Surface/receiving water monitoring for RWQCB9 programs | 2021-09-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
R9_NS_Ambient_FY2223 | RWB9 Ambient Surface Water Monitoring FY22/23 | RWQCB9 Surface Water Monitoring | RWQCB9 | Surface/receiving water monitoring for RWQCB9 programs FY22/23 | 2022-09-26 | RWQCB9_QAPP_2018 |
R9_NS_Ambient_FY2324 | RWB9 Ambient Surface Water Monitoring FY23/24 | RWQCB9 Surface Water Monitoring | RWQCB9 | Surface/receiving water monitoring for RWQCB9 programs FY23/24 | 2023-07-18 | RWQCB9_QAPP_2018 |
R9_NS_Ambient_FY2425 | RWB9 Ambient Surface Water Monitoring FY24/25 | RWQCB9 Surface Water Monitoring | RWQCB9 | Surface/receiving water monitoring for RWQCB9 programs FY24/24 | 2024-04-04 | RWQCB9_QAPP_2018 |
R9_NS_Effluent_FY2021 | RWB9 Effluent Monitoring FY20/21 | RWQCB9 Surface Water Monitoring | RWQCB9 | Effluent Monitoring for RWQCB9 programs | 2021-09-14 | RWQCB9_QAPP_2018 |
R9_NS_Effluent_FY2122 | RWB9 Effluent Monitoring FY21/22 | RWQCB9 Surface Water Monitoring | RWQCB9 | Effluent Monitoring for RWQCB9 programs | 2021-09-14 | RWQCB9_QAPP_2018 |
R9_NS_Emerg_FY2122 | RWB9 Emergency Monitoring FY21/22 | SWAMP RWB9 Monitoring | RWQCB9 | RWB9 Emergency-Related Monitoring FY21/22 | 2021-11-02 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
R9_NS_Emerg_FY2223 | RWB9 Emergency Monitoring FY22/23 | SWAMP RWB9 Monitoring | RWQCB9 | RWB9 Emergency-Related Monitoring FY22/23 | 2022-10-13 | RWQCB9_QAPP_2018 |
R9_NS_Emerg_FY2324 | RWB9 Emergency Monitoring FY23/24 | SWAMP RWB9 Monitoring | RWQCB9 | RWB9 Emergency-Related Monitoring FY23/24 | 2023-07-18 | RWQCB9_QAPP_2018 |
R9_NS_Inspection_FY2223 | RWB9 Inspection-related Monitoring FY22/23 | RWQCB9 Surface Water Monitoring | RWQCB9 | Inspection-related monitoring for RWQCB9 programs (e.g., effluent, wells, holding ponds, influent, BMPs) FY22/23 | 2022-09-26 | RWQCB9_QAPP_2018 |
R9_NS_Inspection_FY2324 | RWB9 Inspection-related Monitoring FY23/24 | RWQCB9 Surface Water Monitoring | RWQCB9 | Inspection-related monitoring for RWQCB9 programs (e.g., effluent, wells, holding ponds, influent, BMPs) FY23/24 | 2023-07-18 | RWQCB9_QAPP_2018 |
R9_NS_Inspection_FY2425 | RWB9 Inspection-related Monitoring FY24/25 | RWQCB9 Surface Water Monitoring | RWQCB9 | Inspection-related monitoring for RWQCB9 programs (e.g., effluent, wells, holding ponds, influent, BMPs) FY24/25 | 2024-04-04 | RWQCB9_QAPP_2018 |
R9_NS_LosPenBac_FY1819 | RWQCB9 Bacterial Source Tracking | RWQCB9 Bacterial Source Tracking | RWQCB9 | Bacterial source tracking in Los Penasquitos watershed | 2019-11-19 | Not Recorded |
R9-2013-0050 | R9-2013-0050 | San Diego Region Water Quality Control Board | Wildlands | Bioassesment monitoring required by RWQCB Order R9-2013-0050 | 2015-11-02 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
R9-2017-0083 | Area of Investigation Under IO Number R9-2017-0083 | Area of Investigation Under IO Number R9-2017-0083 | Integral | Area of Investigation Under IO Number R9-2017-0083 | 2019-05-02 | Sediment Chemistry Investigation IO Number R9-2017-0083 Work Plan - Appendix D |
R9-2020-0005 | R9-2020-0005 Monitoring | Cabrillo Power I LLC NPDES Monitoring | Cabrillo | Receiving Water Monitoring in compliance with NPDES permit R9-2020-0005 | 2021-03-03 | Not Recorded |
Rainbow Creek Nutrient TMDL | Rainbow Creek Nutrient TMDL Implementation Monitor | CA Dept of Transit NPDES Monitoring | AMEC | Water quality monitoring and sampling of Caltrans runoff within District 11 in the Rainbow Creek watershed | 2015-11-12 | Chollas Creek and Rainbow Creek_QAPP_2015 |
Ranch Corral MP | Rancho Corral de Tierra Monitoring Project | SMCRCD Cooperative Agreement Program | SMCRCD | Site wide monitoring and test for bacteria, orthophosphates, and obtain YSI data in creeks on National Park Service property | 2021-12-02 | SMCRCD_QAPP |
Rapid_Microbial_2009 | Rapid Microbial -2009 | Rapid Microbial Study | SCCWRP | Single Study during the summer of 2009 to demonstrate the QPCR method to participating labs and monitor beaches | 2011-10-19 | Not Recorded |
RB5R_Dixie Fire_WQ_21/22 | Dixie Fire Water Quality Monitoring 2021-2022 | RWB5 Post Fire Monitoring | RWQCB5 | Post Dixie Fire Greenville Area Water Quality Monitoring 2021-2022 | 2021-12-01 | Not Recorded |
RBC_MS4_BMP_COSD | MS4 BMP Outfall Monitoring Rainbow Ck Subwatershed | San Diego Region NPDES | WestonSolu | MS4 BMP Outfall Monitoring Rainbow Creek Subwatershed | 2020-06-05 | Not Recorded |
RBN_MST_COSD | MST Monitoring Rainbow Creek Subwatershed | San Diego Region Microbial Source Tracking | SDC | MST Monitoring in Rainbow Creek Subwatershed | 2020-01-27 | Not Recorded |
RCD_FLOW | CSL and USLT RCD Flow Monitoring | Central Coast Water Conservancy Flow Monitoring | USLT_CSL_RCD | Instantaneous discharge measurements collected by the Upper Salinas-Las Tablas or the Coastoal San Luis Resource Conservation District, or both. Data shared with the CCWC as part of CCWC_FLOW program. | 2018-05-10 | CCWC Flow Monitoring QAQC_2018 |
RCDMC_319h_BLCBR | Blanco Bioreactor | RCD Monterey County, 319h Grant | RCDMC | Water Quality improvements through the Blanco Bioreactor, Grant No. D1813303 | 2023-02-13 | QAPP For 319h Grant No. D1813303 |
RCDMC_319h_PGEBR | PGE Multichamber Bioreactor | RCD Monterey County, 319h Grant | RCDMC | Water Quality improvements through the PGE Multichamber Bioreactor, Grant No. D1813303 | 2023-02-13 | QAPP For 319h Grant No. D1813303 |
RCDMC_SR_IPCP | Salinas River Invasive Plant Control Program | RCDMC Salinas River Invasive Plant Control Program | RCDMC | Water quailty monitoring for NPDES compliance for RCDMC's Salinas River Invasive Plant Control Program | 2020-03-18 | RCDMC_SalinasRiver_APAP |
RCFC_STSS | RCFC Sediment Toxcity Special Study | San Diego Region | RCFC | Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District- Sediment Toxicity Special Study | 2013-09-05 | Not Recorded |
RCN_MS4_COSD | MS4 Outfall Monitoring Rainbow Creek Subwatershed | Nutrient TMDL for Santa Margarita Watershed | SDC | MS4 monitoring in Rainbow Creek Subwatershed to provide data to address Permit Attachment E.3 compliance options of the Nutrient TMDL related to MS4 discharges. | 2018-02-08 | QAPP_Rainbow Creek Nutrient TMDL COSD Water Quality Monitoring |
RCN_TMDL_COSD | Nutrient TMDL for Santa Margarita Watershed | Nutrient TMDL for Santa Margarita Watershed | WestonSolu | Nutrient TMDL for Santa Margarita Watershed | 2016-07-08 | QAPP_Rainbow Creek Nutrient TMDL COSD Water Quality Monitoring |
Redwood Creek Enhancement | Redwood Creek Enhancement Planning | Salmonid Restoration Federation, Proposition 1 | SRF | Redwood Creek Enhancement Planning, ID 2018009 | 2022-02-04 | Not Recorded |
RMC_P&T_WY2018 | RMC Pesticide and Toxicity Monitoring in WY18 | BASMAA RMC Monitoring in WY2018 | ACCWP | RMC Pesticide and Toxicity Monitoring in WY18 | 2019-04-04 | BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016 |
Rogue_Flow_Sp_Study_2010 | Rogue Flow Special Study 2010 | Tijuana River Bacteria Source Identification Study | WestonSolu | Rogue Flow Special Study 2010 | 2013-01-16 | Not Recorded |
RPP_AY09 | RPP, Resolution R5-2010-9001, Dec 31st 2009, AY09 | Rice Pesticide Program | CRC | Rice Pesticide Program Monitoring Under Resolution R5-2010-9001, December 31st 2009 Submittal, Annual Year 2009, Sampling Dates Apr-Jun 2009 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
RPP_AY10 | RPP, Resolution R5-2010-9001, Dec 31st 2010, AY10 | Rice Pesticide Program | CRC | Rice Pesticide Program Monitoring Under Resolution R5-2010-9001, December 31st 2010 Submittal, Annual Year 2010, Sampling Dates May-Aug 2010 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
RPP_AY11 | RPP, Resolution R5-2010-9001, Dec 31st 2011, AY11 | Rice Pesticide Program | CRC | Rice Pesticide Program Monitoring Under Resolution R5-2010-9001, December 31st 2011 Submittal, Annual Year 2011, Sampling Dates May-Jul 2011 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
RPP_AY12 | RPP, Resolution R5-2010-9001, Dec 31st 2012, AY12 | Rice Pesticide Program | CRC | Rice Pesticide Program Monitoring Under Resolution R5-2010-9001, December 31st 2012 Submittal, Annual Year 2012, Sampling Dates May-Jul 2012 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
RPP_AY13 | RPP, Resolution R5-2010-9001, Dec 31st 2013, AY13 | Rice Pesticide Program | CRC | Rice Pesticide Program Monitoring Under Resolution R5-2010-9001, December 31st 2013 Submittal, Annual Year 2013, Sampling Dates May-Jul 2013 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
RPP_AY14 | RPP, Resolution R5-2010-9001, Dec 31st 2014, AY14 | Rice Pesticide Program | CRC | Rice Pesticide Program Monitoring Under Resolution R5-2010-9001, December 31st 2014 Submittal, Annual Year 2014, Sampling Dates May-Jul 2014 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
RPP_AY15 | RPP, Resolution R5-2010-9001, Dec 31st 2015, AY15 | Rice Pesticide Program | CRC | Rice Pesticide Program Monitoring Under Resolution R5-2010-9001, December 31st 2015 Submittal, Annual Year 2015, Sampling Dates May-Jul 2015 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
RPP_AY16 | RPP, Resolution R5-2010-9001, Dec 31st 2016, AY16 | Rice Pesticide Program | CRC | Rice Pesticide Program Monitoring Under Resolution R5-2010-9001, December 31st 2016 Submittal, Annual Year 2016, Sampling Dates May-Jul 2016 | 2016-09-07 | Not Recorded |
RSWMP | Regional Stormwater Monitoring Program | Lake Tahoe Regional Stormwater Monitoring Program | TahoeRCD | Urban catchment outfall monitoring in the Lake Tahoe Basin | 2017-10-10 | RSWMP_QAPP |
RVNSWD_SBPRP_P2 | Ravenswood, SBPRP, Phase 2 | South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project, Prop 1 | DU | Ravenswood, South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project (Phase 2) | 2023-12-28 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_303d | North Coast 303d Evaluation | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | This effort is designed to collect enough data to delist waterbodies or confirm that the 303d listings are appropriate. If confirmed, the new data will inform TMDL development. | 2021-03-02 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB1_Bact_2011 | RWB1 Bacteria Monitoring 2011 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Bacteria Monitoring 2011 | 2013-08-08 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_Bact_2012 | RWB1 Bacteria Monitoring 2012 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Bacteria Monitoring 2012 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_Bact_2013 | RWB1 Bacteria Monitoring 2013 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Bacteria Monitoring 2013 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_BGA TOX_2017 | RWB1_BGA TOX_2017 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | Samples collected for toxicity during the 2017 calendar year | 2017-08-15 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB1_BGATOX_2016 | RWB1 BGATOX | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 BGATOX | 2016-08-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB1_CEC | RWB1 CEC Monitoring | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 CEC Monitoring | 2017-02-17 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_Coastal_TMDL | Region 1 Coastal Pathogens TMDL Monitoring | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | This effort is designed to determine the current status of fecal pollution in Jolly Giant Creek (Arcata, Humboldt County), identify the potential source(s) of pollution, and develop timely pollution control strategies. | 2021-03-02 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB1_Cyano_2015 | Region 1 Cyanobacteria Monitoring 2015 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | Cyanobacteria samples collected for the 2015 calendar year | 2018-10-30 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB1_Cyano_2016 | Region 1 Cyanobacteria Monitoring 2016 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | Cyanobacteria samples collected for the 2016 calendar year | 2016-08-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB1_Cyano_2017 | Region 1 Cyanobacteria Monitoring 2017 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | Cyanobacteria samples collected for the 2017 calendar year | 2017-08-15 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB1_CYANO_2018 | RWB1 Cyano Monitoring 2018 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1_Monitoring 2018 | 2018-08-14 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_CYANO_2019 | RB1 Cyanobacteria Monitoring | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | Monitoring Cynaobacteria for the Protectionof Public Health | 2019-07-10 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB1_Cyano_2020 | Region 1 Cyanobacteria Monitoring 2020 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | Cyanobacteria samples collected for the 2020 calendar year | 2024-04-02 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB1_Cyano_2021 | Region 1 Cyanobacteria Monitoring 2021 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | Cyanobacteria samples collected for the 2021 calendar year | 2024-04-02 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB1_Cyano_2022 | Region 1 Cyanobacteria Monitoring 2022 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | Cyanobacteria