
CEDEN Data Checker

CEDEN LookUp List: QAPPLookUp

15171174_SMCWorkplan_2021Technical Report 1174: Bioassessment Survey of the Stormwater Monitoring Coalition: Workplan for Years 2021 through 2025, Version 3.02023-11-09
15441174_SMCWorkplan_2021_V4Technical Report 1174: Bioassessment Survey of the Stormwater Monitoring Coalition: Workplan for Years 2021 through 2025, Version 4.02024-10-03
3523CREEKS AMMP QAPPThree Creeks Adaptive Management and Monitoring Plan QAPP2018-11-05
387539_SMCWorkplan_2007Technical Report 539: Regional Monitoring of Southern California's Coastal Watersheds (December 2007)2019-06-12
389849_SMCWorkplan_2015Technical Report 849: Bioassessment Survey of the Stormwater monitoring Coalition - Workplan for Years 2015 through 2019 Version 1.02019-06-12
376ACPWA_LIDDP_TC_QAPP2013V1ACPWA Low Impact Dev Demonstration Project, Turner Court Parking Lots2019-05-01
233AdvSci_MP MonitoringAdvSCi Monitoring and reporting protocols for microplastic data2017-05-01
1464AET Discovery Bay QAPP 2020Aquatic EcoTechnologies, LLC Quality Assurance Project Plan: Assessment of Nutrients and Potential for Cyanobacteria Management in Discovery Bay2021-11-16
202AFRP_QAPjP_2016QAPjP Anadromous Fish Restoration Program Study: Impacts of Marijuana Cultivation on Aquatic Resources, with an emphasis on Anadromous Fish 20162016-12-15
105APMP QAPP 2004APMP Quality Assurance Project Plan 2/20042010-07-21
181AvalonS_QAPP_20132013 Quality Assurance Project Plan For Avalon Green Alley South: LID Demonstration Project Monitoring Program2016-08-05
216AWG QAPP 2007AWG Quality Assurance Project Plan v.3 6/11/072017-03-30
385B13_QAPlanSouthern California Bight 2013 Regional Marine Monitoring Survey (Bight'13) Quality Assurance Manual2019-06-12
1556B23_QAPlanSouthern California Bight 2023 Regional Marine Monitoring Survey (Bight'23) Quality Assurance Manual2024-12-18
192BacteriaTMDL_SDR_QAPPSan Diego River Bacteria TMDL Quality Asurance Project Plan2016-11-16
191BacteriaTMDL_SLR_QAPPSan Luis Rey River Bacteria TMDL Quality Asurance Project Plan2016-11-16
1524BAMSC_LID_QAPP_2024Quality Assurance Project Plan for BAMSC Low Impact Development Monitoring version 1.0, May 20232024-01-31
109BASMAA_CW4CB_QAPPv1BASMAA RMC Quality Assurance Project Plan 20122012-11-28
122BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2013BASMAA RMC Quality Assurance Project Plan 20132013-12-04
144BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2014BASMAA RMC Quality Assurance Project Plan 20142015-01-28
163BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2016Regional Monitoring Coalition (RMC) 2016 Quality Assurance Project Plan, Version 32016-03-02
1437BASMAA_RMC_QAPP_2020BASMAA RMC Quality Assurance Project Plan updated 20202020-10-16
361Battle Creek AllianceCitizen's Water Monitoring Project 20092019-01-08
195Beach Cities CIMPQuality Assurance Project Plan for the Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP) for the Beach Cities Watershed Management Group2016-11-28
388Bight08_QAplanSouthern California Bight 2008 Regional Marine Monitoring Survey (Bight'08) Quality Assurance Plan2019-06-12
409Bight18_QAPlanSouthern California Bight 2018 Regional Marine Monitoring Program (Bight ?18) Quality Assurance Manual2020-01-21
174Brighton Ave QAPP 2016Brighton Avenue Pilot Green Street Project Quality Assurance Project Plan 7/20162016-06-15
215BroadwayNeighborhoodStormwater_QAPPQuality Assurance Project Plan For Broadway Neighborhood Stormwater Greenway Project Monitoring Program, which fulfills the Prop 84 grant agreement between the City of Los Angeles and the State Water Resources Control Board2017-03-24
371BVC 2016_Jul05 QAPPBuena Vista Coalition Quality Assurance Project Plan for ILRP Revised July 20162019-02-11
167CA_Brookhurst_2013Brookhurst Street South Low Impact Development Project QAPP, Agreement No. 12-457-550-City of Anaheim2016-04-18
212CA_MorrisonPark_2016Morrison Park Low Impact Development Project QAPP, Agreement No.14-449-550-City of Santa Ana2017-03-03
227CA0105350NPDES permit number 2017-04-21
1492Camille Creek Monitoring PlanCamille Creek Monitoring Plan2022-09-09
1533CBSCP_QAPP_v2_Jan2023Culver Blvd Stormwater Capture Project Quality Assurance Project Plan, v2, Jan. 20232024-05-03
1457CC BPM QAPP 2021Quality Assurance Project Plan ? City of Chico Baseline Pyrethroid Monitoring Version 02021-10-08
390CC RW QAPP 2018Quality Assurance Project Plan ? Big Chico Creek Receiving Water Monitoring Program Version 02019-06-28
325CC SS QAPP 2015-2018QAPP Version 2015-2018 City of Chico Special Studies Big Chico Creek Water Monitoring Program2018-03-12
232CCC RecordingCCC recording protocols for beach clean-up data2017-05-01
377CCCWP_POC_QAPP_V1.0DContra Costa Clean Water Program Quality Assurance Project Plan,Pollutants of Concern Monitoring; Pesticides and Toxicity Monitoring: MRP 2 Provisions C.8.f and C.8.g, April 5, 2016 2019-04-23
373CCCWP_SSID_MC_WP2018v1Contra Costa Clean Water Program, Marsh Creek Stressor and Source Identification Study Work Plan, July 2018.2019-04-05
329CCWC Flow Monitoring QAQC_2018CCWC Flow Monitoring QAQC_20182018-05-10
142CCWG-MLML CRAM Validation QAPP 2014CCWG-MLML Quality Assurance Project Plan for Support for L2 Committee Priority Tool Development: Validation of Three CRAM Modules, May 12, 20142014-12-08
1546CCWTMP QAPP-2014Calleguas Creek Watershed TMDL Management Plan QAPP Revision 3, December 20142024-10-04
1543CCWTMP QAPP-2020Calleguas Creek Watershed TMDL Management Plan QAPP Revision 4, September 20202024-10-04
1509CEC_Pilot_QAPP_2015Dodder, et. al. 2015. Monitoring of Constituents of Emerging Concern (CECs) in California?s Aquatic Ecosystems ? Pilot Study Design and QA/QC Guidance. SCCWRP Technical Report 8542023-05-22
1494CEMAF_QAPP_2022Quality Assurance Project Plan for California Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Framework: Aquatic Bioassessment, 20222022-10-21
120Central Coast ASBS RMP QAPP 2013Central Coast Central Coast Areas of Special Biological Significance RMP and Reference Site Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan RMP and Reference Site Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan2013-10-03
1529Central Jefferson Green Alley Network, QAPP, 2023Central Jefferson Green Alley Network Program, Quality Assurance Project Plan, 20232024-03-05
425Chili Bar BMI Monitoring PlanSMUD and PG&E. 2016. Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Plan. Hydro License Implementation. Chili Bar Project, FERC Project No. 2155. August2020-05-08
154Chollas Creek and Rainbow Creek_QAPP_2015Chollas Creek and Rainbow Creek_QAPP_20152015-11-12
317ChulaVistaSelenium_QAPPQuality Assurance Project Plan for City of Chula Vista Selenium Monitoring; prepared by the County of San Diego Watershed Protection Program.2018-02-20
431CI_Harbor_NSSS_QAPPChannel Island Harbor Nutrient Sources & Sinks Study QAPP2020-09-23
382City of Santee Rivers and Creeks StudyCity of Santee 2010 Rivers and Creeks Study Quality Assurance Plan2019-06-07
210City of Union City Decoto Green StreetQuality Assurance Project Plan for the South Decoto Green Street Project as part of the State of California?s Surface Water Ambient Program (SWAMP)2017-02-28
158City_AG_QAPP_2015303d Monitoring Program for FIB in AG Creek Watershed2016-01-04
116Clear Lake and Delta CyanoBacteria QAPP 2011Harmful cyanobacteria blooms and their toxins in Clear Lake and the Delta (California)2011-08-01
341CLTMP_2013Colorado Lagoon TMDL Monitoring Plan (2013, Kinnetic)2018-06-14
314CMP Vol II_QAPPCMP Vol II_QAPP2018-01-30
417CMSD_WP_2018Work Plan, An Investigation of Sediment Quality in San Diego Bay Adjacent to Continental Maritime of San Diego, January 2018 (revised 16 April 2018)2020-03-27
261Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 2005Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 20052017-05-04
276Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 2010Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 20102017-05-04
262Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 2012Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 20122017-05-04
1512Coastal Monitoring Program QAPP 2023Central Coast Cooperative Monitoring Program_CMP QAPP2023-07-26
338COLB_IMPPort of Long Beach MS4 Outfall Monitoring QAPP2018-06-04
152COT_SWMIP_QAPPCity of Trinidad Storm Water Management Improvement Project QAPP2015-08-17
360CP_TRWQMP_SAP_2017County of Placer: Sampling and Analysis Plan for: Implementation of the Truckee River Water Quality Monitoring Plan Water Year 20172019-01-04
358CP_TRWQMP_SAP_2018County of Placer: Sampling and Analysis Plan for: Implementation of the Truckee River Water Quality Monitoring Plan Water Year 20182019-01-04
359CP_TRWQMP_SAP_2019County of Placer: Sampling and Analysis Plan for: Implementation of the Truckee River Water Quality Monitoring Plan Water Year 20192019-01-04
1470CP_TRWQMP_SAP_2022County of Placer: Sampling and Analysis Plan for: Implementation of the Truckee River Water Quality Monitoring Plan Water Year 20222022-02-18
1502CP_TRWQMP_SAP_2023County of Placer: Sampling and Analysis Plan for: Implementation of the Truckee River Water Quality Monitoring Plan Water Year 20232023-02-24
1521CP_TRWQMP_SAP_2024County of Placer: Sampling and Analysis Plan for: Implementation of the Truckee River Water Quality Monitoring Plan Water Year 20242023-12-27
10CRC_QAPP_2009Quality Assurance Project Plan for California Rice Commission Water Quality Programs June 2009, Version 1.02010-12-16
11CRC_QAPP_2010Quality Assurance Project Plan for California Rice Commission Water Quality Programs July 2010, Version 2.02010-12-16
331CRC_QAPP_2017Quality Assurance Project Plan for California Rice Commission Water Quality Programs?July 20172018-05-15
161CRWQMP_QAPP_2015Trout Unlimited El Dorado Chapter Cosumnes River Water Quality Monitoring Program QAPP 20152016-02-03
380CRWQMP_QAPP_2016Cosumnes River Water Quality Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan 20162019-05-28
308CRWQMP_QAPP_2017Cosumnes River Water Quality Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan 20172018-01-20
402CRWQMP_QAPP_2019Cosumnes River Water Quality Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan 20192019-12-16
1461CRWQMP_QAPP_2021Cosumnes River Water Quality Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan 20212021-12-17
1508CRWQMP_QAPP_2022Cosumnes River Water Quality Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan 20222023-05-26
204CS_CSUS_QAPPQAPP and associated SAP containing all guidance for collecting samples from project sites, having the laboraotry analyze the, and for collecting and analyzing hydrologic data during storm events.2017-01-09
367CSERC QAPP SNLEM v1Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center (CSERC) QAPP for Sierra Nevada Low Elevation Water Quality Monitoring version 1 20182019-02-08
211CSERC_SNF_QAPP_2009Surface Water Ambient Montoring Project in the Stanislaus National Forest Quality Assurance Project Plan July 28, 20092017-02-28
207CSERC_SNF_QAPP_2010Surface Water Ambient Montoring Project in the Stanislaus National Forest Quality Assurance Project Plan May 6, 20102017-02-28
208CSERC_SNF_QAPP_2016Surface Water Ambient Montoring Project in the Stanislaus National Forest Quality Assurance Project Plan April 11, 20162017-02-28
304CSERC_SNF_QAPP_2017Surface Water Ambient Montoring Project in the Stanislaus National Forest Quality Assurance Project Plan 20172017-12-28
354CSERC_SNF_QAPP_2018Surface Water Ambient Montoring Project in the Stanislaus National Forest Quality Assurance Project Plan 20182018-11-21
1452CSERC_SNF_QAPP_2021Surface Water Ambient Montoring Project in the Stanislaus National Forest Quality Assurance Project Plan 20212021-07-23
1497CSERC_SNF_QAPP_2022Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Project in the Stanislaus National Forest Quality Assurance Project Plan 20222023-01-17
282CSR Sampling SOPsCSR sampling protocols for surface water sampling2017-07-05
115CSW QAPP 2009Quality Assurance Plan for Green Infill Clean Stormwater July 20092013-05-24
133CTSW-PL-13-290.03.1ASBS Monitoring Project Sampling and Analysis Plan2014-07-14
134CTSW-PL-13-293.01.15Rainbow Creek Nutrient TMDL Implementation Monitoring, Final Implementation Monitoring Plan2014-07-14
132CTSW-PL-13-293.02.11Chollas Creek Dissolved Metals TMDL Implementation Monitoring, Final Implementation and Monitoring Plan2014-07-14
131CTSW-PL-13-312.01.01NPDES Permit Section E2.c Water Quality Monitoring 2013-14 Season Sampling & Analysis Plan2014-07-14
312CTSW-PL-14-326.02.1District 3 LID Pilots Water Quality Monitoring Quality Assurance Program Plan (QAPP)2018-01-26
309CTSW-PL-15-327.04.1District 7 LID Pilots Water Quality Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)2018-01-26
310CTSW-PL-16-326.06.01State Route 28 Two-Chamber Vault BMP Retrofit Design and Monitoring Quality Assurance Program Plan (QAPP)2018-01-26
311CTSW-PL-16-327.03.3Areas of Special Biological Significance Quality Assurance Project Plan2018-01-26
410CTSW-PL-17-327.03.1California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Statewide Monitoring Program for Compliance with NPDES Permit No. 2012-0011-DWQ Areas of Special Biological Significance Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)2020-01-23
305CTSW-PL-17-327.07.1STATEWIDE MONITORING PROGRAM FOR COMPLIANCE WITH NPDES PERMIT NO. 2012-0011-DWQ; Tier-1 Monitoring, TMDL Sites Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)2018-01-02
365CTSW-PL-18-369.03.2Tier-1 Monitoring, TMDL Sites Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP. January 2019)2019-01-17
405CTSW-PL-19-369.03.1Procedures for Caltrans Stormwater monitoring for NPDES permit compliance2020-01-08
1465CTSW-PL-20-369.09.1California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Tier-1 TMDL Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)2022-01-25
1496CTSW-PL-22-423.03.1California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) - Tier-1 TMDL Monitoring - Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), 20222022-12-23
1528CTSW-PL-23-423.03.1California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) - Tier-1 TMDL Monitoring - Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), 20232024-02-22
21CURES_SedimentModel_QAPP_FINAL_042213Quality Assurance Project Plan Water Quality Improvement Project for the Central Valley2013-04-29
1453CVILC_QAPP_2021Quality Assurance Project Plan For Surface Water Monitoring by The Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition Version 1.0, May 11, 20212021-08-03
111CW4CB QAPPQuality Assurance Project Plan Clean Watersheds for a Clean Bay ? Implementing the San Francisco Bay?s PCBs and Mercury TMDLs with a Focus on Urban Runoff2012-11-28
307CWPIS_QAPP_2015Coastal Watershed Pathogen Indicator Study Quality Assurance Project Plan 20152018-01-12
259CWT Guidance CompendiumClean Water Team Guidance Compendium for Watershed Monitoring and Assessment2017-05-04
318Cyanotoxin Monitoring for Big Valley and Elem Indian Colonyfish and water cyanotoxin analysis2018-02-21
1442Delta RMP CEC QAPP 2020Delta Regional Monitoring Program Pilot Study of Constituents of Emerging Concern in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Quality Assurance Program Plan Version 1.0, September 29, 20201900-01-01
1454Delta RMP CEC QAPP 2021 v2Delta Regional Monitoring Program Pilot Study of Constituents of Emerging Concern in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Quality Assurance Project Plan Version 2.0, October 11, 20212021-08-20
1516Delta RMP CEC QAPP 2023 v3.3Delta Regional Monitoring Program Pilot Study of Constituents of Emerging Concern in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Quality Assurance Project Plan Version 3.3, August 17, 20232023-10-30
1499Delta RMP CUP QAPP 2022 v1.3Delta Regional Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan for Current Use Pesticides in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Version 1.3, December 20, 20222023-01-25
