MatrixName | MatrixDescr | LastUpdateDate | air | colorless, odorless, tasteless, gaseous mixture, mainly nitrogen (approximately 78 percent) and oxygen (approximately 21 percent) with lesser amounts of argon, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, neon, helium, and other gases | 2007-09-01 |
benthic | Flora and fauna collected from the bottom of a waterbody | 2011-09-07 |
blankmatrix | matrix free of interferences (e.g, in reagent water, clean sand, or another suitable reference matrix) that is commercially or Lab-produced used for tissue and sediment QA samples | 2007-09-01 |
blankwater | matrix free of interferences (reagent water) that is commercially or Lab-processed used for water QA sample | 2013-03-01 |
blankwater, <1 um | blankwater filtered through <1 um | 2016-06-09 |
blankwater, particulate, 1 to <25 um | blankwater, particulate, 1 to <25 um | 2015-02-02 |
blankwater, particulate, 25 to <63 um | blankwater, particulate, 25 to <63 um | 2015-02-02 |
blankwater, particulate, 500 to <2000 um | blankwater, particulate, 500 to <2000 um | 2015-02-02 |
blankwater, particulate, 63 to <500 um | blankwater, particulate, 63 to <500 um | 2015-02-02 |
caulk | A waterproof filler and sealant, used in building work and repairs. | 2011-07-14 |
effluent | Wastewater--treated or untreated--that flows out of a treatment plant, sewer, or industrial outfall | 2011-07-01 |
effluent, particulate, >125 to 355 um | Particulate from effluent filtered through >125 to 355 um | 2018-04-26 |
effluent, particulate, >355 to 500 um | Particulate from effluent filtered through >355 to 500 um | 2018-04-26 |
effluent, particulate, >355 um | Particulate from effluent filtered through 355 um | 1900-01-01 |
effluent, particulate, >500 um | Particulate from effluent filtered through >500 um | 2018-04-26 |
Epilithic Periphyton | Periphyton on rock surface | 2018-02-08 |
Extract_AlgalMat | Algal mat sample digested/extracted by laboratory procedure | 2017-12-05 |
Extract_Samplewater | Samplewater extracted from sorbent media or solid phase extraction | 2020-05-27 |
Extract_Sediment | Extraction from sorbent media or solid phase extraction that has been exposed to sediment | 2020-11-12 |
groundwater | The supply of fresh water found beneath the Earth's surface, usually in aquifers, which supply wells and springs | 2011-08-25 |
habitat | habitat at the location | 2007-09-01 |
influent | Water, wastewater, or other liquid flowing into a treatment reservoir, basin, device, or plant | 2016-05-04 |
labwater | unprocessed laboratory tap water | 2013-03-01 |
not applicable | not applicable | 2007-09-01 |
not recorded | not recorded | 2007-09-01 |
overlyingwater | the water above the sediment surface within a test container, used for toxicity | 2009-12-01 |
PBSwater | Phosphate buffered saline | 2010-11-11 |
PCRmatrix | Used for QC samples in PCR analyses. PCR reagents without the addition of sample DNA or a positive standard. May contain PCR Extraction Blank. | 2022-09-23 |
plankton | plankton | 2016-01-12 |
PTT Water | Post toxicity test water sent to a laboratory for chemistry analysis | 2011-06-09 |
referencetoxicant | metal or chlorinated organic used to evaluate the health and sensitivity of test organisms over time and assessing laboratory performance | 2007-09-01 |
runoff | That part of precipitation, snow melt, or irrigation water that runs off the land into streams or other surface-water. Water sampled prior to mixing with ambient surface water. | 2011-08-17 |
runoff, <1 um | runoff filtered through <1 um | 2014-02-19 |
runoff, particulate, <0.45 um | Particulate from runoff filtered through <0.45 um | 2016-07-15 |
runoff, particulate, <25 um | Particulate from runoff filtered through <25 um | 2014-02-13 |