samples collected for the 2022 calendar year | 2024-04-02 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB1_EeR_Trend_FY0910 | RWB1 Eel River Trend Monitoring FYs 2009 2010 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Eel River Trend Monitoring FYs 2009 2010 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_ELK | Elk River TMDL Effectiveness Monitoring | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | This project will evaluate stream condition to inform management on the effectiveness of current TMDL implementation activities and provide guidance regarding reevaluation of implementation efforts, if appropriate. | 2021-03-02 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB1_FIRE_2017 | RWB1 Post Fire Sampling 2017 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Water quality sampling after 2017 fires | 2017-12-04 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_FIRE_2018 | RWB1 Post Fire Sampling 2018 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Water quality sampling after 2018 fires | 2019-03-20 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_FIRE_2019 | RB1 Fire Response Monitoring | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | First-Flush Monitoriong of Fire Residues in Watershed Runoff | 2019-12-11 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB1_FOSS | Foss Creek Diazinon Monitoring | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | This effort is designed to collect enough data to confirm or remove Foss Creek's Diazinon listing from the 303d list | 2022-02-08 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB1_GaR_BA_2008 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2008 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2008 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_GaR_BA_2009 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2009 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2009 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_GaR_BA_2010 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2010 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2010 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_GaR_BA_2011 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2011 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2011 | 2013-04-04 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_GaR_BA_2012 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2012 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2012 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_GaR_BA_2013 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2013 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2013 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_GaR_BA_2014 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2014 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2014 | 2014-03-07 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_GaR_BA_2015 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2015 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2015 | 2015-08-27 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB1_GaR_BA_2016 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2016 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2016 | 2016-07-08 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB1_GaR_BA_2017 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2017 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2017 | 2016-06-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB1_GaR_BA_2018 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2018 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project 2018 | 2018-08-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB1_GaR_BA_2019 | RB1 Garcia River Bioassessment Project | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | TMDL Effectivieness Monitoring | 2020-01-02 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB1_HolAssm_2022 | RWB1 FHAB Holiday Assessment Monitoring 2022 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB1 | Regional Water Board 1 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Holiday Assessment Monitoring | 2022-04-26 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB1_HolAssmt_2023 | RWB1 FHAB Holiday Assessment Monitoring 2023 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB1 | Regional Water Board 1 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Holiday Assessment Monitoring 2023 | 2022-12-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB1_HolAssmt_2024 | RWB1 FHAB Holiday Assessment Monitoring 2024 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB1 | Regional Water Board 1 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Holiday Assessment Monitoring 2024 | 2023-12-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB1_IncResp_2022 | RWB1 FHAB Incident Response 2022 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB1 | Regional Water Board 1 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Incident Response | 2022-04-26 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB1_IncResp_2023 | RWB1 FHAB Incident Response 2023 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB1 | Regional Water Board 1 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Incident Response 2023 | 2022-12-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB1_IncResp_2024 | RWB1 FHAB Incident Response 2024 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB1 | Regional Water Board 1 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Incident Response 2024 | 2023-12-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB1_IRLands_2013 | RWB1 Irrigated Lands Monitoring 2013 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Irrigated Lands Monitoring | 2013-03-27 | RMP QAPP 2014 |
RWB1_IRLands_2014 | RWB1 Irrigated Lands Monitoring 2014 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Irrigated Lands Monitoring | 2014-03-07 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_IRLands_2015 | RWB1 Irrigated Lands Monitoring 2015 | SWAMP RWB1 Irrigated Lands Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Irrigated Lands Monitoring | 2015-04-10 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB1_IRLands_2017 | RWB1 Irrigated Lands Monitoring 2017 | SWAMP RWB1 Irrigated Lands Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Irrigated Lands Monitoring | 2017-12-06 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB1_KlaTriR_Trend_FY0203 | RWB1 Klamath Trinity Trend Montoring FYs 2002 2003 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | samples collected for Trend Monitoring in the Klamath Trinity basins during FYs 2002 and 2003 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_KlaTriR_Trend_FY0809 | RWB1 Klamath Trinity Trend Montoring Fys 2008 2009 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | samples collected for Trend Monitoring in the Klamath Trinity basins during FYs 2008 and 2009 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_MTBE_Lakes | RWB1 MTBE Lakes Study SY 2001, 2002, 2003 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 MTBE Lakes Study SY 2001, 2002, 2003 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_Norando_2010 | RWB1 Norando Monitoring Study 2010 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Norando Monitoring Study 2010 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_Nutrient_2010 | RWB1 South Fork Eel River Nutrients Study 2010 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 South Fork Eel River Nutrients Study 2010 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_PartMon_2022 | RWB1 FHAB Partner Monitoring Program 2022 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB1 | Regional Water Board 1 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Partner Monitoring Program | 2022-04-26 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB1_PartMon_2023 | RWB1 FHAB Partner Monitoring Program 2023 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB1 | Regional Water Board 1 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Partner Monitoring Program 2023 | 2022-12-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB1_PartMon_2024 | RWB1 FHAB Partner Monitoring Program 2024 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB1 | Regional Water Board 1 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Partner Monitoring Program 2024 | 2023-12-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB1_RCMP_AUG_2016 | RWB1 Reference Bioassessment 2016 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 RCMP | 2016-06-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB1_RCMP_AUG_2018 | RWB1 Reference Bioassessment 2018 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 RCMP | 2018-04-26 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB1_RUNOFF_2016 | RWB1 Runoff Monitoring | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Runoff Monitoring | 2017-01-17 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB1_RuR_BA_1995 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 1995 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 1995 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_RuR_BA_1996 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 1996 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 1996 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_RuR_BA_1997 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 1997 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 1997 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_RuR_BA_1998 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 1998 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 1998 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_RuR_BA_1999 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 1999 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 1999 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_RuR_BA_2000 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 2000 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 2000 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_RuR_BA_2001 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 2001 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 2001 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_RuR_BA_2002 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 2002 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 2002 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_RuR_BA_2009 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 2009 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 2009 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_RuR_BA_2010 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 2010 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 2010 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_RuR_BA_2011 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 2011 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Russian River Bioassessment 2011 | 2013-06-07 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_RuR_Fish_2015 | RWB1 Russian River Fish 2015 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | | 2015-10-08 | SWAMP QAMP 2002 |
RWB1_RuR_FY1011 | RWB1 Russian River Monitoring FYs 2010 2011 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Russian River Monitoring FYs 2010 2011 | 2014-02-19 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_RuR_Sed_Water_2016 | RWB1 Russian River Water and Sediment 2016 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Russian River Water and Sediment 2016 | 2017-06-26 | RMP QAPP 2017 |