1525Delta RMP CUP QAPP 2022 v1.5Delta Regional Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan for Current Use Pesticides in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Version 1.5, May 7, 20242024-01-20
148Delta RMP QAPP 2015Delta Regional Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan2015-05-18
184Delta RMP QAPP 2016Delta Regional Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan 20162016-08-31
306Delta RMP QAPP 2017Delta Regional Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan Version 3 - Oct 22, 20172018-01-09
335Delta RMP QAPP 2018Delta Regional Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan Version 3.5, revised March 14, 20182018-05-15
398Delta RMP QAPP 2019Delta Regional Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan Version 5.0, revised August 28, 20192019-11-11
1439Delta RMP QAPP v5.4Delta Regional Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan Version 5.42020-10-29
1451Delta RMP QAPP v6Delta Regional Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan Version 6, revised January 22, 20212021-06-29
1472Delta RMP QAPP v7Delta Regional Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan Version 7, February 14, 20222022-03-14
1503Discharge_Requirements_for_CSD_Purewater_NorthCityWaste Discharge Requirements for the City of San Diego North City Water Reclamation Plant and Pure Water Facility2023-02-27
407DROPS_QAPP_2019Quality Assurance Project Plan for LAUSD Drought Response Outreach Program for Schools revised in 20192020-01-14
289Effects of Wastewater Treatment Effluent Contaminants on Delta Smelt Ammonia Toxicity SAPThe Effects of Wastewater Treatment Effluent-Associated Contaminants on Delta Smelt Ammonia Toxicity Sampling and Analysis Plan - 20082017-10-03
197EID_Project184_BMIMonitoringPlan_2010El Dorado Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 184) Benthic Macorinvertebrate Monitoring Plan. El Dorado Irrigation District, December 2010, Version 2.02016-11-23
151Elkhorn_LCC_QAPP_2010Transforming Inflows to the Elkhorn Slough Estuary: Lower Carneros Creek Wetland Restoration and Adaptive Management; USEPA Grant# WS-00T03901, March 22, 20102015-06-26
1507EPA_NRSA_QAPP_2023USEPA National Rivers and Streams Assessment 2023-2024: Quality Assurance Project Plan EPA 841-B-22-0042023-05-04
320ES_SS_QAPPDry Weather Special Study QAPP2018-03-09
415ESNERR_VMWQP_2009ESNERR Volunteer Monitoring Water Quality Program 20092020-03-17
396Eucalyptus_Hills_MST_Study_QAPPEucalyptus Hills MST Study - Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) and Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) - 3/27/20182019-09-26
1446Fallbrook_MST_2020_QAPPQAPP - San Diego County Microbial Source Identification Study Phase II - SLR WMA-Fallbrook, San Diego County, CA2021-01-22
408Famosa_Slough_Eutrophication_Monitoring_QAPPFamosa Slough Eutrophication Monitoring - Monitoring Plan (MP) and Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) - 12/1/20172020-01-14
107FMP QAPPCALFED Quality Assurance Project Plan 3/20002010-07-21
277FNR_NapaBMI_QAPPFriends of Napa River BMI Quality Assurance Plan, 2000-2004 and 20062017-05-17
18FRWM_RCVBA_QAPP_2012Feather River Watershed Monitoring Program Red Clover Valley Bioassessment QAPP June 20122012-07-19
112GBP QAPP 2006USBR, 2006. Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Compliance Monitoring Program for the Operation of the Grassland Bypass Project. 2010-08-18
332GBP QAPP 2017USBR, October 2017. Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Compliance Monitoring Program for the Operation of the Grassland Bypass Project.2018-05-15
3Goose Lake Coalition _QAPP_2008Goose Lake Coalition Program QAPP SWRCB Agreement No. 05-070-555-0 Final Version 2.0 July 25,2008.2010-06-17
4Goose Lake Coalition_QAPP_2007Goose Lake Coalition Program QAPP SWRCB Agreement No. 05-070-555-0 Final Version 1.0 April 24,20072010-06-17
7GuidanceDocument_2010Data collected under Coalitions individual QAPP. For Consistency, Backlogged Data, 2004-2008, was evaluated using Guidance for Processing Non-SWAMP Formatted Data Submitted From 2004 through 2008.2010-08-18
406GW_Detection_ManualDetecting Groundwater in Dry Weather MS4 Discharges2020-01-15
160H Street Green Street Improvement Project Quality Assurance Project Plan, 2015H Street QAPP September 20152016-01-13
401HF183_Outfall_Screening_SDG_LP_QAPPHF183 Outfall Screening SDG and LP - Work Plan (WP) and Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) - June 2019 (WP) and August 2019 (QAPP)2019-12-20
416Hood ExSitu QAPPQuality Assurance Project Plan for Water Quality Monitoring at a Delta Integrator Site: Fish health and behavior Stillway 20192020-03-24
1488HPUL Clear Lake Basin WQ QAPPClear Lake Basin Water Quality Data Quality Assurance Program Plan, Developed by Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake Environmental Office, 20201900-01-01
1539IOOS QARTODU.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Quality Assurance/Quality Control of Real-Time Oceanographic Data (QARTOD) manuals. https://ioos.noaa.gov/project/qartod/2024-08-27
1534IVILC_QAPP_2022 v1.1Quality Assurance Project Plan For Surface Water Monitoring by The Imperial Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition Version 1.12024-05-03
189Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan- Version 2.0Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Program Plan- Version 2.02016-10-12
188Klamath River Sampling of Cyanobacteria - Cell Enumeration, Identification and Toxin Analysis 20092009 Klamath River Environmental Sampling of Cyanobacteria for Cell Enumeration, Identification and Toxin Analysis2016-10-12
146KT Laboratory and Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan,1991Klamath Tribe Laboratory and Field Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan, April 9, 19912015-04-09
136KT Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)Klamath Tribes Quality Assurance Project Plan 20132014-08-25
220KTWQ_QAPP_2011Karuk Tribe 2011 Quality Assurance Project Plan for Water Quality Sampling and Analysis2017-03-29
330LA_MST_QAPPMicrobial Source Identification Study for Buccaneer Beach and Loma Alta Creek2018-05-08
175LABWAS_QAPP_2014QAPP for LA Basin Water Augmentation Study: Assessing the effect of long-term stormwater infiltration on groundwater quality; continued monitoring of the LA Basin Water Aug Study Infiltration BMPs2016-06-30
179LACDPW_OBMEPOxford Retention Basin Multiuse Enhancement Project QAPP2016-07-28
1444LACSD Receiving Water Monitoring QAPP, 2020Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts Receiving Water Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan, 20202020-12-11
362Lafayette Station Parking Lots ImprovementLafayette Station Parking Lots Improvement Stormwater Sampling2019-01-07
1552Laguna de Santa Rosa_NPDES_SW_MRP WorkPlan_2017Laguna de Santa Rosa Watershed Municipal NPDES Storm Water Permit Monitoring and Reporting Program Work Plan, 20172024-11-26
423Lake Elsinore Fisheries Management Work Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan - FinalLake Elsinore Fisheries Management Work Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan - Final2020-05-01
155LALB_PQAPP_2013Programmatic Quality Assurance Project Plan Supporting Compliance Monitoring and Special Studies Related to the Harbor Toxics Total Maxiumum Daily Load, 20132015-11-16
1504LC_CWP_MS4_QAPPLake County Clean Water Program Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Quality Assurance Project Plan1900-01-01
1505LC_MS4_Pyrethroid_QAPPLake County Municipal Storm Sewer Program (MS4) Baseline Pyrethroid Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan1900-01-01
1486LCWRD Cache Fire QAPP 2021Lake County Water Resources Department Cache Fire Quality Assurance Project Plan 20212022-05-25
1471LCWRD Clear Lake Chl a and Sed Nutrient QAPP 2018Quality Assurance Project Plan for Lake Chlorophyll a and Sediment Nutrient Sampling in Clear Lake, CA. Lake County Water Resources Department. November 2018.1900-01-01