runoff, particulate, >1000 um | Particulate from runoff filtered through 1000 um | 1900-01-01 |
runoff, particulate, >125 to 355 um | Particulate from runoff filtered through >125 to 355 um | 2018-04-26 |
runoff, particulate, >2000 um | Particulate from runoff filtered through >2000 um | 2014-02-13 |
runoff, particulate, >355 to 500 um | Particulate from runoff filtered through >355 to 500 um | 2018-04-26 |
runoff, particulate, >500 to 1000 um | Particulate from runoff filtered through 500 to 1000 um | 1900-01-01 |
runoff, particulate, >500 um | Particulate from runoff filtered through >500 um | 2018-04-26 |
runoff, particulate, 1 to <25 um | Particulate from runoff filtered through 1 to <25 um | 2014-02-13 |
runoff, particulate, 25 to <63 um | Particulate from runoff filtered through 25 to <63 um | 2014-02-13 |
runoff, particulate, 500 to <2000 um | Particulate from runoff filtered through 500 to <2000 um | 2014-02-13 |
runoff, particulate, 63 to <500 um | Particulate from runoff filtered through 63 to <500 um | 2014-02-13 |
samplewater | Ambient surface water collected in the field | 2011-08-22 |
samplewater, <0.45 um | Samplewater filtered through <0.45 um | 2017-03-29 |
samplewater, <0.7 um | Samplewater filtered through <0.7 um | 2019-11-12 |
samplewater, <1.2 um | Samplewater filtered through <1.2 um | 2010-05-06 |
samplewater, <10 um | Samplewater filtered through <10 um | 2015-06-18 |
samplewater, <125 um | Samplewater filtered through <125 um | 2010-05-06 |
samplewater, <200 um | Samplewater filtered through <200 um | 2010-05-06 |
samplewater, <25 um | Samplewater filtered through <25 um | 2013-11-20 |
samplewater, <35 um | Samplewater filtered through <35 um | 2010-05-06 |
samplewater, <5 um | Samplewater filtered through <5 um | 2010-05-06 |
samplewater, nanoparticulate, <1 um | Nanoparticulate from samplewater filtered through <1 um | 2018-04-26 |
samplewater, particulate, <0.45 um | Particulate from samplewater filtered through <0.45 um | 2016-04-19 |
samplewater, particulate, <177 um | Particulate from samplewater filtered through <177 um | 2013-05-28 |
samplewater, particulate, <45um | Particulate from samplewater filtered through <45um | 2018-06-18 |
samplewater, particulate, <63 um | Particulate from samplewater filtered through <63 um | 2010-05-06 |
samplewater, particulate, > 212 um | Particulate from samplewater filtered through 212 um | 1900-01-01 |
samplewater, particulate, >0.70 um | Particulate from samplewater filtered through >0.70 um | 2017-03-29 |
samplewater, particulate, >1.2 um | Particulate from samplewater retained on filter >1.2 um | 2017-07-27 |
samplewater, particulate, >1000 um | Particulate from samplewater filtered through 1000 um | 1900-01-01 |
samplewater, particulate, >125 to 355 um | Particulate from samplewater filtered through 125 to 355 um | 1900-01-01 |
samplewater, particulate, >20 to 5000 um | Particulate from samplewater filtered through >20 to 5000 um | 2018-04-26 |
samplewater, particulate, >200 um | Particulate from samplewater filtered through >200 um | 2012-06-25 |
samplewater, particulate, >355 to 500 um | Particulate from samplewater filtered through >355 to 500 um | 2018-04-26 |
samplewater, particulate, >500 to 1000 um | Particulate from samplewater filtered through 500um to 1000um | 1900-01-01 |
samplewater, particulate, >500 um | Particulate from samplewater filtered through >500 um | 2018-04-26 |
samplewater, particulate, 1.2 to <5 um | Particulate from samplewater filtered through 1.2 to <5 um | 2012-06-25 |
samplewater, particulate, 125 to <200 um | Particulate from samplewater filtered through 125 to <200 um | 2012-06-25 |
samplewater, particulate, 35 to <125 um | Particulate from samplewater filtered through 35 to <125 um | 2012-06-25 |