RWB1_RuR_SRCD_BA_1998 | RWB1 Russian River - Sotoyome RCD | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Russian River - Sotoyome RCD | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_RuR_Trend_FY0405 | RWB1 Russian River Trend Monitoring FYs 2004 2005 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | samples collected for Trend Monitoring in the Russian River basins during FYs 2004 and 2005 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_SaRoCr_2010 | RWB1 Santa Rosa Creek Status Monitoring | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Santa Rosa Creek Status Monitoring | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_SaRoCr_BA_1998 | RWB1 Santa Rosa Creek Status BA Monitoring | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Santa Rosa Creek Status BA Monitoring | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_SCOTT | Region 1 Scott River TMDL Ambient Monitoring | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | Determining effectiveness of TMDL implemented measures. | 2021-03-02 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB1_SCOTT_2019 | RB1 General Lab Work (Regional Lab Contract) | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | General Lab Work to Support Regional Needs - Scott TMDL implementation | 2019-07-10 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB1_Scott_2020 | RWB1 Scott River TMDL Implementation | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | General Lab Work to Support Regional Needs - Scott TMDL implementation | 2020-09-11 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB1_SHASTA | Region 1 Shasta River Monitoring | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | Determining effectiveness of implemented BMPs. | 2021-03-02 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB1_SHASTA_2019 | RB1 General Lab Work | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | General Lab Work to Support Regional Needs - Shasta TMDL implementation | 2019-07-10 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB1_Shasta_2020 | RWB1 Shasta River TMDL Implementation | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | General Lab Work to Support Regional Needs - Shasta TMDL implementation | 2020-09-11 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB1_SMITH | Smith River Plain Water Quality Monitoring Program | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | This study focuses on the impacts of agriculture on salmonid rearing habitats in the Smith River and the effectiveness of BMPs. | 2021-02-24 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB1_SMITH_2019 | RB1 Pesticide Monitoring 2019 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | Evaluation of BMP Installation and Effectiveness | 2019-12-11 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB1_SPATT_Study_2023 | RWB1 Tiered Monitoring with SPATTs 2023 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB1 | Regional Water Board 1 Pilot Tiered Benthic Cyano Monitoring with SPATTs to Determine Advisory Postings in Russian, Eel, and Navarro Rivers | 2023-04-18 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB1_S-S Waiver | Region 1 Scott-Shasta Waiver | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | Scott and Shasta Waiver Implementation Monitoring | 2021-03-02 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB1_Trend_2012 | RWB1 Trend Monitoring 2012 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Trend Monitoring 2012 | 2014-04-03 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_Trend_2013 | RWB1 Trend Monitoring 2013 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | RWB1 Trend Monitoring 2013 Klamath Watershed | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_TrendDev_FY0102 | RWB1 Development Trend Montoring FYs 2001 2002 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | samples collected during Fy 2001 and 2002 for Trend Development monitoring | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_TrendMainten_FY0506 | RWB1 Trend Maintenance Periods FYs 2005 2006 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | samples collected during FYs 2005 though 2006 for Trend Maintenance Monitoring | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_TrendMainten_FY0607 | RWB1 Trend Maintenance Periods FYs 2006 2007 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | samples collected during FYs 2006 and 2007 for Trend Maintenance Monitoring | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB1_TrendMainten_FY0708 | RWB1 Trend Maintenance Periods FYs 2007 2008 | SWAMP RWB1 Monitoring | RWQCB1 | samples collected during FYs 2007 and 2008 for Trend Maintenance Monitoring | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_ALP_2011 | RWB2 Arroyo Las Positas Monitoring Study 2011 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Arroyo Las Positas Monitoring Study 2011 | 2013-08-08 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_ALP_2018 | RWB2 Arroyo Las Positas Nutrient Study 2018 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Arroyo Las Positas Nutrient Monitoring Study 2018 | 2017-12-13 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_ALP_2019 | RWB2 Arroyo Las Positas Nutrient Study 2019 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Arroyo Las Positas Nutrient Monitoring Study 2019 | 2018-12-05 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_BallenaBiv_2011 | RWB2 Ballena Bay Marina Bivalve Study 2011 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Ballena Bay Marina Study of Resident Bivalves 2011 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_DepWet_2014 | RWB2 Depressional Wetlands 2014 | RWB2 Depressional Wetlands Study | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Depressional Wetlands Monitoring 2014 | 2014-03-18 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_EBay_EJ_2022 | RWB2 EBay EJ Communities WQ Monitoring 2022 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 East Bay Environmental Justice Communities Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2022 | 2023-02-23 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_EBay_EJ_2023 | RWB2 EBay EJ Communities WQ Monitoring 2023 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 East Bay Environmental Justice Communities Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2023 | 2023-02-23 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_EBay_EJ_2024 | RWB2 EBay EJ Communities WQ Monitoring 2024 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 East Bay Environmental Justice Communities Creek Water Quality Monitoring 2024 | 2024-06-12 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_FIB_REF_SYS_15_16 | RWB2 Fecal Indicator Bacteria RefSystems 2015-2016 | RWB2 Reference Systems Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | RWQCB2 | Regional Water Board 2 Fecal Indicator Bacteria Reference Systems 2015 - 2016 | 2015-10-26 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB2_FishLk_2004_2005 | RWB2 Lakes Sportfish Contamination Study 2004 2005 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Lakes Sportfish Contamination Study 2004 2005 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_FishLk_2010 | RWB2 Lakes Sportfish Contamination Study 2010 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Lakes Sportfish Contamination Study 2010 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_FishLk_2011 | RWB2 Lake Vasona Bioaccumulation Study 2011 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Lake Vasona and Percolation Ponds Bioaccumulation Monitoring Study 2011 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_FishLk_2013 | RWB2 EBRPD Fish Bioaccumulation Study 2013 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 East Bay Regional Park District Fish Bioaccumulation Monitoring Study 2013 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_FishLk_2024 | RWB2 Lake Fish Mercury Bioaccumulation Study 2024 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Lake Fish Mercury Bioaccumulation Monitoring Study 2024 | 2024-05-01 | SWAMP Bioaccumulation Monitoring Program QAPP 2023-2025 |
RWB2_HolAssmt_2022 | RWB2 FHAB Holiday Assessment Monitoring 2022 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB2 | Regional Water Board 2 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Holiday Assessment Monitoring | 2022-04-26 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_HolAssmt_2023 | RWB2 FHAB Holiday Assessment Monitoring 2023 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB2 | Regional Water Board 2 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Holiday Assessment Monitoring 2023 | 2022-12-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_HolAssmt_2024 | RWB2 FHAB Holiday Assessment Monitoring 2024 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB2 | Regional Water Board 2 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Holiday Assessment Monitoring 2024 | 2023-12-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_IncResp_2022 | RWB2 FHAB Incident Response 2022 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB2 | Regional Water Board 2 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Incident Response | 2022-04-26 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_IncResp_2023 | RWB2 FHAB Incident Response 2023 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB2 | Regional Water Board 2 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Incident Response 2023 | 2022-12-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_IncResp_2024 | RWB2 FHAB Incident Response 2024 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB2 | Regional Water Board 2 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Incident Response 2024 | 2023-12-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_Integrator_2019 | RWB2 Integrator Coyote, Pilarcitos, Stevens | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | Targeted water chem, sed chem, and sed tox in Coyote, Pilarcitos, and Stevens watersheds | 2019-08-21 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_IRAssessment_2023 | RWB2 Integrated Report Follow Up Assessment 2023 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Integrated Report follow up assessment of ammonia and chlorine 2023 | 2023-05-15 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_IRAssessment_2024 | RWB2 Integrated Report Follow Up Assessment 2024 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Integrated Report follow up assessment of ammonia and chlorine 2024 | 2023-10-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_LakeMerritt_2024 | RWB2 Lake Merritt Nutrient and DO Study 2024 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Lake Merritt Nutrient and Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring Study 2024 | 2024-06-12 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_NapaRiv_BA_2021 | RWB2 Napa River Watershed BA Sampling 2021 | ICARE BMI Surveys | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Napa River Watershed targeted bioassessment sampling, collected by ICARE 2021 | 2021-05-11 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_PartMon_2022 | RWB2 FHAB Partner Monitoring Program 2022 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB2 | Regional Water Board 2 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Partner Monitoring Program | 2022-04-26 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_PartMon_2023 | RWB2 FHAB Partner Monitoring Program 2023 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB2 | Regional Water Board 2 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Partner Monitoring Program 2023 | 2022-12-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_PartMon_2024 | RWB2 FHAB Partner Monitoring Program 2024 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB2 | Regional Water Board 2 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Partner Monitoring Program 2024 | 2023-12-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_PDD_2015 | RWB2 Pacific Dry Dock Study | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Pacific Dry Dock Study | 2015-08-12 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_PetRiv_2024 | RWB2 Petaluma River Flow and WQ Study 2024 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Petaluma River Flow, Nutrient, and Sediment Study 2024 | 2024-09-17 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_PetRiv_2025 | RWB2 Petaluma River Flow and WQ Study 2025 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Petaluma River Flow, Nutrient, and Sediment Study 2025 | 2024-09-17 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_Ref_2008 | RWB2 Reference Study Monitoring 2008 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | included events from winter 2009 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_Ref_2009 | RWB2 Reference Study Monitoring 2009 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Reference Study Monitoring 2009 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_Ref_2010 | RWB2 Reference Study Monitoring 2010 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Reference Study Monitoring 2010 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_Ref_2015 | RWB2 Reference Study Monitoring 2015 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Reference Study of 6 existing and 6 new targeted reference sites | 2015-04-13 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_Ref_NP_2012 | RWB2 Non-Perennial Reference Study | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | 8 non-perennial targeted reference sites | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_RefStreams_2016 | RWB2 Reference Stream Monitoring 2016 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Reference Study of 6 new targeted reference sites - perennial and non-perennial | 2016-07-08 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_RefStreams_2023 | RWB2 Reference Stream Monitoring 2023 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Nutrient Study in Reference Streams 2023 | 2023-03-13 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_RefStreams_2024 | RWB2 Reference Stream Monitoring 2024 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Nutrient Study and Bioassessment in Reference Streams 2024 | 2023-10-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_RiBay_Bacti_2011 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2011 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | RWQCB2 | 2011 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | 2017-05-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB2_RiBay_Bacti_2012 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2012 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | RWQCB2 | 2012 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | 2017-05-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB2_RiBay_Bacti_2013 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2013 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | RWQCB2 | 2013 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | 2017-05-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013 |