196LHWE_QAPPQAPP for Western Laurel-Hawthorn Embayment2016-11-30
129LL WQ Monitoring QAPP Version 2Livestock and Land Program Water Quality Monitoring Plan 2011-20121900-01-01
395Los_Coches_MST_Study_QAPPLos Coches MST Study - Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) (7/26/2018) and Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) (2/5/2018)2019-09-26
319LTMLAS_QAPPLong-term Water Quality Monitoring at Loma Alta Slough QAPP revised 20182018-02-27
1441LTSLT SDD QAPPLeague to Save Lake Tahoe Snapshot Day QAPP2020-11-16
214Markham_LID_Project2015 Quality Assurance Project Plan For Edwin Markham Middle School - Implementation of Low Impact Development Project2017-03-20
1459Mattole QAPPMattole Restoration Council Quality Assurance Project plan for Low-Flow Trend Monitoring, Mattole River Watershed, Version 1.0 Date 12/29/20062021-11-12
372MBC Eastern Sierra Fecal Indicator Bacteria Study QAPPQuality Assurance plan for Eastern Sierra Fecal Indicator Bacteria Study: Bishop Creek and Round Valley2019-04-02
1433MBC_Haiwee_QAPP_Delisting Quality Assurance Project Plan for water quality monitoring and collection at North and South Haiwee reservoirs for parent project Haiwee Reservoir delisting monitoring events (MBC_Haiwee_Delisting)2020-09-30
274MBNEP_QAPP_2002Morro Bay National Estuary Program's QAPP2017-05-04
269MBNEP_QAPP_2003Morro Bay National Estuary Program's QAPP2017-05-04
258MBNEP_QAPP_2004Morro Bay National Estuary Program's QAPP2017-05-04
260MBNEP_QAPP_2005Morro Bay National Estuary Program's QAPP2017-05-04
270MBNEP_QAPP_2006Morro Bay National Estuary Program's QAPP2017-05-04
264MBNEP_QAPP_2007Morro Bay National Estuary Program's QAPP2017-05-04
265MBNEP_QAPP_2008Morro Bay National Estuary Program's QAPP2017-05-04
266MBNEP_QAPP_2009Morro Bay National Estuary Program's QAPP2017-05-04
267MBNEP_QAPP_2010Morro Bay National Estuary Program's QAPP2017-05-04
271MBNEP_QAPP_2011Morro Bay National Estuary Program's QAPP2017-05-04
275MBNEP_QAPP_2012Morro Bay National Estuary Program's QAPP2017-05-04
272MBNEP_QAPP_2013Morro Bay National Estuary Program's QAPP2017-05-04
263MBNEP_QAPP_2014Morro Bay National Estuary Program's QAPP2017-05-04
169MBNEP_QAPP_2015Morro Bay National Estuary Program's QAPP, approved in Feb. 20162016-04-05
337MBNEP_QAPP_2017MBNEP Quality Assurance Project Plan 20172018-06-04
340MBNEP_QAPP_2018MBNEP Quality Assurance Project Plan 20182018-06-04
394MBNEP_QAPP_2019MBNEP Quality Assurance Project Plan 20192019-08-28
1456MBNEP_QAPP_2020MBNEP Quality Assurance Project Plan 20202021-09-16
1463MBNEP_QAPP_2021MBNEP Quality Assurance Project Plan 20212021-12-20
1484MBNEP_QAPP_2022Morro Bay National Estuary Program QAPP for 20222022-04-08
1510MBNEP_QAPP_2023MBNEP Quality Assurance Project Plan 20232023-06-13
1537MBNEP_QAPP_2024MBNEP Quality Assurance Project Plan 20242024-06-17
180MBNMS_SRCM_QAPP_2014Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Santa Rita Creek Monitoring 20142016-08-02
150MBRUW_FF_QAPP_2004Monterey Bay Regional Urban Watch - First Flush Program, 20042015-06-26
183MCSTOPPP_COP_Pest_Monitoring_QAPPMonitoring Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan: Diazinon and Pesticide-Related Toxicity TMDL Monitoring Program in Urban Creeks2016-08-16
349MCW_QAPP_2017-2019Quality Assurance Project Plan for Water Quality Assessments in the Malibu Creek Watershed 2017-20192018-09-22
334MoCo 303d/TMDL Water Quality Monit. Program QAPPThis QAPP describes in detail the protocol for all operations, personnel assignments, & quality objectives associated with collecting environmental data for the Monterey County, RMA Environmental Services 303d & TMDL Water Quality Monitoring Program.2018-05-16
1527Modesto Pyrethroid BPA QAPPPyrethroid Baseline Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan2024-02-16
178Monitoring Plan and QAPP for Martha Gardens Green Alleys Pilot Project Monitoring Program - Rev 1Monitoring Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan for Martha Gardens Green Alleys Pilot Project Monitoring Program - Revision 12016-07-18
344Monitoring Plan And QAPP For Park Avenue Green Avenue Pilot Project Monitoring ProgramMonitoring Plan And Quality Assurance Project Plan For Park Avenue Green Avenue Pilot Project Monitoring Program, Revision 1, Date: 9/10/20142018-07-05
356MP_CSM_CBI ProjectMonitoring Plan for Clean Beaches Initiative Project Pie and Pico-Kenter Basins Agreement No. 14-481-5502018-12-11
342MRCA Milton Green Street and Park MRPFinal Quality Assurance Project Plan for Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority Milton Green Street and Park Monitoring and Reporting Plan September 9, 20132018-06-22
1467MS4_WW_LP_SED_QAPPLos Penasquitos Lagoon Special Study City of Del Mar Sediment Monitoring QAPP 20192022-01-26
22MUN_QAPP_2012Evaluation of MUN Beneficial Use in Agricultural Drains, Sacramento Valley Archetypes 11 June 20122013-10-17
137MUN_QAPP_2014Evaluation of MUN Beneficial Use in Agricultural Drains, Title 22 Sac River and SJR QAPP 27 June 20142014-07-24
177MUN_QAPP_2016Evaluation of MUN Beneficial Use, Title 22 Sac River Basin QAPP June 20162016-06-24
203Newhall Ranch WQMP Quality Assurance Project PlanQuality Assurance Project Plan for the Newhall Ranch Water Quality Monitoring Plan Specific Plan Conditions of Approval and Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification and Waste Discharge Requirements2016-12-23
1495Northcoast Environmental Center QAPP Equivalent Document 2022NEC QAPP Equivalent Document for the Humboldt Coastal Waterway Plastic Impairment Project, which incls. beach cleanup date from the annual coastal cleanup day in Samoa/Manila Beaches & Little River/Clam Beaches for 2015-20192022-11-02
1Not RecordedNot Recorded2008-01-01
404NSDCWMP QAPPNorth San Diego County Watershed Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan2019-12-30
1554Ocean and Freshwater Sampling Operational Guidelines, 2016Sonoma County Public Health - Environmental Health. 2016. Ocean & Freshwater Beach Sampling Operational Guidelines, 20162024-12-11
173OCPW_HASTER_HMMPHaster Basin and Recreational Field Project Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan2016-06-10
279OCPW_LA_PATA_QAPPBMP Effectiveness Monitoring Plan & Quality Assurance Project Plan for La Pata Avenue Extension Project2017-06-20
1438OCPW_LOS_PATRONES_QAPPBMP Effectiveness Monitoring Plan & Quality Assurance Project Plan for Los Patrones Project2020-10-23
222OCPW_SAR_NPDES_2005Orange County Municipal NPDES Storm Water Permit Monitoring Plan 20052017-04-14
1434OCPW_SAR_NPDES_2010Orange County Municipal NPDES Storm Water Permit Monitoring QAPP 20102020-10-06
1435OCWD QAPP Equivalent for SARMON ProgramOrange County Water District Quality Assurance Project Plan Equivalent for Santa Ana River Monitoring Program2020-10-08
374Oso Flaco Planning and Assessmentplan for sediemnt sampling in Oso Flaco Lake and Little Oso Flaco Lake2019-04-19
1515OXN_CIH_QAPP_2023Water Quality Monitoring of Channel Islands Harbor, City of Oxnard, Ventura County, 20232023-10-26
411Pajaro Toxicity Reduction QAPP 2018Pajaro Watershed Toxicity Reduction Project QAPP 20182020-01-31
1443PGE_Project137_Mokelumne_MacroinvertebrateMonitoringPlan_2012Mokelumne River Project FERC 137 Macroinvertebrate Population Monitoring Study Plan, dated May 14, 2001, revised November 20122020-12-10
303PGE_Project1962_RockCreek-Cresta_MacroinvertebrateMonitoringPlan_2002Rock Creek-Cresta (FERC Project No. 1962) Macorinvertebrate Monitoring Plan, FERC License Condition No. 9, September 20, 20022017-12-01
176Pinto Lake Restoration Project QAPPThe City of Watsonville Pinto Lake Restoration Project Quality Assurance Program Plan2016-06-29
369Prop84_ConcChannel_Santee_QAPPProp 84 City of Santee Pilot Concrete Channel Infilitration Project QAPP2019-02-25
1531Prop84_LADPark_BMP_QAPPLadera Park Stormwater Capture Project, Post-Construction Monitoring Program, Quality Assurance Project Plan for Prop 842024-03-05