samplewater, particulate, 5 to <35 um | Particulate from samplewater filtered through 5 to <35 um | 2012-06-25 |
samplewater, particulate, 63 um to 2000 um | Particulate from samplewater filtered through 63 um to 2000 um | 2012-06-25 |
samplewater, particulate,?>0.45 um | Particulate from samplewater retained on filter >0.45 um | 2019-11-12 |
samplewater, settled <2min | Samplewater allowed to settle <2 minutes | 2010-07-13 |
samplewater, settled >20min | Samplewater allowed to settle >20 minutes | 2010-07-13 |
samplewater, settled 2-20min | Samplewater allowed to settle between 2-20 minutes | 2010-07-13 |
sediment | Loose particles of sand, clay, silt, and other substances that settle at the bottom of a water body | 2007-09-01 |
sediment, <2 mm | Sediment sample sieved through <2 mm | 2013-03-28 |
sediment, <63 um | Sediment sample sieved through <63 um | 2012-07-30 |
sediment, <75 um | Sediment sample sieved through <75 um | 2015-01-24 |
sediment, =>3.8 mm | Sediment sample sieved through =>3.8 mm | 2012-06-20 |
sediment, >1 mm | Sediment filtered through 1 mm | 1900-01-01 |
sediment, >125 to 355 um | Sediment filtered through 125 to 355 um | 1900-01-01 |
sediment, >125 to 500 um | Sediment filtered through 125 to 500 um | 1900-01-01 |
sediment, >355 to 500 um | Sediment filtered through 355 to 500 um | 1900-01-01 |
sediment, >500 to 1000 um | Sediment filtered through 500 to 1000 um | 1900-01-01 |
sediment, >500 um | Sediment filtered through 500 um | 1900-01-01 |
sediment, >75 um | Sediment sample sieved through >75 um | 2015-01-24 |
sediment, 1 to <25 um | Sediment sample sieved through 1 to 25um | 2012-06-29 |
sediment, 1.0 to <2.0 mm | Sediment sample sieved through 1.0 to <2.0 mm | 2012-06-20 |
sediment, 125 to <250 um | Sediment sample sieved through 125 to <250 um | 2012-06-20 |
sediment, 2.0 to <3.8 mm | Sediment sample sieved through 2.0 to <3.8 mm | 2012-06-20 |
sediment, 25 to <75 um | Sediment sample sieved through 25 to <75um | 2012-05-01 |
sediment, 250 to <500 um | Sediment sample sieved through 250 to <500 um | 2012-06-20 |
sediment, 500 to <1000 um | Sediment sample sieved through 500 to <1000 um | 2012-06-20 |
sediment, 63 to <125 um | Sediment sample sieved through 63 to <125 um | 2012-06-20 |
sediment, 63 to 2000 um | Sediment sample sieved through 63 to 2000 um | 2012-06-25 |
sediment, 75 to <2000 um | Sediment sample sieved through 75 to <2000um | 2012-07-02 |
sediment, elutriate | Sediment, elutriate - Non-contaminated water mixed with sediment and allowed to settle prior to analysis of the water portion | 2011-11-10 |
sediment, interstitialwater | water occupying the spaces between sediment particles- same as pore water - may or may not be centrifuged | 2007-09-01 |
sediment, settled 1 to <25 um | Sediment sample setttled, approximate range 1 to 25um | 2012-06-20 |
sediment, settled 25 to <75 um | Sediment sample setttled, approximate range 25 to <75um | 2012-06-20 |
sediment, settled 75 to <2000 um | Sediment sample setttled, approximate range 75 to <2000um | 2012-06-20 |
sedimentsuspended | Sediment sample isolated from large volumes of water by centrifuging | 2007-09-01 |
SEM-Extract | Extract derived from the Simultaneously Extracted Metals procedure, analyzed for individual metal concentrations. | 2007-09-01 |
soil | The top layer of the earth's surface, not collected from a waterbody, of rock and mineral particles and any naturally occurring organic matter. | 2010-12-06 |
tissue | Part of an organism consisting of an aggregate of cells having similar function; muscle, nerve epidermal or connective | 2007-09-01 |
unknown | matrix is not known | 2007-09-01 |
Vegetation | vegetation | 2008-01-01 |