RWB2_RiBay_Bacti_2014 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2014 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | RWQCB2 | 2014 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | 2017-05-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013 |
RWB2_RiBay_Bacti_2015 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2015 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | RWQCB2 | 2015 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | 2017-05-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013 |
RWB2_RiBay_Bacti_2016 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2016 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | RWQCB2 | 2016 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | 2017-05-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013 |
RWB2_RiBay_Bacti_2017 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2017 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | RWQCB2 | 2017 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | 2017-05-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013 |
RWB2_RiBay_Bacti_2018 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2018 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2018 | 2019-07-02 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_RiBay_Bacti_2019 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2019 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2019 | 2019-07-02 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_RiBay_Bacti_2020 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2020 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2020 | 2020-12-08 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_RiBay_Bacti_2021 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2021 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2021 | 2021-05-25 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_RiBay_Bacti_2022 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2022 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2022 | 2022-08-03 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_RiBay_Bacti_2023 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2023 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2023 | 2023-02-17 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_RiBay_Bacti_2024 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2024 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Richardson Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring 2024 | 2024-09-12 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_RMC_2012 | RWB2 Regional Monitoring Coalition Reference 2012 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | 10 non-urban probabilistic sites (perennial and non-perennial) | 2013-04-17 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_RMC_2013 | RWB2 Regional Monitoring Coalition Reference 2013 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | 18 non-urban probabilistic sites (perennial and non-perennial) | 2013-04-17 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_RMC_2014 | RWB2 Regional Monitoring Coalition Reference 2014 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | 10 non-urban probabilistic sites (perennial and non-perennial) | 2014-03-18 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_RMC_2015 | RWB2 Regional Monitoring Coalition Reference 2015 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | 10 non-urban probabilistic sites (perennial and non-perennial) | 2015-04-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_SanGeronimo_2019 | R2 San Geronimo Crk Pathogen/Nutrient Mon. 2019 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Targeted pathogen and nutrient monitoring in San Geronimo Creek 2019 | 2019-09-11 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_SanGeronimo_2020 | R2 San Geronimo Crk Pathogen/Nutrient Mon. 2020 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Targeted pathogen and nutrient monitoring in San Geronimo Creek 2020 | 2020-01-31 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_SanGeronimo_2021 | R2 San Geronimo Crk Pathogen/Nutrient Mon. 2021 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Targeted pathogen and nutrient monitoring in San Geronimo Creek 2021 | 2021-01-13 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_SanGeronimo_2022 | R2 San Geronimo Crk Pathogen/Nutrient Mon. 2022 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Targeted pathogen and nutrient monitoring in San Geronimo Creek 2022 | 2022-01-04 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_SanGeronimo_2024 | RWB2 San Geronimo Creek Nutrient and Biostim 2024 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 San Geronimo Creek Nutrient and Biostimulation Study 2024 | 2024-07-30 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_Status_Yr1 | RWB2 Yr1 West Marin, Solano & Alameda Co Creeks | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 StatusYr1 West Marin, Solano and Alameda County Creeks | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_Status_Yr2 | RWB2 Yr2 Cstal & Bay Penn Crks; SMateo & SClara Co | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 StatusYr2 Coastal and Bayside Penninsula Creeks - San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_Status_Yr3 | RWB2 Yr3 Peta Riv, Smateo & Contra Costa Co Creeks | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 StatusYr3 Petaluma River, San Mateo and Contra Costa County Creeks | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_Status_Yr4 | RWB2 Yr4 East Bay Creeks | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 StatusYr4 East Bay Creeks - Alameda and Contra Costa Counties | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_Status_Yr5 | RWB2 Yr5 Coastal Marin and SF Creeks | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 StatusYr5 Coastal Marin and SF Creeks | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_StevensCr_2016 | RWB2 Stevens Creek Toxicity sampling | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Stevens Creek Toxicity sampling | 2016-02-16 | SWAMP SPoT QAPP 2010 |
RWB2_StevensCr_2017 | RWB2 Stevens Creek Toxicity sampling 2017 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Stevens Creek Toxicity sampling 2017 | 2018-12-05 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_StevensCr_2018 | RWB2 Stevens Creek Toxicity sampling 2018 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Stevens Creek Toxicity sampling 2018 | 2017-12-13 | SWAMP SPoT QAPP 2010 |
RWB2_StevensCr_2019 | RWB2 Stevens Creek Toxicity sampling 2019 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Stevens Creek Toxicity sampling 2019 | 2018-12-05 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_SuBay_2010 | RWB2 Suisun Bay Monitoring Study 2010 | Suisun Bay Monitoring Project RWB2 | RWQCB2 | Suisun Bay Monitoring 2010 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_SuBay_2011 | RWB2 Suisun Bay Monitoring Study 2011 | Suisun Bay Monitoring Project RWB2 | RWQCB2 | Suisun Bay Monitoring 2011 | 2013-06-07 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_SuBay_2012 | RWB2 Suisun Bay Monitoring Study 2012 | Suisun Bay Monitoring Project RWB2 | RWQCB2 | Suisun Bay Monitoring 2012 | 2013-06-07 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_SuisunCrk_2024 | RWB2 Suisun Creek Nutrient and DO Study 2024 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Suisun Creek Nutrient and Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring Study 2024 | 2024-05-16 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_TMDL_2011 | RWB2 Napa Sonoma Nutrient TMDL Monitoring 2011 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | Napa Sonoma Nutrient TMDL Monitoring Study 2011 | 2013-06-07 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_TMDL_2012 | RWB2 Napa Sonoma Nutrient TMDL Monitoring 2012 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | Napa Sonoma Nutrient TMDL Monitoring Study 2012 | 2014-04-03 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_TMDL_ALGSS_2012 | RWB2 Napa Sonoma Algae SS 2012 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Napa Sonoma Algae Special Study 2012 | 2014-04-03 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB2_TMDL_ALGSS_2013 | RWB2 Napa Sonoma Algae SS 2013 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Napa Sonoma Algae Special Study 2013 | 2013-03-27 | RMP QAPP 2014 |
RWB2_TMDL_BayBeaches_2023 | RWB2 Bay Beaches Bacteria TMDL Study 2023 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Bay Beaches Bacteria TMDL Study 2023 | 2023-02-17 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_TMDL_BayBeaches_2024 | RWB2 Bay Beaches Bacteria TMDL Study 2024 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Bay Beaches Bacteria TMDL Study 2024 | 2023-10-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_TMDL_Camden_2021 | RWB2 Hg TMDL Camden Percolation Ponds Study 2021 | RWB2 Pilot Tests of Mercury in Reservoirs | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Mercury TMDL Camden Percolation Ponds Study 2021 | 2021-04-29 | SWAMP BOG Low Contamination Lakes QAPP 2014 |
RWB2_TMDL_GUAD_Res_2020 | RWB2 Hg TMDL Guadalupe Reservoir Pilot Tests 2020 | RWB2 Pilot Tests of Mercury in Reservoirs | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Mercury TMDL Guadalupe Reservoir HOS Pilot Tests 2020; Study to aid in the translation of TMDL eviscerated fish mercury to whole fish mercury | 2020-07-14 | SWAMP BOG Low Contamination Lakes QAPP 2014 |
RWB2_TMDL_Guadalupe_1920 | RWB2 Guadalupe River WS Hg TMDL Monitoring FY1920 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Guadalupe River Watershed Mercury TMDL Monitoring FY1920, Almaden & Guadalupe Reservoirs | 2020-01-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_TMDL_HMB_2019 | RWB2 Half Moon Bay Pathogen TMDL Study 2019 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Half Moon Bay Pathogen TMDL Study 2019 | 2019-11-25 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_TMDL_HMB_2020 | RWB2 Half Moon Bay Pathogen TMDL Study 2020 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Half Moon Bay Pathogen TMDL Study 2020 | 2019-11-25 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_TMDL_HMB_2021 | RWB2 Half Moon Bay Pathogen TMDL Study 2021 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Half Moon Bay Pathogen TMDL Study 2021 | 2021-08-27 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_TMDL_HMB_2022 | RWB2 Half Moon Bay Pathogen TMDL Study 2022 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Half Moon Bay Pathogen TMDL Study 2022 | 2022-03-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_TMDL_LexRes_2019 | RWB2 Hg Water Sample Control Site TMDL Pilot Tests | RWB2 Pilot Tests of Mercury in Reservoirs | RWQCB2 | Regional Water Board 2 Mercury Water Samples Control Site TMDL Pilot Tests | 2019-06-03 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_TMDL_NapaRiv_2016 | RWB2 Napa River Pathogen TMDL Study 2016 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Napa River Pathogen TMDL Study 2016 | 2016-08-01 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_TMDL_NapaRiv_2017 | RWB2 Napa River Pathogen TMDL Study 2017 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Napa River Pathogen TMDL Study 2017 | 2016-08-01 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_TMDL_NapaRiv_2018 | RWB2 Napa River Pathogen TMDL Study 2018 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Napa River Pathogen TMDL Study 2018 | 2017-12-13 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_TMDL_NapaRiv_2022 | RWB2 Napa River Pathogen TMDL Study 2022 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Napa River Pathogen TMDL Study 2022 | 2023-01-27 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_TMDL_PetRiv_2014 | RWB2 Petaluma R Nutrient Pathogen TMDL Study 2014 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Petaluma River Nutrient and Pathogen TMDL Study 2014 | 2013-10-22 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_TMDL_PetRiv_2015 | RWB2 Petaluma R Nutrient Pathogen TMDL Study 2015 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Petaluma River Nutrient and Pathogen TMDL Study 2015 | 2017-05-04 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_TMDL_PetRiv_2016 | RWB2 Petaluma R Nutrient Pathogen TMDL Study 2016 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Petaluma River Nutrient and Pathogen TMDL Study 2016 | 2015-12-07 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_TMDL_PetRiv_2017 | RWB2 Petaluma R Nutrient Pathogen TMDL Study 2017 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Petaluma River Nutrient and Pathogen TMDL Study 2017 | 2017-03-01 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_TMDL_PetRiv_2018 | RWB2 Petaluma R Nutrient Pathogen TMDL Study 2018 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Petaluma River Nutrient and Pathogen TMDL Study 2018 | 2018-04-26 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_TMDL_PetRiv_2019 | RWB2 Petaluma R Nutrient Pathogen TMDL Study 2019 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Petaluma River Nutrient and Pathogen TMDL Study 2019 | 2018-12-05 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_TMDL_SMCoCoast_2017 | RWB2 San Mateo Coastal Pathogen TMDL Study 2017 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 San Mateo Coastal Pathogen TMDL Study 2017 | 2017-07-25 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_TMDL_SMCoCoast_2018 | RWB2 San Mateo Coastal Pathogen TMDL Study 2018 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 San Mateo Coastal Pathogen TMDL Study 2018 | 2017-12-13 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_TMDL_SMCoCoast_2019 | RWB2 San Mateo Coastal Pathogen TMDL Study 2019 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 San Mateo Coastal Pathogen TMDL Study 2019 | 2018-12-05 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_TMDL_SMCoCoast_2020 | RWB2 San Mateo Coastal Pathogen TMDL Study 2020 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 San Mateo Coastal Pathogen TMDL Study 2020 | 2020-01-28 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_TMDL_SP_Res_2019 | RWB2 Hg TMDL San Pablo Reservoir Pilot Tests 2019 | RWB2 Pilot Tests of Mercury in Reservoirs | RWQCB2 | Regional Water Board 2 Mercury TMDL San Pablo Reservoir Pre-HOS Pilot Tests 2019 | 2019-07-12 | SWAMP BOG Low Contamination Lakes QAPP 2014 |