194Prop84_LCOWQIP_QAPP 2015Proposition 84 Lower Chipmunk Outfall Water Quality Improvement Project2016-11-16
370Prop84_SalinaValley_IrrigationNutrient_QAPPProposition 84 Grant No. 12-414-553 Salinas Valley Irrigation and Nutrient Management Program2019-03-01
328Prop84_UniversityAve_LaMesa_QAPPProp 84 University Avenue Median Water Quality Improvement Project BMP Effectiveness Monitoring QAPP2018-05-01
171PVP_CMP_2011Section 4, Palos Verdes Peninsula Coordinated Monitoring Plan, February 1, 2011 2016-06-03
1500QAPP For 319h Grant No. D1813303QAPP for bioreactor improvements monitoring, Grant No. D18133032023-02-13
172QAPP for FBGAPQAPP for Fort Bragg Green Alleys Project, 9/26/20142016-06-06
339QAPP for Lovers Point Beach Water Quality InitiativeQAPP for Lovers Point Beach Water Quality Initiative2018-06-05
205QAPP for Proposition 84 Grant No. 12-414-553QAPP for monitoring the grant projects, verified by CCRWQCB2017-01-31
375QAPP for the Stanislaus SWRPQuality Assurance Project Plan for the Stanislaus Multi-Agency Regional Storm Water Resource Plan2019-05-03
346QAPP for Ventura River Watershed Algae TMDLQAPP for the Monitoring Plan for the Ventura River Watershed Algae TMDL Special Study2018-08-06
141QAPP_06-353-553-01Assessment of State Funded Wetland Restoration Projects in Region 3 QAPP 20112014-06-11
1462QAPP_for_Coastal_Receiving_Waters_Monitoring_2020Coastal Receiving Waters Monitoring Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) 20202021-12-17
384QAPP_ISWM_Ver4Quality Assurance Project Plan for the County of San Diego's Inland Surface Water Monitoring Program2019-06-12
168QAPP_Rainbow Creek Nutrient TMDL COSD Water Quality MonitoringQAPP for CWA 319(h) Grant Agreement No.12-412-259 San Diego Region - Nutirent Source Reduction Program in the Rainbow Creek Watershed Water Quality Monitoring2016-04-29
1498QAPP_REC-1_AHL_2021Quality Assurance Project Plan for REC-1 Beneficial Use in Agua Hedionda Lagoon 20212023-02-01
1520QAPP_SDCity_LHE_Sediment_PollutantsQuality Assurance Project Plan for the City of San Diego to Investigate Sediment Pollutants in the Laurel Hawthorn Embayment of San Diego Bay, San Diego, California, Contract H186979, Task Order 0332023-12-08
1466QAPP_SOCWMA_CHWSRSQuality Assurance Project Plan For the Comprehensive Human Waste Source Reduction Strategy2022-01-25
368QAPP_SOCWMA_WQIPQuality Assurance Project Plan For the South Orange County Watershed Management Area Water Quality Improvement Plan2019-02-20
323QAPP_USGS_PEST_2016Quality Assurance Project Plan California Pesticide Studies, U.S. Geological Survey, January 1, 2016 v 1.02018-03-04
1511QAPP_Westwood_V2Quality Assurance Project Plan for Westwood Neighborhood Greenway Project Monitoring Program, Version 22023-06-23
206QAPP1Pathogen Source Detection Monitoring Program. Targeted water quality sampling conducted across the Sonoma Creek Watershed (Kenwood CA; Glen Ellen CA; Sonoma CA) to elucidate site specific contributions and watershed-scale variability.2017-02-06
182QAPPcoastkeeperSan Diego Coastkeeper Ambient Monitoring QAPP2016-08-08
348QMRA_ICBQuality Assurance Project Plan for Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment at Inner Cabrillo Beach Version 1.32018-08-30
327Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Region 3 Conditional Waiver Cooperative Monitoring ProgramRegion 3 CMP QAPP, Revision 9, 6/2013 edition2018-04-23
1530Quincy Jones Green Alley Network, QAPP, 2023Quincy Jones Green Alley Network Program, Quality Assurance Project Plan, 20232024-03-05
219QVIR_WQ_QAPPQVIR QAPP 2016 Revision Water Quality Sampling and Analysis2017-03-29
400R5-2016-0040Data were collected under Order No. R5-2016-00402019-12-19
414RCDMC_SalinasRiver_APAPAquatic Pesticide Application Plan for NPDES Permit for Salinas River Invasive Plant Control Program2020-03-18
291Region 3 CMP QAPP Rev 9_ June 2013Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Region 3 Conditional Waiver Cooperative Monitoring Program, Revision 9, June 2013 edition2017-10-31
379RipRAM_QAPP_2014Quality Assurance Project Plan for Development of New Tools to Assess Riparian Extent and Condition - A Central Coast Pilot Study. December 20142019-05-13
103RMP QAPP 1999RMP Quality Assurance Project Plan 5/19992010-07-21
125RMP QAPP 2014RMP Quality Assurance Project Plan 4/20142014-02-12
147RMP QAPP 2015RMP Quality Assurance Project Plan 4/20152015-04-27
186RMP QAPP 2016RMP Quality Assurance Project Plan 9/20162016-09-22
280RMP QAPP 2017RMP Quality Assurance Project Plan 6/20172017-06-26
347RMP QAPP 2018RMP Quality Assurance Project Plan 8/20182018-08-28
430RMP QAPP 2019RMP Quality Assurance Project Plan 20191900-01-01
1490RMP QAPP 2021RMP Quality Assurance Project Plan 20211900-01-01
1557RMP QAPP 2024RMP Quality Assurance Project Plan 2023/20241900-01-01
153RSWMP_QAPPLake Tahoe RSWMP sampling protocols for surface water sampling2015-09-09
123RWQCB1 TMDL QAPPv3RWQCB1 TMDL QAPP November 20122013-12-18
355RWQCB2 Order ID: SM-273205Water Code Section 13267 Technical Report Order Requiring Submittal of Information on Lehigh Permanente Quarry and Cement Plant Discharges and Permanente/Stevens Creeks Water (dated 8/1/18)2018-11-27
268RWQCB3_1993_SLO_County_MinesSurface Water Degradation By Inactive Metal Mines In Northwest San Luis Obispo County, California, December, 19932017-05-08
257RWQCB3_1999_SLO_County_MinesInactive Metal Mines In Four San Luis Obispo County Watersheds Surface Water Quality Impacts and Remedial Options, June 19992017-05-08
221RWQCB6_Field SOP_v9.0Field and water quality sampling protocol for RWQCB6 Sample Dates 7/30/2009-Current; approved 7/30/20092017-04-11
223RWQCB6V_Field InvestigationsField water quality sampling for complaint investigations and enforcement investigations2017-04-11
391RWQCB9_QAPP_2018Quality Assurance Project Plan for San Diego Region Laboratory Contract Analyses v1 20182019-07-02
1455RWQCB9_SDSU_HumanFecal_QAPP_2021San Diego State University Quality Assurance Project Plan: Investigation of Alternate Indicators of Human Fecal Contamination 20212021-09-15
290Salinas_Storm_QAPP_2017-2022Salinas Stormwater Monitoring Program: QAPP for Permit Term 2017-20222017-10-13
19San Diego Cyanotoxin QAPP 2013Quality Assurance Project Plan for Screening of Cyanotoxins in Lakes/Reservoirs and Coastal Wetlands in the San Diego Region May 10, 20132013-05-09
364SanMarcos_Special_Study_SAP_QAPPCity of San Marcos Special Study SAP and QAPP2019-01-15
1553Santa Rosa_BMP_Pathogens_Sediment_MP_2020Santa Rosa Best Management Practice Effectiveness for Reducing Potential Pathogen and Sediment Loading Monitoring Plan, 20202024-11-26
159SAR BACT MonitoringMonitoring requirements for REC BPA and MSAR TMDL2016-01-19
393SAR_R3_SAP_QAPPSanta Ana River Reach 3 Baseflow Sampling and Analysis Plan/QAPP2019-08-20
397SB_MST_QAPPMicrobial Source Tracking in the Santa Barbara Region QAPP2019-10-22
283SBarbC _303D_MP_QAPP303(d) Monitoring Plan/Quality Assurance Project Plan2017-08-01
353SBCO_UrbanSWMonitoring_MP_QAPPUrban Storm Water Monitoring Plan/Quality Assurance Project Plan2018-11-15
284SC Streamflow QAPPA joint program of SEC and TU, designed to monitor streamflow in Sonoma Valley and create a plan with local landowners for enhancing streamflows in the Watershed to support steelhead and other wildlife, while also improving human water supply.2017-07-24
343SCCPWBMP Effectiveness Monitoring Plan & Quality Assurance Project Plan forCamino Del Rio Extension Project2018-06-29
413SCCWRP SD Bay QAPP 2018Southern California Coastal Water Research Project San Digo Bay QAPP 20182020-03-13
198SCPD_Dredging_SAPSanta Cruz Port District Sampling and Analyses Plan Results and Proposed 2016-17 Dredging Plan, 7/22/20162016-11-16
366SCVWD_Hg 2018 Monitoring PlanGuadalupe River Watershed Mercury TMDL: Reservoir Monitoring Plan2019-02-04
187SCWA Sampling SOPsSCWA sampling protocols for surface water sampling2016-10-18
1555SCWD_AC_QAPP_2024South Coast Water District Aliso Creek Urban Runoff Recovery, Reuse, and Conservation Project QAPP_20242024-12-16
1514SD_Coastkeeper_Chollas Crk Youth WQ Monitoring QAPP_2021San Diego Coastkeeper Chollas Creek Youth Water Quality Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan, 20212023-10-24
1549SDCK_Chollas Creek WQM_QAPP_2024San Diego Coastkeeper, Chollas Creek, Water Quality Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP): QAPP covers the QA/QC of water quality monitoring in Chollas Creek that is conducted under San Diego Coastkeeper?s Watershed Watch Program, 20242024-10-22
1548SDCK_Mission Bay WQM_QAPP_2024San Diego Coastkeeper, Mission Bay, Water Quality Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP): QAPP covers the QA/QC of water quality monitoring in Mission Bay that is conducted under San Diego Coastkeeper?s Watershed Watch Program, 20242024-10-22
1551SDCK_San Diego Bay WQM_QAPP_2024San Diego Coastkeeper, San Diego Bay, Water Quality Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP): QAPP covers the QA/QC of water quality monitoring in San Diego Bay that is conducted under San Diego Coastkeeper?s Watershed Watch Program, 20242024-10-22
1550SDCK_San Diego River WQM_QAPP_2024San Diego Coastkeeper, San Diego River, Water Quality Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP): QAPP covers the QA/QC of water quality monitoring in San Diego River that is conducted under San Diego Coastkeeper?s Watershed Watch Program, 20242024-10-22
1522SDR Dry Weather Outfall Screening QAPPSDR Dry Weather Outfall Screening QAPP2024-01-08
1535SDR_IO_QAPP_2020QAPP for San Diego River Investigative Order R9-2019-0014: Quantifying Sources of Human Fecal Contamination Loading to the San Diego River, May 8, 20202024-06-21
313SDR_MST_QAPP_2017San Diego River MST QAPP 20172018-01-30
386SDR_NPDES_RW_QAPP_EquivalencyQuality Assurance Project Plan Equivalency for NPDES Receiving Water Monitoring for the San Diego Region2019-06-12
1445SDR_WW_MST_Baseline_QAPP_2020San Diego River Wet Weather Microbial Source Tracking Baseline Study QAPP 20202021-01-22
1450SDRILG_QAPP_03022018San Diego Region Irrigated Lands Group Monitoring Under ILRP Order R9-2016-0004 General WDRs for Discharges from Commercial Agricultural Operations for Dischargers that are Members of a Third-Party Group in the San Diego Region2021-06-25
285SDRPF Proposition 84 Round 2 Bioassessment QAPP 2009SDRPF Proposition 84 Round 2 Bioassessment Quality Assurance Program Plan 20092017-07-26
231SEA MonitoringSEA definition and monitoring protocols for floating plastic debris2017-05-01
403SeaWorld_FW_WPSeaWorld Fireworks Monitoring and Reporting Work Plan, including SAP/QAPP; prepared by Brown and Caldwell; November 30, 20112019-12-18
378Sediment Chemistry Investigation IO Number R9-2017-0083 Work Plan - Appendix DSediment Chemistry Investigation IO Number R9-2017-0083 Work Plan - Appendix D2019-05-02
149SGNWQIP_QAPP_2012Quality Assurance Project Plan for San Gabriel Nurseries, Irrigated Lands, and Open Space Water Quality Improvement Project Oct 20122015-07-08
298SGRRMP QAPP 2009SGRRMP QAPP 20092017-10-27
296SGRRMP QAPP 2010SGRRMP QAPP 20102017-10-27
300SGRRMP QAPP 2011SGRRMP QAPP 20112017-10-27
302SGRRMP QAPP 2012SGRRMP QAPP 20122017-10-27
301SGRRMP QAPP 2013SGRRMP QAPP 20132017-10-27
295SGRRMP QAPP 2014SGRRMP QAPP 20142017-10-27
294SGRRMP QAPP 2015SGRRMP QAPP 20152017-10-27
299SGRRMP QAPP 2016SGRRMP QAPP 20162017-10-27
293SGRRMP QAPP 2017SGRRMP QAPP 20172017-10-27
297SGRRMP QAPP 2018SGRRMP QAPP 20182017-10-27
1477SGRRMP QAPP 2019San Gabriel River Regional Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan, 20192022-03-25
1483SGRRMP QAPP 2020San Gabriel River Regional Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan, 20202022-03-25
1478SGRRMP QAPP 2021San Gabriel River Regional Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan, 20212022-03-25
1479SGRRMP QAPP 2022San Gabriel River Regional Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan, 20222022-03-25
1480SGRRMP QAPP 2023San Gabriel River Regional Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan, 20232022-03-25
1481SGRRMP QAPP 2024San Gabriel River Regional Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan, 20242022-03-25
1482SGRRMP QAPP 2025San Gabriel River Regional Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan, 20252022-03-25
114SJR Bacteria 2007Procedures Manual for the San Joaquin River Water Quality Program, Appendix F: San Joaquin River Basin Bacteria Monitoring Program, August 28, 2007. 2010-08-18
1523SLR Dry Weather Outfall Screening QAPPSLR Dry Weather Outfall Screening QAPP2024-01-08
399SLR_MST_2017_QAPPQAPP - San Diego County Microbial Source Identification Study - San Luis Rey Watershed, San Diego County, California2019-12-06
1447SLR_MST_2019_QAPPQAPP - San Diego County Microbial Source Identification Study Phase II - San Luis Rey Watershed, San Diego County, California2021-01-22
1460SMCRCD_QAPPSan Mateo County Resource Conservation District Quality Assurance Project Plan2021-12-02
140SMP_QAPP_2007City of Salinas Stormwater Monitoring Program QAPP 20072014-08-23
138SMP_QAPP_2012City of Salinas Stormwater Monitoring Program QAPP 20122014-08-23
432SMR_IO_QAPP_2019Santa Margarita River Estuary and Watershed Monitoring and Assessment Program QAPP2020-09-25
316SMR_QAPPSanta Margarita River Quality Assurance Project Plan2018-02-26
333SMUD Algae Monitoring PlanSMUD sampling protocols for algae monitoring, largely tailored from SWAMP SOPs2018-05-09
127SNARL QAPP 2000QAPP-Aquatic Invertebrate Bioassessment Monitoring in the Eastern Sierra Nevada 2000: Development of Biological Criteria for Stream Water Quality and Evaluations of Environmental Impacts and Restoration Projects in the Lahontan Region2013-08-27
145SNARL_QAPP_2012Quality Assurance Project Plan Version 1.0 For Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory Monitoring of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Eastern Sierra Nevada Streams, 20122015-03-23
230SNF_UCD_Bac_2011_QAPPUC Davis - US Forest Service 2011 Grazing Allotment FIB Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)2017-04-26
237SNF_UCD_Bac_2016_QAPPUC Davis - US Forest Service 2016 Grazing Allotment FIB Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)2017-04-26
1501SOCWA_SOP_L1_R3South Orange County Wastewater Authority (SOCWA,) Receiving Water Sampling Standard Operating Procedure (SOP,) L1, Revision 32023-02-17
363SolanaBeach_Special_Study_QAPPDry and Wet Weather MS4 Outfall Discharge Monitoring and Special Study Implementation ? Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) and Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) - 3/29/20182019-01-14
1538SONGS_QAPP_2023San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS), NPDES Receiving Water Monitoring, Order NO. R9-2023-0011, NPDES No. CA0109282, Quality Assurance Project Plan, 20232024-08-02
1458SoSCCo_Bacteria_QAPP_V1South Santa Clara County Bacteria QAPP Version 12021-11-05
1448SOW_2020_OceansideScope of Work: Intensive Water Monitoring and Sampling Offshore Oceanside, California January 20202021-03-09
1513SPI_BA_QAPP_2023_v3.1Sierra Pacific Industries Bioassessment Quality Assurance Project Plan Version 3.1(September 14, 2023)2024-09-20
1540SPI_BA_QAPP_2024_v4.1Sierra Pacific Industries Bioassessment Quality Assurance Project Plan Version 4.1(September 13, 2024)2024-09-18
383SPI_QAM_2000Sierra Pacific Industries Research and Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Manual Version 1.02022-02-25
381SPI_QAPP_2008Sierra Pacific Industries Research and Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan, 20082019-06-04
288SPI_QAPP_2017_v1.1Sierra Pacific Industries Research and Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan Version 1.1(August 4 2017)2024-09-20
422SPI_QAPP_2020_v2.1Sierra Pacific Industries Research and Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan Version 2.1(April 15 2020)2024-09-20
1489SPI_QAPP_2020_v2.2Sierra Pacific Industries Research and Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan Version 2.2(April 15 2020},Amended2022-07-27