RWB2_TMDL_SP_Res_2020 | RWB2 Hg TMDL San Pablo Reservoir Pilot Tests 2020 | RWB2 Pilot Tests of Mercury in Reservoirs | RWQCB2 | Regional Water Board 2 Mercury TMDL San Pablo Reservoir Pre-HOS Pilot Tests 2020 | 2020-06-16 | SWAMP BOG Low Contamination Lakes QAPP 2014 |
RWB2_TMDL_SP_Res_2021 | RWB2 Hg TMDL San Pablo Reservoir Pilot Tests 2021 | RWB2 Pilot Tests of Mercury in Reservoirs | RWQCB2 | Regional Water Board 2 Mercury TMDL San Pablo Reservoir Pre-HOS Pilot Tests 2021 | 2021-03-09 | SWAMP BOG Low Contamination Lakes QAPP 2014 |
RWB2_TMDL_Tem_Res_2020 | RWB2 Hg TMDL Temescal Reservoir Pilot Tests 2020 | RWB2 Pilot Tests of Mercury in Reservoirs | RWQCB2 | Regional Water Board 2 Mercury TMDL Temescal Reservoir Pre-HOS Pilot Tests 2020 | 2020-07-22 | SWAMP BOG Low Contamination Lakes QAPP 2014 |
RWB2_TMDL_TomalesBay_1920 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Mercury TMDL Monitoring FY1920 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Mercury TMDL Followup Monitoring FY 1920, Including Biota Sampling in the Delta | 2019-06-27 | SWAMP BOG Coastal QAPP 2009 |
RWB2_TMDL_TomalesBay_2223 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Mercury TMDL Monitoring FY2223 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Mercury TMDL Followup Monitoring FY 2223, Including Biota Sampling in the Delta; Lagunitas as reference | 2022-05-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_TMDL_Walker_Sed_2024 | RWB2 Walker Creek Hg TMDL Follow-Up Sed Study 2024 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Walker Creek Mercury TMDL Follow-Up Sediment Study 2024 | 2024-06-25 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_TMDL_WalkerCr_1819 | RWB2 Walker Creek Mercury TMDL Monitoring FY1819 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Walker Creek Mercury TMDL Followup Monitoring FY1819, including sediment sampling in the delta | 2018-09-18 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_TMDL_WalkerCr_FY1314 | RWB2 Walker Creek Mercury TMDL Monitoring FY1314 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Walker Creek Mercury TMDL Followup Monitoring FY1314 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_TMDL_WalkerCr_FY1415 | RWB2 Walker Creek Mercury TMDL Monitoring FY1415 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Walker Creek Mercury TMDL Followup Monitoring FY1314 | 2014-11-04 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_TMDL_WalkerCr_FY1516 | RWB2 Walker Creek Mercury TMDL Monitoring FY1516 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Walker Creek Mercury TMDL Followup Monitoring FY1516 | 2015-10-29 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_TMDL_WalkerCr_FY1617 | RWB2 Walker Creek Mercury TMDL Monitoring FY1617 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Walker Creek Mercury TMDL Followup Monitoring FY1617 | 2016-12-06 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_TMDL_WalkerCr_FY2223 | RWB2 Walker Creek Mercury TMDL Monitoring FY2223 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Walker Creek Mercury TMDL followup MeHg fish and crab tissue monitoring FY2223, including Lagunitas as reference | 2022-04-15 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2011 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria TMDL 2011 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | RWQCB2 | 2011 Tomales Bay Fecal Coliform TMDL Monitoring | 2014-02-24 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2012 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria TMDL 2012 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | RWQCB2 | 2012 Tomales Bay Fecal Coliform TMDL Monitoring | 2014-02-24 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2013 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria TMDL 2013 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | RWQCB2 | 2013 Tomales Bay Fecal Coliform TMDL Monitoring | 2014-02-24 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2014 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2014 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2014 | 2017-08-28 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2015 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2015 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2015 | 2017-08-28 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2016 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2016 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2016 | 2017-08-28 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2016_NPS | RWB2 NPS Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2016 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | USNPS | RWB2 NPS Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2016 | 2018-06-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2017 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2017 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2017 | 2017-08-28 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2017_NPS | RWB2 NPS Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2017 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | USNPS | RWB2 NPS Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2017 | 2018-06-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2018 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2018 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2018 | 2020-01-08 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2018_NPS | RWB2 NPS Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2018 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | USNPS | RWB2 NPS Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2018 | 2018-06-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2019 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2019 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2019 | 2020-01-08 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2020 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2020 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2020 | 2020-01-08 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2021 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2021 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2021 | 2021-05-11 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2022 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2022 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2022 | 2022-08-03 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2023 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2023 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2023 | 2023-02-17 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2023_NPS | RWB2 NPS Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2023 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 NPS Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2023 | 2024-03-05 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2024 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2024 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2024 | 2024-02-21 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_ToBay_Bacti_2024_NPS | RWB2 NPS Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2024 | RWB2 Tomales Bay Bacteria TMDL Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 NPS Tomales Bay Bacteria Monitoring 2024 | 2024-03-05 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_UrS_2008 | RWB2 Urbanization Study 2008 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Urbanization Study 2008 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_UrS_2009 | RWB2 Urbanization Study 2009 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Urbanization Study 2009 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_UrS_2012 | RWB2 Urbanization Study 2012 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Urbanization Study 2012 | 2013-03-27 | Not Recorded |
RWB2_WadeableStreams_2016 | RWB2 WadStream- Petaluma, Lagunitas, Walker 2016 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | Targeted basic bioassessment, intensive bioassessment, and integrator sites in Petaluma River, Lagunitas Creek, and Walker Creek watersheds | 2016-07-08 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_WadeableStreams_2017 | RWB2 WadStr2017 Lagunitas_Walker_Pescadero_Butano | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | Targeted basic BA, intensive BA, and integrator sites in Lagunitas Creek, Walker Creek, Pescadero Creek, and Butano Creek watersheds | 2017-04-27 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_WadeableStreams_2018 | RWB2 WadStr2018 Livemore Valley Coastal San Mateo | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | Targeted BA in Livermore Valley, Pilarcitos Creek, San Gregorio Creek, Pescadero Creek and Butano Creek watersheds | 2018-04-26 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB2_WadeableStreams_2019 | RWB2 WadStr2019 Livermore Valley, SFQ, COY, RDW | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | Targeted BA in Livermore Valley, San Francisquito Creek, Coyote Creek, and Redwood Creek watersheds | 2019-05-01 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB2_WalkerNutrients_2023 | RWB2 Walker Creek Nutrient Study 2023 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Walker Creek Nutrient Study 2023 | 2023-10-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_WalkerNutrients_2024 | RWB2 Walker Creek Nutrient Study 2024 | SWAMP RWB2 Monitoring | RWQCB2 | RWB2 Walker Creek Nutrient Study 2024 | 2023-10-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB2_Zone7_BA_2013 | RWB2 Zone 7 Bioassessment monitoring - 2013 | RWB2 Zone 7 Bioassessment Monitoring | Zone7 | RWB2 Zone 7 Bioassessment monitoring - 2013 | 2017-03-09 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB3_BA_2022 | RWB3 Bioassessment 2022 | SWAMP RWB3 Monitoring | RWQCB3 | Regional Water Board 3 Bioassessment Samples 2022 | 2022-07-05 | SWAMP Bioassessment QAPP 2019 |
RWB3_BA_2023 | RWB3 Bioassessment 2023 | SWAMP RWB3 Monitoring | RWQCB3 | Regional Water Board 3 Bioassessment Samples 2023 | 2023-01-24 | SWAMP Bioassessment QAPP 2019 |
RWB3_CC | CCAMP Coastal Confluences | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences | 2015-10-20 | SWAMP QAMP 2002 |
RWB3_CC_1995 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_1995 | Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_1995 | 2010-05-20 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_1996 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_1996 | Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_1996 | 2010-05-20 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_1997 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_1997 | Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_1997 | 2010-05-20 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_1999 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_1999 | Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_1999 | 2010-05-20 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2000 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2000 | Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2000 | 2010-05-20 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2001 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2001 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2001 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2002 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2002 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2002 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2003 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2003 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2003 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2004 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2004 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2004 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2005 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2005 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2005 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2006 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2006 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2006 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2007 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2007 