1541SPI_WQ_QAPP_2022_v3.1Sierra Pacific Industries Water Quality Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan Version 3.1(December 23, 2022)2024-09-18
1526SPI_WQ_QAPP_2023_v4.1Sierra Pacific Industries Water Quality Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan Version 4.1(December 22, 2023)2024-09-20
157SportfishSQO_QAPP_2014Sportfish Sediment Quality Objectives QAPP2015-12-23
315Sproul Creek Quality Assurance Project PlanSproul Creek Streamflow and Temperature Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan2018-02-12
350SR_CityHall_QAPPQuality Assurance Project Plan for Santa Rosa City Hall Demonstration Garden and LID Retrofit Project2018-10-29
209SRCSD_CMP_QAPPSacramento Regional County Sanitation District's (SacSan) Coordinated Monitoring Program (CMP) Quality Assurance Project Plan2017-02-28
170SRWP QAPP 2003-2004Quality Assurance Project Plan For Monitoring For The Sacramento River Watershed Program, Monitoring Year 2003-20042016-05-19
165SRWP QAPP 2005-2007Quality Assurance Project Plan Sacramento River Watershed Program Monitoring for 2005-2007, Revision 1.2.02016-03-17
12SSJWQC_QAPP_2008Quality Assurance Project Plan For Monitoring for the Southern San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition 20082011-12-12
13SSJWQC_QAPP_V1_2009Quality Assurance Project Plan For Monitoring for the Southern San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition 20092011-07-05
250SSQP_DQEP_2004Data Quality Evaulation Plan for 20042017-05-03
249SSQP_DQEP_2005Data Quality Evaulation Plan for 20062017-05-03
253SSQP_DQEP_2006Data Quality Evaulation Plan for 20052017-05-03
247SSQP_DQEP_2007Data Quality Evaulation Plan for 20072017-05-03
244SSQP_DQEP_2008Data Quality Evaulation Plan for 20082017-05-03
245SSQP_DQEP_2009Data Quality Evaulation Plan for 20092017-05-03
254SSQP_DQEP_2010Data Quality Evaulation Plan for 20102017-05-03
255SSQP_DQEP_2011Data Quality Evaulation Plan for 20112017-05-03
251SSQP_DQEP_2012Data Quality Evaulation Plan for 20122017-05-03
252SSQP_DQEP_2013Data Quality Evaulation Plan for 20132017-05-03
246SSQP_DQEP_2014Data Quality Evaulation Plan for 20142017-05-03
248SSQP_DQEP_2015Data Quality Evaulation Plan for 20152017-05-03
256SSQP_DQEP_2016Data Quality Evaulation Plan for 20162017-05-03
1493SSQP_QAPP_2021Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership QAPP 20212022-09-13
1519Stk_SjCo_SWQCCP_QAPP_2020City of Stockton and County of San Joaquin NPDES Stormwater Quality Control Criteria Plan (SWQCCP), August 20202023-12-08
420Suisun Marsh Managed Wetlands BMP Water Quality Improvement Pilot Project QAPPSuisun Marsh Managed Wetlands BMP Water Quality Improvement Pilot Project QAPP Version 2.0 EPA Grant#W9-99T25701-02020-03-30
419Suisun Marsh Managed Wetlands BMP Water Quality Improvement Pilot Project QAPP: Year 2Suisun Marsh Managed Wetlands BMP Water Quality Improvement Pilot Project QAPP Version 2.0 EPA Grant#W9-99T25701-0; Addendum 1: Project Year 2 (2017)2020-03-30
1545SUN_MTV_FIB_QAPPv1Cities of Sunnyvale and Mountain View Fecal Indicator Bacteria (FIB) Monitoring and Source Identification Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Version 1.0, July 20222024-10-01
17Susan River TMDL Development QAPPSusan River TMDL Development QAPP2011-10-06
193SVIMP_QAPP_2014Salinas Valley Irrigation and Nutrient Management Program, Proposition 84 Grant No. 12-414-553, 8/8/142016-11-16
143SVRCD QAPP 2014Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Shasta River Irrigation Water Management and Watershed Stewardship Project, June 19, 20142015-01-07
8SVWQC_QAPP_2008Quality Assurance Project Plan For Monitoring for the Sacramento Valley Water Quality Coalition Oct 2008, Version 4.022010-08-18
9SVWQC_QAPP_2010Quality Assurance Project Plan For Monitoring for the Sacramento Valley Water Quality Coalition March 2010, Version 5.02010-08-18
1506SWAMP Bioaccumulation Monitoring Program QAPP 2023-2025SWRCB. 2023. SWAMP Bioaccumulation Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan2023-04-19
421SWAMP Bioassessment QAPP 2019SWAMP Bioassessment Quality Assurance Project Plan 20192020-04-08
102SWAMP BOG Coastal QAPP 2009Bonnema, A. 2009. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Screening Study of Bioaccumulation on the California Coast.2012-05-01
392SWAMP BOG Coastal QAPP 2018BOG QA Project Plan 2018: A Second Statewide Survey of Bioaccumulation on the California Coast2019-07-12
130SWAMP BOG Low Contamination Lakes QAPP 2014Bonnema, A. 2014. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Study of Bioaccumulation in California Lakes of Low Contamination. Moss Landing Marine Labs. Prepared for SWAMP BOG2014-05-14
100SWAMP BOG QAPP 2007SWAMP Bioaccumulation Oversight Group Quality Assurance Program Plan v.1.2 11/20072008-11-18
428SWAMP BOG QAPP 2007, Trend AmendmentsSWAMP Bioaccumulation Oversight Group Quality Assurance Program Plan Trend Amendments, 11/20152020-05-05
426SWAMP BOG QAPP 2016Bonnema, A. 2016. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Monitoring Lakes and Reservoirs 05/20162020-05-05
424SWAMP BOG QAPP 2017Bonnema, A. 2017. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Long-term Monitoring of Bass Lakes and Reservoirs in California v.2 09/20172020-05-05
1449SWAMP BOG QAPP 2021Quality Assurance Project Plan:?Long-term Monitoring of Bass Lakes and Reservoirs in California.?v.3, 20212021-05-25
117SWAMP BOG Rivers QAPP 2011Bonnema, A. 2011. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Screening Study of Bioaccumulation in California Rivers. Moss Landing Marine Labs. Prepared for SWAMP BOG, 51 pages plus appendices and attachments2012-05-01
119SWAMP BOG Wildlife QAPP 2012Bonnema, A. 2012. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Incorporating Wildlife Methylmercury Exposure and Risk Estimates using Biomagnification Factors into California Lake Monitoring. Moss Landing Marine Labs. Prepared for SWAMP BOG,2012-05-01
110SWAMP Delta Pyrethroid QAPP 2008Weston, D, 2007. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Sources, Seasonality, and Toxicity of Pyrethroid Pesticides in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta v.1.0.2010-08-18
106SWAMP Labor Day QAPP 2008Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, 2008. Quality Assurance Project Plan: SWAMP Recreational Use Study Labor Day Weekenend 2008 v. 1.1. 2010-08-18
16SWAMP Ocean Acidification QAPPBusse, L. 2012 Quality Assurance Project Plan: Ocean Acidification Project Plan. SWRCB2012-06-26
2SWAMP QAMP 2002SWAMP Quality Assurance Management Plan v.1 12/22/022007-09-01
101SWAMP QAPrP 2008SWAMP Quality Assurance Program Plan v1.0 09/01/082009-03-27
126SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013SWAMP Quality Assurance Program Plan v1.0 09/01/08, QAPrPTableReference 2013 not including Field Measurements or Indicator Bacteria2013-02-07
128SWAMP QAPrP 2008_QAPrPTableReference 2013_amendedSWAMP Quality Assurance Program Plan v1.0 09/01/08, QAPrPTableReference 2013 amended to include Field Measurements and Indicator Bacteria2014-02-07
326SWAMP QAPrP 2017SWAMP Quality Assurance Program Plan 20172018-04-09
1468SWAMP QAPrP 2022SWAMP Quality Assurance Program Plan 20222022-01-31
104SWAMP Source ID QAPP 2009UC Davis, 2009. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Central Valley Bacteria Source Identification Study v. 1.2010-08-18
121SWAMP SPoT QAPP 2010Siegler, K. 2010 Quality Assurance Project Plan: Stream Pollution Trends Program Plan. University of California Davis-Granite Canyon. Prepared for SWAMP SPoT2012-04-30
281SWAMP SPoT QAPP 2012Quality Assurance Project Plan: Stream Pollution Trends Program Plan. University of California Davis-Marine Pollution Studies Laboratory Granite Canyon (UCD-MPSL), Version 22017-06-26
1473SWAMP SPoT QAPP 2018Quality Assurance Project Plan for the SPoT Monitoring Program in 20182022-03-21
1474SWAMP SPoT QAPP 2019Quality Assurance Project Plan for the SPoT Monitoring Program in 20192022-03-21
1475SWAMP SPoT QAPP 2020Quality Assurance Project Plan for the SPoT Monitoring Program in 20202022-03-21