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2007 | 2011-11-01 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2008 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2008 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2008 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2009 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2009 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2009 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2010 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2010 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2010 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2011 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2011 | Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2011 | 2011-10-25 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2012 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2012 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences_2012 | 2013-12-05 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2012_CWQ3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2012 CWQ3 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2012 Conventional Water Quality Third Quarter July-Sept | 2014-02-05 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2012_CWQ4 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2012 CWQ4 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2012 Conventional Water Quality Fourth Quarter Oct-Dec | 2014-02-05 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2013 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2013 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2013 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2013_CWQ1 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2013 CWQ1 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2013 Conventional Water Quality First Quarter Jan -March | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2013_CWQ2 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2013 CWQ2 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2013 Conventional Water Quality Second Quarter April-June | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2013_CWQ3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2013 CWQ3 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2013 Conventional Water Quality Third Quarter July-Sept | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2013_CWQ4 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2013 CWQ4 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2013 Conventional Water Quality Fourth Quarter Oct-Dec | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2014 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2014 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2014 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2014_CWQ1 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2014 CWQ1 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2014 Conventional Water Quality First Quarter Jan -March | 2014-03-18 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2014_CWQ2 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2014 CWQ2 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2014 Conventional Water Quality Second Quarter April-June | 2014-03-18 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2014_CWQ3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2014 CWQ3 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2014 Conventional Water Quality Third Quarter July-Sept | 2014-03-18 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2014_CWQ4 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2014 CWQ4 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2014 Conventional Water Quality Fourth Quarter Oct-Dec | 2014-03-18 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2015 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2015 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2015 | 2015-02-06 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2015_CWQ1 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2015 CWQ1 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2015 Conventional Water Quality First Quarter Jan- March | 2014-03-18 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2015_CWQ2 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2015 CWQ2 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2015 Conventional Water Quality Second Quarter April-June | 2014-03-18 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_CC_2015_CWQ3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2015 CWQ3 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2015 Conventional Water Quality Third Quarter July-Sept | 2015-02-06 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2015_CWQ4 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2015 CWQ4 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2015 Conventional Water Quality Fourth Quarter Oct-Dec | 2015-02-06 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2016 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2016 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2016 | 2015-08-18 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2016_BA | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 Bioassessment | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 Bioassessment | 2015-08-18 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2016_CWQ1 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 CWQ1 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 Conventional Water Quality First Quarter Jan- March | 2016-07-08 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2016_CWQ2 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 CWQ2 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 Conventional Water Quality Second Quarter April-June | 2016-07-08 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2016_CWQ3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 CWQ3 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 Conventional Water Quality Third Quarter July-Sept | 2016-07-08 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2016_CWQ4 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 CWQ4 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 Conventional Water Quality Fourth Quarter Oct-Dec | 2016-07-08 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2016_Q1_METALS | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 CWQ1 Metals | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 Metals Sampling First Quarter Jan to Mar | 2016-09-15 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2016_Q2_METALS | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 CWQ2 Metals | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 Metals Sampling Second Quarter Apr to Jun | 2016-09-15 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2016_Q3_METALS | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 CWQ3 Metals | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 Metals Sampling Third Quarter July-Sept | 2016-09-06 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2016_Q4_METALS | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 CWQ4 Metals | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 Metals Sampling Fourth Quarter Oct-Dec | 2016-09-06 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2017 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2017 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2017 | 2015-08-18 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2017_BA | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2017 BA | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2017 Bioassessment | 2017-05-16 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2017_CWQ1 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2017 CWQ1 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2017 Conventional Water Quality First Quarter Jan- March | 2017-02-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2017_CWQ2 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2017 CWQ2 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2017 Conventional Water Quality Second Quarter April - June | 2017-02-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2017_CWQ3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2017 CWQ3 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 Conventional Water Quality Third Quarter July-Sept | 2017-02-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2017_CWQ4 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2017 CWQ4 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2016 Conventional Water Quality Fourth Quarter Oct - Dec | 2017-02-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2017_Q1_METALS | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2017 Q1 Metals | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2017 Metals Sampling First Quarter Jan- March | 2017-02-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2017_Q2_METALS | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2017 Q2 Metals | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2017 Metals Sampling Second Quarter April - June | 2017-02-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2017_Q3_METALS | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2017 Q3 Metals | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2017 Metals Sampling Third Quarter July to Sept | 2017-02-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2017_Q4_METALS | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2017 Q4 Metals | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluences 2017 Metals Sampling Fourth Quarter Oct - Dec | 2017-02-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2018 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2018 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2018 | 2018-02-21 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2018_BA | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Bioassessment 2018 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Bioassessment 2018 | 2018-02-21 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2018_Metals | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2018 Metals Samples | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2018 Metals Samples | 2018-06-05 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2018_TO | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Toxicity Organics 2018 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Toxicity Organics 2018 | 2018-02-21 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2019 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2019 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2019 | 2019-02-04 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2019_Metals | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Metals Samples 2019 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Metals Samples 2019 | 2019-02-04 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2019_TO | CCAMP Coastal Confl Tox- Organics Samples 2019 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Toxicity- Organics Samples 2019 | 2019-02-04 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2020 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2020 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2020 | 2020-04-01 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2020_Metals | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Metals Samples 2020 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Metals Samples 2020 | 2020-04-01 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2020_TO | CCAMP Coastal Confl Tox- Organics Samples 2020 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Toxicity- Organics Samples 2020 | 2020-04-01 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_CC_2021 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2021 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2021 | 2021-05-11 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB3_CC_2021_Metals | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Metals Samples 2021 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Metals Samples 2021 | 2021-05-11 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB3_CC_2021_TO | CCAMP Coastal Confl Tox- Organics Samples 2021 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Toxicity- Organics Samples 2021 | 2021-05-11 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB3_CC_2022 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2022 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2022 | 2022-03-04 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_CC_2022_BA | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Bioassessment 2022 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Bioassessment 2022 | 2022-03-04 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_CC_2022_Metals | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Metals Samples 2022 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Metals Samples 2022 | 2022-03-04 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_CC_2022_TO | CCAMP Coastal Confl Tox- Organics Samples 2022 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confl Tox- Organics Samples 2022 | 2022-03-30 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_CC_2023 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2023 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2023 | 2023-01-24 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_CC_2023_BA | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Bioassessment 2023 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence Bioassessment 2023 | 2023-01-24 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_CC_2024 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2024 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Confluence 2024 | 2024-02-06 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_CCAMP_RipRAM | CCAMP RipRAM Monitoring | RWB3 CCAMP RipRap Monitoring | CCWG-MLML | CCAMP RipRAM Monitoring | 2019-05-13 | RipRAM_QAPP_2014 |
RWB3_ClearCreek_HG | RWB3 Clear Creek Hg TMDL | RWB3 TMDL | Not Recorded | Clear Creek TMDL Planning and Assessment | 2013-10-22 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB3_CMP | RWB 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program | RWB3 Cooperative Monitoring Program | CCWQP | Regional Water Board 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program | 2013-01-02 | Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 2012 |
RWB3_CMP_2013_Q1 | RWB 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2013 Q1 | RWB3 Cooperative Monitoring Program | CCWQP | Regional Water Board 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2013 First Quarter Jan-March | 2015-03-09 | Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 2012 |
RWB3_CMP_2013_Q2 | RWB 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2013 Q2 | RWB3 Cooperative Monitoring Program | CCWQP | Regional Water Board 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2013 Second Quarter April-June | 2015-03-09 | Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 2012 |
RWB3_CMP_2013_Q3 | RWB 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2013 Q3 | RWB3 Cooperative Monitoring Program | CCWQP | Regional Water Board 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2013 Third Quarter July-Sept | 2015-03-09 | Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 2012 |
RWB3_CMP_2013_Q4 | RWB 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2013 Q4 | RWB3 Cooperative Monitoring Program | CCWQP | Regional Water Board 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2013 Fourth Quarter Oct-Dec | 2015-03-09 | Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 2012 |
RWB3_CMP_2014_Q1 | RWB 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2014 Q1 | RWB3 Cooperative Monitoring Program | CCWQP | Regional Water Board 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2014 First Quarter Jan-March | 2015-03-09 | Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 2012 |
RWB3_CMP_2014_Q2 | RWB 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2014 Q2 | RWB3 Cooperative Monitoring Program | CCWQP | Regional Water Board 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2014 Second Quarter April-June | 2015-03-09 | Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 2012 |
RWB3_CMP_2014_Q3 | RWB 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2014 Q3 | RWB3 Cooperative Monitoring Program | CCWQP | Regional Water Board 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2014 Third Quarter July-Sept | 2015-03-09 | Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 2012 |
RWB3_CMP_2014_Q4 | RWB 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2014 Q4 | RWB3 Cooperative Monitoring Program | CCWQP | Regional Water Board 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2014 Fourth Quarter Oct-Dec | 2015-03-09 | Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 2012 |
RWB3_CMP_2015_Q1 | RWB 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2015 Q1 | RWB3 Cooperative Monitoring Program | CCWQP | Regional Water Board 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2015 First Quarter Jan-March | 2015-03-09 | Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 2012 |
RWB3_CMP_2015_Q2 | RWB 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2015 Q2 | RWB3 Cooperative Monitoring Program | CCWQP | Regional Water Board 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2015 Second Quarter April-June | 2015-03-09 | Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 2012 |
RWB3_CMP_2015_Q3 | RWB 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2015 Q3 | RWB3 Cooperative Monitoring Program | CCWQP | Regional Water Board 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2015 Third Quarter July-Sept | 2015-03-09 | Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 2012 |
RWB3_CMP_2015_Q4 | RWB 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2015 Q4 | RWB3 Cooperative Monitoring Program | CCWQP | Regional Water Board 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2015 Fourth Quarter Oct-Dec | 2015-03-09 | Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 2012 |
RWB3_CMP_2016_Q1 | RWB 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2016 Q1 | RWB3 Cooperative Monitoring Program | CCWQP | Regional Water Board 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program 2016 First Quarter Jan-March | 2016-07-08 | Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 2012 |
RWB3_CMP-BA | RWB 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program-BA | RWB3 Cooperative Monitoring Program | CCWQP | Regional Water Board 3 Cooperative Monitoring Program-BA temp | 2015-02-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB3_CstlLgn_1999 | CCAMP Coastal Lagoons Bioassessment Pilot | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Lagoons | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Coastal Board River Mouth Study | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_DO | CCAMP Dissolved Oxygen Study | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Dissolved Oxygen Study | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Dissolved Oxygen Study | 2015-10-20 | SWAMP QAMP 2002 |
RWB3_DPR_2017 | RWB3_DPR_Collaboration_2017 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | RWB3_DPR_Collaboration_2017 NR | 2017-03-01 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_DPR_2018 | RWB3_DPR_Collaboration_2018 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | RWB3_DPR_Collaboration_2018 NR | 2019-02-20 | SWAMP QAMP 2002 |
RWB3_DPR_2019 | RWB3_DPR_Collaboration_2019 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | RWB3_DPR_Collaboration_2019 NR | 2019-05-29 | SWAMP QAMP 2002 |
RWB3_DPR_2020 | RWB3_DPR_Collaboration_2020 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | RWB3_DPR_Collaboration_2020 NR | 2020-04-01 | SWAMP QAMP 2002 |
RWB3_DPR_2021 | RWB3_DPR_Collaboration_2021 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | RWB3_DPR_Collaboration_2021 | 2021-05-11 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_DPR_2022 | RWB3 DPR Collaboration 2022 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | RWB3 DPR Collaboration 2022 | 2022-03-04 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_DPR_2023 | RWB3 DPR Collaboration 2023 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | RWB3 DPR Collaboration 2023 | 2023-01-24 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_HAB_2016 | CCAMP Algal Toxin 2016 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Algal Toxin sampling 2016 | 2016-09-27 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_HABs_2016 | RWB3 HABs Study 2016 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Confluences | RWQCB3 | RWB3 HABs Study 2016 | 2018-03-21 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_HABs_2018 | RWB3 Algal Toxin sampling 2018 | RWB3 Water Board Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring | RWQCB3 | Samples collected in response to algal blooms or for screening to inform public health advisories | 2019-01-31 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_HABs_2019 | RWB3 Algal Toxin sampling 2019 | RWB3 Water Board Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring | RWQCB3 | Samples collected in response to algal blooms or for screening to inform public health advisories | 2019-01-31 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_HABs_2020 | RWB3 Algal Toxin sampling 2020 | RWB3 Water Board Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring | RWQCB3 | Samples collected in response to algal blooms or for screening to inform public health advisories | 2020-04-01 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_HABs_2021 | RWB3 Algal Toxin Sampling 2021 | RWB3 Water Board Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring | RWQCB3 | Samples collected in response to algal blooms or for screening to inform public health advisories | 2021-05-11 | SWAMP QAPrP 2017 |
RWB3_HABs_2022 | RWB3 Algal Toxin Sampling 2022 | RWB3 Water Board Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring | RWQCB3 | Samples collected in response to algal blooms or for screening to inform public health advisories | 2022-03-04 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_HABs_2023 | RWB3 Algal Toxin Sampling 2023 | RWB3 Water Board Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring | RWQCB3 | Samples collected in response to algal blooms or for screening to inform public health advisories | 2023-01-24 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_HABs_2024 | RWB3 Algal Toxin Sampling 2024 | RWB3 Water Board Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring | RWQCB3 | Samples collected in response to algal blooms or for screening to inform public health advisories | 2024-04-08 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_Harbors_2004 | CCAMP Harbor Study_2004 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Harbors Study | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Harbor Study_2004 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_HolAssmt_2022 | RWB3 FHAB Holiday Assessment Monitoring 2022 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB3 | Regional Water Board 3 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Holiday Assessment Monitoring | 2022-04-26 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_HolAssmt_2023 | RWB3 FHAB Holiday Assessment Monitoring 2023 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB3 | Regional Water Board 3 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Holiday Assessment Monitoring 2023 | 2022-12-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_HolAssmt_2024 | RWB3 FHAB Holiday Assessment Monitoring 2024 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB3 | Regional Water Board 3 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Holiday Assessment Monitoring 2024 | 2023-12-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_IncResp_2022 | RWB3 FHAB Incident Response 2022 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB3 | Regional Water Board 3 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Incident Response | 2022-04-26 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_IncResp_2023 | RWB3 FHAB Incident Response 2023 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB3 | Regional Water Board 3 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Incident Response 2023 | 2022-12-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_IncResp_2024 | RWB3 FHAB Incident Response 2024 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB3 | Regional Water Board 3 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Incident Response 2024 | 2023-12-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_Lagoons_2016 | RWB3_Lagoons_2016 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Coastal Lagoons | RWQCB3 | RWB3_Lagoons_2016 | 2015-08-18 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_Lakes_2011 | CCAMP Lakes Study 2011 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Lakes Study | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Lakes Study 2011 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_Lakes_2017 | CCAMP Lakes Study 2017 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Lakes Study | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Lakes Study 2017 | 2017-08-01 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_Lakes_BGA | RWB3 - Lakes_Blue Gree Algae | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Lakes Study | RWQCB3 | RWB3 - Lakes_Blue Gree Algae | 2014-10-24 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB3_Pajaro | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation | 2015-10-20 | SWAMP QAMP 2002 |