1476SWAMP SPoT QAPP 2021Quality Assurance Project Plan for the SPoT Monitoring Program in 20212022-03-21
1485SWAMP SPoT QAPP 2022Quality Assurance Project Plan for the SPoT Monitoring Program in 20222022-04-08
1536SWAMP SPoT QAPP 2023Quality Assurance Project Plan for the SPoT Monitoring Program in 2023-252024-06-17
108SWAMP SWCMP QAPP 2009Department of Water Resource, 2009. Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Sacramento Watershed Coordinated Monitoring Program v.1.0.2010-08-18
429SWGWMPP-QAPP_v20180801Surface Water and Groundwater Monitoring Program Plan (Monitoring Program Plan) and Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), v201808012020-05-22
156SWHB_QAPP_2015Shallow water habitat QAPP2015-12-23
162SWS_QAPP_2015Draft QAPP Bucks Creek Hydroelectric Project Benthic Macroinvertebrate Study, September 20152016-02-01
166SWtoSSCCRP_2008Modesto Area 2 Stormwater to Sanitary Sewer Cross Connection Removal Project. SWRCB Version: 2.0 November 24, 20082016-03-30
357SYRCL-QAPPOutlines how we assure the high quality of our data, standards for calibration, data collection, precision through muliple people checking data accuracy.2018-12-18
418TAMT_SA_WP_2018Sediment Chemistry Assessment Work Plan, Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal Study Area (16 April 2018)2020-03-27
336TDN Water Quality Assessment And MonitoringTolowa Dee-ni Nation Water Quality Assessment And Monitoring2018-05-22
20TRWC Monitoring Plan QAPPQAPP for TRWC's Truckee River Monitoring plan2012-05-11
324TST QAPP 2004-2007QAPP Version 2004-2007 The Stream Team Citizen Monitoring Program2018-03-12
321TST QAPP 2007-2015QAPP Version 2007-2015 The Stream Team Citizen Monitoring Program2018-03-12
322TST QAPP 2015-2020QAPP Version 2015-2020 The Stream Team Citizen Monitoring Program2025-01-10
1559TST QAPP 2020-2025QAPP Version 2020-2025 The Stream Team Citizen Monitoring Program2025-01-10
427UARP BMI Monitoring PlanSMUD. 2016. Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Plan. Hydro License Implementation for the SMUD Upper American River Project (FERC Project No. 2101)2020-05-08
190UCD-TERC QAPPUCD-TERC Periphyton Quality Assurance Program Plan2016-10-13
118Upper Owens River Water Quality Project QAPPUpper Owens River Water Quality Project QAPP submitted 5/16/20122014-01-13
199US Fish and Wildlife Service 2004 Nutrient Grab Sample ProtocolUS Fish and Wildlife Service 2004 Nutrient Grab Sample Protocol2016-12-07
113USBR_SJRR_WS_QAPPSan Joaquin River Restoration Routine Water and Sediment Sampling Quality Assurance Project Plan1900-01-01
273USEPA 40 CFR, 2007EPA Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act; National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; and National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations; Analysis and Sampling Procedures2017-05-04
185USGS QAPP CA Pesticides 2016USGS Quality Assurance Project Plan for California Pesticides Studies v1.0 January 2016 for projects conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey Organic Chemistry Research Laboratory in association with various cooperators within California2016-08-24
351USJC Pilot Project QAPP_2017Quality Assurance Project Plan Quality Assurance Project plan for watershed Pilot Study Upper San Jose Creek Watershed Pilot Project 2017 Quality Assurance Project Plan Quality Assurance Project plan for watershed Pilot Study2018-11-06
278UTMMP_QAPP_2014Upper Truckee Marsh Monitoring Project: QAPP2017-06-23
201VC_Meiners Oaks BMP_QAPPQuality Assurance Project Plan for Evaluating the Low Impact Development Best Management Practice Effectiveness at Meiners Oaks, County of Ventura, California2016-12-15
164VCWPD_Parking Lot BMP_QAPPQuality Assurance Project Plan for County Government Center Parking Lot Green Streets Urban Retrofit Project2016-03-17
1432Ventura County Agriculture Irrigated Lands Group (VCAILG) QAPP_Rev 2/22/17Monitoring according to the requirements of the Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands within the Los Angeles Region (Order No. R4-2016-0143) (Conditional Waiver)2020-09-29
1547Ventura Harbor Surface Water Monitoring Plan, 2018Monitoring plan to determine Ventura Harbor?s current bacteria impairment status, Oct. 20182024-10-22
287VISALIA_QAPP_2015QAPP for Greening Downtown Visalia Public Parking Project in Visalia California, June 20152017-08-17
218Wastewater Laboratory Quality Assurance Performance PlanDocumentation of assurance for accuracy and precision of work produced from the City of Santa Cruz Environmental Laboratory2017-03-29
228Water Quality Monitoring of 303(d) Listed Streams on the San Bernardino National ForestProvide an updated sample set of water quality data collected in accordance with this plan and the sample and analysis plan within the boundary of the San Bernardino National Forest2017-04-25
6Westside SJR Watershed Coalition_QAPP_2008Quality Assurance Project Plan For Monitoring for the Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition_July_2008; prepared by Pacific EcoRisk2010-08-09
5Westside SJR Watershed Coalition_QAPP_2009Quality Assurance Project Plan For Monitoring for the Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition_June 2009; prepared by Pacific EcoRisk2010-08-09
292Westside SJR Watershed Coalition_QAPP_2013Quality Assurance Project Plan For Monitoring for the Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition_Rev2_April 2013; prepared by Pacific EcoRisk2017-11-15
1518Westside SJR Watershed Coalition_QAPP_2023Quality Assurance Project Plan For Monitoring for the Westside San Joaquin River Watershed Coalition_Rev5_May 2023; prepared by Pacific EcoRisk2023-11-15
1491WetRunoffSepticQAPP_V1.0Wet Weather Runoff from Non-Residential Parcels with Septic Systems Quality Assurance Project Plan V1.0 Dec 20212022-08-29
345WFTMDL_QAPPWindset QAPP2018-07-09
286Willits Bypass Stream BA QAPP 2017Willits Bypass Project Stream Bioassessment Quality Assurance Project Plan, August 20172017-08-04
217Willits_Bypass_QAPP_2010Quality Assurance Project Plan for Willits Bypass Project-Construction Phase Surface Water Quality Monitoring July 20102017-03-29
135Willits_Bypass_QAPP_2013Willits Bypass Project ? Construction Phase Surface Water Quality Monitoring QAPP 20132014-05-07
139Willits_Bypass_QAPP_2014Willits Bypass Project ? Construction Phase Surface Water Quality Monitoring QAPP 20142014-09-04
1440WIRL_QAPP_05082019QAPP developed by the WIRLab, the Safe WaTER Lab, and the Disturbance Hydrology Lab as part of the project entitled "Increasing Preparedness in the San Diego River Watershed for Potential Contamination"2020-10-29
1487WQRT_Programmatic_QAPPWater Quality Response Team Bacteria Source Investigations Quality Assurance Project Plan, version 1.0, May 27, 20222022-05-26
124WRS QAPP 2005WRS Analytical Laboratory Quality Assurance Plan rev 3 May 20052012-09-27
14WSC_QAPP_2008Quality Assurance Project Plan For Monitoring for the Westlands Stormwater Coalition 20082011-05-12
15WSC_QAPP_2010Quality Assurance Project Plan For Monitoring for the Westlands Stormwater Coalition 2010 Pending Approval2011-05-12
1558WTR_SFEI_CarqQAPP 2024All Positives Possible Carquinez Strait Fish Quality Assurance Project Plan1900-01-01
213Yuba Watershed Council Monitoring Committee Citizen Monitor QAPjPCitizen Water Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Yuba Watershed Council Monitoring Committee Revision 1.4 April 26 2013 same as South Yuba River Citizens League2017-03-06
1532Yuba/Bear Monitoring Committee QAPP v1.5QAPP for The Yuba/Bear Monitoring Committee: Outlines how we assure the high quality of our data, standards for calibration, data collection, precision through multiple people checking data accuracy. Revision 1.5, approved May 6, 2019.2024-03-28
229Yuba/Bear Watershed Council Monitoring Committee QAPP 2013Water Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Yuba/Bear Watershed Council Monitoring Committee. Revision 1.4 April 26, 20132017-04-25