RWB3_Pajaro_1998_SWAMP | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation_1998 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation_1998 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_Pajaro_2004 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation_2004 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation_2004 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_Pajaro_2005 | CCAMP Pajaro and North Coast Rotation_2005 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area | Not Recorded | CCAMP Pajaro and North Coast Watershed Rotation Area_2005 | 2011-11-01 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_Pajaro_2005_SWAMP | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation_2005 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation_2005 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_Pajaro_2006 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation_2006 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation_2006 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_Pajaro_2011 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation_2011 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation_2011 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_Pajaro_2016_BA | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation_2016 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation_2016 | 2015-08-18 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB3_Pajaro_2017 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation_2017 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation_2017 | 2015-08-18 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB3_Pajaro_2017_BA | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation_2017_BA | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation_2017 Bioassessment | 2017-05-16 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_Pajaro_2017_CWQ1 | CCAMP Pajaro Santa Cruz Area Rotation 2017 CWQ1 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation 2017 Conventional Water Quality First Quarter Jan - Mar | 2017-02-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_Pajaro_2017_CWQ2 | CCAMP Pajaro Santa Cruz Area Rotation 2017 CWQ2 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation 2017 Conventional Water Quality Second Quarter April - June | 2017-02-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_Pajaro_2017_CWQ3 | CCAMP Pajaro Santa Cruz Area Rotation 2017 CWQ3 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation 2017 Conventional Water Quality Third Quarter July - Sept | 2017-02-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_Pajaro_2017_CWQ4 | CCAMP Pajaro Santa Cruz Area Rotation 2017 CWQ4 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation 2017 Conventional Water Quality Fourth Quarter Oct - Dec | 2017-02-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_Pajaro_2017_Q1_METAL | CCAMP Pajaro Santa Cruz Area 2017 Q1 Metals | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation 2017 Metals Sampling First Quarter Jan- March | 2017-02-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_Pajaro_2017_Q2_METAL | CCAMP Pajaro Santa Cruz Area 2017 Q2 Metals | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation 2017 Metals Sampling Second Quarter April - June | 2017-02-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_Pajaro_2017_Q3_METAL | CCAMP Pajaro Santa Cruz Area 2017 Q3 Metals | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation 2017 Metals Sampling Third Quarter July to Sept | 2017-02-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_Pajaro_2017_Q4_METAL | CCAMP Pajaro Santa Cruz Area 2017 Q4 Metals | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Pajaro and Santa Cruz Area Rotation 2017 Metals Sampling Fourth Quarter Oct - Dec | 2017-02-14 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_PajaroSedTMDL_2013 | RWB3 TMDL Pajaro Sed 2013 | RWB3 TMDL | RWQCB3 | RWB3 TMDL Pajaro Sed 2013 | 2011-10-19 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008 |
RWB3_PartMon_2022 | RWB3 FHAB Partner Monitoring Program 2022 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB3 | Regional Water Board 3 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Partner Monitoring Program | 2022-04-26 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_PartMon_2023 | RWB3 FHAB Partner Monitoring Program 2023 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB3 | Regional Water Board 3 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Partner Monitoring Program 2023 | 2022-12-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_PartMon_2024 | RWB3 FHAB Partner Monitoring Program 2024 | SWAMP Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms(HAB) Program | RWQCB3 | Regional Water Board 3 Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom Program Partner Monitoring Program 2024 | 2023-12-20 | SWAMP QAPrP 2022 |
RWB3_QAQC_2004 | CCAMP Quality Control Sample_2004 | Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | CCAMP Quality Control Sample_2004 | 2012-08-11 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_QAQC_2005 | CCAMP Quality Control Sample_2005 | Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | CCAMP Quality Control Sample_2005 | 2012-08-11 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_QAQC_2006 | CCAMP Quality Control Sample_2006 | Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | CCAMP Quality Control Sample_2006 | 2012-08-11 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_QAQC_2007 | CCAMP Quality Control Sample_2007 | Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | CCAMP Quality Control Sample_2007 | 2012-08-11 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_QAQC_2008 | CCAMP Quality Control Sample_2008 | Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | CCAMP Quality Control Sample_2008 | 2012-08-11 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_QAQC_2009 | CCAMP QAQC samples for 2009 sample year | Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | CCAMP QAQC samples for 2009 sample year | 2011-11-02 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_QAQC_2010 | CCAMP QAQC samples for 2010 sample year | Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | CCAMP QAQC samples for 2010 sample year | 2011-11-02 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_QAQC_2011 | CCAMP QAQC samples for 2011 sample year | Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | CCAMP QAQC samples for 2011 sample year | 2011-10-25 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_QAQC_2012 | CCAMP Quality Control Sample_2012 | Central Coast Ambient Monitoring Program | Not Recorded | CCAMP Quality Control Sample_2012 | 2012-04-23 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_Salinas | CCAMP Salinas Rotation | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Salinas Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Salinas Rotation Conventional Water Quality | 2016-07-08 | SWAMP QAMP 2002 |
RWB3_Salinas_1996 | CCAMP Salinas Rotation_1996 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Salinas Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Salinas Watershed Rotation Area_1996 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_Salinas_1999 | CCAMP Salinas Rotation_1999 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Salinas Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Salinas Watershed Rotation Area_1999 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_Salinas_2000 | CCAMP Salinas Rotation_2000 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Salinas Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Salinas Watershed Rotation Area_2000 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_Salinas_2001 | CCAMP Salinas Rotation_2001 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Salinas Rotation | Not Recorded | CCAMP Salinas Watershed Rotation Area_2001 | 2011-11-01 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_Salinas_2006 | CCAMP Salinas Rotation_2006 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Salinas Rotation | Not Recorded | CCAMP Salinas Watershed Rotation Area_2006 | 2010-05-20 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_Salinas_2007 | CCAMP Salinas Rotation_2007 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Salinas Rotation | Not Recorded | CCAMP Salinas Watershed Rotation Area_2007 | 2011-11-01 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_Salinas_2012 | CCAMP Salinas Rotation_2012 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Salinas Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Salinas Watershed Rotation Area_2012 includes Water Quality and Tissue | 2013-12-05 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_Salinas_2012_CWQ3 | CCAMP Salinas Rotation 2012 CWQ3 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Salinas Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Salinas Rotation 2012 Conventional Water Quality Third Quarter July-Sept | 2014-02-05 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_Salinas_2012_CWQ4 | CCAMP Salinas Rotation 2012 CWQ4 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Salinas Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Salinas Rotation 2012 Conventional Water Quality Fourth Quarter Oct-Dec | 2014-02-05 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_Salinas_2018 | CCAMP Salinas Rotation 2018 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Salinas Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Salinas Watershed Rotation Area 2018 | 2018-02-21 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_Salinas_2018_BA | CCAMP Salinas Bioassessment 2018 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Salinas Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Salinas Bioassessment 2018 | 2018-02-21 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_Salinas_2018_Metals | RWB3 Salinas 2018 Metals Samples | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Salinas Rotation | RWQCB3 | RWB3 Salinas 2018 Metals Samples | 2018-06-05 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_Salinas_2018_TO | CCAMP Salinas Toxicity and Organics 2018 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Salinas Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Salinas Toxicity and Organics 2018 | 2018-02-21 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_Salinas_Storm | RWB3 Salinas Stormwater Project | RWB3 Salinas Stormwater Project | Not Recorded | Regional Water Board 3 Salinas Stormwater Project | 2013-03-29 | SMP_QAPP_2012 |
RWB3_Salinas_Storm_17-22 | Salinas Stormwater Program 2017-2022 | RWB3 Salinas Stormwater Project | 2NDNATURE | City of Salinas Stormwater Monitoring and Reporting Program under Order R3-2012-0005, Permit Term 2017 - 2022, Year 1, Phase II | 2017-10-13 | Salinas_Storm_QAPP_2017-2022 |
RWB3_SantaBarb | CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Santa Barbara Watershed Rotation Area | 2015-10-20 | SWAMP QAMP 2002 |
RWB3_SantaBarb_1999 | CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation_1999 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation | Not Recorded | CCAMP Santa Barbara Watershed Rotation Area_1999 | 2010-05-20 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_SantaBarb_2000 | CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation_2000 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation | Not Recorded | CCAMP Santa Barbara Watershed Rotation Area 2000 | 2011-01-11 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_SantaBarb_2001 | CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation_2001 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Santa Barbara Watershed Rotation Area_2001 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_SantaBarb_2002 | CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation_2002 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Santa Barbara Watershed Rotation Area_2002 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_SantaBarb_2007 | CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation_2007 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation | Not Recorded | CCAMP Santa Barbara Watershed Rotation Area_2007 | 2010-10-07 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_SantaBarb_2008 | CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation_2008 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Santa Barbara Watershed Rotation Area_2008 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_SantaBarb_2009 | CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation_2009 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Santa Barbara Watershed Rotation Area_2009 | 2013-11-06 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_SantaBarb_2014 | CCAMP Santa Barbara 2014 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Santa Barbara Watershed Rotation Area 2014 | 2014-03-18 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_SantaBarb_2014_CWQ1 | CCAMP Santa Barbara 2014 CWQ1 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Santa Barbara 2014 Conventional Water Quality First Quarter Jan -March | 2014-03-18 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_SantaBarb_2014_CWQ2 | CCAMP Santa Barbara 2014 CWQ2 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Santa Barbara 2014 Conventional Water Quality Second Quarter April-June | 2014-03-18 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_SantaBarb_2014_CWQ3 | CCAMP Santa Barbara 2014 CWQ3 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Santa Barbara 2014 Conventional Water Quality Third Quarter July-Sept | 2014-03-18 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_SantaBarb_2014_CWQ4 | CCAMP Santa Barbara 2014 CWQ4 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Santa Barbara 2014 Conventional Water Quality Fourth Quarter Oct-Dec | 2014-03-18 | Not Recorded |
RWB3_SantaBarb_2015 | CCAMP Santa Barbara 2015 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Santa Barbara Watershed Rotation Area 2015 | 2015-06-26 | SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amended |
RWB3_SantaBarb_2015_CWQ1 | CCAMP Santa Barbara 2015 CWQ1 | SWAMP RWB3 CCAMP Santa Barbara Rotation | RWQCB3 | CCAMP Santa Barbara 2015 Conventional Water Quality First Quarter Jan -March | 2014-03-18 | Not |